The Consequence

By Jemmaleena

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Jamie Redding has a name and a reputation that strikes fear. He held a tight grip on the city of Kingston and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

**Bonus Chapter**

23 1 0
By Jemmaleena

Bonus Chapter

This is just a chapter in the POV of a woman working in the strip club that Tony owns... hope you enjoy!

I bent down, my eyes staying on the customer. Licking my teeth seductively, I was well aware of my ass and the tiny thong being the only thing he was looking at.

I picked his pen up from off the black carpet and stood straight back up, a smile on my face as I slowly walked towards him as he sat, slouched on the settee. I placed the pen back in his pocket. His fat, red face was watching my every move. They stayed predominantly on my boobs but that is where I wanted his eyes. I hated the ones who stared right into my eyes. It was intimidating and slightly put me off my game.

This one was going to be easy. Tony told me to behave and look after him for the night and trusted me with the job. With the way he was looking though, it wouldn't be long before he ejaculated all over his pants and that'd be it.

The quicker this one was dealt with, the quicker I could just go and hang out in the back. I had a show on stage at just after midnight and then I was free to go home. I had to remember to text Will after I come off so that he can order my takeaway ready for when I get back to my flat.

As I approached him, I hoisted myself above him, using the pole wrapped around the room to steady myself. My crotch was in his face, covered only by the white skirt, which was more of a belt than anything else. The red thong was underneath.

If I was ever forced to sleep with guys like this I'd physically be sick. In fact, I'd rather kill myself. This was bad enough but it was an income and I was that unbothered by life now that I didn't care. It kept me under the radar and it didn't require a background check.

"Oh my God." He whispered under his breath, his hands shaking. I smirked and shimmied slowly down so I was sat on his lap, my hands still grasping the pole above.

My eye caught the wedding ring on his left hand with distaste. I wasn't here to judge but I found it hard to believe that there was a woman out there who decided that the most important day of her life, the one person with who she was going to dedicate herself to, was this prick.

You could also barely feel his hard on. Sad fuck.

I don't know how important he is but if you took a photo of this right now, I am sure a few people would squirm. Maybe the wife would divorce the ass? I mentally shake my head as I shimmer down him again. Don't get involved in anything. You are here to work, nothing else. You can't be blamed for doing your job.

His face was red and blotchy, the buttons on his white shirt barely staying together through how large and inflated his stomach was.

"More. I can give you money." He panted as his fat fingers stuffed themselves into his pant packets. He produced a couple hundred pounds and with his hands shaking, which I can only assume is due to how close he was to blowing his load, he stuffed them down my bra.

I shuddered in distaste and playfully (although I would have loved nothing more than to slap him) gently tapped his hands and tutted. "You know the rules, Mr." I told off. "No touching."

"Yes, I know." He replied, a secret hunger in his awful, pin dot eyes. He licked his lips and I grimaced.

"Naughty boy." I winked at him and turned around. My ass was now in his face and I bent down so I could see him through my legs. "Enjoying the view?" I winked.

I ground down on him until I was sat in his lap again, my hips moving to the beat of the music and my back to him. I honestly did not want to be seeing his face.

I mean, I know he is an important client and everything, but this was way too easy. How was this a challenge?

He breathed a yes as I continued my assault. I was going to be done within five minutes. Yawn. As much as I hated my job, the private room was easily the best part. It meant I wasn't out there where dozens of men felt like they had a right to slap my ass or grab my boobs when I walked past with a tray of drinks.

In here, I could control it. Well, at least more than I could out there.

I climbed down from off him and while swaying my hips, I shimmied the skirt down my legs and went to step out of it when a loud crash occurred from behind me. I jumped from the sudden intrusion and spun around.


I glowered as he stood in the entranceway, his face angry and a bottle of alcohol in his hands. "Lily, come with me." He slurred, his eyes glaring at the man behind me.

I shook my head as I walked over to him by the door and tried to push him out. He stood his ground which made me grit my teeth in annoyance. "You can't be here! They'll go mad again." I told him in an angry whisper. Gesturing to the black eye they gave me a few days ago for when Will turned up.

He was my neighbour and we gave each other comfort. We weren't strictly dating but I wouldn't be offended if someone said we were. However, there was a rule of no boyfriends in the club and I was getting punished for it!

"Hey!" The man shouted from behind. "I've paid good money for her!" He yelled.

Will's face turned red as he stepped forward but I managed to keep him in place this time. "Please." I stressed. "Go. I'll see you later!"

"You shouldn't be doing this!" He cried, gesturing at my lack of an outfit. "I can afford to look after you!"

"I don't need looking after." I spat. "Just go Will before I get in trouble!"

I hated that feeling, of having to rely on someone. Although I've always made my own money, first as a hairdresser then doing odd jobs all around the country, the feeling of being financially dependent on someone else is something I am never going to give someone the satisfaction of having.

I can look after myself. I always have and I always will.

Will gave me another look in disgust and threw the bottle at the wall opposite me, the alcohol spraying all over the important man. Glass went with it and sprinkled onto the black carpet, glistening like diamonds when the rotating lights hit them.

"Get out." I demanded. I didn't give him much of a chance to answer when I gave him a heavy push and he stumbled out. I slammed the door quickly and locked it from the inside.

I took a deep breath before turning around to the man. "Okay, so, where were we?" I smirked and started to walk towards him.

He shook his head. "No. I asked for private!" He yelled. "That man may know who I am! Was this a set up?" He questioned angrily. He spun around on the spot, trying to find a camera in the room. There was a camera but he wouldn't find it. We knew it was here for safety.

In a rush, he was stuffing his white shirt back into his pants. "I want my money back."

I frowned, "It isn't a conspiracy! He didn't have a clue who you were and there are no cameras in here for privacy. Tony looks after his favourite client." I purred, stroking a manicured hand down his chest.

He grabbed my wrist, tightening his grip so hard that I bent in reaction to the searing pain. "Ow!" I cried. The pain reached my scalp as my hair was pulled back.

"I don't appreciate the piss being taken out of me." He spat.

I counted to five in my head before acting. Slamming my heel into his foot, he let out a guttural scream. I then gave him a push to get away from me. Falling into the settee he was just sat on ejaculating, he slipped off and onto the floor.

I gave him a kick and glared at him. "I have too many problems to be dealing with scum like you." I was going to get in trouble anyway now, may as well go all out. "You have a wife, so respect her you piece of scum."

Grabbing my robe which was hung on the back of the door I stormed out.

I was going to kill Will when I got my hands on him! I've been sleeping with him for about three months, known him for six, so he knows my job and he knows what I do! I was actually scared of what he will do. He had Will beat up last time as well and he came out worse that me. I got a black eye and a few sore ribs, he got stabbed.

They stabbed him so that they missed his vital organs but he was in hospital for three days last week and he was all tapped up around his chest, it was even more infuriating that I wasn't allowed to visit him. Work had given him two weeks off but it was still dangerous.

Did he have a death sentence?


"What was he doing here again?" Tony spat. Robbie and the one whose name I can't remember stood to the side, flexing their muscles. I was scared for Will. It had been about half an hour and Tony had just got out of a very loud meeting with the important guy I was just grinding on. And stamping on. I should have knocked him out cold, at least I could have had time to get Will away properly.

I gulped as I stared at him. Tony was intimidating. I had seen men come through the door and never leave. When he poached me last year, I thought it was bar work. I had been keeping myself afloat through that and waitressing for the past three years so when he approached me from Sanks, he said that it was to help him bring in money. I assumed it was that line of work.

Oh, how wrong was I.

He thinks I am called Lily and he has never given an indication that he knows any different so for the past few months I have been planning an escape. I wasn't going to take Will with me but now I'll have to. I can drop him off somewhere in London and hope the poor sod gets out.

He worked in some office in town so he wouldn't find it difficult to find another job. Aren't they all the same anyway?

"I... I don't know." I admitted. "I told him to stay away, I swear!"

He pursed his lips. "Yes well, that man who you embarrassed was the deputy lieutenant in the Kingston Police Force!" He yelled, slamming a hand down on his desk, the sound bounced off the quiet walls. "I needed to keep him sweet!" His eyes were blazed in fury.

I was well aware of the gun on top of his desk and the knuckle dusters that both his henchmen had on. I was trying my best to keep my nerves under wraps to show I'm not scared. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. If he killed me, it might actually be a good thing.

I never saw my family, the only person I could count as a friend was Will and with the way he carries on, he'll be gone too and so nobody would miss me. If I ended up in a bag at the bottom of the river, I wouldn't be found. It would be a death fitting for a life like mine.

Some people go out in a blaze of glory and some people live until their a hundred. I was one of the many whose deaths went out with a small puff that didn't mean anything to anyone.

I was twenty-five, it was a good enough age.

The door slammed open behind me, for the second time that night, but this time I had managed to keep myself still apart from a little jolt in my seat. "Get out- Oh it is you. Jamie, didn't expect you." Tony appeared put out from the intrusion but I was counting my lucky stars.

I do hope they haven't caught Will yet.

"That was the point." They cockily replied from behind me. The voice was familiar...

Tony's eyes went back to me and I gulped. "Lily, next time you don't tell me about your boyfriend, I'll give you a black eye to match the one you've already got."

I winced, maybe he would be more lenient with this bloke behind me. "It wasn't-"

"Don't argue. I pay you to attract the men inside, I don't want your boyfriends coming in trying to act all macho. If you want a shag, Robbie here will give you a go." I gave them both a look of disgust. I wanted to hide it but his words filled me with too much rage.

I stood up, I was going back stage and hopefully I can hide in there until my shift ends in an hour. I was exhausted but I didn't want to put another foot wrong.

As I turned around, my eyes for a split second caught the man who interrupted and my whole body tensed in response. Jamie. How did I not click? Holy fuck! What was he doing here?

I slammed the door on my way out and followed behind the bar until I got to the other end which was our entrance. A few wolf whistles caught my ears as I walked past in my short skirt and tank top. I would sometimes entertain them and I've even got on the bar before but I was not in the mood now.

Jamie was back. Did he recognise me? I hoped not. Oh no...

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