Kendall Jenner Imagines ↠ Ken...

Bởi Califxrnicating

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La Douleur Exquise [ French ] (.n) The heartbreaking pain of wanting someone you can't have. Thank you, Kenda... Xem Thêm

5 Year Old Crush (AU)
New Neighbour (AU)
Hallucinations (AU)
Decisions (AU)
Say You're Just A Friend
Stranger - Cara Delevingne (AU)
It Was Always You ( Pt. 1 )
It Was Always You ( Pt 2. )
Not So Bad
Victoria Secret
Best Friend's Sister (Kendall's POV) (AU)
Bookstore (AU)
I Promise
Thanks For Noticing - Hailey Baldwin
Friends ( Pt. 1 )
Twenty Six Questions.
Moody Judy - K.J Text
Anniversaries, Expect The Unexpected (Kendall's POV)
long time no,,,,, update?

Later Skater (AU)

8.8K 217 29
Bởi Califxrnicating

"I'll see you later mum!" You yell out and before you could even get a response, your skateboard was in your hands and you were already halfway down the driveway.

Plugging one headphone into your left ear as you rode down the busy streets of Los Angeles. You were in senior year yet you still didn't have a car. Not like you were complaining or anything. In fact, even if you had a car, you'd probably still ride your skateboard to and from school anyway so there was no point. You love the feeling of the fresh air and warm breeze hitting your face as you zoomed down a hill or inhaling the wonderful scents of nature. It was refreshing, relaxing even. It was your little escape from the world, even if it was only for a little while.

It was different today though. The roads were busy with cars travelling up and down while the sidewalks were filled with civilians on their way to work or school. It was days like this when you kind of wish you had a car instead of trying to weave in, out and between people.

You'd given up on the taxing task of dodging pedestrians as you kicked your skateboard up and caught it, deciding that you'd walk the rest of the way to school. It wasn't very far and you wanted the extra exercise anyway.

You were too focused on the lyrics of a song from R.LUM.R's album to realise that the sidewalk was empty. You hadn't even realised that you could've put your skateboard down and sped up the time it took for you to arrive at school.

"What's the point in bringing a skateboard if you're not even going to ride it?" A sweet voice called out to you. You raised your head and nearly dropped your board from how gorgeous the girl in front of you was. Blatantly checking her out, you realised she had a school cheer uniform on; the same cheer uniform that your school has.

You wondered to yourself why you hadn't noticed her before; surely you would have at least seen her around school before, but why hadn't you? Even walking this road. You'd been travelling the same way to school every day since freshman year. Had you been that oblivious to your surroundings that you didn't even realise that there was a girl as beautiful as she walking the same streets?

Instead of replying to the pretty girl, you smiled at her and placed the board on the ground, getting on it and pushing off, only to jump and do a 360 flip with your board. As soon as you'd landed the trick, you flicked your board back up to your hands and continued walking just as you had been doing before. You wanted to look back at the girl, just in case you'd never see her again, but somehow, you knew that you would.


You were cruising down the street, exactly like yesterday except now you were actually using your board instead of walking. You'd come across the familiar street and saw a familiar head of brown hair going in the same direction as you. You smiled as you realised you'd see her again. Slowing down once you got near her, you called out.

"Happy now?" You smirked slightly at the brunette and she laughed, the skin by her warm brown eyes crinkling ever so slightly which only made her even cuter. Her laugh made everything inside of your body heat up and you felt like you'd do anything just to hear her laugh again. She nodded in response and you winked at her before continuing on your way.

"Later skater!" She yelled out after you and you laughed out loud as you drifted around the corner. On your way to school, instead of being distracted by some silly song lyrics, your head was filled with thoughts of her and her eyes. You'd previously thought that brown eyes were dull and boring but somehow, her eyes suddenly became your favourite colour and you couldn't wait to hopefully see her again tomorrow.

It was weird though. You didn't even know her name, just as she probably didn't know yours either but much to your dismay, you were infatuated with the thought of seeing her next, or to put it simply, the thought of her in general.


"Skater! Wait up!" You felt something inside of you flutter just by hearing her voice. You stopped riding and turned around to see her again. You were glad to see her. You thought you would've missed out on the chance to see her today.

"Hey," you say, feeling a little breathless. Perhaps it was from riding all the way from your house to this point but you knew that the real reason was because you were seeing her gorgeous self once again. "What is it this time? Are you going to tell me off for not wearing a helmet?" You tease and she blushes a little but looks away to hide it. You wish she didn't; it was easily the most adorable thing you've ever witnessed.

"Uh, listen... sorry about the other day when I told you to... you know... ride your board instead of walk," she stutters out while you look at her. She looks at you too but fails to meet eye contact. You smile softly, as if reassuring her that it was okay. "I-I don't usually do that to other people, trust me."

"No, it's perfectly fine, uh..." you trail off and she widens her eyes.

"Kendall!" She almost yells out and you look at her amusingly while she coughs, hiding her blush with her hand. "Kendall Jenner."

"Y/N," you reply with a nod and a smile. She smiles back and you suddenly feel like your knees were going to give out at the sight of her perfect pearly whites.

"I know who you are, skater. We have chemistry together. With Mr Porter?" You furrow your eyebrows and think to yourself before coming to the realisation that she was right.

"Oh yeah, sorry I don't really pay any attention in that class. Boring old man he is," you scratch the back of your neck as you and Kendall proceeded to walk to school together.

"Well you're not wrong there," you both laugh and you feel the familiar feeling of your whole body burning over the sweet, angelic sound. "You don't pay attention yet you get the best marks in class? Unfair," you chuckle softly.

"What can I say? It's a blessing and a curse," you joke with a smile while unconsciously slowing your pace so the moment with Kendall would last a little longer than you hoped it would.

"Why would be a curse? I'd love to not pay attention in class while getting the top grades not only in the class but probably in the whole grade too."

"Well, if I was paying attention then I'd have met you a lot sooner, now wouldn't I?" She blushes but a smile tugs on the corners of her luscious lips. The two of you talk for a little longer before you'd unfortunately reached hell on earth; school.

"See you around, skater," she smiles at you before running off to cheer practise. You stand in your place for a while before blinking rapidly and walking to your locker.

You'd be lying if you said you weren't paying more attention during school. You'd be lying if you said you didn't care if you didn't see her again and you'd be lying if you said you weren't looking for her everywhere you went. Wether it be in the library or in gym class, you'd constantly be on the lookout for the familiar pair of warm eyes and silky brown hair. You've managed to cross paths with her a couple of times during school and every time, she'd send you a big smile and a subtle wave.

You usually never knew how to respond so you nodded your head at her, instantly wanting to slap yourself every time you did so. You'd have never been like this around girls, or anyone for that matter. You've always been calm and remotely relaxed around attractive people yet somehow, she managed to make every fibre in your body react just from a simple gaze. It was a weird feeling, you've never felt anything like it. But even so, you start to think that maybe you don't mind the feeling. Maybe you don't mind that your heart starts racing every time she's near by or whenever she speaks to you. Maybe you don't mind that her beautiful eyes were all that you could think about. Maybe you don't mind that you were slowly, yet surely, falling for the tall girl with the cute smile.


Over the past month, you and Kendall had met up at the same street every day and walked the rest of the way together. It was like your secret hang out time with her. None of your friends knew of your little interactions with the popular cheerleader; none of them even questioned why she'd smile at you in the halls and you were glad they didn't. You wouldn't have known how to respond.

Despite Kendall's constant whinging about you not even using the skateboard, you continued to bring it to and from school. You needed the fast transportation there and back anyway.

"You see, Kenny, you have to understand that being on a skateboard is one of the many joys in this world. If anything, I'd be sure that skateboarding could in fact be the love of my life."

"How do you know that I don't understand? How do you know that I don't know that I can't skateboard?" She calls out to you as you ride a little bit ahead of her to do a little trick, showing off in front of her.

"Please, Ken, skateboarding and cheerleaders don't mix very well. Doesn't your coach ever tell you girls not to do anything remotely dangerous that could potentially injure you? Especially you, Miss Cheer Captain," you tease and she rolls her eyes.

"Fine, then teach me how to skate, skater," she looks at you with a challenging look in her eyes. You forget all about her request momentarily as you were so concentrated on the little details in her gorgeous whiskey eyes.

"What? Like right now?" You question with furrowed brows and she rolls her pretty eyes once again. It seems like it's one of the many things she's good at doing.

"No, in twenty years," her sarcasm drips through her tone of voice. That was also another thing she was good at doing; being overly sarcastic and witty towards you. "Yes, right now, you numpty!"

"Alright then," you place your bag down on the concrete after checking the time on your phone. You had plenty of time before school started and luckily for you, Kendall had the day off from cheerleading practise which meant you got to spend extra time with the beautiful girl.

"So what do I do?" She questions quizzically and you stifle a laugh.

"Hold my hand and get on the board," she raises an eyebrow at you with a small smirk.

"Your hands?" You try not to blush over her teasing words and instead roll your eyes.

"Fine then, Jenner. Hold my shoulders, my head, my legs, whatever you prefer, just get on the damn board," you fake annoyance and she giggles a little bit before taking your hand in hers and quickly getting on the four wheeled wooden board.

She wobbles a bit and you quickly hold her waist to prevent her from falling. You look down at her feet positioning to see that it was correct. You brush it off and teach her he basics of riding the board. She refuses for you to leave her side as she was too scared to tumble over without you being there to support her.

"You're absolutely horrible at this, Kenny," you laugh a little while she smacks your arm playfully, resulting in her wobbling on the board once again. You were there to catch her though.

You spend the next ten minutes with Kendall, teaching her how to ride but you've noticed that every time she'd accidentally fall off the board, her feet were always planted perfectly signifying that there was no real reason for her to topple over. She had good balance. Well, she had to have good balance, she was a cheerleader after all.

"You can let go, Y/N. I can do it myself," the Jenner says confidently and you chuckle lightly.

"Ken, I've already let go of you. You're the one still holding on to me," she blushed and releases her grip on your hoodie. You trail behind her as she pushes off with one foot and perfectly positioning it behind the other before loosing balance and falling off the board.

Luckily, you had been trailing her so you'd caught her in your arms. You stayed like that for a couple of seconds, just staring into each other's eyes before you sent her a small smirk.

"I think you're falling on purpose, Jenner," you say softly as you still held her in your arms. One of hers around your arm while the other around your neck.

"Yeah, well I'd already fallen for you though," you nearly dropped her from her sudden confession but instead you leaned in and kissed her passionately. She quickly reciprocated the kiss and you smiled, finally feeling the softness of her velvet-like lips on your own. They were even softer than you had imagined them to be and sweeter too. God, you were already addicted to the taste of her.

You pulled away unwilling when breathing became an issue. She smiled and got out of your embrace, took your skateboard in one hand and pecked you on the lips one last time before riding down the streets perfectly. You knew it; she'd been faking it the whole time.

"Later skater!" She yelled happily as she drifted around the corner and you shook your head amusingly. Quickly running after her, you saw her looking back at you with a cheesy grin while you stared smugly at her.

You'd found your new escape. Your little escape from the world. Your warm breeze and fresh air. Kendall was your escape and maybe you didn't mind that she was.



Also also also!

To make it up to you guys, I'll be doing a part two of any one of these chapters:

Stranger ( Cara Delevingne AU )

Not So Bad


Any other imagine requests or part two requests for a chapter that isn't listed

All you have to do is comment beside the chapter name and the one with the most votes, I'll write a part two for!

Thanks for reading! Love you all 💞

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