Coming Home

By jacodejongh101

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ON HOLD "You know Salena. Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die... More

cast and characters.
chapter 1: William
chapter 2: William
Chapter 3 : Salena
Chapter 4: Salena-William
Chapter 5: William
Autors note
Chapter 6: Salena
Chapter 7: William
Chapter 8: Salena
Authors note.
Chapter 9: William
Chapter 10: Salena
Chapter 11: William
Chapter 12:Salena
Chapter 13: William
Chapter 14: Salena.
Chapter 15: William
Bonus Chapter 1
Chapter 16: Salena
Chapter 17: William

Chapter 18: Salena

12 3 3
By jacodejongh101

Chapter 18: Salena's POV.

I let out a breath I haven't even realised I'm holding when William wallks into the Cafeteria.

The only time I saw him this week was Monday, and now, on Friday, he decided to show up for the first time in four days. I don't know why, but I kept on braking my head over  the fact that he didn't show up the past three days.

Was it my fault? Did he just decide to avoid me because of what I said? Well, to think about it, I should actually be the one to avoid him. He is the one who said those horrible things to me, I just defended myself.

So right here, I come to the conclusion that his absence isn't my fault. Yup, deffinately something else... not me...

"Earth to Salena."

A voice brings me out of my reverie. I turn my head around and look at Samantha and Garreth. They are both staring at me with wide eyes like I grew and extra head or something.

They both decided to sit at another table with me because of what happened with me and William Monday. Both Garreth's girlfriend and Samantha's Boyfriend are friends with William and sitting at the other table, but when they told James and Cayley, they understood that I need space from them. I just cannot stand sitting with them anymore. And I sometimes think that, that group of friends are bad news. Every time I mix up with them I get hurt.

"There she goes again." I hear Garreth say. I close my eyes tightly and shake my head slightly.

"Sorry guys..." I sigh. "It's just..."

"That William has been on your mind since Monday... we know." Samantha says in a soft voice. I know she's trying to sound soft and caring, but the thing is, I know her and she's just trying not to jump on me and kill my guts for keeping her away from her 'lover'. I roll my eyes at that thought...

"No." I deny... well, it's not really the truth, but it actually also is... "I'm just worried that I'm the reason for his absence."

"Okay, Sally. Not to make you feel unspeacial or anything, but I doubt that you're the reason for his absence." Garreth states matter of factly. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what best friends do to you. They don't share the sandwich with you, the make as I'd they want to share it, but then slap in in your face before you can even take a bite.

"Wow. Sorry for breathing Garreth." Sarcasm is dripping off of my toung.

"Apology excepted." He smiles innocently at me. I swear, if looks could kill, he would be in the earth's core...

"Oh would you two just stop bickering for one second!" Samantha yells, please
acting the emphasis on 'one'. "Salena, are you ready for the concert next week?" My eyes grows wide and I groan at the reminder. I totally forgot! Samantha and I signed up for a 'concert' next week Wendsday, but it's actually just the school that asked us to perform in front of the school in an assembly.

"Well, Sam, about that..." I trail off.

Her eyes widens. "Oh no! You did not forget!"

"That's the thing... I actually did."

"Look who's bickering now." Garreth states proudly. He smiles innocently and leans back into his chair.

"Shut up." I mumble. I swear there's a thunder cloud over my head... well, more like wish because if there was, I'd use it to electrify Garreth right now.

I see him roll his eyes and look over to William's table. I catch his eyes for a split second, but he quikly looks away. I then see Alet and Chris sitting next to eachother, and suddenly a thought pops into my head.

"Sam?" I ask. She looks up from her plate, her mouth full of food. "Do you you maybe want to come with me to the mall this afternoon? You see, Chris invited me to go with him, Alet, Fletcher and Valary."

"Girl,"  She starts, her mouth still full of food. My friends are such slobs. "You only ask me now? Of cource I'll go with you. You know I cannot say no to the mall."

I smile slightly.

"Yah, I know."


When the final school bell chimes its normal song, I literally jump up from my chair and hit my leg in the process. I hiss in pain but ignore it as I pack up my things.

I walk out of the class and over to my locker where Sam is already standing. I just couldn't help myself but wonder how she got here this quikly. I mean, I literally speedwalked over and packed up my things so fast that all the papers and books are probably crumpled.


She looks up from her phone and smiles at me. "Are you ready to go?"

I smile and nod my head. We both walk to the doors when a hand grabs mine. I look around to be faced with William. My eyes widens with shock and I try to pull my hand away, but his grip just tightens.

"Salena." His eyes looks like they are pleading me."Can we talk... please?"

I pull my hand against and this time it comes free from his grip. My skin is slightly burning from where he gripped my arm.

"William. I have somewhere to be. So to answer your question... Um... no. We cannot talk." With that, I turn around and take a light jog over to Samantha, who is totally oblivious to what just happened.

"Where are we supposed to find Chris and Alet?" Sam asks when I reach her. I roll my eyes, that is such a Samantha thing to do.

"At the gate..." We walk out of the main doors to be hit with warm, but slightly cooler air. It's starting to cool down a bit... a sighn that winter is coming. Yaaaaaay!

I scan the school parking lot and spot Christian with Alet at the gate. I tap Samantha on the shoulder and point into the direction of them and we make our way over.

"Hey Sally." Alet greets when we reach them. She walks over to me and gives me a quik hug before she turns to Samantha and hug her aswell. "I'm so excited that you guys can come with us. Chris and Fletcher only talk about video games and then think that Valerie and I will be interested." She rolls her eyes and glare at Chris who is smiling innocently.

"Well," He says, "What can I say? All you and Vall talk about are clothes, clothes and, oh no, wait... clothes."

"Chris." Sam says, batting her eyelashes. "I find that very insulting."

He opens his mouth to say something but immedeately closes it again, which causes me to giggle slightly.

"Well are we going to go to the mall or are we going stand here all day?" Alet places her hands on her hips and looks up at Chris who is smiling down at her. He takes a step closer and wraps an arm around her waist.

"Let's go." He looks over at me and Samantha. "Car's that way."

We all make our way to the car and climb in. I must say, it must look kind of funny. I feel like we're a bunch of clowns stuffing ourselves into those small cars.

The drive to the mall is mostly spent in silence. I actually hoped that we would talk because now my thoughts has the freedom to drift off to William and what he wanted to tell me. What if it was important or what if something horrible happened?

It's too late to worry about that now, so I push those thoughts to the back of my mind. I'm here to have fun and forget about all the other things and besides, it was me who told him that I cannot talk...

"Soooo..." Alet tries to make conversation. "What do you two want to do?"

"Well, we must really go look for new shoes..." Samantha starts. She takes a slight pause and frowns slightly, just like she always does when she's thinking. "Oh and I must go buy warmer clothes. The season is already changing and I don't want to wait till winter hits us with full force before I buy winter's clothing. I made that mistake last year"

"I'm totally with you on that one, Girl." Alet chuckles. "What about you, Salls?"

"Well Um..." What do I want to do? I mean there is a lot of things we can do, but I don't really want to do anything specific. I just want to relax. "Well, I'm fine with anything actually. I just want to chill, go get some Starbucks maybe? Really I'll do what you guys do."

"Seriously, Alet. The guys want to do some things aswell." Chris whines.

Alet points an accusing finger at him. "Focus on the road mister. I don't want to end up in a ditch somewhere."

I hear Chris laughing slightly. I can just imagine him roling his eyes right now.

"I do know how to drive, and quite frankly, I'm pretty good at it."

"No one wants to know, Christian." Alet and Chris are having their own small argument in the front, leaving me to talk to Samantha.

I look at her to see that she's looking at me. I lift my shoulders, silently asking her what she's looking at. She just smiles and looks away quikly, before a anything else can be said. Strange.

"Ah, we're here!" Alet literally squeals with delight, I mean, like really? Haven't you ever been to the mall before? She throws her door open, barely missing the car parked next to us as soon as the car stopped moving. I never really thought that the mall could get someone so excited. I like the mall and all, but I think you get the point.

Maybe, she's just excited to see Valary and Fletcher? I hope it's that...

I lean over to Samantha and whisper in her ear. "Have you ever seen anyone so excited to go to the mall?"

Sam just bursts out laughing. "Sally, haven't you noticed that I'm usually like that?"

I frown. "No?"

She just rolls her eyes and climbes out of the car. I follow her example and do the same. The parking lot is quite full. But then again, it is Friday and people loooovvveee the mall.

We make our way to the entrance, me walking between Samantha and Alet who's looking like she just wants to run to the doors and buy the place empty. But then it also looks like there is an invisible leash holding her back.

A look of relief covers her face when we make our way inside of the building. The cool air hits me and I shiver slightly.

"Um, where do we meet Valary and Fletcher?" I ask Chris and Alet. They both look at me at the same time, a huge smile on Alet's face.

She opens her mouth to say something but Chris beats her to it.

"The food court." He says. I nod and we start to walk. The trip to the food court is in utter silence and makes me feel uncomfortable. For some reason I feel like something isn't right, that something will go wrong. I know I sound paranoid, but still.

The smell of food brings me from my reverie. I look up to see the brightly coloured signs of all the fast food stalls and more expensive restaurants. We spot Valary and Fletcher at a table near McDonald's. Fletcher's blonde hair is neatly styled and he is wearing a tight T-shirt and jeans. Valary on the other hand looks like she had put in a little more effort in her outfit.

Her long brown hair is pulled into a neat braided bun and she's wearing a light blue sundress with sandals.

They look up when we approach them, a huge smile already on Valary's face. I swear, if that smile was any bigger, her face would've been torn into two.

"Hey guys!" Valary jumps up from her chair and gives Chris a slight hug before she envelopes Alet into a tight bear hug. She turns to look at me then Samantha. "It's so nice to see you two again."

She quikly hugs us before she went to stand next to Fletcher who quikly wraps an arm around her waist. She smiles up at him and kisses him on the cheek. I suddenly have this huge urge to tell them to get a room or something.

"So... who's ready to shop?"


Okay, I take it back. Shopping with these two rich people wasn't as fun as I hoped. Chris and Fletcher returned to the food court a while ago, to 'get some food'.

Alet and Valary has been driving Samantha and me nuts. I mean, they have at least ten bags each, while Sam and I only have about two each. How they manage to carry all of that, I have no idea. Don't even get me started on where they get the money.

"So where to now?" Valary asks. I look at Samantha to see her roling her eyes. Alet on the other hand, still looks like she can shop for hours, even though we've been in here for almost four hours. So this it what it feels like to shop till you drop...

"How about we go find Chris and Fletcher?" I ask, hoping that we would just get some time to rest. My feet are killing me. "And you know, eat something?"

Valary bites her lower lip and frowns slightly. I noticed that she does this when she's thinking. After a few seconds of silence she smiles up at me. "Yah. I mean you two look like you want to pass out."

"Finally!" Samantha cheers besides me. "Someone sees our pain." Usually when Sam and I go shopping we just get what me need and then we're out. But these two. Goodness, how much money is in their bank accounts?

Alet laughs and looks at Sam. "I guess you two aren't big shoppers?" No shit sherlock!

"No." I state and shrug. We start to walk to the food court when I see the person I really don't want to see right now, walking towards us.

"William!?" Alet says. He looks at us, his eyes resting on me for a few seconds before he looks at Alet.


"I really didn't expect to see you here." Valary says, smiling her million dollar smile. "Who's the girl?" My head snaps into the direction of William and, sure as hell, there is a girl next to him. She has light brown, almost blonde shoulder length hair that's tied up into a pony tail. She's slightly shorter than William and I must admit,  she is beautiful.

"Oh. Um..." William turns to look at the girl who looks like she wants to be swallowed up by the ground. "Sam, Alet, Valary... Salena. This is Bronty." He says. "My friend from New York."


Hey! Sorry for the loooonnnggg wait and sorry that this chapter us actually quite suckish.

I hope you enjoyed it though!

Please remember to vote and comment😉😉

Yours truely,


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