Chapter 8 - Plans

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Leah's POV

I just left the office and sun's up, it was seven in the morning when I stopped at Starbucks to get some coffee and Jennifer as well. She's been good to me, so in return I decided to bought some pastries too. I'm  literally dead from work, my back feels so sore for standing for so long. I just want a good hours of sleep . I bet I have bugs under my eyes right now. After that, I drove to Jennifer's place to pick up Harper. God I hope, he did not a make a mess out there. Looking out for him is too much already. The minute I got there, I pressed the doorbell with coffee on my hand.

Jennifer opened the door looking sleepy as hell. But still, beautiful. Unbelievably stunning. It made me smile seeing her again. I wanna punch my inner self for saying that.

"Hey..I'm sorry. I woke you up didn't I?" I bit my lip. "No no, it's okay. Good morning..Come inside" she said.

"Here, have a breakfast..I got you something" She has a smile on her face when she grabbed from me. "Oh thank you, you didn't have to" She take a look what's inside the bag and her eyes lit up. "Bagel! You're an angel. Heaven heard my prayers" she began eating it, I'm amazed by her appetite. She didn't care. It's cute.

Did I just called her cute? Damn you and your feelings, Leah.

I stepped inside and sat down on the couch, then I hear the barking. Harper came running down and started licking my face. "Hey! Look at you..wearing a— a shoes?" I look at Jennifer and she bite her lip before taking a sip from her coffee.

You don't bite those lips on me.

"He's a boy Jennifer" I can't help it. I started laughing.

"I know..I know. I couldn't help myself it looks so cute on him"

"Where did you get this?" "It was from the store near the park. I walked him there and I couldn't stop myself. I hope you don't mind" she smiled, looking unsurely. "Of course I don't. He's just- he looks hilarious. I'm not used to see him wearing one"

"Cute right?" She exclaimed, rubbing his head. "So what happened? Did he make a scene or anything. God I hope not" When I said that, her expression changed immediately.

Uh oh.

Seeing her face like that made me tense. "Oh god- he did? Shit. What happened? Did he chew one of your shoes , break a vase or something like that?"

"Actually..I don't want you to worry because it's all fine now but yeah, he did something last night" She giggled, sitting beside me on the couch. "Oh god!! Harper!" I feel so embarrassed. "He bit Gino on the ankle" she said.

My eyes widened.

That's weird. Harper would never do that unless someone would hurt the person he is protecting. "He did what?" "Yeah, he bit Gino. Probably he's not used seeing him"

No, Harper is a friendly dog. So I'm still confused. "Harper would only do harm if someone hurt you in some way..did he?" I stopped talking, I'm not exactly sure whether to ask the question. I don't know what will her reaction be. I don't wanna accuse someone with something I'm not sure of.

But again, it's weird.

"Oh no. God no- it's just we were fighting over something but nothing serious. I guess he freaked out with all the yelling" she said and as I was looking at her I can tell she's unsure of everything she's saying. It looks like she's hiding something.

But the last few days I spent with Gino, I couldn't deny the fact that he is acting weird and odd. He's rude with Jennifer so I don't trust him that much. I've seen him just stood there when Jennifer need him the most. So yeah, my detective side is saying hello again.

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