Fever Blood

By Halcyon15

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When Laidu, a half-human, half-dragon Ranger, rescues a mysterious girl from slavers, he doesn't know it but... More

Chapter 1: Kyra
Chapter 2: Day Specters
Chapter 3: Three Pines
Chapter 4: Bandits
Chapter 5: Departure From Three Pines
Chapter 6: Salt Dragon
Chapter 7: The Night is Not Empty
Chapter 8: Karik'ar's Secret
Chapter 9: Magnus
Chapter 10: Of Nightmares and Warriors
Chapter 11: To Earn Respect
Chapter 12: Indra on the Offensive
Chapter 13: The Price of Immortality
Chapter 14: Drawing Down the Storm
Chapter 15: of Ripped Pants and Farm Hicks
Chapter 16: The Pantry Demon
Chapter 17: The King of Joy
Chapter 18: A Taste For Blood
Chapter 19: The Fallen City
Chapter 20: el'Thaen'im
Chapter 21: The Appetite of a Dragon
Chapter 22: Paradox
Chapter 23: News From Caeldar
Chapter 24: Iron Scars
Chapter 25: Sticking Stones, Unbreaking Bones, and Too Many Words.
Chapter 26: The Vault Under the Mountain
Chapter 27: The Ultimatum
First Interlude: Trials
Chapter 28: Skinstealer
Chapter 29: Snake Fangs and Thuggery
Chapter 30: Deadly Blood and Burning Wrath
Chapter 31: Savage Diplomacy
Chapter 32: Panacea
Chapter 33: Sidhe Bones
Chapter 34: Footsteps in the Dark
Chapter 35: War Paint
Chapter 36: The Isle of Torment
Chapter 37: Torvan
Chapter 38: Mind Games
Chapter 39: The Hunters
Chapter 40: Training
Chapter 41: First Night Away
Chapter 42: Revulsion
Chapter 43: Breakfasts and Bones
Chapter 44: The Tomb of Kings
Chapter 45: Interrogations
Chapter 46: Rivalry
Chapter 47: A Welcome Reunion
Chapter 48: A Message From Skinstealer
Chapter 49: The Assassin
Chapter 50: Sapharama
Chapter 51: A New Friend
Chapter 52: Scaly Babies
Chapter 53: Bullies
Chapter 54: Vestments of Skin
Chapter 55: Soul and Blood
Chapter 56: A Monster's Night
Chapter 57: He Waits
Second Interlude: Requiems
Chapter 58: Blasphemous Blade
Chapter 59: The Body of Science
Chapter 60: Burning Brine
Chapter 61: Inheritance
Chapter 62: of Dreams and Madness
Chapter 63: Questionable Advice
Chapter 64: Screamchasm
Chapter 65: Reflections of Caeldar
Chapter 66: Brothers
Chapter 67: The Acolyte Path
Chapter 68: The Path and the Walker
Chapter 69: City of Cold
Chapter 70: Amidst The Ruins
Chapter 71: The Tribunal
Chapter 72: Gaelhal
Chapter 73: Another Face
Chapter 74: A Few Wagers
Chapter 75: Confession
Chapter 76: A Fitting Discipline
Chapter 77: Homecoming
Third Interlude: Fates
Chapter 78: The Avaricious Eye
Chapter 79: The Abyss Stares Back
Chapter 80: Rewards
Chapter 81: The Blade Law
Chapter 82: The Library
Chapter 83: Meeting Mirsari
Chapter 84: Teaching the Art of Death
Chapter 85: Security Reviews
Chapter 86: The Power of the Blood
Chapter 87: The Touch of Her Hand
Chapter 88: A Rival of the Blood
Chapter 89: A Hot Bath
Chapter 90: Cast Out
Chapter 91: The Final Test
Chapter 92: An Act of Worship
Chapter 93: Anatomy of the Soul
Chapter 94: Cydari
Chapter 95: Duel of Sorceries
Chapter 96: A Stand of Conscience
Chapter 97: Healing
Chapter 98: A Peculiar Madness
Chapter 99: The Fall of the Corpus Veritorum
Chapter 100: Reclaim The Sky
Chapter 101: The Cave of Names
Chapter 102: The Transfiguration of Aoife Corvain
Chapter 103: Foul Machinations
Chapter 104: The Courier's Duty
Chapter 105: Rendevous
Chapter 106: The First Step of a Journey
Chapter 107: Manhunt
Fourth Interlude: Candidates
Chapter 108: Shattered Memories
Chapter 109: Fire Regained
Chapter 110: Hunger Blood
Chapter 111: That Night
Chapter 112: The Name of the King
Chapter 113: All Hail Rhaedrashah
Chapter 114: The Warriors of Red Claw
Chapter 115: The Bearer of the Soul
Chapter 116: The Change
Chapter 117: The Terror of the Night
Chapter 118: Fever Blood Ascendant
Chapter 119: The Scholar's Quest
Chapter 121: Imprisoned
Chapter 122: Awakening
Chapter 123: The Solstael Ball
Chapter 124: To Take Off the Mask
Chapter 125: The Question
Chapter 126: The Last Mission
Chapter 127: Endings and Beginnings
Epilogue: Sojourns
Author's Note
Author's Note - Addendum

Chapter 120: The Death of an Immortal

748 74 3
By Halcyon15

The Eight had scoffed at humanity, scoffed at mortals. And, despite the one exception -Eironn-an- they prospered in wealth throughout the ages. They had claimed to cast off the shackles of mortality, and as such mortals were insects beneath their feet. They learned to respect those insects, eventually. It was to happen at some point.

Of course, they were not expecting to learn that respect by being stabbed in the gut by those puny little insects.


Maioran might have been having a nice dream. He didn't really remember, seeing as he woke up to a scream.

Immediately, he checked the dim room, lit only by a shaft of moonlight let in by the window. Tieo sat up, eyes wide, before his hands reached the waterskin next to him, and he drew out the water in an arc, leaping from the bed. Callan jumped up, a blade sprouting from his hand, the leaf quivering. Maioran grabbed his sword.

For a moment, there was silence, before that scream let out again. This time, when he could slow down to hear it, Maioran recognized it as female. Someone was in the women's inn room!

The three of them rushed out the door, ready to attack, before Maioran slammed his shoulder into the ladies' door, sword brandished, ready to dispatch whatever adversary had broken in to threaten Aoife and Invidia.

Instead, they saw something truly horrifying.

Invidia had shoved one of the pillows over her head, so her face was sandwiched between the pillow and the bed. Her glowing hair spilled out from between them, and her eyes were narrowed in anger.

And Aoife...

Aoife stood upright before a window, moonlight framing her body, making her white nightdress seem almost luminous. She seemed for a moment, transfixed, as if the moonlight had bespelled her and held her in a trance. And then, she started to move.

Her arms shot over her head, contorting and bending and extending. Her hips distorted and shifted, constantly moving as her feet pounded the floor, constantly stepping as she swayed this way and that, her hair whipping one way and then the next. She let out another cry, which was more like a war whoop, before continuing to shake and shudder like a woman possessed.

It took a moment for Maioran to recognize what she was doing. She was dancing. It was an abomination, a truly terrifying thing to behold, but it was what confronted him. Her jerky, erratic movements seemed more like some sort of unclean spirit twisting her limbs into unnatural shapes, but Maioran somehow recognized the dancing.

She whirled, turned around, and gave a short shriek of shock, her eyes. Quickly, Aoife made a gesture with her hands, and then, in the blink of an eye, she was gone. "Oh... oh dear," her disembodied voice said. "You caught me at an inopportune time."

"What did I just see?" Tieoran asked quietly.

"I think you saw her try to dance," Maioran said under his breath.

"That was dancing?" Tieo asked.

"Emphasis on 'try to dance.'" Maioran sheathed his sword. "What was that all about?"

Aoife reappeared on her bed. "Well, some good news came in."

"You got a letter at this time at night?" Maioran asked.

"No. The methods for which I gathered information were a bit more... mystical."

"She was using magic," Tieoran whispered.

"I know," Maioran hissed.

"Please, sit down, it will be a bit of a long chat," Aoife said.

Maioran stepped into the room and sat on the floor. Tieo sat right next to him, but Callan stood, a bit away. "So, what did your messenger tell you?"

"My... group has agents in Saefel Caeld. Our destination." Aoife brushed a strand of red hair out of her face. "They had just reported that a colossal battle had taken place."

"That's good news?" Maioran asked. "I may be sleep-addled, but I fail to see how that's good."

"Well, the battle was between two people. Two... beings, I should say. We had a Dragonblessed and-"

"Dragonblessed?" Callan asked.

"Ah. They're one of the seven races who fuse with a dragon. Two people, a dragon and a human, for example, enjoin their corporeal forms into one. Both souls are bound to one body. A single form with two minds. Quite powerful, and has access to the magic of the dragon, and possibly the other as well," Aoife explained.

"So, there's one of them," Callan said. "Who was he fighting?"

"Kazalibad. Kazalibad the Skinstealer, the Avaricious."

Maioran blinked. "As in Kazalibad, one of the Eight?" Aoife nodded. "Fairy-tale bogeymen, told to frighten children? A monster used in preachy morality plays?" Maioran asked.

"Well, no. The preachy morality plays don't actually capture how evil and terrible he is," Aoife said. "But, he had one thing going for him. He had intelligence, and could regenerate from a mere trace. So he left vials of his blood around the world, making it practically impossible to find him and destroy him."

"Okay. So he won?" Maioran asked. "He won the battle with the Dragonblessed?"

"No. He lost. Somehow, the Dragonblessed had slain Kazalibad, and had tainted his blood with dragon blood and burned every trace of him out of the world," Aoife said. "Do you have any idea how immense that is?"

"No. He's just a monster," Maioran said.

"Just a monster?" Aoife shook her head. "No. Kazalibad is much more than that. He is a monster, yes. But he was also one of the Eight. One of eight immortals to use dark aspects of magic to turn themselves into deathless beings. They perverted the nature of the world, polluted it with their mere existence. My master, the sorceress who I apprenticed under, the Necromancer, she was seeking a spell to have death claim Kazalibad, seeking to develop an enchantment to prevent him from returning to a body."

"Well, if he's dead, she can relax," Tieo said.

"Yes." Aoife nodded. "It is proof that the Eight, our enemy, can be slain. They had proclaimed themselves to be free of death, but it seems that our unnamed hero has proven otherwise."

"What happened to him?" Maioran asked. "Is he alive?" He didn't know why, but he wanted the guy to be alive. The idea of a hero being slain bothered him.

"Our agent saw him collapse, but could not follow up on him. We don't know if he survived. I saw him, that time when I was drawn into the future. He seemed nice enough," Aoife said. She paused. "Get your rest. We shall speak of this on the morrow."

Maioran nodded. He could feel his eyelids drooping, and the weight of sleep making his limbs sluggish. "We'll see you tomorrow."



Zael ducked the practice sword, before deflecting the next blow with his wooden blade, the clack of wood on wood ringing out through the forest. The blow nearly jarred the practice sword from his hand. He thrust his blade out, but his opponent deflected it, and slammed the practice sword into the goblin's already tender gut.

Zael doubled over, gasping for breath, sweat dripping off his green skin. "Blood and bones, man!" he managed to get out. "Why are you so bloody sadistic?"

Vanzhar, the Erinyan, shrugged. "That's not sadistic. It's tough, but not sadistic. It's what I went through."

"I never heard that the Agyar beat their warriors," Zael said.

"I was born in an Agyar country. Received an Agyar name. But I trained in a warrior's temple." He smiled, his glowing blue eyes glinting dangerously. "I am coddling you compared to what they did to me."


"They started every morning for five years by beating me, so by the end I was immune to pain," Vanzhar said. "They trained me with a dozen weapons, until I had mastered the martial skills to slay evil wherever I found it," he said. "They were cruel and sadistic, it seemed. They enjoyed beating me. No," he said, "they enjoyed beating the weakness out of me."

"Oh, well, why aren't we wearing shirts?" Zael asked. His torso was drenched in sweat, but the black skin and blue fissures of the Erinyan's massive and well-muscled form was unchanged. He wasn't even breathing hard.

"Simple. It lets you see your failures." Vanzhar said. "Look at your body." Zael looked down and winced. His chest and abdomen weren't green, but a mottled brown and purple, all from bruises. Vanzhar had nothing, no mark except for a spot on his shoulder that was a faint light blue. Zael had scored a lucky blow on him. "Consider that incentive not to get hit."

Zael nodded, before grabbing his shirt, hanging off a tree branch. "Eva probably has some strange task set out for me."

"You'll refer to my lady as the Necromancer. She's earned that title. Don't forget what she did for you." Zael winced as his chest suddenly stung. No, he wouldn't forget. Dying wasn't something that you forgot.

"Fine. I wonder what she's up to now." Zael marched towards the tiny cottage, before stopping. Why was there light bursting through the windows? Strange, it seemed to flicker faster than candlelight, and the luminescence had strange, otherworldly colors. And... was that music?

He opened the door and stopped, staring. It was his new home, along with that mad sorceress called the Necromancer and her guard. A thin pallet with a mattress leaking straw was what he collapsed into after training (for what, the Necromancer never said), and next to it was Vanzhar's. The sorceress slept in the loft. A small kitchen, armed only with a stove and a few pots and pans, was kept in the corner.

And the entire room was lit up with unearthly light and trumpet calls. Sitting on the ground, in the middle of the cabin, the Necromancer named Eva Leonastael sat, holding a glass of wine up (where she kept the wine, Zael had no clue), toasting alongside several forms that appeared to be made out of mist.

"What are you doing?" Zael asked.

"Celebration," Eva said. "He is dead. Dead at last!"

"Who? Who is dead?" Zael asked. The fact that she was celebrating someone's death was rather disturbing, though not for a necromancer. That made a twisted and very morbid sort of sense. Though, Eva didn't seem to give off the air that other necromancers gave off. There was no fascination with death or dying present with her, and her attire in black and white was less of a statement of death and darkness, Zael suspected, and more of a fashion choice due to her skin's paleness and her hair's dark shade.

"Kazalibad. Kazalibad Skinstealer, Kazalibad the Avaricious. Dead!" Eva smiled. "Come, sit with me and toast to that monster's demise!"

"I was unaware that he even was real. I thought he was a mere myth," Zael said. Eva waved her hand, and a second glass appeared, made out of what appeared to be fine crystal. "What is this made of?" Zael asked, twirling the goblet by the stem.

"Hardened air," Eva said. She motioned for him to sit down and with a wave of her hand, dismissed the other misty figures. "One of my associates had seen him die, and we had just run some testing sorceries to determine if he still existed in our world, if his soul still clung to life." She smiled and sipped the wine. Zael did the same, and the blood red liquid was particularly sharp and sour, but aromatic. "He is gone, gone! One less abomination to walk the earth!"

"Who killed him? From what I remember of the stories told to me, he was unkillable. As long as a single drop of blood remained, he could come back," Zael said.

"A dragon. Well, a Dragonblessed. A dragon and a human, or any other race, that have fused together. He used some trick with his blood to... well, the entire explanation is difficult to summarize... think of it as a sort of identity-bound poison, instead of bodily-bound."

"So when he made a new body..." Zael began.

"...he brought the poison with him," Eva finished. "Yes. This means we're closer to our goal. It means a few things." She paused. "I have secured the services of a local blacksmith. He will teach you his trade. You best learn, for the coming war."

"Coming war?" Zael asked.

"Yes, and you shall craft our ensorcelled weaponry." Eva smiled. "More wine?"

"Yes." He gulped down another glass. "Who is the war between? What are the sides?"

Eva smiled. "It's the eternal war. The struggle between light and dark, life and death, virtue and vice. It's the war between Good and Evil, and you're going to help us slay all that is evil." 

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