By MadelaineTaljaard

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Book 1 of the Eternal warrior's saga. (1st draft) Rebecca of Blackmountain has lived all her life, thinking s... More

Zodiac of Wizicarda
Chapter 1 - Dragon Attack
Chapter 2 - Aftermath
Chapter 3 - Rebellion
Chapter 4 - The Edge of Vengance
Chapter 5 - The Mighty Fiery Dragon
Chapter 6 - Plot and Appologies
Chapter 7 - Magic of the Golden Gate
Chapter 8 - Bellsford
Chapter 9 - Ambush at Crowridge
Chapter 10 - Winterfall City
Chapter 11 - Wintervale Castle
Chapter 12 - A Leprechaun and the Treasury
Chapter 13 - Advisors
Chapter 14 - The Harsh Reality of Slavery
Chapter 15 - Council Session
Chapter 16 - Court is in Session
Chapter 17 - The Magic Box
Chapter 18 - Secrets and Questions
Chapter 20 - A Formality
Chapter 21 - Politics and Battle Plans
Chapter 22 - Nerphdet the Necromancer
Chapter 23 - Valley of death
Chapter 24 - Preparations for the Kings Council
Chaper 25 - Journey to the King's Council
Chapter 26 - Evasive Menuevers
Chapter 27 - King Thornton Rothguard
Chapter 28 - A Chance Meeting in Abelone City.

Chapter 19 - Weakness of the Sharkdragons

27 2 0
By MadelaineTaljaard

The half-constructed windmill in front of Rebecca is quartered by a wooden slat fence. Rebecca is on horseback along with her advisors and her four soldiers along with a platoon of soldiers as extra protection.

She came across this while scouring through tons of paperwork for the new tax laws. The advisors wanted to tear the contraption down. Now that she is in front of it she knows what it is.

The three sails that have been installed remind her of an airplane propeller. It takes her back to seeing the Sharkdragon at the Golden Gate. She can still hear the clear bang of the sonic boom.

"Is it possible? Can it really be that simple?" she wonders aloud.

"You know what this contraption is, your majesty?" Triston asks.

"Yes, it's a windmill. See the round stone they are busy chiseling? That's a grindstone and a very essential part of the windmill. It will crush corn into maize meal and wheat into flour. This windmill will be an asset to our kingdom. It can be done by hand but this windmill will be able to do much larger quantities," Rebecca replies.

"I take it you have come across this windmill before?" Brog asks.

"I have and I know how they work. I want to talk to the inventor. I also want the crown to support him in this project with anything he needs and have a magician assigned to help him out, please," she commands.

They see a worker on a cart coming past them bringing food and a large round wooden beam to the construction site. The six horses have a tough time pulling the cart that is weighed down by the beam.

Rebecca has been hoping to find a suitable challenge to test her magical strength. She focuses her magical energy on the wood beam. "Levitate."

She feels an instant strain on her magic. The beam is too heavy. The horses move faster as her magic handles the bulk of the weight, but it doesn't lift from the cart. Some of its weight still rests on the cart.

The cart stop and Rebecca releases her magic with a groan.

What was I thinking? At least I know my magic has grown. If I tried that in Washington. I would have ended up in the hospital.

But a few weeks ago I succeeded in a spell that was impossible for me. Freeze fall. I was able to suspend Elizabeth's full weight in midair for a few seconds.

Then again it is two completely different spells. But both spells work on the same principles. The manipulation of weight distribution. The wood beam is bigger, heavier, denser than Elizabeth, and a different element.

A man in a sweaty white shirt and brown trousers approaches them. He has a neatly trimmed mustache and beard. "Lord Triston if you are here to arrest me get it over with. The construction of the wheat crusher is well underway and can no longer be stopped."

"Kayden Carlington we are not here to arrest you. Our queen Rebecca of Black Mountain has taken an interest in your wheat crusher," Triston replies while looking down at Kayden disdainfully and pointing at Rebecca.

Rebecca dismounts and approaches Kayden. "The correct term is a windmill, Kayden. I have come across it before and I know what it does. I am not here because I am interested but also to offer the crown's help."

Kayden narrows his eyes suspiciously at Rebecca. "Your majesty we are doing well without your help. Why would you want to help me now?"

"Because I want you to build more of them in every major city and village in the kingdom where wheat and corn farms are abundant. You will be well paid to do this. In the future, if you have an invention you want to build you need to ask permission for it to be built. Do not be shy to bring your idea to me on court day or ask for me any time. I will decide what will work. It will also be a good idea if you can bring a sketch or model of the invention you are planning. I will even go so far as to assign you an office and workshop in the castle. Kayden you are an immense asset to the kingdom and I do not want you to stop what you are doing," Rebecca says.

"Only so that you can say no to every invention I make," Kayden replies.

"With every invention, there is a safety risk involved. For example, that grindstone is big enough to break bones. You will have to teach people how to use the millstone and what to avoid when working with the mill. People have lost life and limb by working with a grindstone incorrectly. I do not say this to put you down, but to come up with a system that will prove to me that the invention can be used safely by someone else other than its inventor. In other words, you have to make sure that your invention minimizes the risk of injury and maximizes productivity. This is about the safety of the people that will eventually work with your inventions. The inventions I will say no to are inventions that people are not ready for. One good example is the ability to fly without the use of magic. We do not possess the material necessary to build such machines yet and the dragons won't allow it either. They will kill the pilot and anyone flying with them and destroy the machine," Rebecca replies.

"What you say makes a lot of sense. Safety is always a problem with inventions, what you suggest is a solution to my problem. I have always desired a permanent place where I can work without interruptions. Where I can test new inventions in safety before making a living scale replica. If what you say is true, your majesty. It shall be an honor to be your official inventor," Kayden says while rubbing his beard thoughtfully.

"That is excellent to hear. I shall have a room prepared for you. In the meantime please make a list of all the tools and materials you need for your workshop," Rebecca says holding out her hand for a handshake.

He takes her hand and gives a firm shake. "I hope this business venture will help the kingdom."

"I have a feeling that you be a great help to the kingdom. I can not wait to see what invention you come up with next." Rebecca says giving him a genuine smile and a friendly wink.

"Would you like to inspect the building?" Kayden asks.

"I think it will be safer if I inspect it when it is done. I have already asked a magician to help you out. I am hoping permanently. He or she will help to ensure your safety and finish the grindstone even faster than chiseling by hand. As for the building, I can see it is progressing nicely. Once the grindstone is installed and the roof finished it will be safer to enter the building," Rebecca replies.

"A wise choice, your majesty. I have a hard time telling people to stay out as well. The wooden slat fence helps a lot. If you do not mind your majesty. I have to get back to work before someone breaks their neck," Kayden asks as he is looking at someone securing the fourth sail to the windmill.

"Of course," Rebecca replies. She watches Kayden as he approaches the ladder.

"Oi, didn't I tell you to wait before installing the third sail?! There is a pin in place to keep the sails from moving! The sails can not move until the grindstone is installed! Now..." Rebecca did not listen to Kayden as he rebukes one of his workers. She mounts her horse and leads the group back to the castle.

"Triston, I hope you will be okay on your own for the next two days. There is something I have to do. Unfortunately, you can not follow me where I am going. It will be dangerous but it must be done. I just need to check something before setting out,"  Rebecca informs Triston.

Rebecca heads straight for the terrace. She orders her guards to stop anyone trying to enter the building. She takes the storage facility from her pocket and resizes it with the key. Once inside she sprints to the computer room.

"Computer, can a fighter jet fly in a canyon or a valley?" Rebecca asks.

"Negative. The wind drafts in canyons and valleys make it extremely dangerous for any plane to fly through. Planes flying in such terrain must slow down considerably to avoid collision with a mountainside or avoid the terrain at a higher altitude. Even then the wind updrafts are highly unpredictable and very dangerous." The computer replies while playing a simulation of a plane flying through the yellow canyon.

The computer shows how a powerful wind draft from any direction can cause the plane to crash.

The Sharkdragon's speed is its weakness. That's it. I can get to their valley. It is not impossible. One last thing to find out before I go on this dangerous expedition. Can Lila clamber between mountains? Is she strong enough to make such a journey? The snow caps will provide enough water.

Rebecca races of again her sneakers squeaking on the smooth floor. Through the door, she slams the door shut and locks it. The storage minimizes and she pops the building back into her pocket. She takes the nearest flight stairs down. She runs past the knight's statue. Due to her guards' heavy armor, they can not keep up with her pace and fall behind.

Rebecca comes to a halt in the dragon's hold breathing heavily. "Lila!"

'I am not deaf. I have some very fine hearing. You don't have to scream like that and scare the hell out of me,' Lila finishes by snapping her teeth at Rebecca in annoyance.

"I'm sorry Lila. We have somewhere to go but it isn't going to be easy. I know how to get to the Sharkdragons but I am going to need your help," says Rebecca slightly out of breath after the sprint.

'Have you lost your prey? I am not going anywhere near their breeding grounds. It's suicide.' Lila says staring at Rebecca intently.

"There is a way to get there but it won't be easy. Their speed is their weakness. The most difficult place for any dragon to fly in is a canyon or mountain valley. Because of the updrafts. If you try it the updrafts might throw you against a cliffside but you will survive because you can handle a bit of jostling but you avoid it because it is painful. It is a different story for Sharkdragons. If anyone of them is caught by an updraft like that at high speeds it will kill them. They avoid flying between mountains because of this danger. This is their one weakness. The only way to get there. I am here to ask you this. How well can you clamber between mountains?" Rebecca asks while rubbing the soft scales on Lila's neck.

'I have never tried. Are you sure this will work?' Lila asks.

"I would not be this excited if I wasn't sure. It is possible to make contact with them. I know what the Sharkdragons meant when I arrived. Am I brave enough to find them? They want to know what kind of person I am. I am the only person that knows their weakness and now you. When they fly close to the mountains they have to fly slower or suffer certain death," Rebecca informs Lila.

'My maneuverability between the mountains protects us. But others have tried and failed,' Lila protests.

"They did not possess the knowledge I have about fighter jets. It is a type of airplane that can fly as fast as Sharkdragons. That's how I know we have a chance. I wanted to do this tomorrow but my coronation party is in two days. There are still a thousand things that need to be taken care of tomorrow. Talking of which I can not stay long. Guests are starting to arrive and I have received a letter from Ristheart. They are ready to be picked up. Damn my guard is still looking for me. I left them in the dust running here," says Rebecca as she pulls her hand away from Lila.

'Hahaha. They are probably searching for you in every nook and cranny except the dragon hold. They always forget to search here,' Lila replies her body shaking with laughter.

Just then a man appears around the corner with an angry expression on his face. "How many times do I have to tell those foolish guards they must remember to check the dragon hold! These dragons don't attack people unless they are threatened! How can they forget that our queen is also the Dragonqueen?!" Guss shouts at the top of his lungs.

"Calm yourself, Guss. You are right by assuming I came here. My guards probably went looking for me somewhere else? The fault is mine. I was in too much of a hurry to get to Lila. I had new information on the Sharkdragons and how to contact them. I wasn't thinking I just ran," Rebecca says as she approaches him.

"At least you have protection here. The lazy louts that are supposed to be your elite guard should know where you are going. In the castle, you are protected around every corner. From what I have heard from Earl, you can also stand your ground. I don't want your enemies to know this. If they do get past your guards I want them to get the surprise of a lifetime." He says with a smirk. "The only thing I am worried about is a magician. Fire and light are not going to be enough against Drachna."

"I agree with you. That is why I want to make contact with the Sharkdragons. Lisa's green magic can buy some time to escape if applied correctly but in a life and death fight, it is not going to be enough. I need to do something unpredictable. Something that no one else ever thought about. I think Drachna is using celestial armor as well. I have read about it. If I am right he is using the celestial armor of the dead. It makes it impossible to kill him by any physical attack. He must also use something to enhance the magical defence of the armor. But we need to find his armor's weakness. This dark celestial armor has one weakness. Curses creates the armor's Achilles heel. But to find it we must get to know Drachna before the dark entity. That's Leticia's mission. To find the curse that weakens Dracha's death armor," replies Rebecca as they walk back into the castle.

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