The Only Promise

By _rareleo

634K 14.7K 2.7K

Kadence Rae Emerson has always been the popular girl at school getting asked out by guys. She doesn't find he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 9

23.6K 597 71
By _rareleo

NOTE:----------> Picture is Aiden's dress. You'll know when to play the song lol.


Homecoming: Part 2 of 2

"I love you, Tanner." Hannah says across the table that Aiden and I are sitting at. We look at each other then back at the lovey dovey couple.

"I love you too, Hannah." He says back and they rub each other's noses together like bunny rabbits or something. I watch as they interlock each other's fingers on the table, and I start to think about if I just grabbed Aiden's hand and held it. I put my elbow on the table, and put my chin in my palm staring at her while she talks with our other friends at the table.. I study her face features picking out every detail. She has the perfect shaped lips. That little stud she always wears, because underneath her lip its pierced is cute, kind of hot too. I stare at her soft, smooth, looking cheek. Without realizing it I start to lean in towards it as if I'm going to literally kiss her cheek.

She starts to turn her head towards my way, and I immediately turn my head the other direction leaning back. I can't believe I was about to kiss her cheek. I'm an idiot. I scratch the back of my neck looking around as my face starts to get hot.


"Hmm?" I look to turn my head back towards the table to see who said my name.

"I need to talk to you." Hannah says.

"I'll be right back." I say to Aiden. I get up and walk with Hannah out of the gym. I let the door shut behind us, and I stand in the empty hallway with her.

She plays with her dress for a bit and I raise my eyebrow. "What did you want to talk about?"

"I think I want to sleep with Tanner." She blurts out kind of fast. I cross my arms and stare at her for a bit. "Excuse me?"

"I want to sleep with Tanner. We've been together for over a year, and I feel like it'll be right." She says slower.

I walk to the little table that's set outside the gym. It was where they were asking students to show their tickets. I sit down in the chair and stare at the red table sheet. I look at her confused. "What?"

She sits down next to me. "I feel like it'll be right. He's been so sweet and he's never brought anything like this up before. I'm actually the one who's bringing it up, to you."

"Are you sure this is what you want to do? What if you guys break up?"

"Then he'll be the first and always will be, because I'm in love with him. Look, you know me, I'm not some popular girl who sleeps around with guys and is un-faithful. Tanner is the love of my life."

I put my hand on hers. "You'll do what you feel is right, okay?" I move my hand off of hers. "This is quite a shocker, but it's your life, not mine."

"You've always been my best friend." She puts her arms across my shoulders and hugs me by the side. I smile. "I always will be." I reply.

She lets go of me and gets up. "Okay, let's go back inside and dance our asses off." She giggles. She grabs the door handle and I get up getting near her. She stands there for a moment. She looks back at me before opening the door. "Dance with Aiden when a slow song comes on." My eyes widen to the words that are coming out of her mouth.

I open my mouth looking for words to say.

"You-" I swallow hard still trying to spit out the words I want to say. "You-"

"Yes, miss stutter, I've known. I'm your best friend, hello. No one else catches the drift though. Just me and if you want it to be a secret, I'll keep it that way. I have been to myself for a long time." She shrugs her shoulders. "Just a suggestion, but I think it would be good if you danced with her." She opens the door and walks inside. I watch as it slowly starts to close. She pushes the door open holding onto the pusher that's the width of the door. "Come on..." She urges.

I grab onto the door and walk inside as she lets go of the pusher. I walk with her to the table and sit down next to Aiden.

"Are you okay? You're kind of pale in the face." Aiden says.

I look at her. "No, I'm fine." I give her a warm smile. I look over at Hannah who apparently knows everything. She winks at me then looks at her boyfriend. I look back at Aiden.

"Ladies and gentleman, can I have your attention?"

Everyone turns their attention to the DJ up on a platform. I wonder what he has to say.

"We started this party off with a bunch of energetic songs, and what not. It's time for the slow song. So everyone grab someone and dance with them. Friends or couples it doesn't matter. Here we go." He sets the microphone down and starts pressing buttons.

I watch as literally everyone piles into the middle of the gym and around it. Some are staying in their spots and dancing there. I watch all of my friends get up from the table. Hannah looks at me and I know exactly what she's thinking. She wants me to dance with Aiden. She continues to walk away holding her boyfriend's hand.

I hear a chair next to me move. I look up as Aiden gets out of her seat. I look around and realize I'm the only one sitting down. I feel Aiden breathing on my neck and she whispers in my ear. "Dance with me."

I look at her and swallow hard. I get up and push my chair in. She grabs my hand lightly and walks with me near our friends I guess so we'd feel a little more comfortable. I look around to find some girls dancing together with their arms wrapped around each other. Some dudes are doing the same, but in a retarded way because they're like that. I take a deep breath as butterflies explode in my stomach. I move a little closer to Aiden and I wrap my arms around her neck. She puts her hands on my hips. I bite my lip and sway back and forth with her to one of the song's I love. "Everything" By Lifehouse.

I stare into her eyes and she smiles at me, only this time when she smiles I blush and butterflies go crazy in my stomach again.

"I love this song." She says softly. She doesn't take her eyes off me and I don't take mine off of hers.

"Me too."

This song is 6 minutes long and it's the perfect way to slow dance with her. Finally, my first slow dance song. I never knew it could or would feel like this. It feels like I'm dreaming with all of the lights dimmed, slow song playing, and having my arms around...her.

Her, the girl I met the second day after school, the girl I spent most of my time, and the girl I have grown a mutual friendship with, but the girl I found out I've fallen in love with by dancing with her around a bunch of people I've grown up with my whole life. And without asking myself why or caring what other people think, I hug her tightly and I place my head on her shoulder. I look at Hannah dancing with her boyfriend; she smiles at me and looks as if she's going to cry. I start to feel like I'll cry too, but I don't understand why. I feel Aiden's hands rubbing my back and it feels really nice. It comforts me in a way I'll never forget.

I lift my head up and stare back into her eyes with my teary eyes. If only this moment would last longer.

The song starts to end, and I stare at the ground in disappointment; disappointed that the song is so long, but felt like it ended too quickly. I slowly move my hands off of her, and I face the DJ as everyone claps for some reason. I clap with them, but out of rhythm. Some people go back to their seats and I do as well, but I stand at my seat holding onto the top of it. I start to feel like I'm going to cry. I let go of the chair, and I quickly walk to the doors.


I keep walking after I hear someone call my name. I lift my hand up to my face as tears fall down. I push the door open, but not too hard so it doesn't disturb people. I hold onto the ruffle part of my dress and jog towards the exit. I push the door open and breathe in the fresh air and I feel the nice breeze against the skin that's exposed. I stand in front of the rail and hold onto it gripping it tightly. I cry hard and I watch as my tears fall to the grass through the blur in my eyes. I'm not sure why I'm crying. I don't understand it. I hate myself right now for crying.


I hear my name again. "What?" I ask in an aggravated tone as I turn around. I wipe my tears away and focus to see who it is. I stare at Aiden standing there. "I'm sorry, that was really rude. I'm not feeling good right now." I lean my butt/lower back against the rail and hold onto it again.

"What's going on?" She asks and takes a step closer to me.

"I don't know. I can't stop crying, and I don't understand why I am." I say crying again.

She gets close to me and puts her hands on my cheeks. She wipes my tears away with her thumbs slowly. "Shh shh... hey... it's alright."

I close my eyes and sniffle. I lick my lips feeling like they're getting dry, because I'm becoming dehydrated or something.

"I'm so stupid. I can't even understand why I'm crying." I stare in her eyes.

"Stupid isn't the answer. The answer is you're very beautiful, and your cute when you cry." She smiles. I bite my lip trying to calm myself down. She removes her hands from my cheeks and stares into my eyes.

"Are you saying I'm cute only when I cry?" I ask jokingly and I let out a small chuckle.

"You're cute all the time."

I stare in her eyes realizing that she wasn't joking around with me. I feel nervous, but enough to make me shake a little. She looks at me and becomes a little closer. She puts her hands on mine that's been gripping onto the railing. She starts to lean in slowly and my body just leans in too. I close my eyes knowing that our lips are about to touch. I turn my head to the side a bit, and her lips touch mine. Heat runs up my body, and I know my face becomes red. I move my hands and put them on her cheek as our mouths open a little at the same time. I enter my tongue into her mouth. I roll it around with hers.

"Hey, Kadence. Are you okay?"

Aiden and I pull away fast looking towards the doors. I stare at Hannah as she stares at us with her eyes open wide.

"I'm so sorry! I had no idea. I'll go back in. I was just worried!" She awkwardly laughs and goes back inside. I shake my head. That kiss felt so good and Hannah just had to come out here.

"Do you think she'll tell what she saw?" Aiden asks looking at me.

"No, she told me she's known that I was a lesbian for a long time. She's been wanting me to dance with you and be with you." I rub my thumb on her cheek.

"I was enjoying that kiss, but she-"

"Shh." I whisper and I lean in kissing her again.

I move my hands from her cheeks to around her neck. I feel her arms wrap around my lower back and I make-out with her passionately and slowly enjoying every moment of it. If Hannah walked out here again it couldn't ruin this moment. In my weird mind I think its fate. It's fate how the breeze is warm, it's a beautiful night, and the moonlight is shining near us. Somehow God above wanted us to be together, especially tonight, because tonight was invented just for us. At least that's how I see it... in my weird in love mind...

We pull back from the kiss and stare into each other's eyes. To me, what's greater than a picture of first time doing things, first kiss, or first time visiting a certain place it doesn't matter, is our memories. Memories hold a lot of things that have happened, and my good memories are overlapping all the bad memories I've had.

"We probably should go back inside." She says to me as her hands rub my back.

"Yeah, your right." I smile exposing my teeth. I move off of the rail and I grab her hand holding it while we walk to the doors. I open it and we walk in together into the school. I look at her as I start to swing our hands forward and backwards. She smiles at me. I grab the door handle to the gym, and I release her hand allowing her to go inside first, and I walk in after her.

"Where were you guys?" Terry approaches us.

"I wasn't feeling so good and Aiden came out after me to comfort me. I didn't want everyone to know I wasn't feeling good, so no one would worry." I say getting us out a difficult situation.

"Oh okay. Are you better now?" She asks concerned.

I nod my head, and I walk with Aiden to the table and sit down in our seats.

"We could ditch this place and go somewhere else." She says staring at me.

I giggle a little. This chick always wants to go somewhere. "You're funny. Always wanting to leave."

"I feel that we're the only two in the world, and we can do anything."

I stare in her eyes, but soon to be blinded by a spot light flashing onto her. I look around as different girls have spotlights on them. What's going on? I look back at Aiden and how light her green eyes are being exposed. I turn my head towards the dance floor, but to be blinded again by a spot light on me. I hold my hand up and stare at the DJ.

"Listen up ladies and gentlemen, the five ladies that have spotlights on them were in the drawing for homecoming queen. They didn't know this so this will be a good surprise."

My mouth opens wide. Who the hell put me in this little competition? I look over at my friends. They immediately turn their heads and I can tell their laughing. Of course, the little devils did it.

"Ladies, if all five of you could walk out with Mrs. Skeens over there and wait outside that would be great." The DJ says. "Now fella's-" He pauses and five different guys have lights shining on them. "If you five guys could join the ladies that would be great too. See you guys in a couple of minutes to find out the results!"

I get up slowly regretting every moment of this. I walk over to Mrs. Skeens and wait for others to group up with Aiden and I. Mrs. Skeens takes us right outside of the gym so everyone can vote.

After a while they bring us back inside and make us stand on a platform near the DJ. I honestly don't want to be picked. I hope Aiden or some other girl gets crowned as homecoming queen. I stand next to Aiden and look around at the crowd in front of us. I take a deep breath anxious to get this done already.

"Okay, so, ladies first. There are five ladies, and two of them will be crowned." The DJ says.

We all look around like what the hell? He said two will be crowned? But there's only one crown.

"Calm down everyone. One will be the queen and the other will be the princess. As for guys it will be king and a prince. So, our princess for tonight, the girl who actually almost tied with our queen tonight is..." He pauses and looks around as everyone stares and waiting impatiently. "Kadence Emerson!" A road of cheers comes across the gym and my eyes widen. Oh wow, I'm a princess, how.... Nice. I smile at the person who has been holding crowns. I lean my head down a little as if I were an actual princess and allow her to place the crown on my head. I lean it back up and look out into the crowd.

"Now, the homecoming queen." This time he opens a little slip of note and stares at it. He puts his mouth near the microphone. "Aiden Deters!"

I look at Aiden as her eyes open wide. She stares around feeling like she's been pranked or something. I clap my hands for her and the crowd cheers and claps. She looks at me and shrugs her shoulders. I giggle and smile feeling so happy for her. She's new here and somehow she's gain reputation. The crown girl puts a crown on her head and she blushes. She looks out at the crowd smiling.

"Congratulation ladies."

The other three girls walk off the stage. "Okay, fella's, it's time to announce the prince and king."

"So the prince that will be dancing with the princess, Kadence is-"

I totally forgot about having to dance with the prince. This ought to be uncomfortable. I stare at the five guys waiting.

"Derek Grim!"

I open my mouth and look at Aiden. She claps her hands and laughs a bit. I glare at her for laughing. I have to dance with him now that's great.

"And, now, the homecoming king is-" Once again the DJ opens up a slip of a note. "Jake Collins!"

"Give a round of applause for our princess, prince, queen, and king!"

Everyone claps and cheers loudly. I take a deep breath. "Now prince and king grab your princess and queen and dance." Aiden and I approach our prince and king. Derek stares at me and he holds out his hand. I feel like I'm in a ball now. I smile a little and grab his hand. He escorts me down the stairs and onto the dance floor. Everyone steps away from the middle and allows us to dance beside of Aiden and Jake. I put one hand on Derek's shoulder and the other grabbing his hand holding it out so we're kind of classical dancing. I look at Jake holding Aiden and I feel jealous. I shake my head and look back at Derek trying not to let it bother me.

"I've always wanted to dance with you, Kadence." Derek says staring in my eyes.

"Your want came true." I smile and dance with him slowly to the song "So Close" By Jon McLaughlin

In the middle of the song I look over at Aiden staring at her beautiful face. She smiles at me then winks. I smile back and remember when we kissed. That was amazing and the right moment too, well until Hannah came outside, but oh well. I continue to look at her, my friend, my girlfriend, and

My homecoming queen.


I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Thank you so much for reading. =]


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