Saved By The Jock

By Ohhlala_77

4.5M 114K 38.7K

A victim of child abuse ever since the death of her mother, Cassidy Taylor has become a shy, quiet girl who's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Opinion From You (Please Read)
Chapter 27
Special Chapter
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Valentine Special
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Story Idea (Not an update but please read)
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Last Goodbye

Chapter 39

48.2K 1.2K 324
By Ohhlala_77

Chapter 39

Unknown's POV

I was pacing back forth across the room until I can't hold my anger anymore. I punched the wall with my fist as hard as I can earning a gasp from the stripper behind me.

I turned around and gave her a glare then turned back to my side.

"You're so fucking stupid! I didn't ask you to run over her, I told you kidnap her not run over her. How hard is that to understand?" I punched the idiot's face leaving him groaning in pain.

"I didn't mean to sir, it just sort of happened." He coughed and spit a bit of blood.

"What if I killed your mom and I'll tell you that it just sort of happened?" I said every word with venom dripping in it.

He instantly stiffened and his face hardened. His gaze found mine and I can see the fury in them.

Mother Fucker, I don't care.

"You wouldn't." He said between his teeth.

"You want to see me try?" I smiled mischeivously.

He made a sound at the back of his throat then walked away with that.



Cassidy's POV

"Cassidy?" I heard a faint whisper in my ears.

I opened my eyes slowly, blinking rapidly to avoid the stingin sensation. Once I opened my eyes I saw Carson hovering above me with a weary expression, his stubble chin became hairy, there's also a big dark bag under his eyes and his once defined cheekbones were now hollow.

To be honest? It doesn't look like him anymore.

"Who are you?" I asked him, my voice hoarse and dry.

His expression changed into a whole different level. Awhile ago there's a glint of happiness dancing in his eyes but now, it was completely wiped off, leaving no trace.

"You don't know me?" He looked like he saw a ghost, his face became pale and his voice breathless.


"You didn't even let me finish, of course I know you but what have you done to my hot boyfriend?" I laughed loudly but then immediately stopped when I noticed that they weren't laughing.


"Come on, lighten up." I smiled cheekily.

"You tell me to lighten up when you almost scared me to death? I almost had a heart attack when you asked me that question." He said in a slightly angry voice.

Wrong move.


"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, I just have a little headache." I almost touched my head when a painful sting shot up.

I winced and yelped at the same time, the doctor immediately rushed to my side. He forced my eyes to open and waved the flashlight in a right to left motion.

"Is she okay?" I heard Carson's voice piped in.

"She's having a minor headache which usually happens to a person who underwent coma."

"So does that mean that she'll be having headaches for once in awhile?" Carson asked the doctor with his hands drawing small circle at the back of my hands.

"You got that right, but the nurses will bring her the pain killers to lessen the pain of her head and legs." The doctor told us.


I looked up at Carson and gave him a questioning look. He looked at me with pity, instead of telling me what's really going on. He squeezed my hand tight.

I want to know the truth, the answer to my question so I took the risk to ask the doctor.

"What's my condition?" I blurted out shakily, terrified of knowing the truth.

Carson looked at me with wide eyes, he looked just as terrified as me, terrified of me knowing the truth.

"Uhm you-" Carson started but then was cut off by Doctor Mandell as his name tag stated.

"You have three broken ribs, a minor concussion, you're very lucky that you didn't have internal hemorrage but then I'm sorry to tell you this, your right leg- your right knee rather is dislocated."

And that's when a felt a whole truck of metal bars were thrown to me.

"Can I still walk?" My vision were blinded by tears, my grip loosening on Carson's hands.

"You can but you have to use crutches, and also avoid strenuous activities especially sports and dancing." He tipped his glasses and offered me a sad smile.

"But that doesn't mean that I have to use them for my whole life time right?"

No one answered.

"Right?" I repeated once more.

"We're not sure about that, use the crutches for awhile then come back after a month so that we could take a look at your injury."

This can't be.

This just meant that my whole life is depending on this fucking crutches.

"Thank you doc, I think she needs to process this." Carson shook his hands while I watch him walk away.

The moment the door was shut I broke into a series of sobs, I buried my face in my hands and cried my heart out.

I'm so fucking stupid that I let that car run over me.

"Cass. Please don't cry," Carson pried my fingers gently off my face.

"How can I not cry when I'm not even sure if I can walk normally? Tell me! It all happened because of my stupidness!" I cried out loud.

"Don't be too hard on your-"

"I even tried to stay away from you and look what I've got? 3 broken ribs and a dislocated knee?" I laughed humorlessly.

"Wait what? You tried to stay away from me?"

He looked at me like I've grown another head. I slapped my mouth shut when I realized that I slipped out the words that I never meant to say.

"I-I don-"

"No, no. Tell me the truth." He demanded.

"I tried to stay away from you and your family because I felt like I was a burden. You're family's into a dip shit because of me, I've been nothing but a problem, I even caused your family problems which you don't deserve." I wiped my tears furiously.

"Hey," he used his index finger to lift my chin up and meet his gaze. "Even though you cause us problems, we're still lucky to have you, you know? Before you came into our lives, it was boring back then and when you came, everything became exciting and well worth living for. Then when I realized that I love you? I realized that maybe weird is fun, that I am really lucky to have you and I found a person who makes me want to live." He wiped my endless tears away.

"You just said that to make me feel better," I said in a rough voice.

"No, you don't understand. Before you came into my life I was like a living dead especially after my brother died. I used to lock myself up in my room and I only get out when it's time to eat. And then I realized that maybe there's someone out there who experienced what I had experienced. So I put myself around people, play and break girls' heart to make me forget the pain. Other people might think that I'm a heartless player but I'm not. That's when you came, I decided to pick on you everytime to get your attention because I wasn't get used to girl ignoring me, or girls who aren't giving me attention. Then when you were put into this hospital I felt like my soul is slowly dying, fading with you. I'm still a broken little boy after all." His voice cracked.

I'm sorry that I couldn't patch things up for myself.

I wanted to say it out loud but the bitch side of me came out.

"Am I really that important to you? Or are you just saying all of this because you felt like you're responsible for this?" I blurted out.

"What do you mean?" His expression was impassive.

"I mean, I know that you're a player and all. They say that players mastered how to sweet talk, so maybe you're doing this to-"

"Do you hear what you're saying? Do you honestly hear yourself? What is wrong with you? You think that I pity you, you think that I'm only with you because I pity you is that what you think? Do you really think that lowly of me? I may be a player, but that doesn't mean that I can't change. I've never left your side through your bullshits and you're really saying these things to me? Everytime I try to help you, you tend to push me away! Why is that? Of all people, I don't expect you to say this. You know me better than anyone else." He shouted in anger.

I'm sorry.

Silent tears were flowing down my face. I didn't wipe them away, it caused me too much energy to.

"Do you really wanted to know why? It's because I'm worthless! Don't you see? You're wasting your time over a worthless shit who does nothing but cause you shit loads of problems. You deserve someone better Carson, someone who's good enough for you." I sobbed through it all.

"Are you implying that you don't deserve me? Is that it? Are you trying to get rid of me already?" He asked in a much calmer voice.

"No that's not it."

"Then what is it? Because it hurts to see you like this! I love you so much that it fucking hurts! So tell me what do you want?" He shouted once again.

"I-I, I don't know what I want. I just don't know what I want anymore." I broke into a big ugly sob.

"Then why don't you let me help you figure it out? Figure out what you want?" He asked softly.

"I don't know.. I'm so sorry," I bit my lip to prevent it from shaking.

He didn't reply.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking when I said those things. I'm just too tired of everything." I held onto his hand and looked at him with a pleading look.

"Are you tired of me already?" He asked, tears brimming at the corner of his eyes.

"No! How could you say that?" I asked him in a panicked voice.

"Because it seems like it." He shrugged, his face remained blank.

"No, I will never get tired of you." I gripped his hand tighter, afraid of letting go.

"I'll just go home and take a shower, then grab some new clothes." He let go of my hand and stalked off leaving me tear streaked and sobbing.

Before he closed the door I swear I heard him say something.

"But you know what hurts the most? When the person you love might not love you as much as you do."


I messed up again.

'That's the second time you let him walk away from you, you bitch.'

I cried silently with my shoulders shaking until someone banged the door open. I jumped slightly and looked at the person, it turns out that Carson told his mom to replace him.

"Aww honey, it's alright. Just let him cool off and he'll come around." Rachel rushed towards me and engulfed me in a hug.

"No. This time it's really my fault. I shouldn't have doubted his love for me." I buried my face on her shoulder and let it out.

"It's okay, every couple fight. I'm sure that both of you would be in great terms again when you wake up. Cause right now, I want to you to take a nap and forget everything okay?"


"No buts. Now go to sleep." She kissed my forehead before flicking the lights off.

Once the door was shut, I can't control the things that come to my mind.

'Of all things that you could say to him why would you choose those hurtful ones?' My internal godess spoke up.

'I don't know, it just came out of my mouth.' I sighed momentarilly.

'Did you forget what Cameron told you?'

My eyes snapped open in alerts the moment I remember him.

That dream, shit.


I broke my promise.

I slapped my head and forced my brain to shut down.

I found myself standing in a wide empty white space, everything seems so peaceful, so quiet.

"Hello?" I spoke up, though it echoed across the space.

"Is anybody here?" I tried once again.

"Well, it's nice of you to visit me again Cassidy." I heard the voice of Cameron pipe in.

I squeezed my eyes shut, aware that I broke my promise and here he is making me pay the consequence.

"I'm sorry! It slipped out of my mind, I didn't mean to but it just did. I'm so sorry, I promise that I'll tell them once Carson and I are in good terms again. I'm so sorry please don't hurt me, I'll make it up to you." I said in a quick breath.

I peeked through my right eye to look at him, I expect him to be angry but he laughed at me.

"You- haha. You thought that I would hurt you?" He chuckled.

"You wouldn't?" I asked him shakily.

"Of course not. And I can't. I'm dead remember?" He winked at me.


"So why am I here?"

"I just want to give you this." He handed me a toy car.

I examined it and looked at him curiously.

"What's this?"

"That was supposed to be Carson's present from me before I died. I want you to give it to him and tell him that I told you to. And greet him a happy birthday for me." He smiled gently although it didn't reach his eyes.

"I will, I'm sorry I didn't tell them awhile ago, I just can't think straight with all of this happening." I sighed tiresomely.

"I know, but I also know that you can get through this all. You're a brave girl and with Carson on your side, you can do it."

"He hates me right now." I looked at my shoes, embarrassed of what I told him.

'But you know what hurts the most? When the person you love might not love you as much as you do.'

It replayed in my mind and you can't miss the pain in his voice.

"That would be impossible. He can't possibly hate you, he loves you. You just have to stop doubting him and let your heart take the lead." He smiled at me.

"I know but I can't help it sometimes." I felt the lump growing at the back of my throat.

"In love, there's gotta be trust for it to work." He told me slowly for me to catch it.

I nodded gently in understanding and gave him a smile.

"Thank you."

He nodded and smiled before disappering. More like vanished Right. In. Front. Of. Me.

Holy shit.

I opened my eyes and wiped the sweat when I realized that there's something heavy on my free hand. I took a look at it and saw the toy car that I was supposed to give him.

A knock interrupted my thoughts.

"Come in,"

The door squeaked open and when the person showed himself I suddenly forgot how to breathe.


Got you back there didn't I?:))

She's a little bit of a bitch and I hate it. :|

Anyways who do you think the person is?

Please Vote, Comment and Fan!:)

Thank you for 107k! Help me with the votes??:)

Help me get 60 votes for this chapter or maybe more? And comments oh god I need theeem.

I won't be able to update next week since exams are coming, so I'm going to leave you with this!:) enjoy!:)

-ohhlala_77 xx

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