Morning, Teach.

By TakeMyWholeLifeToo

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All credit goes to dreamoflight on An Archive of Our Own. "So, how was your first day of school?", he asks i... More

Not Mine
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chaper 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chaper 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chaper 8

198 7 0
By TakeMyWholeLifeToo

Dean clears his throat as he squeezes out of the elevator, past the other tenants of the building, following Cas to his apartment. As he unlocks the door, he feels strange, oddly domestic, with him and Cas walking inside, putting their bags down on the floor and slipping out of their shoes. Dean walks in the kitchen, putting his keys and cellphone on the table, before opening the fridge, looking for something to eat.
"I'm a horrible cook so either we're having sandwiches or you order us pizza, your choice", he says, grinning back over his shoulder at Cas, who's standing in the doorframe, watching him.
He's not quite sure why he's so excited... it's no big deal, he tells himself, bringing people back to his place. Sammy's used to it after the countless times Dean had done it in the past. It is not that commong to have guests staying overnight though, but Dean quickly pushes that to the back of his mind. He can't go there, not now, not yet...
Cas laughs and brushes a hand through his hair, which is mussed more than usual after he had stripped off his sweater, leaving him in a plain button down.
"Well...let me take a look and see what you have..."
He quickly surveys the kitchen and discovers Dean had the makings for a macaroni casserole, minus a few ingredients.
"If you want to run down to a supermarket with me, I could make us a macaroni casserole...?"
Cas looks up from where he was bent over, peering in the fridge, and blushes as he realizes that Dean was staring at his ass. He smirks then, and shuts the fridge door, walking over to push Dean up against the kitchen table, eyes dark.
"Pizza it is then."


Dean's mouth literally waters, as Cas bends down to examine the fridge's contents and when the older man turns around, catches his gaze and strides over to push him against the table, a choked sound escapes the boys throat.
"Pizza.. sounds awesome", he says, licking his lips, as one of his hands comes up to tangle in Cas hair, while the other steadies his body against the table top "Just... another rule... no sex on kitchen furniture - we eat here, you know?"
He grins deviously then, cupping Cas' obvious bulge through his pants and leaning up to lick over his earlobe.
"Although I believe I heard that semen contains important nutrients..."
" we better leave the kitchen, before I'm forced to break one of your rules Dean..."
He tugs away, out of Dean's grasp, walking backwards toward the hallway, a grin on his face.
"And I'd hate to break a rule and never be invited back..."
Cas reaches down and starts unbuttoning his shirt as he walks, stripping it off and leaving it on the floor in the hallway. He pauses then, not knowing where to go from here, and waits until Dean catches up, surprised when Dean pushes him up against the wall of the hallway and practically attaches his lips to Castiel's neck, biting and sucking on the skin there. Cas moans and arches his head away, giving Dean more room, more skin to mark, his hands sliding down to cup the teen's ass through his jeans.


Dean smiles against the warm skin of Castiel's neck, biting down and licking over the marks he makes.

"You're gonna be a good boy, then?", he whispers in his ear, hands roaming over Cas' now naked upper body, his chest, his sides, where he's ticklish and squirms underneath him "Oh, and if you thought my couch was comfy, you're gonna lo*ve my bed."

He leans up to suck at the other man's jaw, before pulling back with a wet sound and taking Cas' hand, leading him over to his bedroom, leaving the door open, as they stumble inside, Dean first. He pulls Cas to the bed, sinking down on it and waiting for Cas to follow, until he's kneeling in front of him. Dean's hands cup both sides of Cas' face, as they take a moment to just look at each other, already breathless.

"God, I want you so much", Dean hears himself say and it's true, not just some phrase, some pick-up line, but Dean laying his feelings bare as honest as he barely did in the past.
Castiel has to physically stop himself from kissing Dean, remembering the teen's strange preference for no kissing, the weird rule he'd laid down after they'd already made out several times. He frowns at the memory, missing the feel of Dean's lips on his, the taste of the boy. He licks his lips and stares at Dean's for a moment, considering breaking the rule and just going for it, taking what he wants, but stops himself by yanking his gaze away and up into Dean's eyes, a soft murmur escaping his lips. He turns his head to press a firm kiss into the palm of Dean's hand, then reaches over and unbuttons the teen's jeans, yanking them and his underwear off in one go.

Cas tosses the clothing away into the corner of the room, then grabs Dean's shirt and strips that off the boy's tanned body too.
'God bless basketball', Cas thinks, as miles of tanned toned skin is revealed before him. He shivers as his fingers slide up Dean's body, slower this time, like the last time they were here, in this apartment, and Cas had tried to teach Dean patience. Now they had the time to, now they could take all night and explore, taste, mark each other.
He pushes Dean back on the bed and leans down, hovering over Dean for a minute, swallowing down the lump in his throat at how breath taking those eyes were and how amazing it felt to be the one here, like this, with Dean.
"....Trust me, okay?"


Dean shivers as he feels Cas' eyes on his lips, trembling as he's trying to figure out whether he wants him to breakt he rule or not... his head is swimming with desire and urgency and need and for a moment he's pretty sure he's going to kill Cas, if he doesn't kiss him right now. But then the moment's over and Cas is undressing him, taking in inch after inch of naked, tanned skin and Dean sighs softly at how hot this makes him, just the look of bright blue eyes on his body. When Cas pushes him back and speaks in a quiet, a soothing voice, Dean doesn't have any other choice. He nods quickly, licking his lips as he feels the heat rising in his body.

"Y-yes.. I trust you, Cas...."

It surprises him, how easy those words fall off his lips, how they don't make his stomach twist in indisposition and reluctance.

Somehow... it feels right...
Cas licks his lips, bringing his lower lip into his mouth as he does it, then gives a soft smile before reaching out and turning the bedside lamp off. The blinds were already drawn, and with the light off the room was cast into darkness. Dean makes a sound of disapproval, but Cas presses to fingers to his lips, voice soft and deep as he murmurs 'Shhh, Dean...'
Cas moves down the bed, making sure Dean is in the middle of it, and forces the boy's legs apart with his hands. A smile ghosts over his face at the harsh intake of breath from Dean in the dark, but he doesn't stop at that, fingers sliding up Dean's thighs, gripping the strong muscle gently. Cas leans down and breathes out, hot breath puffing over the delicate skin where leg meets torso, Castiel's thumbs brushing behind. He moves up, straddling one of Dean's legs, his rough hands skating over Dean's torso, catching rough skin on smooth, bumping over muscles and over ribs, to stop again around his waist, grip firm there once more. Cas leans in and kisses, soft, slow presses of his lips to one stop, then barely moving back to trail his lips and the tip of his nose to the next stop. It's torturous and slow, and then Cas removes all sensation at once, pulling his hands and mouth back to leave Dean blind in the dark, not knowing where he was going to touch next.
There's the barest brush of a tongue over one of Dean's nipples, then a scrape of teeth over the hardening bud, before another touch, nails, scraping lightly down Dean's side, over each rib, bu-bu-bump, down to his hip, to grip there while Cas' mouth works over to the other nipple. He's silent while he moves, wanting to hear everything Dean's experiencing, listen as the arousal and frustration ratchets up.


To be completely honest, Dean hates the idea. He hates not being able to see, to observe, to watch what Cas was doing. He's never liked sex in the dark. The backrooms of The Haight, sure, as long as the dim lights were on or at least flickering. Complete and utter darkness though is a no-go. Not because he's scared, Jesus, he's eighteen! It's just... he'd had sex with so many people, men and - earlier, when he hadn't been sure of his sexuality yet - women and somewhere along the way he had lost track.

The thing is - he knows this is Cas. He can hear him breathing against his chest, his stomach, can feel his rough hands, the hands of an artist, sliding over his skin, caressing every inch they can reach. But what he desperately wants- needs, is to see him, drown in those incredibly blue eyes, see the spark in them when he's found something else to tease Dean with, to delay and extend absolute pleasure. His hands come up, searching for Cas' face and pulling him down, their noses and foreheads touching, as Dean breathes against his lips, slowly, trying to calm down.

"P-please... talk to me......"
Castiel can't help himself from darting his tongue out to brush against the corner of Dean's mouth once, before he speaks, voice all gravel and rough from the arousal spilling over inside him.
"What about, Dean?"
He shifts, the rough sound of the jeans Cas is still wearing rubbing against the bedspread even louder in the dark. Cas lies along Dean's side, body pressed against the boy's, one arm slipping under Dean's head so that Cas can get as close as possible, to whisper in his ear. The other slides down, finger tips trailing over Dean's stomach under it closes around his erection, stroking slowly, hand loose around the boy's cock.
"Do you want to hear how much I love to touch you? ...or how much you drive me crazy?, that first week in school, when you would touch yourself in my classroom, and stare at me... with those eyes..." Cas flicks his tongue out, nibbles on Dean's ear while his hand grips harder around Dean's cock "...How I would lock myself in my classroom during breaks sometimes just so I could touch myself and come, thinking about your lips...?"
Castiel's hand works over Dean slowly, hand moving in precise strokes, thumb brushing over the tip to slick the way with the precome that had beaded there, hinting at how gone Dean was getting.


Dean shudders at the sudden touch of Cas' tongue and for a split second his eyes are wide and his heart is pounding against his ribcage, just one word on his mind 'escape!'... But then Cas is moving them, pushing Dean on his side as, lips on his ear and fingers wrapping around his hard-on. Dean swallows heavily, pressing his lips together tightly, as Cas starts jacking him off slowly, torturing him with languid moves, up and down, twisting, thumb just barely brushing over the tip before joining the rest of his fingers again. His voice does the rest, the rough sound making Dean impossibly hard. His lips part in a heady gasp, as Cas tightens his grip around him, eliciting a low moan from the boy's throat.

"You have.. you've no idea how much you pissed me off", he says then, voice low as he chuckles at the memory of Cas ignoring his advances for the first few days.

Another moan escapes his lips and he arches his back, legs trembling at the amazing feelings Cas is causing inside of him.

"God, you.. I can only imagine how.... hot you'd look..... touching yourself...."
Castiel chuckles, nips along Dean's ear, and speaks again, being honest with both of them in his words, almost a whisper like he can't say them too loud, for fear of anyone else hearing.
"I had daydreams about you all that week... was constantly hard... fuck Dean, I could barely be in the same room with you without having to hold myself back from pushing you into a wall and fucking you senseless..."
He licks down to Dean's neck, sucking another mark there, before continuing to move until he's kneeling between the boy's legs, his mouth so close to Dean's cock he can feel the warm breath when Cas speaks.
"You changed... everything...", he says, and there's a hitch in his breath that hints at something so much deeper than lust and arousal, but right after Cas murmurs that, he takes Dean's cock into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the head and bobbing his head down, desperate to get the hang of this.


Dean can't hold back after that, can't stifle the honest-to-god cry of pleasure breaking from his lips as he feels his cock surrounded by tight, wet heat, and he can't bring himself too spare even a thought to the neighbours. Cas doesn't speak for a while after that but Dean is okay with it, as long as it means that he's busy sucking him off. His movements are a little sloppy but Jesus H. Christ, it's Cas. Cas, who had been the awkward heterosexual at first, Cas who had tried his best to ignore the eleven years younger boy, Cas who taught him everything about art, guided him, made him want to be a better person. Dean moans again, this time low and long-stretched, hands searching for Cas' head and finding it, tangling his fingers into the mop of dark hair, as Cas keeps licking and sucking.

"You... too.....", Dean whispers, one hand over his mouth, more to himself than to Cas, oblivious of saying it aloud at all.

He's lost in his feelings, lost in the shivers and moans Cas is drawing out of him with every lazy slide of his tongue over Dean's cock.
Cas whimpers around Dean's cock when the boy speaks, and Castiel can't help but hear the whispered 'you too' and think 'fuck don't let this be another daydream' and 'I want to live in this moment forever', as Dean writhes beneath him. He sucks Dean down as well as he can, breathing noisily through his nose as mouth and hand work in tandem on the boy.
He moves back eventually, long minutes later, and crawls back up to switch on the light. There's mischief in Cas' eyes, glittering blue as he smiles shyly at Dean.
"I figured out what I want...."
He licks his lips and has to palm his cock through his jeans, eyes fluttering shut for a moment before opening back up again to stare into Dean's eyes.
"...I...uh...wanna watch.... wanna see you open yourself for me...", Cas whispers, and then bites his lower lip and turns beet red.
He's breathing hard, his legs shaking and twitching, as Cas pulls back, leaving his cock wet and throbbing with need. The light, although dim and pleasant, rips a hole in the close to perfect fantasy, causing Dean to blink a few times before his eyes focus on the man above. The words don't sink in immediately and Dean doesn't understand why there's a deep red blush on Castiel's cheeks and his eyes are impossibly wide. When he does realize the meaning of his words, he can't stop himself from gasping lightly, slowly pushing himself back and up, legs still weak and shaky.
"You want me to... touch myself?", he asks quietly, voice nothing more but a low rumble in the back of his throat, continuing to speak before Cas has the chance to reply "Wanna watch how I do it when you're not there? How I get myself ready?"
He smiles weakly, still so very pleasantly exhausted by the prior blowjob, reaching for the bedside table's drawer and pulling it open. There's a wide variety of sex equipment in there and Dean, not looking, grabs the first thing he can reach... a string of anal beads, dark blue, like Cas' eyes right now and Dean chuckles at that thought.

"I... use my fingers first", he says, reaching back inside the drawer once more and pulling out a bottle of lube, coating the fingers of his right hand with plenty of it " this...."

When he pushes the first in, he barely notices. It doesn't hurt, has stopped hurting long ago so the second finger quickly follows, Dean scissoring them and gasping at the instant pleasure shooting up his spine. He spreads his legs wider, hearing Cas' breath hitch in his throat at the sight and smiling to himself, as he adds a third finger, pushing them all in a few times before crooking them, the tips sliding over his prostate just perfectly. The moan that escapes his raw throat is guttural and animalistic and it takes him a moment to calm down a little and go on. When he pulls his hand back and out, he sighs in disappointment but just for a second. The look on Cas' face is priceless. Eyes lidded, directed at him and only him, watching his every movement with fascination and pure and utter lust.

Dean bites his lip, as he's reaching for the sex toy and lifts it to his lips to coat it in saliva. He pushes in the first, a low moan breaking from his lips at the sensation, so different from his own fingers but not less good. Bead after bead disappears inside his body and finally Dean is writhing on the bed, unable to form a single coherent thought.

"C-as.. pl-ease... need you....."
Cas shivers, having stripped out of his jeans while watching Dean do this, touch himself and open himself up for Cas. He swallows hard and nods, his hand stopping from what it had been doing, stroking his cock slowly as he watched the beads slide into Dean, pop in past his entrance. Cas climbs back onto the bed and grabs the ring at the end of the sex toy and gives it a gentle tug, looking up when Dean lets out a soft whine.
"Get a condom...", he breathes, and then slowly pulls the strand out, pop-pop-popPOPPOPPOP as he pulls faster toward the end, shuddering with need as Dean all but screams at the sensations. He slides a hand around his cock, fisting it a few more times as Dean gets his wits back and then fumbles in the drawer for the protection Cas asked for. Cas takes it and quickly rips the package open, rolling the condom on in a practiced motion before scooting closer to Dean.
He frowns slightly, then grabs a pillow and shoves it under Dean's lower back, angling the boy's hips up. A quick coat of lube on the condom and Cas leans forward, over Dean, bracing himself with one hand on the headboard, the other angling his cock in just the right way to slide inside Dean. And slide he does, slipping right past Dean's entrance into him, deep, all the way to the hilt in one smooth motion that pulls a low groan from deep inside of Cas.


Dean's breath catches in his throat as Cas pushes inside of him, his cock throbbing with need against the tight walls of the young boy. He reaches up to grab Castiel's hips pulling him in closer and wrapping his legs around his, changing the angle for Cas to slide even deeper in.

"Cas, oh.. Cas..."

He can't control the sounds getting ripped from his throat any longer, throws his head back against the pillow and screams out, as Cas starts moving, not slow like the last time or slightly awkward like their first time - Cas is moving with precision, determination, every thrust hard and targeted, every single thrust slamming into Dean's prostate, reducing him to a writhing, squirming mess beneath the blue eyed man.
Cas decides somewhere in the back of his head, as he's plowing into the boy below him, that he could do this every day for the rest of his life, and never tire of it. It sparks something inside his belly, and he growls it out in Dean's name, hissed from his lips as he grabs Dean's hips and thrusts into him, hard, harder, slamming inside him like he belonged there and only there.
Castiel moves a hand to Dean's butt, sliding along the crack and finding some of the lube there that had slipped down, away from his entrance, slicks his fingers with it and then returns his hand to the boy's cock, stroking in time with his thrusts. Cas' eyes are dark as they watch Dean, lip twitching when he thrusts in all the way, either from pleasure or watching Dean's body shake with it, Dean couldn't be sure which. Cas lets out a broken breath around Dean's name again, hips stuttering as he pushes in all the way, then pulls out and flips the boy over, on hands and knees, and pulls Dean's hips back towards him, until Cas can thrust back inside, fully sheathing himself in one long stroke.
"Ah-...god...dammit, fucking tight.."
Cas grips the boy's hips tight as he starts thrusting into him again, slower this time, but long, full strokes, out to the tip and then in to the hilt, over and over. Cas leans forward and kisses along Dean's shoulders, soft, lingering kisses that speak of something more than a fuck, more than just sex with a student that Cas shouldn't have looked twice at.


Dean presses his head down into the mattress, as Cas fucks in him hard and fast. He can't think anymore, can't even form other words than 'Cas' and 'god' and 'fuck', as the older man slams inside of him, marks him with ever thrust and every pull on his cock, makes him his. And Dean doesn't mind. He'd give up everything in this moment, literally everything to stay like this forever. His whole body is shuddering, vibrating with the power of Cas' thrusts but he manages to lift his hips a little more, allowing Cas slide in even deeper. His lips fell open by now, loud gasps and cries of pleasure ripping from his throat at every movement of his lover. He cries out again, Cas' name on his lips almost like a prayer. He's so close, so close and he can't hold back. Cas is surrounding him, embracing and holding him. Cas is everywhere and Dean wouldn't have it any other way...

"Cas... please... wanna s-see you...", he manages to breathe out, the soft sound almost inaudible as it's whispered in the pillow beneath the teenage boy.

Cas stills behind him, then, for a few endless seconds, nothing happens. Then he pulls out, leaving Dean feeling empy again, until he flips them around one more time until Dean's on top, hands left and right to Cas' head, as he sinks down on his lover's cock again, gasping at the pleasure that rushes through his spent body.
Cas helps Dean seat himself fully on his cock, grunting out at the tightness that once again envelops him. He hisses slightly, watching himself disappear into the boy, and only when his cock is completely inside does he flick his eyes up to look into Dean's. Cas stills then, hands wrapping around Dean's hips firmly, and his entire body is frozen for a moment, breath caught in his throat, eyes wide.
" beautiful Dean..."
He reaches up with one hand and pulls Dean down, wanting with every fiber of his being to seal this, mark Dean with his lips and taste him once again, and it's with regret in his heart that he settles for placing a lingering kiss against the boy's forehead, both hands cupping his cheeks. Cas takes a shuddering inhale and then moves, shoving his hips upward, feet braced against the bed and knees bent just enough to give him leverage to thrust up, into the boy. Cas lets out a gasping moan and then lets go of Dean's face, one hand skating down his own body and then jumping up to wrap around Dean's cock, pulling in rhythm with the slow bouncing that Dean has picked up.
"Ride me Dean...ride me...make yourself come on my cock...", Cas whispers, voice rough and ragged as his breath comes in long shaky inhales and exhales.


Seconds later Dean is completely lost in the quickly accelerating pace of their moves, in the way Cas' hips cant up, the sweet slide of his cock deep inside him. He can control the movements better from up here, can decide on the angle and force and he loves it. His hands find the headboard, holding himself up there, as he moves his pelvis up and down again and again. Cas' husky voice is what finally does the trick, what finally sends him over the edge. He's sinking down on the dark haired man in one last, powerful thrust, feels him throbbing inside of him, his hand enveloping his leaking cock - and then he's coming. He arches his back, as he empties himself, splurting over the man beneath him, before he collapses back on the bed, Cas' slipping out of him that way.

Lying on his back, Dean closes his eyes, feels wave after wave of pure rapture rushing over him, feels his blood boil in his veins, Cas' name on his lips like an endless chant or a mantra. He feels the man shift, crawling over to him and then he's kissing his temples, his cheeks, where tears of bliss cover the sweaty skin and Dean lets out a shuddering exhale, pulling Cas close. He's breathless, not able to say something yet, so he reaches up to let his hand glide over the man's beautiful face, wiping the sweat off his forehead and letting his thumb stroke softly over his slightly chapped lips. His eyes linger and he feels that tension again, that desire to give in, to break his rules and fucking kiss him senseless. He closes his eyes and just breathes for a moment and when he opens them again, he scrambles on his knees, pushing Cas on his back and climbing back on top of him. He still hasn't come and Dean wants to finish him, wants to do this the right way. There's a pattern of his own come all over Cas' body, even droplets of it up his neck and Dean smiles at the sight. Leaning down, he whispers against Castiel's ear, feeling him shudder with want at his words.

"You look beautiful like this.. I wanna come on your face some day..."

Then he reaches one hand down to wrap around Cas' cock, smirks at the man once more, before sliding down his body and closing his lips around the head, licking and sucking, until Cas is the one who's moaning uncontrollably.
While Dean's mouth and hand around his cock send fiery licks of pleasure straight up his spine to melt his mind, making it hard to think about anything, Cas manages to focus on one thing while he's coming undone beneath his student.
Dean had said 'some day'.
As in 'some day soon', as in 'this isn't the last time we'll be doing this' in 'I want more of this, more of you'. Cas makes a strangled broken sound in his throat as the connotations sink in, as the idea of being with Dean more than just this becomes more than just a flicker of hope, hidden deep inside of Castiel's mind.
He moans out a soft 'Dean....gonna-....gonna come...', and his entire body arches up toward Dean's, muscles stiff and shaking as he climaxes.
Cas slowly comes down from the high, panting and staring at the ceiling. He shivers then, the sweat on his body cooling him now that he isn't focused on the pleasure coursing through him, and lets out a soft laugh.
" were right...this is a much...much better setting for this."
Dean softly chuckles around the slowly softening flesh, swallowing down whatever Cas' offers him, before pulling off with a wet, popping sound. Licking his lips, he crawls back up, where Cas is lying completely spent, one arm above his head, the other lying loosely to his side. Dean sinks down next to him, still heavy breathing and presses close, for the moment not giving a shit about whether or not this counts as snuggling. He blindly reaches for the thin blanket, pulling it over their naked bodies and then rests his hand against Cas' steadily heaving chest.
"Told you.. my bed's amazing..."
He closes his eyes and for a moment everything is perfect. He feels comfortably exhausted and unusually... happy....... Pushing himself up on his elbows, he looks down into Cas' relaxed face, grinning slightly as he speaks again.
"Now- you were promising me pizza, teach..."
Cas smirks and chuckles, brushing a hand through Dean's sweaty hair and over his cheek to brush at the boy's cheekbone with his thumb. He stares into Dean's green eyes for a moment, so very badly wanting to kiss him, to just feel the warmth of Dean's lips pressed against his own, wants it so bad his chest hurts. He swallows then and licks his lips, lying back to look up at the ceiling again.
"Yeah... go grab my cell... it's in my bag, and I'll call a place I know near here..."
He shifts, stretching slightly and makes a pleased sound.
"I like hawaiian pizza, so unless you're alright with pineapple, we're getting two pizzas."
Dean makes a face at that last comment, mumbling "Ugh, gross" before scrambling on his feet. His legs are still shaky and his rear hurts a bit but he makes it to the door, stepping over the clothes they had shed like a snake's skin and slipping outside in the hallway. He fumbles around in Cas' bag for a moment until he finds the cell and just as he's getting up from the floor, his eyes fall on the corner of the sketchbook, looking out of another compartment of the bag. Dean smiles to himself, pulling the book out and placing it on the small table right next to the door, opening it and turning to the newest page. His breath catches in his throat at the image of himself, naked torso and soft smile on his face, eyes closed, asleep and completely at peace. Dean stares at it for a few seconds, then his eyes scoot down to where Cas had made a note.
'I want to see what you look like when you wake up', stands there in his graceful , slightly italic handwriting and Dean bites his lip at the soft sound that escapes his throat.
He shuts the book again, sliding it inside Cas' bag and finally makes his way back to the bedroom. Cas is propped up against the headboard by now, blanket still covering his body below his chest and he's obviously looking around Dean's room.
"See anything you like?", he asks but what had been intended to be cocky and teasing, sounds weak, tender and affectionate.
Dean stands in the doorframe for a moment, just looking at the man in his bed, wondering when it had come this far, when he had turned in such a girl. When he slips back into bed, Cas has his arm around him, pulling him in, as Dean hands him his phone, eyes on the older man all the time.
Cas chuckles and pulls Dean closer, murmuring "You" against his forehead, before unlocking the phone and quickly looking up the number of Extreme Pizza, a pizzeria nearby. He orders a hawaiian, then looks at Dean, grins, and orders a second pizza, Meat Lovers, then holds the phone out for Dean to say the address into it. The guy quotes him the price and says "30-45 minutes, man" and hangs up. Cas turns the phone off and reaches over Dean to place it on the dresser, before turning his attention back to the boy in his arms.
He rubs a hand up and down Dean's back slowly, admiring the smooth skin kissed with freckles, the way his bones and muscles move as Dean lazily wraps himself around Castiel's body, resting his head against Cas' chest. Cas hums softly, and takes Dean's left hand with his right, intertwining their fingers and brushes his lips over the knuckles of Dean's hand. He chuckles at the laughter this brings out of the boy, and scrapes teeth gently over the fingers this time, which gives him a shiver and a soft moan instead. Cas smirks and lays their hands back down on the bed, leaning his head down against the top of Dean's, content in the quiet for a moment.
It had been far far too long since he'd felt even remotely this excited about someone. The excitement at the beginning of his relationship with Meg was short lived- before the end of the first month they were already in a holding pattern of guilt trips and controlling behavior on her side, and giving in and giving up on his.
This is different, Cas thinks, and swallows down the emotion that still prods at him to be named. This is something else entirely, something to be explored and unveiled over time, not to be rushed into, more than they already had, anyway. He smiles at that thought and kisses the top of Dean's head, murmuring softly.
"Tell me a story.... about anything... just tell me a true story about you, or your life..."
Dean's breathing steadily by now, eyes closed at the soft caresses and slowly heaving chest of the other man. When Cas speaks up again, Dean doesn't open his eyes, biting his lip as he thinks.
"Anything?", he asks, sighing softly, as his thoughts wander to a place far away, where guilt and frustration had been reigning over his life.
Cas nods, breahing "Anything" against the top of his head and Dean throws his worries over board. This is Cas after all... there's nothing he has to hide, right? So Dean talks. About his parents, how little he could remember after all those years and about how much he misses them nonetheless. He tells Cas about Sam, about how talented he is, how clever, how Dean wants him to have anything in the world. Cas had never asked with words but Dean knows it's an obvious question, how he and Sam manage to afford an apartment and cover all the costs for school and daily life. So Dean tells him about their mom's family inheritance, about how Mary Campbell's family had been incredibly rich and tight-fisted and how Mary had saved the largest part of the family fortune for her children.
"Sammy's gonna go to college as soon as he's done", Dean says and he's smiling at the thought "I just... I just know he's gonna make it out of here.... you know... wife, 1.5 kids, a house in the suburbs... maybe even a dog..... he's totally a dog person...."
"I prefer cats parents never wanted me to have pets, and Meg is allergic though."
He grimaces, realizing he brought up his ex, and then realizing he hasn't told Dean yet that he broke up with her, that they were still living together but that Cas was all Dean's now. He pauses, not sure if he should, and decides on not telling him when Dean doesn't respond, just stays quiet. Cas moves on then, and talks about his own life, comparing their lives in the way he speaks.
He doesn't miss his parents, even though he sees them most Sundays for a family dinner, that was really 'more like a guilt trip for not being married and having grandchildren yet'. How every Easter and Thanksgiving, even Christmas, was another time for them to try and convert Gabriel away from his 'sinful ways', and back into the 'Light of God'. He sighs then, and shakes his head.
"There's nothing wrong with Gabriel though... there never has been. He's not happy, right now, but it has nothing to do with the fact that he's gay. He just wants a stable relationship, and he can't seem to find someone who likes him enough for that."
Cas brushes his hands through Dean's hair absentmindedly, thinking about his brother, and how lonely Gabriel had seemed the last he saw him.
"...At least he loves his job though... he's a writer, writes for a lot of different comedy shows like 30 rock and South Park and Saturday Night Live. Of course, it's all over the net, but it pays well enough. He actually doesn't live far from the school..."
Cas pauses then, once again, realizing he was rambling, and looks down at Dean. It was so easy just to talk, knowing Dean was listening, and not judging him, but just learning more about him, and hearing everything he had to say without interrupting or telling him that whatever he had just said was wrong because of XYZ. He hadn't had that in a long time either. Dean was opening up new worlds for Cas, just by being there, just by being him.
"Rambling again... huh?"
Dean shakes his head, smiling up at him sympathetically.
"Stop saying that", he mumbles, lips brushing over the skin of his chest, gently kissing his collarbone, as he looks up at the other man out of bright, green eyes "It's okay, you know... you can tell me-.. whatever you wanna talk about....."
He clears his throat, one of his hands coming up to slide over Castiel's upper body. Dean leans back, resting his head on Cas' shoulder, and reaching up to cup Castiel's cheek, thumb brushing softly over the smooth skin there. They look at each other for a long moment and Dean feels his heart pounding against his ribcage, feels the blood in his veins rush at the sight of Cas, looking down at him with so much tenderness that it almost hurts. He feels Cas shift, leaning down until their faces are only inches apart and Dean can feel his breath on his lips.
The ringing of the doorbell makes them jerk apart, Dean sitting up straight and Cas scrambling on his feet, searching for his pants and shirt, as he leaves the room to get the pizza and pay the delivery boy. Dean's breathing hard, hand clamping on his chest, as he feels like his heart would jump out of his body any moment. Just now, seconds ago, he'd been certain that Cas was going to kiss him... He swallows down the excitement and confusion and fear, as Cas returns to the bedroom, two large pizza boxes in hands. Dean gets up off the bed, quickly putting on some shorts and guiding Cas back to the living room, taking the boxes out of his hands and putting them down on the coffee table. He slumps down on the couch, reaching for the remote control to turn on the TV, some baseball game flickering over the screen.
"Oh, Giants...nice."
He looks over at Dean with a smile, and even though it's just a replay of a previous game, Cas is happy to watch. He grabs himself a few slices of his Hawaiian and digs in, moaning slightly around the pizza, eyes fluttering shut.
"It might be wrong of me, but if there's a heaven... I don't want to go unless they have pizza."
Cas sits with his legs spread, the plate balanced on one leg, when he realizes that he doesn't have anything to drink.
"Uh, taking a shot in the dark here, but to you have any beer?"
He raises an eyebrow at the underage boy, wondering if Dean would break a rule about sleeping with his teacher, what else he would bend the rules around.
Dean rolls his eyes at him, stuffing a slice of pizza into his mouth and getting up. He heads over to the kitchen and fetches Cas and himself a bottle from the fridge, before returning to the living room and handing Cas his.
"Not... a word", he says, winking at him and sitting back down on the couch.
He's finished with his pizza first, always terribly hungry after sex, and once the plate is set back on the coffee table, Dean spreads out on the couch, head resting in Cas' lap, only inches from his own plate. He doesn't look at Cas, eyes fixed on the TV, but he can feel the man's eyes on him and smiles contendly.
Cas makes a motion like he's zipping his lips, then smirks at Dean, and uses a key ring on his keys from his bag to open both bottles. He tosses the keys back into his bag and notices that the notebook was returned to his bag, but in a separate area. Cas blushes slightly and looks over at Dean, but the boy doesn't seem to be acting any differently.
Castiel takes a sip of the beer and makes a happy sound before putting it back down on the counter. One of the players on the TV makes a play, getting the first home run of the game, and Cas claps and leans forward, watching the game, riveted. He blinks and blushes, glancing over at Dean and smiling just a bit.
"Baseball is the one athletic thing I like... besides rock climbing. I played in high school."
He leans back again and frowns slightly.
"You're basketball right?...I'll have to come watch a game."
Cas smirks, and picks up his beer again, arching a brow at Dean.
"...If you'll let me..."
Dean averts his eyes from the TV, looking back at Cas and smiling cockily.
"Well, if you can handle hours watching me getting all worked up and sweaty without laying a hand on me... sure!"
He takes a sip from his own bottle and puts it back down on the couch table, before he sits back up and takes Cas' bottle from him as well. He reaches for the remote control to mute the TV, then moves his legs to either side of Castiel's body, not yet sitting down in his lap. Leaning down to brush his lips against Cas' earlobe, he chuckles lowly and breathes soft, seductive words against the hot skin.
"I could use another round, teach..."
Cas grabs his ass and pulls him down, grinding their groins against each other a few times, before rolling them over, pinning Dean down beneath him. They do it again, this time slow and considerate, yet not less passionate than before and when Cas collapses on the younger boy, they lie like this for a long time before any of them can move. Dean pulls his teacher up and back to his bedroom, dropping on his bed and pulling Cas in his arms. He's beyond exhausted but the comfortable buzz rushing through his whole body, as Cas wraps his arms and legs around him lulls him into sleep soon. He snuggles closer, eyes closed, lips slightly parted and just before everything fades away, a soft whisper of 'Cas' comes over his lips.

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