By Firamy

64 7 1

MIDNIGHT DON'T DO IT ITS NOT WORTH IT PLEASE LETS LEAVE. In a world where magic is real. Heroes arise and so... More

Powers and other stuff i feel like writing
Our adventure begins episode 2
Crash landing epsiode 3
Hey im Meliodas epsiode 4
The fight epsiode 5

How it began epsiode1

8 1 0
By Firamy

6 weeks ago
In California

Midnights view

I was just about to shot another video when I got a FaceTime by Divina

M:sup divy why you called
D :I called because I wanted to another collab
M:cool where you want to meet up?
D:Um my house
M:cool I'll be there in 15 minutes
D:Cool um do you want to shot another challenge vid
M:Yeah let's play murder mystery tag
D: what's that ?
M:Oh it's a game I made up I'll tell you about it when I come over
D:Ok cool so do you want to play it Genesis,Mark,Jack,and Flex?
M:Yeah I would like to play tag with just tell them I'm coming over
D:Ok by see you later

Ok you guy might be wondering how in the world dose electronics exist in the time period Meliodas and the gang live in. Well because it doesn't,Midnight and her friends live in the 21st century. Ok now that you know that you should know Midnight is a youtuber. And not just any youtuber she is the top youtuber. And the boss of her own company called the hashtags. She has about 600,890,000 subscribers. So even more then pewdepie. She and her friends,Genesis,and Divina are like the boss's of YouTube. And you may be wondering do Midnight,and Divina still have their anomaly features. Yes they do they just keep it hidden. Also you should know Midnight has about five channels. One is called hashtag games,another is called hashtag challenges,another is called hashtag whatever this one is her main channel,another one is called hashtag volgs,and last but not lest her last channel is hashtag sing. She runs all these channels by herself and her staff. She even has a company building ,it has a big hashtag on the top it glows a light sliver at night. You can actually listen to one of the songs she wrote and sang herself . FYI the song isn't mine it just fits in with the story line. She has an amazing voice. Now you maybe be wondering were dose Divina,and Genesis fit in here. Well Divina is the second top channel on YouTube . She has five channels here are their names. One is called Kitty madness this one is her main channel,her second channel is kitty games her third channel is kitty sings,and last but not lest her fourth and finale channel is kitty volgs. Now for Genesis she is the third top channel on YouTube. She has four channels like Divina. Here are there names. Fluffy games,Fluffy art,Fluffy volgs,Fluffy here,this one is her main channel. Oh and um Mark,jack,and Felx are still big youtuber's but just not as big as Midnight ,Genesis ,and Divina. Anyway back to the story.

Still Midnights view

Me and Genesis decided to stay over at Divys house because we both were super tried to drive home. Ok midnight you'll be in the guest room on the second floor. And Genesis you'll be in the guest room on the first floor Divy said. Ok me and Genesis said at the same time. Jix you owe me a soda I said as soon as I realized we said at the same. Ugh damn I'll get you a soda tomorrow Genesis said with a smile on her face. Guys you what we can totally binge watch 13 reasons why divy said all excited. Or we can responsible adults and go to sleep Genesis said. We all looked at each other with huge smiles on our faces. Nah we all said. (5 episodes in.) Omg we ran out of popcorn I said. Well we can always just pause the episode and get more divy said. But that's so far away I and just got comfortable I complain. Well we don't all have to go Genesis said. So are you saying you'll do divy asked . No I was saying we could just rock ,paper,and scissor it out Genesis said. Ok I like that I say nodding my head. On your marks get set go I say. After three rounds of rock,paper,and scissors divy loses ands has to get more popcorn. Hurry up I say leaning my head off the back of the couch. Coming divy said. Me and Genesis share a look and then all of a sudden I yell out THATS WHAT SHE SAID. Ugh get your guys mind out the gutter I hear divy sigh out. Finally your back you took like a century to get over here Genesis say. Well I could have gotten here faster if midnight over here didn't tell me to put the popcorn in a bowl divy said. Well in my defense popcorn always taste better in a bowl right Genesis I say. Yeah she true I hear Genesis answer. Ugh I swear I have some weird ass friends divy says while shaking her head. Well you do you have some weird friends but your face is weirder I say. Ooooh you just got burned Genesis says while making bomb explosions with her hands. Yeah,yeah whatever can we just continue to watch the episode divy says. Ok fine I sigh out. We were about to finish the last episode when we hear a little snap. What was that Genesis asked almost jumping off the couch . Chill it was just probably a twig breaking I say. Oh ok Genesis says while repositioning herself on the couch . Oh how wrong I was. We all ended up falling asleep on the couch and that's when a shadowed figure came in a whispered something so quite that my wolf ears couldn't hear it. Then all of a sudden there was a white flash and that is where our adventure begins.

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