The Story Of Athena Black( A...

By Amaem1995

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Imagine if Harry had a best friend and they were inseparable you wouldn't see one without the other. You wou... More

Year 1:
Year 2:
Chapter 1: The Train Ride to Hogwarts and The Dementor Attack
Chapter 2: The Sorting and Reunion Of the Blacks, Lupins and Severus:
Chapter 3: Disastrous Classes and finding a New Gift
Chapter 4: The Boggart and Athena and Harry's First Date:
Chapter 5: The Halloween feast and The first Quidditch Match
Chapter 6:The Surprises and Sirius Black's trial
Chapter 7: The Christmas Ball and Family Reunions
Chapter 8: Christmas Day and the New Couples
Chapter 9: Athena's Memories
Chapter 10: Harry's memories
Chapter 11: Year 1 In Athena's P.O.V.
Chapter 13: Pettigrew escapes azkaban and the surprising news
Chapter 14: Anti Dementor classes and Quiditch match
Chapter 15: The Quidditch Final
Chapter 16: Exams and Professor Trelawney's prediction
Chapter 17: The Rat, Dogs,Wolf, Stag, Doe,Fox
Chapter 18: End of the Year and Saying Goodbye

Chapter 12: Second Year in Harry's P.O.V

244 7 0
By Amaem1995

Harry's P.O.V.

Athena just finished showing year one. Now I have to show them year 2. I pointed my wand to my head and took the memories out and put them in the pensieve. We fell into the pensieve. I started the memories when Athena,Fred,George and Ron all rescued me from the Dursleys house with the flying car.

Sirius ,Remus and Dad said you drove a flying car. Athena, Me and Ron said yep be jelly. Mum, Christine and Emerald just laughed at the guys face. The memory changed to us getting to the burrow and Molly coming out yelling at the boys. Ron said now watch Athena's amazing acting skills.

They saw Athena pinch her arm and started to cry.

Molly turned to Athena and said Athena sweetie what's the matter. 12 year-old Athena said I was getting worried I hadn't heard from Harry all summer. I missed him so I asked the boys if they could help me go rescue him. I'm sorry aunt Molly.

Past Molly said don't cry dear.

12 year-old Ron said they had bars on his window mum. Molly said. your lucky I don't put bars on your window Ron. The adults said impressive Athena. Present Athena said thank you. Mum said yep definitely Christine and Sirius daughter Athena smiled.

The memory changed to going to the train station and when the enterance sealed itself and didn't let me and Ron on the landing. Past Ron said we are going to miss the train. Past me looked at a clock near them and. said lets go wait by the car. Past Ron said we can fly the car to Hogwarts. Past me said okay.

Mum said are you serious. Sirius said no I'm Sirius. Dad said Sirius that's really old. The memory changed to when I almost fell out of the car. Mum and Christine hugged each other then they see me getting blown back into the car and past me slammed the door shut and locked it.

present Athena said your welcome for saving your butt for the third time. Mum laughed and said she's a handful like her dad was. Athena said I have been told that. Present me said okay back to the memories and said thanks Love. Present Athena said there is going to be more times that I save your arse again but anyways your welcome and kissed my cheek.

The memory changed to me and Ron getting detention me with Lockheart and Ron with mr.Filch. The memory changed to detention with Lockhart and me hearing the voice. then the memory changed to me, Athena, Hermione and Ron at the place where the cat was peterfied and the message on the wall. The memory changed to the first Quidditch match and the rogue bludger hitting my arm and broke it then it went after Athena and it hit her arm and broke it but she healed it herself. Then the memory changed to when Hermione was peterfied and Athena breaking down in tears and finding the piece of paper with the answers we needed. Then the memory changed to me,Athena and Ron going to save Ginny.

Then the memory changed to when Lockhart tried using oblivate on us but backfired on him. The adults laughed and said that's the reason why we didn't like him. The memory changed to us fighting the basklisk and winning Then the memory changed to the end of the feast saying that Exams were cancelled.

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