It's Where My Demons Hide (A...

By rapmonstahhh

15.3K 412 245

What happens when Loki, the God of Mischief becomes mortal and meets a girl that could make him feel things h... More

Impotent God of Mischief and Discord
Jealousy Is An Ugly Thing
The Fowl in the Magic Box
Beautiful & Broken
He Was Her Safe Haven
Deserving of Revenge
A Bag of Lies
The Truth Will Reveal Itself in the End
The Truth Hurts

A Beautiful Burden

1K 24 15
By rapmonstahhh

A few months had passed since Loki left for Asgard. I hadn't seen him once. The only time I hear about him was when Thor visited. And in those instances, the only thing Thor would say about him was that Loki was doing well and was rarely up to no good. I was sitting in my apartment with Steve, who had been my rock ever since Loki left, when I suddenly felt sick to the stomach. "Sydney, are you okay?" Steve asked.

"I think I'm going to throw up." I said as I ran towards the bathroom.

After that nauseating experience, Steve had me lie down on the couch while called for a doctor. I didn't know why, but the only person on my mind at that moment was Loki. Had he poisoned me? Did he cast a curse on me?

When the doctor arrived, he checked my vital signs and to our shock, I was four months pregnant. With whose child? That we did not know. Since it had been exactly four months since Steve and I slept together. And a few nights later, Loki and I got together. There was a forty-fifty possibility that Loki or Steve was the father.

We sat on the couch, Steve cradling me in his arms. I was wailing. "Steve, what are we going to do?" I asked.

"Nothing, let's have the baby." Steve told me. "I'll love him or her whether I'm the father or not."

I was going to say something, but I had to throw up again. But this time, I vomited blood. "We need to get Dr. Banner." Steve said.

After Dr. Banner checked me with his specialized equipment, he just scratched his head. "Well, this is weird." Bruce said. "The baby seems to have traces of the teceract embedded into its skin. So it can only mean that the father is either Red Skull or an Asgardian." Steve and I looked at each other, worried.

Bruce looked at us weird. "Wait, what's wrong? Please don't tell me Thor is the father."

"No." Steve replied.

I turned to Bruce. "He's the uncle."


I have been in Asgard for almost four months now. Four months since I left Sydney with a lie. I told her that there was never really any love between us, which was true. The lie I realized after I left. When I went back to Asgard, I felt like something was missing. I realized that I did love her. Every day after my sudden epiphany, I have been going to Heimdall to see how Sydney has been doing. Heimdall saw that she was in great emotional pain. But one day, it was different. The pain was physical.

"She has weakened, Loki." Heimdall told me. "Her heart is beating slower and slower as the days pass."

"Why? What is wrong?" I asked.

"It seems that the Midgardian carries a child." Heimdall explained. "Your son. He is very powerful. I doubt that her mortal body could handle it."

"I have to go to her." I told him. "Open the bifrost, Heimdall."

"As you wish." Heimdall replied and he keyed his sword into the bifrost. "But mind you she is dying. There is not much you can do."

Seconds later, I found myself on Earth once again. Oh, how I have missed this place. I immediately made my way to Stark Tower. When I got to Sydney's apartment, I found her sleeping on the couch. I ran my fingers through her hair. Her eyes fluttered open. "Loki?" She asked.

I smiled at her. "Yes, my love?"

She was about to slap me across my face, but then I caught her by the wrists. "Let me explain." She struggled for a while, but then realized that her strength was no match for mine and relaxed. "When I said I didn't love you, I didn't realize it at that time but I really did. I only found out when I left because I started to miss you a lot." I explained. "And do you really think Odin would give me my power back if my love for you wasn't true?"

She just stared at me, tears filling her eyes. She started struggling again, but this time she freed herself from my grasp. I thought she was going to give me a beating but instead she engulfed me in a warm embrace and kissed me.


After our little reunion make out session, I rested my head on Loki's chest because I felt a bit dizzy. "How are you feeling, love?" Loki's asked.

"A bit better now that you're here with me." I replied, looking up at him. He looked worried about something. "What's wrong?"

"I have to tell you something." Loki said as he sat me up. "You're dying because of the baby. And I'm so angry at myself because there's nothing I can do about it."

I caressed his face. "It's gonna be fine Loki. You can take the baby to Asgard and raise him there."

"Unless..." Loki murmured. "I take you to Asgard."

I was a bit confused. "What?"

"HEIMDALL!!" Loki shouted into the void. And in a split second, we found ourselves in what looked like a golden observatory and through the doorway, I could see Asgard.

"Loki, why did you bring me here?" I asked.

"I thought maybe Odin would know what to do." Loki replied.

"There is nothing I can do son." Odin said from behind us. "The child is very strong. Unless Sydney is turned into a goddess, she will surely die during childbirth."

"Then let's do that." I told Loki.

Loki turned to Odin. "No, I will not have her suffer the same consequences as we Asgardians do."

"But Loki..." I said as I tugged at his sleeve. "That would mean I could live longer."

"That is true, but living longer means that you get to see the people you love grow old and eventually die, while you stay young." Loki explained. "To live longer and to almost be immortal is a hideous thing."


Sydney had been in Asgard for more than eight months, and I had noticed the effect of the baby's power taking a toll on her. She had lost a large amount of weight and she had been bedridden for two weeks already. What is worse was that her mood and her memory fluctuated frequently. On one of her good days, I called for Odin to wed us. A few days later, I was sitting at her bedside and she started looking at me differently. "Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm Loki, your husband. Why are you asking?" I told her.

"Where am I? What's wrong with my stomach?" She exclaimed. "HELP ME PLEASE."

"Darling, what is happening to you?" I asked, grabbing her by the wrists.

"Get away from me!!" She exclaimed as she pushed me away.

Then she just looked at me. "Loki?" And then she passed out.

"HELP! I NEED HELP!" I yelled out into the hallway.

The nurse came in and checked her pulse. "There's no pulse."

Tears started to fill my eyes. I cradled her in my arms. "No, please don't die." I placed my lips on hers. "Please don't leave me."

Suddenly, she sat up at a jolt. She breathed heavily and looked up at me. "Loki..." She exclaimed then hugged me.

"Oh Gods." I sighed. "I thought I was going to lose you."

A few days after that, Sydney had finally given birth but she did not make it. The baby boy was positively beautiful, just like his mother. We decided to name him Amos which meant "carried". I left the baby with Sif and went to Odin. "Father, I cannot handle this." I told him. "I cannot handle the fact that I would never get to see her again."

"I have given you a way to save her before, but you refused." Odin explained. "There is nothing else I can do."

"But what if..."I said. "What if you gave her half of my life? Even more than half if it is required."

"But Loki, you know you only have roughly 130 years to live." Odin explained. "If you--"

"Do it father." I told him. "I will do whatever it takes to let her live again."

"As you wish." Odin replied. He approached me, scepter in hand. He pointed it at my heart and brought out a glowing blue ball of light and gave it to me. "Put this in her heart. The two of you will live for 65 more years. Use your time together well my son."

I ran back into the bedroom where Sydney lay lifeless on the bed. I sat down beside her, caressing her face. "See you in a while my love." Then I pushed the glowing orb into her chest. Her body immediately started to regain form. And within a blink, her beautiful now blue eyes fluttered open. "Loki?" She asked.

"Oh darling."I exclaimed wrapping her in an embrace.

"What happened?" She asked. "Where's the baby?"

"I gave you half of my remaining years to live." I replied. "The baby is with Sif. Do you want to see him?"

"Yes please." She said, so I went to get Amos from Sif and gave him to Sydney. "He's so beautiful. Our little Amos."

It was true, he was a beautiful child. The product of our never ending love for each other. I couldn't imagine a better moment. Our family was whole and we were all happy.

The demons were finally gone.

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