My Detective

By jlosbitch

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Someday you're gonna love someone who's soul is as deep as the ocean, who would look at you like you're the o... More

Chapter 1 - Still
Chapter 2 - An Invite
Chapter 3 - A Little Something
Chapter 4 - Trip
Chapter 5 - Worth It
Chapter 6 - Stay
Chapter 8 - Plans
Chapter 9- Sneaking Out
Chapter 10- Take Your "Friend" To Work Day
Chapter 11- Should've Known
Chapter 12- Busted
Chapter 13- All It Takes
Chapter 14- Lil' Fun
Chapter 15- Violation
Chapter 16- Shootin'
Chapter 17- Who?
Chapter 18- Zipper..please?
Chapter 19- Shayla
Chapter 20- Truth or Lies
Chapter 21- Finders Keepers
Chapter 22- Something Fishy
Chapter 23- More Secrets
Chapter 24- "REMINI"
Chapter 25- Enraged
Chapter 26- Gab
Chapter 27- Sick
Chapter 28- Mess
Chapter 29- Left Something
Chapter 30 - Falling
Chapter 31 - Risking
Chapter 32- Deal
Chapter 33 - Label
Chapter 34- "Trip"

Chapter 7 - A Little Favor

746 28 16
By jlosbitch

Leah's POV

Cancun was amazing. I didn't expect that I'll have that much fun considering I'm pretty wound up on my shoulder. But yeah, It's nice to unwind from time to time. We landed back in California, I picked Harper from a friend who looked after him for the weekend. After that we got home. Harper wouldn't stop moving around, I guess he missed me that much. "I know, I missed you too buddy" I giggled and kissed his head. Feels good to be back home.

I missed my bed.

I'm feeling a little guilty since that trip. I myself is dumbfounded by it but deep down, I know what's going on. I couldn't get my mind of her. I tried really hard to just put in the most shallow place in my head but no. God.

"Leah stop" I said to myself.

I never cared for someone like that which scares me. I just met her or weeks and my heart couldn't understand why I'm feeling like this. Let me tell you this, I'm the type of person who's possessive, not in a creepy way. But if I really see something tha caught my eye, my heart's on the hook too.

If I could only find the right words to explain how beautiful she is, I would. But even my book of vocabulary has not enough set of words. It's not just about her pretty face, something about her is pulling me to drew close, I wanted to get to know her.

She's a genuine person, her heart is a gem.

I don't understand why a man like Gino would waste this woman. I just- god. The way he is acting, like he doesn't care. He pisses me off. I know Jennifer acts like it's okay but she played it cool and downplayed everything. She tried hiding it, she's pretty good at that.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Hell fucking yes.

I'm taking about her, Jennifer.

And to answer your next question, I am indeed a lesbian.

What? How? Why?

I get that from people a lot, but are they really sure they want me to explain to them why I like eating pussies? Mhmm, exactly.I don't think that would be a good conversation.

I forced myself to stop thinking about it. I am making a sin, I shouldn't be feeling like this over a married woman. Damn.

I am going nuts.

Maybe I'm just attracted and nothing more, let's just leave it like that.

Around dinner, I wanted to distract myself so I started cooking when Tess called me from work. They needed me to there by tomorrow which is fine but my shift is pretty messed up. It means, I have to work nonstop for a day. We were solving this big case for months now and now that they got a lead suspect, It's gonna be a long day. There's a lot of busting through different houses, getting information, talking to people. Chaos. I know, it sucks but that's my responsibility. Work is fun sometimes, but not all the time.

Then I remember, I need someone to look for Harper while I'm gone. But my friend who usually do that for me just did it recently when I'm on a trip. It's too much to ask, I could just hire someone but that could take a while. I dialed my sister's number, she answered on the sixth ring. She's probably making out with her boyfriend, she took took long to answer.

"You were in the middle of making out, aren't you?"
"Mhm..what do you want for me?"
"I need you to look after Harper while I'm gone for a day"
"Is that a favor or an order?"
"Stop bitching Ana! this is important. I have to work"
"So am I! I have school"
"Ugh, you're no help. I hate your ass"
"Yeah because mine's bigger, whatever. He's actually about to take my shirt off, thanks for disturbing"

She hung up the call, giggling. She's such a brat.

I can't think of anyone to text but then.

My naughty and stubborn side made me send a text to someone.

I couldn't stop.

She is addicting.

Jennifer's POV

I unlocked my phone to view Leah's message.

"Jennifer?" Is just what written on it.

You know, I hate when people do that. I get nervous and scared for what they about to say, like why could they just type the whole thing instead of just a name.

"Can I call you?" She sent another one before I could text my reply.

I was about to type Okay, but she called.

I answered it immediately, "Hey, what's up" I said.

"Heyyy. I'm good, how about you?"
"Okay what's with this random call all of a sudden. You're scaring me"
"Okay now I'm scared"
"What? Why- oh you need something" I said in a teasing tone.
"Oh god, it wasn't just like that!! I don't think it's that bad, well for me at least"
"I'm just kidding. What is it?"
"You like Harper?"

I got excited hearing about it.

"Yes, Harper! He is just the cutest. Why are you asking me this?"
"Is it too much for me to ask if you could watch him for me for a day?" I could sense the uncertainty in her tone when she asked that.
"Are you kidding? I love dogs, of course I could to that for you"
"Really? Do you think Gino would mind?
"No, it's not a big deal. But where are you going though?"
"It's my work. I had to be there for a long time, we're solving this huge case for months now. We finally got some information about the lead suspect. Thank God"
"Mhm..alright detective. Listen you could drop him anytime here, you know where to find me of course"
"I owe you pizza, ice cream, movies or something like that"
"Yeah you owe me big time" I joked.
"Bye Jennifer, thank you"
"Bye detective Remini"

That sounded good coming from my mouth.

I rinsed myself and wrapped myself in my robe. Meanwhile, I ate dinner, well if you'd consider cereal as a full meal. I couldn't leave without it, they're just my fave especially Lucky Charms. I realized how childish I sounded.

After eating, I brushed my teeth and went straight to bed. I don't remember Gino laying beside me, maybe he is currently passed out on the couch right now. The next morning, I woke up still sleepy but Gino has work today, I have to prepare his breakfast. I washed my face and applied a little concealer, Leah's coming later. We can't let her see. I went downstairs to cook. My bruises is healing on my face now but the recent one on my stomach and arms are still aching, I'll put some heating pad over them later.

Gino woke up from the couch, looking terrible. I hope he's not in a bad mood today. He went upstairs and later came back down, all dressed up. I made his coffee and serve him breakfast as he sat down on the chair. I need to tell him about the dog, I don't want him to get mad at me later. "Baby, Leah's dropping her dog later. She asked me if I could watch him for a day, is it okay?" I bit my lip, feeling unsure of what he'll say. He looks at me and don't say anything. "Gino?"

"Yeah yeah- whatever. Just don't annoy me today" he grunts. I didn't even do anything and I'm still annoying. How fucking great. I didn't add a comment about it. I'm just happy he let me. At least I have someone to play with later, I won't get bored.

We finished eating and he fixed his tie before leaving the house. I cleaned the kitchen and washed the dishes and while doing it, I heard the door bell rang. I got excited, I dried my hands, almost running to get the door, a smile grew on my face.

When I opened it, the huge dog just attacked me and tackled me on the floor. "Harper!" I laughed, he's licking my face. I look up and see Leah standing and leaning on the door with her arms crossed on her chest.


She's wearing a square pants with a fitted thin shirt tucked into them. She paired it with a nude coat and heels. I gotta tell you folks, she is hot standing there. She is..stunning

"He really likes you" she chuckled, shaking her head.

"Hi there. Is this what you wear at work?"

She looks down and shrugs, "Yeah, We don't usually wear uniforms, ya know. What do you think?"

I stand up and Harpers started running around the house. " look so detective right now.." I'm not even sure if that comment makes sense. I'm lost for words right now. She look at me funny, "it's because I am, silly"

"Look at you all cute in her pajamas" she teases, and I swear. I could feel my cheeks turn red. I don't know what's happening to me. When I blush, I look like a tomato. Seriously. I covered my face and laughed. "Leah I know I look like shit. I just woke up"

"You look pretty good for someone who just woke up" Again, Tomato.

I hope she wouldn't notice because I don't have any explanation or excuses for it either.

"Mhm okay. Sit down, you don't have to compliment me just because you owe me a pizza" I attempted joking which made her chuckle. "I swear to you, after this. I'm stealing you from Gino. It will be my treat" she added a smile whilst wearing her sunglasses which by the way, made her look even gorgeous.

"Hmm..alright alright. Is there anything I need to know about this buddy" I was referring to Harper. "Oh yeah right. Here's his dog food, and yeah- this is his toy, give it to him if you don't want anything in your house chewed up and I'm sorry this is so much trouble- but I do walk him every afternoon so he could take his shit out ya know? He's trained. He is aggressive though, only when he sense danger or something will harm you" Oh, seems like this is all working out in my favor. God, yes. Exactly this is all I need.

"Does he bite?"

"Again, only if he sees someone trying to harm you in anyway. If Harper really likes you, you're lucky. He's got an eye on you, he's like a guard. I swear, he is a good company. Ugh, I'll miss him" she said, kneeling down to rub his head one more time.

"Is that too much information? I'm sorry- But he's good. He usually just sit in one place from time to time" "No! Of course not, I can handle him Leah. Now go, I bet you're gonna be late if you don't leave by now"

"Alright alright, call me if you need anything okay?" She flashes a smile before opening the door of her car. "Bye, have a nice day detective" I said, waving my hand. She shakes her head and waved back.

After she left, I spend some time with Harper. We were in the yard, I threw the ball and he runs for it and catches it using his mouth and then he put it on the ground. Leah's right, he is trained. This dog is clever, I started laughing when he would just obey at everything I would say. Like, roll, sit. I snapped my fingers and he lie down the floor almost immediately. I had fun playing with him, at least I'm not bored.

I fed him before we left the house. We walked around the village and we got in the park. We passed by this store who sells dog clothes. My eyes landed on this tiny dog shoes. It's so cute, I had to buy it. I just hope Leah wouldn't mind. Meanwhile, it's getting dark and I had to cook for Gino so we went back home and I changed my clothes. A little while after that, I finished cooking some white pasta and served in on the table, so he wouldn't have any trouble looking for it later.

I was on the couch, watching a movie while Harper is laying across my lap. I made him wear the shoes. He looks so adorable. I think I must've fallen asleep cause I when I woke up, I heard the front door shut. He's here, so I went to the kitchen and find him eating dinner, of course he still smells like an alcohol and mixed cheap perfume that I'm not familiar of.

"Hey baby, you want some tea?" I asked, sitting down beside him at the dinner table. He just nodded so I got up to make him some, after a while I came back holding it. "Here baby" I said, but before I could put it down he said something. "Get me some coffee, not some stupid tea!" He said and pushed it, the hot water spills all around my legs. The cup fell down and got broken.

I just stood there, not moving. The burning sensation of the water made me wanna cry out but I forced myself not too. A tear escaped my eyes, "But I asked you and you nodded!" I said, almost in a whisper. Wow, did I really talked back to him?

It triggered something for him so he stoop up, his eyes are burning like he is livid. He pushed me on the wall and wrapped both of her hands around my neck, choking me. I couldn't tell him to stop, I can't move. He knows I have much trouble for breathing, that's my weakness. "You stupid bitch! You're so dumb!" His words hurt like knife. It didn't cause pain as it did emotionally and mentally. I was crying like a river until I heard some barking. Harper came running barking. I think I know what's he about to do.

He bit Gino's ankle making his grip around my neck. I was coughing and touched my neck. My breathing is so heavy but I'm relieved to have this dog to save me. "Fuck!!" Gino yelled. "Stop Harper!" I still made him stop after all he's done because that's how I'm stupid for love.

Harper stopped and I leaned down to help Gino who's laying on the floor. "Baby..god, oh god." I touched his arm to help him stand up but he just pushed me. "Don't touch me. Just call my doctor on the phone! Fuck-that stupid dog!!" he yelled at me. He was really mad, you could see it in his eyes.

So I hurriedly called his personal doctor on the phone. I told him it was an emergency so thirty minutes later he was here. His assistant helped Gino on our room upstairs so he could rest better. They started injecting him something, he fell asleep while the doctor was doing the stitches. "The bite was pretty deep but he'll be fine. Just make sure he'll drink his medicine on time. He should at least rest for a week at least before he could go back to work- and oh almost forgot, he will be groggy when he wakes up. Keep an eye on him" "What about his stitches?" "I will leave an anti-bacterial ointment that you could use when it's time to clean the wound and change the bandage— here" he handed me a small bottle. "Okay, I will. Thank you for coming, Doc Smith"

"No worries. Give me a call if you have more questions. I will be back on a week to check everything" He said, before leaving the house with two nurses on his side.

I laid beside Gino and I don't know what I would feel. I mean, I'm happy that Harper did that for some reasons or else I might not be here talking about it. But on the other side, I feel guilty. I don't like seeing him hurt no matter how bad he hurts me.

I laid on his side and this is actually the first time in a long time that I could hug him without him pushing him off. The last time I tried to hug him, I got pushed down on the bed. I just wanted to feel loved, is that bad? I kissed his head and wrapped my arm around his chest. "I love you, no matter what"

"I miss you Gino. Please come back, baby. I know you're in there" I can't help but cry saying that. I missed him so much, the love that we had before. I miss him taking care of me, telling me stories at night, hugging me when there's thunderstorms at night, holding my hand during take offs, kissing me until I feel better.

All of it

He's gone..but I know deep down he's still there.

But On The contrary of the story, he's now the thunderstorm.

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