Kindred Souls ( A Zak Bagans...

By texan77

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What happens when a famous rock star/actress meets paranormal investigator Zak Bagans...the two become best f... More

My Beginnings...Chapter 1
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 47

236 11 1
By texan77

Secrets and Family Feuds

"What the hell are you doing Cheryl?..stay out of this!" Dan was mad and not happy that his wife wanted to get in the middle of a family she hung up with Zak.
"I'm saving Maddy, that's what I'm doing! you want her growing up like Mandy did?"
"That's not our call to make Cheryl.." Dan tried to explain.
"Oh yes it is, you walked away from Marie for two reasons, she's was unfaithful and she drank, you never fought for YOUR daughter or YOUR marriage..I'm not having this baby walk that walk, or live this life...Mandy is slowly turning into Marie, and if we don't help them now, Zak will be raising this baby on his own...and Maddy will be laying her mother to that what you want for any of them?"
"No, it's not." Dan hung his head.
"You have always let Mandy do what she wanted, when she wanted, and say what she wanted...I never felt I could step in cause she wasn't mine, but Maddy is all of ours..we are her family..this stops now Dan...right here..tonight!" She was drinking walking out the door, you know she's drinking at dinner..not to mention she's out with another man.."as she pointed toward the front door.
As he gave a sigh, he knew Cheryl was right.
"Zak is on his way, and his instructions were for us to stay up here with the baby while he handles Mandy, no matter how much shouting goes on..that's what he wants...he knows her better than anyone, and honestly he is the only one that can handle her now...don't you see that it's bad for her here..." As she and Dan embraced, hoping all could be salvaged.
On the plane Zak was angry, clinching his fists in first class, thinking of what could be happening at dinner, and knowing if he'd just been honest, none of this would be happening, his family would be intact and Mandy wouldn't be out drinking. "God please get her home safe..I'll handle the rest." As he prayed under his breath...the plane landed at LAX and Zak rushed through airport, he reached his car service and told the driver to hurry, it was reaching midnight.
Standing at my car..I was ready to leave, we'd drank, talked, and laughed.
"Listen...I meant what I said two years ago..I still want to be with you, Marry me..come on...I don't know what he did to make you leave with Maddy, but I'll take care of you both...whatever you decide...You girls will have whatever you want." as Leo leaned in to kiss me with his hands around my waist..and I indulged in the thought of being his...and welcomed that very long, passionate kiss, as we finished I pulled away..
"I just have a lot to think's not that easy anymore..I've got her to put first, and I didn't do that tonight...major parent fail." as I teared up, "plus I drank...and..I can't do that anymore either."
"I understand, take all the time you need, you ok to drive home?" as he put his hand in my cheek.
"Yes, I only had a couple drinks..that's nothing" as I laughed, got in my Mercedes, and sped off.
Pulling into the drive I was tired, and a bit ashamed of myself..I picked up my phone to call Zak, but couldn't push the call button, I just wanted to go upstairs, check on my sleeping baby and go to bed. I walked in, and didn't even notice a certain someone sitting on the couch facing the door.

I threw my keys on the table in the foyer and took off my heels...then I heard someone clear their throat, thinking to myself, I'm going to get some weird lecture from Dad about being out too late or drinking, (but it's ok with him to go out with my ex) I turned around I dropped my shoes in shock.
"It's well passed your bedtime...where the hell have you been?" He was just staring, looking me up and down and had a slight grin on his face.
"What are you doing here!!?"
"Cheryl called me, you went out with him..didn't you?"
"That's none of your business anymore Zak.."
"You are my wife! It is my business!" as he stood, walked toward me, and the smile left his face.
"Don't you wake up quiet."
"Maddy is fine, you on the other hand..are not! How much did you drink and how far did it go?"
"Look at you, asking me how far did it go..well lets see, I'll use your definition "it got heated but we didn't sleep together." How does that feel...knowing he had his hands on me...I know how it feels to hear..LIAR!" I was angry, just seeing him and recounting the lies..
"I should have told you, and yes..she kissed me, and I didn't stop it immediately, and I lied about helping her, the funeral, and your rosary, that was crazy..I got caught up in feeling sorry for her, and helping her..and I have no excuse, but instead of staying and yelling at me, working it out, you got scared, and ran away...AGAIN..this time with our daughter." Zak went to take my hands and I pulled away.
"Don'" as I turned away.
"I'm not leaving without you and Maddy, he's not getting you...this is my role...not yell, scream, hell..beat my ass, whatever you want, I deserve it.. I don't care..just come home."
"We are home!" as I raised my voice again.
I just stood there thinking of that kiss I took part in and the marriage offer..
"He kissed me tonight, and proposed to me, again..." as I looked a Zak, and blurted it out.
"Again?" Zak was confused.
"Oh yeah, that's right, not long after we got back from Carmel, when we got engaged..he showed up with the biggest diamond ring I'd ever seen, and I fucking turned him down, for YOU!..but ya know Zak, this time, I don't think I'm turning him down. You and I will be officially over lawyer is drawing up papers for us and Madeleine...I guess we both have our "secrets"..I was mean, and wanted to hurt him, I reminded myself of my mother in that instant ...when I drank I was a tyrant, a spoiled bitch.
"What are you saying?! You're divorcing me? way..we aren't breaking up this family, Maddy needs us know what it's like with divorced parents...we both do!" and Zak broke instinct was to go to him..but something stopped me...I started up the stairs to check on Maddy...I turned to Zak..
"You need to leave...please." I had no emotion on my face...but my heart was aching...why was I acting this way? Why did I always have to run when things got hard? Drama was all I knew, my whole life...I was a spoiled brat. Zak just stood at the bottom of the stairs.

Maddy was stirring around..not resting. I put my hand on her little side and covered her with a blanket, still dressed in my dinner dress, and barefoot. I could feel she was restless, and then I broke...not realizing the baby monitor was on downstairs and Zak could hear every word...I started to whisper to her, and cry.
"I'm sorry, you miss daddy, don't you beautiful girl? I do too..I'm sorry you got me for a mother, cause I'm no good at it..I love you both, more than you will ever know. You deserve better....Zak's right.." I just stood there for a few minutes looking at our innocent, beautiful creation. I turned to walk out and, there he was...standing in the doorway of Maddy's makeshift nursery, tears running down his face, baby monitor in hand.
"I know you don't want this...I heard you." As he held up the monitor, and as soon as Zak spoke, Maddy popped her head up..."Dada!" she sat up and had a grin of pure joy on her face...still half asleep, and rubbing her little eyes.
"Maddy, baby" and he went to pick her up, he kissed her little cheeks and went to sit in the chair in the corner with her.
"I've missed you so much baby." he just held her close and she fell back asleep in his big arms.
I headed to my room to change, took off my earrings, bracelet, and as I tried to get the zipper in back of my dress, I felt hands on me..and I got goosebumps.
"Let me help you" as he whispered in my ear, then he slowly unzipped my dress, while kissing the back of my neck. I let out a soft moan and turned around....
"Please Zak, don't do this.." I whispered.
"Don't do what?" as he stroked my cheek and just grinned that bad boy grin he had at times like these...he knew I'd have a hard time resisting.
"Mandy, give me all of you tonight, please...I'm not letting you go, I won' and Maddy are my life...I need you..please."

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