Loves a Fight

By Loonlore

221K 4.9K 1.2K

What would you do if your life turned to complete and utter shit after just one day? Would you breakdown and... More

Chapter I Noels P.O.V
Chapter II Kain P.O.V
Chapter III Noels P.O.V
Chapter IV Kains P.O.V
Chapter V Noel P.O.V
Chapter VI Kain's P.O.V
Chapter VII Noels P.O.V
Chapter VIII Kains P.O.V
Chapter IX Noels P.O.V
Chapter X Noels P.O.V
Chapter XI Adrians P.O.V
Chapter XII Kains P.O.V
Chapter XIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XIV Kians P.O.V
Chapter XV Kains P.O.V
Chapter XVI Kains P.O.V.
Chapter XVII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XVIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XIX Noels P.O.V
Chapter XX Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXI Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXV Vincents P.O.V
Chapter XXVI Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXVII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXVIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXIX Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXX Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXXI Joeys P.O.V
Chapter XXXII Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXXIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXXIIII Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXXV Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXXVI Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXXVII Kains P.O.V
Chapter XXXVIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XXXIX Noels P.O.V
Chapter XL Kains P.O.V
Chapter XLI Noels P.O.V
Chapter XLII Kains P.O.V
Chapter XLIII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XLIV Kains P.O.V
Chapter XLV Noels P.O.V
Chapter XLVI Dravens P.O.V
Chapter XLVII Noels P.O.V
Chapter XLVIII Kains P.O.V
Chapter XLIX Noels P.O.V
Chapter L Noels P.O.V
Chapter LI Kains P.O.V
Chapter LII Noels P.O.V
Chapter LIII Kains P.O.V
Chapter LIV Kains P.O.V
Chapter LV Kains P.O.V
Chapter LVI Kains P.O.V
Chapter LVII Noels P.O.V
Thank you!?!

Chapter XXIV Noels P.O.V

3.5K 97 24
By Loonlore

After Kain runs out of the room I stand shocked.
He didn't mean to.
I looked up at Adrian with teary eyes.

"Take me home..." I whisper.
Hopefully Kain was there when I got back.
We needed to talk through this.
We kissed.
I have never kissed anyone before, and for it to be Kain shocked me.
A gang leader can't be good for me.
Can it?

Me and Adrian walk silently to the checkout desk.
He is handed a hefty bill and I try to pay for it.
He glares at me and slides his credit card across the table.
The receptionist looked from me to him with a smirk.

"Such a cute couple" she smiled and winked.
I felt vomit rise up in my throat.

"We" I gesture between the two of us.

"Are not dating" I spoke with firm voice.
Adrian looked at me from the corner of his eye but I ignored him.
We were not dating.
We would never date.
I will never date anybody.

Kain just catches me off guard.
That won't ever happen again.
Not on my watch.

I walk out and see Kains Range Rover.
I look at Adrian and see him looking at the truck with furrowed eyebrows.

"Why didn't he take his car?" I ask shocked he left it here.
Adrian pulled Kains keys from his pocket.
He sighed and walked around to the drivers side.
I hesitantly opened the passenger door.
I had never open the door of this car before.
Everytime I am in this car Kain opens the door for me.

I fix my eyes out the window.
The car starts up and the song I listened to when I was with Kain played through the radio.
My eyes snap to the console.
My mind wonders to my mother.
Her light blue eyes.
Her black hair.
She was beautiful.
My dad....
My dad loved her so much.

A searing pain entered my chest.
I lost them both.
Tears rim my eyes.

I have cried to much in the last month.
I need to knock it off.
The switch flipped and I was back to the way I was before I met these boys.
My eyebrows relaxed as a empty look etched into my face.
I turned my gaze back out the window.

Smoke rose to the sky.
I watched as the smoke slowly turned from a small amount to a shocking size.
Firetrucks raced to the scene.

We pulled up at the house.
I said take me home.
This must be home now.
I jump out of the car and walk inside.
All of the other boys were pacing back and forth
My entrance didn't go unnoticed.

"OMG your ok!" They all ran to me and wrapped me in a group hug.
I stood in place frozen.
They ignored my awkwardness and just hugged me.
Adrian opened the door and paused in his steps.

"Really?" He smiled as he examined the scene.
I begged him for help with my eyes.
He laughed and slowly walked over to the boys.
He pulled them off one by one.

"Thanks for that" I say and roll my neck.
I fell the need to kick some ass.
I looked for my helmet and frowned.
It was still at the ring.
I looked at Adrian and saw he was falling asleep on the couch.
Liam was eating in the kitchen.
I walked to him.

"Can I ask you for a favor?" I ask and watch his eyes widen in shock.
He swallows his food and shakes his head yes.

"Could you drive me somewhere so I can get my bike?" I ask sounding like a robot.
I don't seem to like this me anymore.
I wonder why?

"Sure" he smiles and grabs his keys.
He walks to the garage and I follow.
I see the line of cars.
He walks to a Dodge Viper.
It was mat gunmetal grey.
He got in his side and I climbed into the passenger seat.

"Nice car" I praise and look at him.
He smiles like a kid in a candy store.

"Thanks" he says sounding overly happy.
He must be happy I complimented him.
I look out the window when he stops at the end of the drive way.

"But it's not my car it's Kains..." He laughs running his hands over the wheel.
I shake my head thinking of the last time Kain drove this car...
The graveyard...

"Where to?" He asks not knowing where to go.

"The underground..." I hesitated.
I look to his wide eyes...

"You know where that is?" He asks and pulls onto the road.

"I fight there" I say like that was a dumb question.

"What's your name?" He asks.
Now that may sound like he doesn't remember me.
I knew he wanted to know my ring name.

"Scar" I say looking strait ahead.
His head snaps to look at me.

"Eyes on the road..." I growl and he looks away.

"Your the one who beat Kain?" He asks shocked.
Why is everyone shocked that was me?
I mean I did kick his ass!?!

"Yes, I beat Kain. I have beaten plenty of people" I smile at the memories.
Everywhere I have ever lived I have been a fighter.
Everywhere I have ever been I was undefeated.
I frown as I remember I let Kain win.

"He is the new top dog" I say with so little emotion.

"I thought you were" he asks and states at the same time.

"I let him win" I smile as I think about how he would act if he knew I was telling his gang I let him win.
Liam burst out into a joyous laugh.
A small smile was at the edge of my mouth as I watched him laugh.
He was such an interesting person.

"What?" He asked as he caught me staring.
I shook my head and looked forward.
We pulled into the lot.
He stopped and I climbed out of his car.
He stayed in his car as I walked to my bike.
I grabbed my helmet from under the car that never moves and slide on my bike.
I drive slowly to him.
He rolls his window down and smiles.

"Ready to head back?" He asks looking at me quizzically.
I nod.

"After you" I smile and slip my helmet on.
He pulls away and onto the road.
I follow after him.
He looks at me through his rearview mirror.
When he pulls through an intersection I turn sharply.
I had somewhere to go and I didn't need him to follow.
My phone goes off but I silence it.
I drive down my old road when I hear sirens.
I smell smoke.
I pull slowly by my house and see it's in ashes.
The entire thing is almost burned down.
I speed away.

How could it have burned down?

I sped to the boys house.
I park my bike In the driveway and slide off then walk inside with my helmet in hand.
I open the door and the boys all sigh in relief.
Liam is glaring at me.

"Where did you go" he snaps at me.
I tilted my head quizzically.

"My old house. I found it burned to the ground" I say with a hollow voice.
I turn and see Adrian looking at me funny.
Like he was just realizing something.

"What? How?" Luke spoke up.
His voice foreign to my ears.
Me and him never really talked.

"I don't know" I say like he's an idiot.
How the hell was I supposed to know.

"I'll call Kain" Blake says and pulls out his phone.
At the mention of Kains name I go rigid.
Do I want to see Kain?
Blake pulls his phone away from his ear and frowns.

"He didn't answer" he voices aloud.
Adrian, Luke and Liam look at each other worriedly.

"Don't take it by surprise. He ignores alot of people who need him..." I say with a hint of anger in my voice.

"He always answers us" they all stand up and walk down to the basement.
I try to follow them but they lock the door.
I frown.
What the hell are they doing?
I shrug and walk up stairs.
I walk the hall until I stop at a door I assume is Kains.
I open it slowly.
I walk inside and see that it was a dark room.
Windows all covered with dark curtains.
His bed was even dark.
I walked to the dresser where there were photos of people.
A boy with black hair and steel grey eyes.

A small smile raises to my lips.
I place my finger on the picture and imagine him as a boy.
Kain must have been a handful.

I look to another picture to see a man standing next to a beautiful women.
The man had blond hair and those same steel grey eyes.
The woman had pitch black hair like her son and light green eyes.
She looked somewhat like me.
She had a more defined face and a bright smile.

I haven't had a bright smile since my mom died.
Neither has Kain.

I picture there family.
They look so happy.
They are the picture perfect family.
I spin to examine the room more.
I realize so much stuff was broken and there was a fist through the wall.
I frown.
Why did he trash his room?

I exit the room with one last glance.
I hear the front door open and close, so I walk to one of the window in the hallway and see all the boys cars leaving.
Where are they going?
Probably to look for Kain.

I walk further down the hallway and open the door that I couldn't open before.
It opens to reveal the room I was locked in before.
I make sure to put something in the door to be sure I don't get locked in.
The bed was a mess from the last time I laid in it.
That time I was crying.
I walked into the bathroom and looked at my appearance.
I was wearing Kains clothes and I looked deathly pale
I pinched my cheeks to get some color but none came.
The door bell rang and I jumped in fright.
I jogged down the stairs and looked through the peep hole
No one was there.
I open the door and see a note left on the ground.
I pick it up and walk back inside.
I lock the door behind me.
I walk into the kitchen and place the note on it.
I shouldn't read it because it's not mine.

My curiosity gets the best of me and I open it.

It been a long time Kain
I see you found someone who makes you happy
I will take her just like your father did to me

I stared at the note in shock.

Hope to see you soon

X Vincent

That name sent chills down my spine.
I stared at it a moment longer and pulled out my phone.
I called Kain.
He didn't answer.
I called him again and walked into the entry way.
As I called him a third time the door bell rang again.
I stared at the door for a second and looked through the peep hole.
Kain stood there with his arms full of stuff.
I unlocked the door and he looked up at me.
His eyes widened and he stumbled back.
The look in his eyes showing he was upset.

"Your here?" He whispers and stares at me.
I nod and move from the door way.
He enters all the while staring at me.

"About the...." He tries but I stop him.
I lift up the note and he looks at it.
His eyes turn into slits.
He snatched the note from me and growled.
I watch him as the pieces fall into place.

"Where did you get this!?!" He yells and comes towards me.
I slowly step away from him.
The last time he was this angry he did something I will never forget.
My eyes must have given away how I felt because he closes his as he inhaled.
His eye reopened and they were full of regret.

"In sorry" he whispers as his eyes drifted in-between mine.
I shrug and give him a small empty smile.
His eyes sadden and he looks back at the note.

"The door bell rang seconds before you got here and I opened the door to see this note left on the ground" I answer his earlier question.

"He knows where I live" his voice is deadly and he turns away from me.
He runs to the basement and leaves the door open.
I follow after him and the smell of blood fills my nose.
Once I reach the bottom of the steps I see him at a computer.

There was a room.
It was small and in the corner.
I looked at it wanting to know what was inside.

I decide against going in and walk behind Kain.
He has surveillance footage pulled up.
He was rewinding to the time when the note was dropped.
I watch as he pauses on the man who sets the note down.

"Was it him?" He ask me.

"I don't know. I was upstairs and ran down. When I got there he was gone" I shrug and place my arms on the back of his chair.
He watches me with a questioning look.
I smile and he looks back to the screen.
He pulls up something and a scan goes over the mans face.

"I'll find out who he is" he whispers determined.
The scan lasts for a few more minutes.
Then a buzzer sounds and Kain cusses.

"He's not in the system" he says with a sigh.
He runs his hands through his hair.
I watch as his arms flex in stress.
His shoulder muscles flexing as well.
A slight blush tinted my cheeks.
I spin around before he could see.
I shut down all emotions and I calmed down.
I turned around to see him watching me carefully.
I tilted my head and his eyes get even softer as he watches me.

"What?" I whisper because the air just got heavy.
An aura surrounded us, and I didn't know how to deal with this situation.
I was never placed in this situation before.
He stood and walked closer to me.

"About before..." He spoke but stopped when he saw my face.
I wasn't letting any emotions through.

"What's up? Why aren't you letting me in?" He asks concerned.
I shake my head and close my eyes.
I open them and let him through.
He deserves to see how I feel.
A smile rose to his face.

"I..." He sighs and slides his hands into his pockets looking at me while the words fail him.

"About the kiss?" I ask not sure of what he wants.
His eyes widen at how forward I was.

"Well... Yeah..." He spoke awkwardly.
I watch him curiously.
He is acting strange.
I shrug it off.

"It won't ever happen again. We both are not ready for a relationship. You may be, but I probably never will be. I would rather be alone. We both know that" I add when I saw his face laced with sadness, regret, pain?
I don't understand why he feels this way.
I feel bad about it for some reason.

"I just don't understand how...." I whisper and walk up the stairs.
I haven't been shown love in so long I forgot how it felt.
I don't know if I will ever feel it again.
My heart broke into so many prices that I don't think anyone could fix it.
It's not about whether I like him or not.
It's about the fact that I could never love him back.
I don't know how.
I hope he understands that.

Kain's P.O.V

"About before..." I try but I don't know how to ask her.
She wasn't showing me anything.
It wasn't like her to lock me out.

"What's up? Why aren't you letting me in?" I ask her concerned.
I need to see how she feels.
If she doesn't let me in, I'm flying blind.
She shakes her head and closes her eyes.
She opens them again and they are full of fear.
She is scared about what I'm going to say?
Her eyes change into appreciation.
I smile at how many emotions she must experience.

"I..." I sigh again and slide my hands in my pocket because they are sweating.

"About the kiss?" She speaks up and I look at her in shock.
She wasn't beating around the bush.

"Well... Yeah..." I answer awkwardly.
She watches me curiously.

"It won't ever happen again. We both are not ready for a relationship. You may be, but I probably never will be. I would rather be alone. We both know that" my face contorted in sadness.
She was shutting me out.
This isn't what I wanted.

Her eyes held so much pain.
She looked like she didn't know what to do.
She must have been thinking because she whispered to herself, but I heard.

"I just don't understand how...." Realization struck.
She didn't know how to love.
She didn't know how to trust.
I was pushing her to fast.

Guilt flooded me as I watched her retreat up the stairs with stiff shoulders.
I want her to be able to be open with me.
I want her to trust me.

After what you pulled...

A small voice in the back of my head spat.
I regret that moment so much.
I shouldn't have even....

My hands are clenched in anger.
I wish everyone could just forget that happened and move past it.
I know that's impossible, but I just wish it could.


Does anyone even read this story?
I mean seriously, this is not the best writing style.
I have no clue what I'm doing.
I'm just taking past experiences and throwing them into a story with fake characters.

I hope someone enjoys this story.
~your author

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