His Lost Girl

By EliahLeo

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©Loyallyric for the cover. I love it, thank you so much for taking the time to do it. •°•°•°•°•°•°•°• In the... More



296 9 1
By EliahLeo

  I haven't got time to answer as I quickly felt myself being whisked away and suddenly I was in a totally different surrounding, still in the forest but in a different spot.

  Around us had more trees and tents, it was wide and spacious and there was a couple of barrels and weapons around and some by the tents and trees that had treehouses. It was obvious that Peter Pan had brought me to his camp like he said.

   "Well, I didn't expect you to take me here that quick. Seems like you really can't stand to see yourself losing a game, huh?" I quipped, grinning smugly.

The green eyed boy let out a scoff and shook his head, "Please, I'm not losing, I don't lose. You simply have found yourself an advantage which I hadn't took notice off before the game started."

   "Right, right. You and your loopholes." I rolled my eyes as gave a chuckle, "So, does our next part of the game start now or?"

  His green eyes darkened as he smirked and I watched as his eyes filled with more mischief. He took a step back from me and flashed a wolfish smirk.

   "Oh we'll start now." Said Peter Pan as he had a sword magically appear from his hands and toss it towards me which I swiftly caught, "Good reflexes. Let's begin, shall we? Lost boys!!"

  Immediately we heard the boots and whips of the lost boys who appeared out of the bushes, the trees and the tents, all looking at me with fiery playful eyes.

  They all surrounded us in a wide circle as Peter and I stood in the middle, "Now then, lost boys, you've all seen this girl haven't You?"

  Hoots and cheers of the lost boys were heard in response which made Peter grin some more.

   "Great! Now you all know I don't allow girls on my island, but this girl, she claims that she is not like most girls. So we decided to play a game, if she survives my forest for seven days, she is granted a place here on my island, here in our camp as one of us." The lost boys quickly hoots and yelled out their own disagreements, "Now, Now, settle down! See, she agreed to play the game and had shown excellent survival skills. However she had left out the fact that she uses magic, which made me change the game."

  His eyes narrowed and his smirk widened as his eyes scanned the crowd of lost boys then slowly land on me.

  "Our next part of the game is to see if she really is worthy to be one of us. And in order to do So, she has to fight our group of strongest lost boys in order to receive a place in our camp. But don't fret, she has agreed to use no magic. Does that sound fair, lost boys?"

  Again the hoots and cheers came loudly, all agreeing at our game getting more riled up and excited.

   "Excellent! Now then, for the strongest lost boys," The green eyes boy grinned and scanned the crowd nodding a few boys over towards us, "Rufio, Felix and a mystery lost boy you would meet later if you defeat my friends Rufio and Felix."

   I watched as the boys Rufio and Felix stepped forward. One boy, blonde hair holding a very large club over his shoulder, and the other had some kind of Indian feather on his hair with a sword by his belt.

   Peter Pan grinned for a moment at the two boys before glancing at me and saying, "Now who would you like to meet first?"

   Narrowing my eyes, I turned back to the two boys standing a couple feet away from us. I thought for a second, then locked my eyes with the blonde light blue eyed one.

   "Him. He's up first." I nodded over and pointed at the blonde.

  The lost boys around us quickly sent out chuckles and whispers. Quickly I assumed that this blonde was stronger than the other, probably since he looked more ruthless.

   "Great choice. Felix, you're up first it seems." Pan grinned and waved the boy Felix over.

I stood in the middle of the circle of lost boys and in front of me was the tall Felix, his eyes cold and glaring down at me almost smugly which made me scowl.

   Oh hell no is this guy gonna belittle me. I thought with a mental growl as I returned the glare he sents me.

  "Alright, love. All you have to do is make take Felix down to the ground, do that and you win the first round and move on. If you don't, well you'll be out of Neverland faster than you can blink. That is, if he doesn't kill you first." Peter Pan smirked and chuckled, his tone meant he was serious and that made me feel the same.

  If losing to this blonde wonder means I'm getting off this island, then there is no way in hell that's gonna happen.

  So with a breath, I glanced at Pan then at Felix and smirked smugly, tightening my hold on my sword.

   "Bring it then, Pan. I'm gonna make you lose this game."

  He chuckled, amused and smirking, "Feisty. Alright, Felix. Show her how us lost boys do it."

  For a moment I swore I heard Felix chuckle with his ever unmoving lips but disregarded it as I quickly moved and ducked away from his club, narrowly missing my head.

  Okay, so Felix is most definitely more ruthless than this Rufio person. He looks like he would kill me instantly. I think he really will even.

  All I had to do was take him down and pin him to the ground. That doesn't sound so bad, although not easy considering that club he wields.

  However I already had a plan in mind. It wasn't an easy plan, but it was what I got at the moment.

   This is all or nothing, Diana. Take his Blonde ass down.

  Quickly I stopped dodging and pushed forward then dropped to the ground and swiped my foot at his ankle tipping him down. I thought he would, however he didn't and instead rolled over quickly and was up on his feet once more.

   "Not bad, little girl. But not good enough." He taunted with a mocking smirk which irked me so.

  Chuckling, I twirled my sword around and spat, "Not a little girl. And don't underestimate me you blonde shit."

  The lost boys whispered and chuckled at my rude remark and I spotted the quick change of his mocking expression to an annoyed one.

   "You're going down, little girl." He snarled and ran towards me, his club ready to strike.

 I glared, eyes narrowing and I dodged the strike of his club and swipe the blade of my sword directly at his face and a second later I heard him bellow out a scream, one hand suddenly clutching his face, little stains of red peeking through his fingers.

  "Not so much of a little girl now, am I blondie?" I scoffed, still glaring at him and his bleeding face that had a large long cut right across the bridge of his face.

  "You'll pay for this, girl!" He growled and lunged at me, his club heavy and ready to strike again.

  My feet twisted and I spun around dodging his club and quickly elbowed him in the Back. His loud gasp made me grin and I took the chance to grab his arm and disarm him of his club.

The lost boys were watching intently and in the corner of my eyes I could see Peter Pan in his smug glory, arms crossed and eyes a dark emerald green as he had a grin on his lips watching me intently. Observing me.

Smirking, I gripped the club with my left hand and quickly struck Felix straight up knocking him the ground where I placed the club by his chest and pressed on it, crushing his ribs just the slightest as he wheezed and tried to free himself.

   "Never call me a little girl again, blondie." I hissed and pressed the club on his chest some more making him groan at the pain.

A clap could be heard and I turned my head finding Pan himself walking towards me with a grin.

  "Not bad, love. That was a good show. You've managed to not only disarm Felix, but also take him down faster than any of the lost boys could've done and even wound him! Impressive." He praised with a slow clap of his hands.

I scoffed and flashed a smug grin taking the weight if the club off the poor bleeding blonde boy's chest and dropping the weapon beside him.

  "Now who's next? Rufio was it?" I asked looking around and spirit g the boy he called Rufio.

  Pan chuckled as Felix got up with his club in hand, glaring daggers at me, "Yes. Rufio is next. Unlike Felix, he's not as ruthless, however he is more sly and quicker."

  "He's nothing I haven't handled." I scoffed and stared as Rufio stood in front of me, "Lets get this over with, Ruffles."

  His eyebrows furrowed and he snarled while taking out his sword from his belt and I did the same, "It's Rufio. Not Ruffles."

  Our swords clashed with a loud metal to metal sound and I flashed a grin, "Mm, really? Ruffles seem to suit you better." I mocked.

  Obviously he was different than Felix. Felix was more serious and silent than he is while Rufio showed how my words annoyed him.

  "I have to admit, you've got good swordsmanship. Not everyone can land a hit on Felix." Rufio said with a huff as he dodged my strike.

  Twisting to the left as I dodged his parry, I smirked, "You're not too bad yourself, as for blondie over there? Well he kinda annoyed me. But I'm winning this."

  Stepping my right foot back, I quickly pushed forward and sidestepped to the left, bringing my sword up with me from my right, the blade clashing with Rufio's with a loud sound as the cheers grew louder for a moment before it became silent when a sword flew in the air and lodged its blade on the ground.

   "I win." I smirked, placing my hand on my hip and looking at Pan smugly while raising my eyebrows, "Again."

  Peter Pan and his ever so piercing green eyes stared at me and his lips curled to a smirk and he clapped his hands slowly, walking towards me slowly.

   "Very good, darling. That was an excellent show of strength," He smirked, picking the sword off the ground and holding it firmly, "But like I said, you have to fight the third lost boy in order to gain a spot here in my camp."

  "Alright, where's the last lost boy?" I smirked confidently.

  He chuckled and raised the sword in his hand, pointing it at me and smirking, "You're staring at him, love."

   I have to admit, the way he smirked at me and looked at me with darkened mischievous green eyes filled me with nerves and tingles. However I had a game to win and win I must do.

  Smirking, I ran my teeth across my lip while twirling my sword around with my wrist and nodding at him, "Bring it on, Peter Pan."

  He gave a soft chuckle and was already fast on his feet, sending an attack on the high outside part of my body. Quickly, I parried his attack but he sent me a swift remise that I wasn't able to block fully, only able to lessen the blow as it grazed only the fabric of my clothes.

  My feet moved in a burst and I attacked with a low blow, my sword swinging from below, aimed at his arms then quickly bringing my sword down to which he blocked, our sword creating a loud clinging sound as it clashed together forming an X.

   "I'd hate to admit, but you're quiet good darling." Peter smirked, staring at me through the gap of our swords, "I'd love to see what other things you're good at."

   "Then you'll have to lose to find out." I scoffed, stepping backwards and smirking at him.

  We went on, longer than my round with Rufio nor with Felix. Now I realised why Peter Pan was indeed the leader of his camp, he was the strongest, not only with his magic. But I was just as strong as he and he and his lost boys underestimated that strength.

   Long minutes went by and we were still at it, swords still clashing and clinging with each contact our blades made with each of our attacks and blocks. My eyes narrowed, now feeling much more serious and into the fight than earlier. I was desperate to win, desperate to stay on Neverland.

  "Come on, darling, you can do better than that." Peter Pan mocked, his eyes starting at me bemusedly as he smirked.

  He quickly shortened the space between us, going right towards me with his sword swinging down. I blocked it with the edge of my sword and firmly grabbed his wrist and giving a small twist, pulling the sword off his hand and spinning around, placing his sword that I now held tightly in my hand behind his head and my sword pressed against his neck.

   Everyone grew dead silent, staring at us with wide eyes for this was the only time that Peter Pan, Neverland's leader and king, has been beaten by a girl.

   "What was that thing about you never losing?" I smirked, letting a soft huff of breath as a sweat dripped down my brow, my eyes still locked with his piercing green ones, "You lose, Peter Pan."

  His face in shock and he looked at me wide eyed. I smirked with pride and victory and pulled away, both swords still in my hands.

"Looks like I'm your first official lost girl."


  Three weeks and I have to admit, being lost girl isn't all that bad. Sure I still get the usual judging and belittling looks from the lost boys, especially the ones my age, but they often quickly learn to not underestimate me.

   "Hey, girl," I heard a voice from behind me, looking over my shoulder I found Felix, who's face was now cleaned and had been bandaged, standing there with another duffel bag of dirty clothes of the lost boys.

    "You have more washing to do." He said mockingly and tossed the bag on the ground beside me.

  My eyes rolled and I flashed him a sarcastic smile, "Oh thanks, Blondie. I was already running out of clothes to wash, surely I didn't want to ever get finished." I said, thick sarcasm obviously my voice.

  He scoffed and rolled his eyes at me then walked away, leaving me to wash the remainder of the clothes I had been washing since two hours ago.

  Yes, I too wash the clothes of the lost boys. Peter Pan isn't much of a sport when it came to losing apparently, but I knew he didn't want to make it obvious that he hated losing as he played it cool and simply named me the first and only Lost Girl. As happy as that was, that's how he took his anger in losing out on me, because you know, the bloody guy finds loopholes all the damn time.

  Sure Peter Pan made me a lost girl, but at the same time he made me train twice as hard as the lost boys did and made me do the washing of the clothes and the cooking, when I got mad because it was pretty obvious that I was being turned into a maid, I confronted him and his answer was that because I was a Lost Girl.

The only Lost Girl as he had put it so ofcourse I was treated differently. His second reason was that the lost boys couldn't do the washing of clothes properly and could never clean them as neatly as I could nor could they cook as good as I, sure that was somewhat a compliment I suppose, but I still didn't want to be underestimated and belittled because I was a girl.

   Bloody hell, I beat their leader for hell's sake. That should've earned me some respect. I thought as I angrily twisted and squeezed the water out of the shirt who seemed to fit an eight year old.

  For the whole three weeks I've been here, I found that there have been numerous lost boys of several ages, many were my age or like Pan's, whom I think was older than me by about a year, a few seemed about two to three years younger and I've only seen about six lost boys who were younger than twelve years old. Those lost boys were mostly only being trained, especially the new comers who've I met about a week ago.

 It seems that the lost boys who have stayed on Neverland longer than I have were Peter Pan's camp group leaders, the ones who reports to him when he's not around, although it was Felix who was his right hand man.

   "Woah now, love. Easy on the shirt. That's Cubby's favourite, don't want to tear it, do you?" A low husky chuckle came from behind as a pair of feet slowly walked towards me.

Immediately I knew who it was, after all I've been hearing his voice practically everywhere everyday, often also in my dreams during the quiet nights in Neverland after dancing around the fire. Oh the dreams I dream, one would think I was an outrageous girl for having such lustful and erotic dreams.

  However it has been happening ever since I have laid my eyes on this green eyed sultry demon. I didn't really mind, I quite like the dreams I have been having compared to those dreamless ones I have back in the enchanted forest. It is quite a new experience for the mind and body.

  "Peter, how nice of you and your arrogance to visit me this fine afternoon after making me wash all of the clothes of the twenty something Lost boys who live here." I greeted with an obvious sarcasm and disdain.

 "Didn't I tell you not to call me Peter, love?" He snickered behind me as he walked closer.

I gave a small nod and flashed him a smirk, "Yes but didn't I also tell you to stop giving me stupid endearments? Apparently you don't listen so neither would I, Peter."

  He gave a laugh in defeat and went and stood to my right and tilted his head down and watched me, I gave a glance and saw his lips curled in a grin, his eyes staring, darkening in its green shade with hunger.

My eyes rolled and flicked my wet hand and splashed him some water, "My breast aren't my eyes, you don't need to stare at them."

 Peter gave a low chuckle and wiped the sprinkle of water off his face with his arm which I somewhat found quite entrancing, especially with how hard he stares at me.

  "Darling, I own this island along with everything and everyone on it which means I own you as well. Therefore only I get to choose what I can't or can do." He smirked, suddenly crouching on his knees and looking at me hungrily, "And to be honest, I would love to do you."

 I have to say, my body slightly quivered at the raw huskiness of his voice and at the hunger and dominating tone of his. My body quite literally froze and my skin tingled and felt hot under his piercing green eyes.

It was hard to look away but I managed, ofcourse I had to keep myself levelled and controlled, I can't go crumbling at the palm of his hands just like that, it was obvious that that's what he wants. So managing to tear my eyes away, I scoffed and continued to scrub the dirt off another clothing article.

   "You'd never have the chance, Peter. So I suggest you stop dreaming about it." I said that although in my mind it was screaming for him. For Peter Pan.

 My mind had already known I wanted the guy the first moment I laid my eyes on him, it was quite obvious to me despite not having experienced this at all. I just somehow knew I wanted and somewhat needed Peter Pan. I just didn't know if he felt that same attraction that's why I didn't want to give in.

I wasn't in love, no. That I knew could never happen, but what I do know was that this moment right here, I wanted him. All those dreams I have in my head would constantly replay in my mind during the day and I would find myself wanting his touch more and more, feeling no longer satisfied with dreams anymore, and before I knew it I was craving Peter Pan's touch.

   But was I going to show it nor tell him? No, definitely not. Because I wasn't that kind of girl. No, I'm a merry maiden and a Lost girl, I don't throw myself at someone. They come running to me.

And that's exactly what I'll do. I know Peter Pan already has that same wanting greed inside him, he just wanted me to crumble first. What he didn't know however was that I was much more than this. I'm more powerful than he thought.

Peter Pan wouldn't know what hit him. He'll come crumbling down to my knees.

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