Copycat: An X-Men OC Story

By Kindlefire21

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In 1983, Harley Jeknovorian became a part of the X-Men. Experience the story of the young mutant from the bat... More

A Normal Day at a School Full of Mutants
Boys, Boys, Boys
Coming to America
Mission Impossible
Pep Talk
A Good Day to Die Hard
A Walk Down Memory Lane
And You Were There, And You Were There
Guess Who?
Recovery Road

Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go

385 8 6
By Kindlefire21

Sorry, guys, it's been a long time. Been busy with graduation and all that, but now I updated. Hope you enjoy!


The others came in once a day to visit Harley. Most of them would be startled yet excited by a slight twitch in her eyes or a little wiggle from her toes, but Harley still wouldn't wake up. Some were even scared to touch her, fearing that it would make things worse.

Harley's only physical contact throughout her whole coma was Charles gently kissed her forehead, Jubilee and Peter held her hand, Raven caresses her face, and Kurt would place his hand on her arm. Erik stayed for a few days and checked on her, which surprised everyone especially Charles.

As a couple of days passed, Charles continues to come to Harley's hospital room everyday to check on her. Every time he felt her slipping, he pulled her back and kept her in her mind.

Suddenly, the door opened. Kurt Wagner enters the room with a notebook in his hands and a couple of pages. He was dressed in a striped t-shirt and black jeans. Since he was new to America, he was still trying to find the right style for him.

"Hello, Professor," Kurt says to him.

Professor turns to him and responds, "Hello, Kurt, how are you?"

"Good, sir. I just learned today vhat global varning and PMS is. I came to see Harley today. I didn't get to come yesterday because of my classes."

"Oh, of course."

The blue mutant stares down at her and questions Professor, "How is she?"

"Still struggling, but she's getting there."

Kurt then quickly reminds him, "By zhe vay, Dr. McCoy needs you in zhe office. I could get you zhere—"

"No, no, that is alright, Kurt. I can take the elevator. Bye."

"Bye." As Charles rolls to the doors, Kurt Wagner sat in the chair next to Harley's bed. He whispers, "Harley, it's me, Kurt. I'm here so you are not alone, Katzenaugen."

"Do you think Kurt is hot?"

Harley snaps her head back to Jubilee. "Who?"

The two girls were walking down the hall of the mansion after class. It had been nearly a month since Harley came to the school. Everybody was quite startled once they saw the cat eyes and her ears were on top of her head, except for one person and her name is Jubilation Lee.

"Kurt." Jubilee repeated. "You know, Kurt Russell?"

Both of them had a notebook and a book in their hands. Jubilee had her wavy hair pulled back in a low ponytail and was dressed in a black shirt and red pants. Harley was wearing a dark blue t-shirt with a white skirt, black leggings, and black and white slippers.

"Definitely," Harley answered.

"Would you date him?"

The girl with cat ears shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know. He doesn't seem to be my type."

Jubilee purses her lips. "Harley, what is your type exactly?"

"I have that feeling that she might be into girls."

Both girls turn back to find Sydney and Chris walking up behind. The two mean girls were dressed in blazers and fashionable outfits, which Harley wouldn't be caught dead in.

"Shut up, Chris." Jubilee scoffs at the girl with bright pink eyes.

"Who sharpened your tongue, Little Girl? Sorry to interrupt your conversation. Were you about to attend your lesbian orgy?"

Harley Jeknovorian rolls her eyes and responds, "You know all that homophobic crap makes you sound super gay right now. As well as your hairy legs. You should probably think about shaving above the knee next time you decide to wear a skirt." She and Jubilee start laughing at Harley's little insult.

"Oh, please," Sydney begins to taunt her. "I'm pretty sure you're super gay. What guy would wanna be with someone like you?"

Normally, Harley would insult her back, but this is time was different. She knew what she meant by someone like her. Someone who had the weirdest eyes known to man and no human ears. "Leave her alone," Jubilee barks at them.

"Don't you ever see how people look at you?"

"Well, Syd, who can miss her?" Chris snorts along with her. "No wonder the guys don't talk to her."

Jubilee's blood boil and Harley stood there in silence. "Okay, would you back off?" Jubilation Lee defends her friend.

Before they could say anything else, a familiar voice interrupts, "You heard her?Back off."

The four girls turn to find Jean Grey near them. Sydney and Chris took a step back away from the telepath as they both loose their breath.

"J-Jean," Chris stutters

"I'm sure the both of you didn't mean what you said." Jean calmly tells them. "So if you would just apologize and walk away, then we won't have a problem."

Both girls stood there in silence, frightened by the redhead whom everyone was afraid of. "Yeah, fine." Sydney nervously apologizes. "Sorry. Chris, let's get out of here."

"Good idea. I don't want my head to explode." She looks at Jean once she said that. As the two girls begin to walk away, Chris stops by Harley and whispers, "Nobody will ever love you."

Her words stab Harley in the heart. It took all of her strength not to drop to her knees and break down in tears. But sadly, she was loosing that strength.

"Are you okay?" Jean asked her.

Instead of answering, Harley took off in the other direction.

"Harley, wait!" Jubilee calls out, running after her.

Harley sprints to her room and slams her door shut. She drops to her knees besides the bed and bursts into tears.

Moments later, Jubilee storms into the room and sits on the floor to comfort her friend. "It's okay," she coos to her. "Don't listen to them."

"No, they were right," Harley Jeknovorian whimpers. "I can't leave my room without anybody's eyes on me."

"Just ignore them. They're jerks."

Never before has Harley felt this weak in all her life, but she chose to believe them. "Jubilee, none of the boys talk to them because I'm ugly. Oh, God! I sound like a normal, shitty teenage girl for crying out loud. They stare at me all the time. I'm gonna end up living in this house for the rest of my life."

"No, you're not."

"How can you be so sure?" Harley demanded.

Jubilee wasn't sure of what to say to her. She wanted every mutant in the world to be happy and safe with who they are. She can't change the way people judge others, but she can help others feel accepted. "Okay, Harley, I can't see the future. But everybody has somebody they belong to. One day, you're gonna find someone who's gonna love you heart and soul."

"Thanks, Jubes." Harley stops crying and leans over to hug her friend. Once she pulls back, the girl with cat ears decides to finish their conversation from earlier. "By the way, I didn't get to tell you that I think Eddie Murphy is hot. So is Chevy Chase."

Jubilation Lee's eyes widen. "What? Eww!" Both of them begin laughing like there was no tomorrow.

"What?" Harley giggles.

"They're not hot!" Her friend couldn't contain her laughter.

"I like funny guys, okay! Haha!"

Kurt took out his rosary and held it in his hands. Then, he kneels down next to the bed and crosses himself.

"Our Father, vho art in heaven

Hallowed be Zhy Name;

Zhy kingdom come,

Zhy vill be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us zhis day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive zhose who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil. Amen."

He gazes at her, hoping that her eyes would open. Unfortunately, Harley was still unconscious.

Kurt leans in closer to her face and whispers, "Come back. Please, come back, Harley. Please open your eyes." It wasn't enough for him to beg her. He wanted Harley to know that she was alive and he was there. Kurt Wagner gently places a kiss on her right cheek. After three seconds, the blue foreigner pulls back and waits for her to awaken, but nothing happens. "So stupid of me. Zhis isn't Sleeping Beauty, Kurt."

For some reason, Kurt felt something for Harley. He didn't exactly know what it was. It could've been the little things about her that fascinated him in only one day of knowing her. All he knew was that he wanted her back in the real world.

"Kurt?" A voice startles him.

The blue mutant turns back and finds Jean at the door. "Jah, um . . . yes, Jean?" He nervously stutters.

"What were you doing there?" She asked him, pretending she didn't see him kiss Harley.

"Praying." He blurts out. "Uh . . . vhat are you doing?"

Jean raises an eyebrow and grins at Kurt. "Checking on Harley. Seems like it was more than just praying there."

"It vas . . . an innocent kiss."

"It's okay, Kurt," she chuckles. "I get it."

As Kurt tries to hide his blush, Jean walks over to Harley's bed. "Harley, hey." She coos to her. "It's good to see you again."

"Does she know ve are here?" He asks the telepath.

"She feels our presence. You know . . . I didn't have any friends at school when I first came."

Her statement made Kurt frown. "You didn't? So vhat happened?"

Jean Grey smiles down at her friend and reveals, "I met Harley."

A few days passed after her breakdown, Harley was sitting in anatomy, doodling a little flower in her notebook. Her fuzzy curls were loose and teased to where they were barely able to cover her ears. She has on the same David Bowie t-shirt on, and black jeans.

Mrs. Shanahan, the anatomy teacher, announces, "Okay, guys, you are going to do a project on the lungs. I'm going to give you the papers of instructions and we provided you with supplies. I already have your partners assigned. James, you'll be with Michael. Jennifer with Nicholas, Sophie with Alexandra, Oscar with Ben, Tye with Kodi, Olivia with Evan and Jean with Harley."

The girl with cat ears rolls her eyes and walks up to get the supplies.

"Good luck with that," a boy with blonde hair mumbles to her.

"What are you talking about?" Harley asked.

A girl with braces and no hair whispers to someone else, "She has no idea, does she?"

"You got partnered up with Jean Grey," the blond boy informs Harley. "You're dead, Harley. She's a total nutcase."

"Sheesh, what is with everyone?" Harley quietly says under her breath.

Once Harley got everything they needed, she walks over to Jean's table. Jean was dressed in black pants, black tank top, and a white lace overshirt. She was writing something down in her notebook as Harley places the supplies on the table.

"Hey, Jean, you probably don't remember me—"

Jean Grey looks up and calmly cuts her off. "Harley, right? You're Jubilee's new friend."

"Yeah, I am. I'm pretty sure I got the supplies."

"Perfect. Let's get started." Harley sits next to her and begins reading the instructions. While she reads, Jean notices her t-shirt and immediately starts a conversation. "You're a fan of David Bowie?"

The girl turns to her and answers, "Totally. I'm like in love with him. You a fan of him?"

"Not really. I prefer Madonna and Queen."

"Madonna, not so much. Queen, hell yeah. I love their song from the Flash Gordon movie."

Her statement made Jean's eyes widen. "Oh, my god. I thought I was the only person who's ever seen Flash Gordon."

"Who can miss it?" Harley chuckles. "You got Sam Jones and a bunch of hawkmen in the air yelling die!" Jean bursts out laughing as Harley mimics the voice. "So where are you from, Jean?"

"New York," she answers.

"Cool. I came from Washington DC."

Jean looks at her and mumbles, "Far from home, aren't you?"

For some reason, Harley Jeknovorian thought of something else by her tone of voice. "You're staring at my ears, aren't you?"

"No, I'm not. I mean yeah, it's just cool."

"Cool? You should see my life now." Harley sits up and explains to the redhead. "I can't wear my headphones correctly. I have to hold them against my ears. Every time I use the telephone, I have to talk into the phone and then listen to the other person, but not at the same time. I have to use like eight cotton swabs to clean these things."

Instead of feeling sorry for her, Jean begins laughing. "Hahaha! Eight cotton swabs?"

"Yeah," Harley starts giggling as well. "I mean these things get so dirty easily. Cleaning my ears is like digging for treasure."

As both girls laugh, two boys next to them gave dirty looks.

"Is she actually talking to her?"

"Harley's officially best friends with Xavier's number one freak."

Unfortunately, Harley was able to hear them. She stops laughing and turns to them. "Excuse me, I didn't hear you. What did you say?"

One of the boys innocently responds, "Didn't hear me? I think you can pick Radio Free Europe with those ears."

"Ooh!" The other boy chuckles.

Not wanting to start something, Jean places her hand on Hadley's shoulder and murmurs, "Harley, don't give into it."

Harley purses her lips. "I got this." She turns to the guys and smirks, "Very funny. Unlike you, I'm gonna be mature about this. I love what you've done to your hair. How did you get it to come out of your nostrils like that?"

As the boy sat there stunned, the other one bursts out laughing at the insult, which earned him a punch in the arm. "Shut up," the other boy muttered.

After the boys go back to their work, Harley turns to Jean and asks, "Okay, is there anybody here who isn't scared of a girl with cat ears? It's not like I'm gonna rip their throats out."

"It's not you, Harley," she informs her . "It's me."

Something about what Jean said didn't make sense at all. "Jean, what are you talking about?" She asked, curious about her secret.

"I have no control of my powers," she reveals to her.

"What is your gift? Don't tell me you turn into man-eating spider."

Jean chortles, but then grows serious as she explains to Harley, "I have some telepathic ability."

"Like Professor?" Harley asked.

"Something like that." The telepath shrugs her shoulders.

That's it, Harley thought. It didn't make any sense to her as to why nobody would talk or even sit next to Jean all because she's a mind-reader. Harley wasn't going to stand for it at all. "I don't get what the big deal is. You don't scare me, Jean."

"I'm glad because so far you're the first friend I made since I got here and that was about three months ago."

Harley stares at her for a moment. "We're friends?"

Not wanting to scare her, Jean nods her head and says, "If you want to be."

For one thing, she understood Jean. At first, nobody wanted to be friends with Harley, but she got over it. Of course Jean was just a telepath so Harley smiles and says, "Sure, Jean. We're friends."

"I had no idea zhat she brought you out of your shell," Kurt says as Jean messes with her bracelet.

The redhead clears her throat and murmurs, "Everybody was always afraid of me except for her. She's a go-getter, you know. Doesn't take no for an answer or give up on anybody."

"How did you discover your powers, Jean?"

"To tell you the truth, Kurt . . . " Jean tries her best not to cry. " . . . I was around nine when I got my powers. I was playing frisbee outside with my best friend, Annie Malcolm. I threw it too hard and the next thing I knew . . . a car hit her. I went to check on her and I felt her pain, fear, and everything. After that, I fell into a coma for two years and dreamt of fire and I was dancing among the stars."

Besides the whole dancing among the stars, Kurt felt a flow of sorrow for his friend. He places his hand on her shoulder and tells her, "I'm sorry for your loss."

"It's okay, Kurt. At least she's in a better place now." To change the subject, Jean questions him, "How did you get your powers, Kurt?"

Her question had already filled Nightcrawler's mind with memories of the circus. Some were of his amazing acrobatic performances and innocent childhood memories, but some were of the audience and citizens in the towns they traveled to were horrified to see him. "Vell, I vas already like zhis vhen I vas born. My teleportation came when I vas about ten or eleven during one of my acts." Another person popped into his head about their powers. "How did Harley discover her powers?"

Jean shrugs her shoulders and answers, "I don't know. I asked her once, but she got us off topic by talking about how come every athlete becomes an actor. For once Harley would love to see Bill Murray get his ass kicked in boxing."

Then, an idea came to Kurt. "You zhink you should see?"

"Maybe. But you're doing it with me, Kurt."

"I am not a telepath," Kurt Wagner reminds her.

"Here." She takes hold of his hand and rests it against Harley's temple. "Ready?"

Never before has Kurt seen the mind of another living person, but he wants to take that chance. "Ja, I'm ready."

Kurt closes his eyes and waited for something to happen. Suddenly, he felt a strange sensation throughout his body. It was like a giant gush of wind knocked him off his feet.

Finally, he regains his senses and finds himself in the halls of the mansion. It was night time and the whole house was quiet, indicating that everyone was asleep.

Next to Kurt was Jean who was looking around, also confused by the setting.

"Vhy are ve in zhe mansion, Jean?" He asked her.

"It's not the mansion now," she explains to him. "Kurt, we're inside her memory. I guess Harley got the physical mutation first, and then discovered her power here."

"We're the kids in America!" A singing voice startles them both. "Whoa!"

Jean and Kurt look back to find Harley walking down the hall. She was dressed in orange and yellow striped T-shirt and jeans. The mutant was holding headphones against her large cat ears and had the cassette player underneath her armpit.

"Harley?" Kurt said her name, excited to see her. "Harley!"

Before he could take off, Jean Grey grabs a hold of his arm. "Kurt, she can't see you. It's just a memory."

"Oh, I'm sorry." The tone of Kurt's voice sadden as he realized that it wasn't the real Harley. "How can you really be sure it's her?"

Harley, who was still singing to the song, accidentally bumps into the flower pots on the table, but luckily catches it in time. "Whoops! Let's be kind to plants now."

Her clumsy movements and quirky response made Jean chuckle. "Yeah, that's pretty much her."

Both of them followed the cat-eyed mutant into the bedroom hallways. Harley makes her way towards one of the doors and opens it.

"What is she doing?" Jean mumbles to herself.

"Vhat's zhe matter, Jean?" Kurt asked her.

Jean watches Harley look back and forth at the doors, and confidently walks into the door in front of her. "She's going into my room."

Don't make a new story

(Kind hearts) don't grab any glory

We're the kids in America (whoa)

We're the kids in America (whoa)

Everybody live for the music-go-round

"Oh, crap," she blurts out, realizing that it wasn't her room. "Sorry . . . Jean?"

On the bed was her new friend, Jean, who was tossing and turning. The redhead panted in her sleep, frightening Harley. "No . . . No . . ."

Kurt and the real Jean followed Harley into the room, and watch in silence.

Harley took a step towards her and looks up at her walls. Bubbles and smoke began to form on the walls, and everything was rattling and shaking.

"What the hell?" Harley mumbles as she stares at the wall. The girl stops and glares down at Jean. "Jean? Hey, Jean. Jean, wake up." She reaches out and touches her shoulder.

All of a sudden, Harley is blinded by a vision, which allows Kurt and Jean to see it in their minds as well.

Their vision was filled with quick flashes of fire, cities being destroyed, and people turning into dust. "Power!" An inhuman voice proclaims. "Life incarnate! Now and forever . . . I . . . AM . . . PHOENIX!!!"

"Ahh!" Harley Jeknovorian screams to the top of her lungs as the vision grows too much for her.

At last, the vision stops and she brought back to reality. Everything in the room shaking even more and Jean was still struggling. Harley begin crying and hollering in fear as she stumbles back onto the floor. The door flies open with Hank McCoy and Professor Xavier in the doorway.

"Harley!" Hank calls her name and runs to the screaming teenager on the floor.

"Hank, take her outside now," Professor orders him as he rolls to the bed.

Obeying his command, Hank quickly picks up Harley in his arms and carefully but quickly leaves the room. Then, he stops in the hall and places Harley on the ground, leaning her against the wall.

At that moment, all of the children and teachers step out of their bedrooms, awoken by the poor girl's screaming.

"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

Nurse Annie steps closer to Dr. McCoy, who was on the floor with Harley. "Hank, what's wrong with Harley?" She asked.

"It's alright." Hank calmly answers. "Everybody, back to your rooms right now."

Knowing that it was serious, Annie commands the children, "You heard him. Back to your rooms. Hurry up, kids."

As everybody leaves the hallway, Hank McCoy hugs the crying teenager. "Harley, you're okay. Just breathe. It's okay. You're okay."

Once she stopped whimpering, Harley took in deep breaths and gasped, "What...what the hell was that? "

"Are you okay?"

Kurt and Jean stood there, watching Harley tremble in fear. "No, I . . . that was horrible."

"What were you doing in there?" He asked her.

She quickly explains to the teacher, "I got confused by the rooms and I walked into Jean's room by accident. Then, she looked like she was having a nightmare and I tried waking her up. I saw . . . so much fire a-and death. It was a bird of flames or something like that."

Hank clutches her shoulder and coos to her, "You're okay. It's alright, Harley."

Out of the blue, Harley begins hearing a couple of voices, but there was no one else in the hall besides her. "What the—Dr. McCoy, where is that coming from?"

"What? What's wrong?" Hank questions her, confused by her reaction.

The poor girl anxiously looks around and pants as more voices kept talking. She didn't know where they were coming from, but she kept hearing them in her head. "I-I keep hearing voices. Where are they coming from?"

"Harley, there's nobody talking."

The more she freaked out, the more voices she kept hearing. Suddenly, everything in the hallway began shaking as if there was an earthquake. The windows started cracking, the lights were flickering, and the ground was rumbling. Not only was Harley hearing the voices, but she kept seeing quick flashes of visions and memories. As she sees and listens to them, she could also feel their happiness, anger, pain, and heartbreaks as in one. "Make it stop! Please tell them to stop!" The teenager drops to her knees. "So much . . . it's too much!"

"Charles!" Hank calls out to the Professor.

"Stop it!" Her head was in pain as she felt everything at the same time. Harley covers her ears and screams, "PLEASE . . . STOP . . . IIIITTT!!!"

Before anything else could happen, Harley and everything around them froze into place. At last, Harley collapses into Hank's arms.

Professor Xavier was in his wheelchair at Jean's door, having put Harley to sleep. "Jean did something to her," Hank implied.

"No, Hank, that wasn't Jean," Charles informs him. "It was Harley."

Kurt turns to the redhead, who stood there stunned. "Jean, vhat just happened?" He asked her.

"She copied my powers." Jean nearly lost her breath saying that.

Their setting changes like a mirage. They find themselves in Harley's room.

Harley was resting in her bed as Hank and the professor were discussing the incident from across the room.

"Charles, she kept hearing voices and everything around her was starting to move," Hank explains to his friend. "She explained everything that Jean has experienced. How is that possible?"

Professor Xavier looks over at the girl and suggested, "Perhaps she has a copying ability."

"That could be it. She did touch Jean, so it's a skin to skin contact power."

Suddenly, Harley's eyes flutter as she awakens. "Professor?" She whispers as she massages her forehead.

Charles rolls over to the girl and asks, "Harley, dear, how are you feeling?"

"Dizzy," she mumbles. "H-How did I get back to my room?"

"Hank carried you back."

Memories of the incident finally came back to her. Harley stares at his professor and asks, "What was that? Why did I hear all of those voices? "

The professor decides to test her. "Harley, do you know all of Jean's powers?"

"No, just her ability to read minds, communicate mentally and project her thoughts into other's minds. She can feel and track other people's minds, and can also control people. Jean has a slight ability of seeing the future along with mental illusions, psionic shield, psionic blast, and she can stop our powers from working. Her telekinesis can go from making things fly to turning people into dust."

Kurt and Jean watch Charles and Hank stunned by the teenage girl's statement. Even Harley was surprised by what she said.

"You knew all of that?" Hank asked her.

Harley frowns. "Yeah, I guess I did. How did I do that?"

"Harley, I think I figured out your powers," Charles Xavier tells her of her true mutation. "You can copy mutant powers by touching them skin to skin. That's why you heard everybody's voices in their heads because you replicated Jean's ability read people's minds. Also, you can identify powers, which was what you saw when you were waking up Jean. It's like a vision showing you a mutant's powers. I didn't know Jean's full abilities yet you do."

"That's what I do?" Harley asked, curious about this. "I can have anyone's powers?"

"Not have," Professor corrects her. "You're like a Xerox machine. You copy their powers."

It was impossible to believe, but Harley knew it had to be true. How else could she have possibly heard everything in everyone else's minds? "So what now?"

"For now, Charles and I suggest that you avoid physical contact with everybody," Hank McCoy tells her. "We're not gonna put you in a plastic bubble or anything like that, Harley, but we're help you control your replication."

"Okay, no touching. Got it." One thing was bothering Harley that she needed to spit out. "Professor . . . does Jean know what she is?"

The professor blinks his eyes. "No, she doesn't and you shouldn't tell her. I fear that it will make things worse."

"It was too much for me to handle. It felt like my head was about to explode. Is that why everybody is afraid of her?"

The real Jean was speechless at this moment. She remembered how everybody would stare at her and walk away. Even thought they would never say anything to her, she still could hear their thoughts.

"Harley, since Jean has been here, we've had incidents involving her powers. As far as I know, I'm the only person here who hasn't ignored her. You don't fear her, you only fear her powers. Don't let this come between you both."

Tear began to form in her eyes and her voice began to crack. "I won't. It's just . . . I thought telepathy was just guessing what number that person's thinking of, but it . . . was so much. So much memories, ideas, daydreams, happiness, anger, and . . . so much pain. How can you deal with that everyday, Professor? How can you handle all of it?"

"I look for their happiness," Charles tells his student. "Light can't exist with darkness around it. We all have that, Harley, but we don't let take us down."

"Okay, okay." More tears ran down her face and she hesitantly wipes them off.

Feeling bad that she had to go through what he had been through, Charles carefully lifts himself out of his wheelchair and sit on her bed. He embraces her in his arms as Harley lets out her tears. "Darling, it's alright," he gently whispers. "You're alright."

"Professor, I don't ever want to copy her powers, Harley Jeknovorian sobs. "I don't want that again. Please don't ever make do that."

"It's okay, Harley. You don't have to."

All of a sudden, Jean transports herself and Kurt back to the real world. She sat there gazing at her friend, who had never told the truth of that night.

"Jean?" Kurt says her name, wondering if she was okay.

Finally, Jean is able to speak. "I did that to her." The redhead stood up and attempts to walk out of the room.

Kurt stands up as well and informs her, "Zhat vasn't your fault."

"She said she was my friend, but she's afraid of me."

"It vas in zhe past. Look at you now. You are still her friend."

The redhead nodded her head and denies, "I don't know what to believe anymore. Everybody has always been scared of me for as long as I can remember, especially my parents. I can control their fears if I want to, but I don't. I don't wanna be the monster they think I am."

It was difficult to convince her that her and Harley's friendship was still there, but Kurt didn't want to give up. "Don't zhink of it something bad. You helped her discover her ability, vhich is a good zhing."

"No, it's not, Kurt. It's no wonder she never talks about that night and she avoid touching me at all times."

Unsure of what else to say, Kurt Wagner says, "Jean, she didn't vant to tell you because she didn't vant to ruin your friendship. If Harley vas really scared of you, zhen she vould have stopped being your friend. I only knew you guys for one day, but I've seen how great your friendship is. Don't ruin it like this."

"I don't know, Kurt," Jean murmurs.

"How about you let her know how you feel? Just to let it out."

Wanting to make amends, Jean sits back down in the chair next to Harley. "Harley, it's me, Jean. I know you saw my powers. It was too much for to handle. I get it. Now you know why everybody is afraid of me, especially my parents. You're the first friend I've had when I came here." Her voice begins to crack and her eyes water. "I understand if you're still scared of me, but I just want you to know that I'm here. I'm here, Harley, and you can wake up. At least show me that you're still here."

Kurt stood there in silence as Jean weeps in sadness. Her hand rested on the bed near Harley's limp hand.

Then, something happened. Something incredible.

Harley's hand slowly yet shakily moves into Jean's palm. Both Kurt and Jean gasp in amazement as they witness the event.

"She's here." Kurt Wagner smiles as bright as the sun. "She knows we're here."

Unfortunately, it wasn't a happy moment for Harley. Her copying ability begins to activate and she unknowingly replicates Jean's powers once again.

Inside of her head, the darkness began to disappear. Harley found herself walking down the stairs of the mansion. It was dark inside with no one around.

Her hair was down and she was wearing the same outfit she had on during they day of Apocalypse.

Once she reaches the bottom of the stairs, she heard a creek on the floor. Harley looks back and raises her voice, "Who's there?" She turns back and finds a mysterious yet familiar figure. "Natalie?"

The young girl whom Harley watched over at the mansion was pale with dark circles under her eyes. She looks up at the cat girl and mumbles, "Why did you leave us, Harley?"

"What?" Harley shook her head in confusion. "I'm here, Natalie. What are you talki—"

"You left us. You left us, Harley!"

Frightening by her, Harley begins backing away from her. She then finds herself in what seems to be a party.

"What the hell?" She says under her breath.

From her point of view, it looked more like an orgy of some sorts. People were drinking, girls were dancing seductively, and all of them were mutants. Harley could tell by most of their obvious physical mutations.

A few of them acknowledged her, especially the ones that were dancing towards her and looked like drunk. "Oh, sorry. I'm not into that. Hello there."

"Is it her?" A girl's voice says aloud. "Is that Copycat?"

Harley knew that they must've been talking about her. She turns to the voice and finds Jubilee walking towards her.

"Jubilee, what's wrong with your eyes?" She gasped, staring into Jubilee's full white eyes.

"I can see everything," she hisses. "I see you leaving us here to rot."

The girl attempts to step away, but Jubilee grabs a hold of her arm. "No, Jubilee, it's okay." Harley tries to calm her down. "I-I can help! I can still save you!"

"We're all rotting because of you!" Everyone surrounding her groans in agony as their skin begins to wrinkle. "You lead us to hell!"

Harley begins running towards the hallway of darkness. "Zhe one . . . " Kurt's voice is shouting in the background. " . . . Zhe only, zhe infamous Copycat!"

The walls of the hallway came crashing down, causing Harley to fall. When they stopped, the girl finds herself strapped to a table. They were medical supplies and tubes all around her with a light over her head.

Out of the blue, a dark figure looks down at her from above the light. It was too dark for Harley to make out his face, but all she could see were his red eyes and a bright, glowing red diamond on his forehead.

"Oh, my dear, you have no idea how powerful you are," he says as he gently caresses her face. His voice was low and sophisticated, yet it sent a chill down Harley's spine. "In this world, there are people like you who can fly, make fire, and disappear into thin air. Then, there's you—the one who can have anyone's powers."

Harley panted, "What do you want from me?"

"I want to make you invincible, Splendid!"

The light above her then blinded her. Harley blinks her eyes multiple times while listening to the sound of a hospital heart monitor machine. She hears the sound slowing down and coming to a sudden stop.

"Dad?" A familiar voice says with a tone of sadness.

Finally, the light disappears and Harley is able to see again. She was a hospital room, standing in the corner.

She knew what this place was. Harley turns around to find his mother crying and hugging her sister, Linda and her brother, Adam. Her other brother, Steven was sitting on the chair with his face in his hands, while her brother, Michael hugs their other sister, Christina.

It made sense of what this was. Harley witness the memory right in front of her.

She remembers this specific date: 10:22 pm, March 7th, 1979.

She watches as two nurses begin writing things down and fixing everything around the bed. Her father's lifeless body laid there with his eyes still and the air leaving his lungs.

Next to him was a whimpering 13 year-old Harley leaning over and mumbles, "D-Dad? Daddy?"

The real Harley looses her breath as the younger version of herself holds her father's face and cries. "No . . . no!" Harley screams and runs out the doors.

Now she was in a hallway with nowhere to go. "Harley?" Charles' voice calls out to her. "Harley?"

"Professor? Professor, where are you?!" She hollers as she begins running. Harley manages to find an elevator at the end of the hall and continuously presses the button. "Come on, come on!"

Instead of the elevator in front of her opening, it was the other one from a far that opens. Harley takes off to escape the halls, but as she was ran, a sound of heavy footsteps startled her.

A large figure steps out of the elevator and time begins to slow down. Harley kept running, but witnesses three long claws coming out of the man's knuckles.

She knew who it was. The monster that chased her in the base.

Harley stops, which causes her to slip to the floor. Suddenly, the tiled floor was gone.

The floor was now made of grass and Harley discovered that she was outside in a meadow on a bright, sunny day. Above her was Kurt, who was laying besides her. He gently moves her hair out of her face and she begins to breathe again.

"Kurt?" She says aloud, weirded out. "What are you doing?"

To her surprise, Kurt smiles down at her and proclaims, "You have been my greatest love." Before she could question him, the teleporter plants a soft kiss on her lips. The real thing about this was that Harley wasn't complaining and didn't even want this moment to end. He pulls back, leaving her confused but in a good way. "Go back to zhe vorld, Harley. Go back now."

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