Restaurant love

By YaoiDaisuki69

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Yami Sennen is the owner of a famous five star restaurant. He has been looking for love for the past few year... More

Chapter 1 : A chance meeting
Chapter 2: Meeting Again
Chapter 3: Our First Date
Chapter 4: Yugi's World
Chapter 5:Yami's Home
Chapter 6: The Business Party
Chapter 7: Dinner
Chapter 8: I Love You
Chapter 9: Being with you
Chapter 10: Atemu's Threat
Chapter 11: Surprises
Chapter 12: Playing games & Awkward Situations
Chapter 13: The Truth
Chapter 14: Day at The Park
Chapter 15: Problems
Chapter 16: Lawsuit
Chapter 17: Death Threat
Chapter 18: Waiting and Accusations
Chapter 19: Yugi's Story
Chapter 20: Going Home
Chapter 21: Mother Hen
Chapter 22: Mika's Trial
Chapter 23: Tanisha's Trial
Chapter 25: Heba has the baby
Chapter 26: The Proposal
Chapter 27: Scott's Farewell
Chapter 28: Moving
Chapter 29: Pregnant?
Chapter 30: The Wedding
Chapter 31: The Second Wedding
Chapter 32: The Twins Arrive
Chapter 33: Restaurant Love

Chapter 24: Moving

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By YaoiDaisuki69

"Heba, are you okay?" Atemu asked.

Heba put his book down. "Atemu, if you say that one more time, I swear that I am going to kill you. I am fine." Heba said.

"I'm sorry, but you're at the end of your pregnancy, and you could have the baby at any time now." Atemu said.

Heba turned to face Atemu. "Aren't you supposed to be at work now?" Heba asked.

"Heba, you know that I can work from home just as easily as if I was at the office, and that's what I'm doing." Atemu said.

"Atemu, you don't have to be here 24/7. I will be fine if you go to the office for a few hours." Heba said.

"Well-" Atemu trialed off.

"Atemu, stop being such a mother hen. Just because you're not here doesn't mean that something is going to happen. You can calm down." Heba said.

"Heba, you could have the baby any time within the next few weeks, and I don't want to miss anything." Atemu said.

"Atemu, may I remind you that I will be having the baby at the hospital, not here. If I go into labor, I will be heading to the hospital, and you will meet me there." Heba said.

"Heba, don't invite bad ideas. I don't want you here alone when you go into labor." Atemu said.

"You know that Yugi and Yami are coming here to stay until the baby comes. Will you be more at ease when they are here?" Heba asked.

"Maybe." Atemu said.

Heba shook his head. His cell phone then rang. "Hello?" Heba asked, answering the phone.

"Hey, Heba."Yugi said.

"Hey, Yugi. What's up?" Heba asked.

"I was just letting you know that Yami and I should be leaving within the next hour. We should be there between two and three." Yugi said.

"Thanks for letting me know. Just be careful." Heba said.

"We will. See you soon." Yugi said.

"Okay. Bye." Heba said before hanging up.

"What did Yugi want?" Atemu asked, sitting down.

"He was just telling me that he and Yami should be leaving in the next hour, so they'll be here between two and three." Heba replied.

"Okay." Atemu said.

"Atemu, will you go on to work?' Heba asked.

"But-" Atemu started.

"Atemu, I will be fine for a few hours here. The maids and other workers are here, so you don't need to worry. Go on." Heba said.

Atemu sighed, knowing that Heba wouldn't change his mind. "All right, Heba. I'll go. Just call me if you need anything." Atemu said.

"I will, Atemu." Heba said.

Atemu kissed Heba goodbye before he left the room to grab his briefcase, and he headed for the office.

'Finally. He is driving me crazy.' Heba thought. He picked his book back up and started reading again. He felt a kick in his stomach. Smiling, Heba placed a hand on his stomach. 'It won't be too long before this little one comes.' Heba thought.

"Well, here we are." Yami said as he pulled into the gates of the Sennen mansion.

"Yeah. I'm sure that Heba will be glad to see us." Yugi said.

"Why do you say that?" Yami asked.

"Because he has told me that Atemu is acting like a mother hen and is driving him crazy." Yugi answered.

"Well, Atemu is just worried. I can understand why this is bothering him." Yami said.

"Well, we may be having a funeral if Atemu doesn't watch it." Yugi said.

"I still don't see why we have to stay at the mansion this time. Why couldn't we have stayed at the condo again?" Yami asked.

"Because we came here to help out, and we can do that best by staying at the mansion." Yugi answered.

"We won't be able to be alone this way." Yami grumbled.

Yugi rolled his eyes. "It's not like its forever, Yami." Yugi said.

"I know." Yami said.

The two went up and rang the doorbell.

The butler answered the door and let them in.

Yugi and Yami found Heba in the living room reading a book.

"Hey, Heba." Yugi said.

Heba turned to see them and smiled. "Hey. Glad that you two made it." Heba said.

Yugi went over and hugged his brother.

"Where's Atemu at?" Yami asked.

"Somehow, I managed to convince him to go to work since I knew that you two were coming here." Heba said.

"Are you ready to kill him yet?" Yugi asked.

"Yep. He is driving me crazy." Heba said.

"Well, I'm sure that that will simmer down at some point." Yami said.

"If it doesn't, he's a dead man." Heba said.

"Anyway, have you to gotten the nursery set up?" Yugi asked.

"Yeah. Help me up, and I'll show it to you." Heba said.

Yugi helped his brother up, and the two headed upstairs to the nursery.

The room was decorated in pink.

"Can I assume that you two found out that you're having a girl?" Yami asked, noticing the pink.

"Yeah. We did. We were keeping it a secret for the most part, so don't tell anyone else." Heba said.

"Not a problem." Yugi replied.

"You two sure decorated this room with a lot of pink." Yami remarked.

"That would be Atemu's idea." Heba said as they went back downstairs.

"I never thought that he would go all out like that." Yami said.

"Well, he wanted it like that. He's also bought more than the child could ever want or need." Heba said.

"Well, he's a new father, and I'm sure that she's going to be daddy's little girl." Yugi said.

Heba groaned. "Don't remind me." Heba said.

Yami and Yugi laughed as they returned to the living room.

"Have you two decided on a name?" Yugi asked.

"We did, but we also agreed that we would keep that a secret, so I'll wait until then to tell you." Heba said.

"We understand, Heba." Yugi said.

The three sat down in the living room.

"When do you think Atemu will be back?" Yami asked.

"If I know him, he'll be getting back any time." Heba said.

"Why do you say that?" Yami asked.

"Because I know Atemu, and there's no way that he is going to stay at work for too long since the doctor told us that I could have the baby at any time." Heba said.

"Well, look at it this way. When you actually have the baby, he'll focus on your daughter more than you." Yugi said.

"Well, I'll like that because at least he won't be smothering me." Heba said.

"You may also miss it." Yugi said.

"We'll see. First, I have to have the baby." Heba said.

It wasn't half an hour later that the front door opened and closed.

"And there he is." Heba said.

Atemu walked in. "I see that you guys did make it." Atemu said.

"Yeah. We haven't even been here for an hour yet." Yami said.

"Okay. So I didn't feel like working that long today." Atemu said.

"More like you wanted to get home so that you could check on me." Heba said.

"Well, that, too." Atemu admitted as he went over to sit down beside Heba.

"I take it that all is well with your company." Yami said.

"Yes. Everything is fine with it." Atemu said.

"What about you two? Everything is all right, isn't it?" Heba asked.

"Everything is fine. There are no problems." Yugi said.

"Yami, I heard rumors that you were looking into building another restaurant here in Domino." Atemu said.

"Yeah. I plan on seeing about it. I'm still in the beginning stages of that, though." Yami said.

It was then that Yami and Atemu started to talk about business.

"Come on, Yugi. This is where we leave." Heba said.

"Right behind you." Yugi said.

The twins got up and left the room.

"What got into them?" Atemu asked.

"Yugi always leaves when I start talking business. He doesn't understand, and he doesn't try to. I think that Heba's the same way, so they're just going to do something else." Yami said.

"I'm glad that you and Yugi came out here. I'm starting to get a little nervous the closet it gets to time for the baby to come." Atemu said.

"Well, Yugi and I wanted to be here to help. Besides, we both could use a break from Tokyo." Yami said.

"Problems in paradise?" Atemu asked.

Yami leaned back. "Not with me and Yugi, but I think that we're both starting to get a little tired of living in such a busy city as Tokyo. I've been thinking about moving back here to Domino." Yami said.

"And what about Yugi?" Atemu asked.

"I'd bring him, too. Yugi really misses being around his brother, and I think that he would like the idea." Yami said.

"Yami, from what I've seen of Yugi, he likes to work. What are you going to do about that?" Atemu asked.

"That would be why I'm building the new restaurant here. Yugi would be able to work like I know he likes to. The only difference would be that he would be the head chef of that restaurant." Yami said.

"Have you talked this over with Yugi yet?" Atemu asked.

"Not yet, which is why I haven't made any definite decision until I talk to him about? I've just been looking into building a restaurant here." Yami said.

"Well, are you planning to talk to him about it?" Atemu asked.

"Of course I am! I just haven't done that yet." Yami said.

"Just making sure." Atemu said.

"I can't believe that Yami's thinking about building a restaurant here." Heba said.

"I'm not. We're both getting a little tired of the wild city life. I think he's planning to build the new restaurant so that we can move here." Yugi said.

"Wouldn't he have to build a corporate office here, too?" Heba asked.

"I wouldn't put it past him." Yugi said.

"So the restaurant would be for you to work at." Heba said.

"Pretty much. Mind if I fix me something to eat?" Yugi asked.

"In that case, make it for two people." Heba said.

Yugi set to fixing some sandwiches for them both.

"Would you like to move back here?" Heba asked.

"Yeah. I actually would. I'm a little tired of the city. Domino is still a pretty big city, but it's not as hectic as Tokyo." Yugi said.

"Well, I wouldn't mind having my brother close by. At least you would get to know your niece." Heba said.

"That would be an added bonus, actually. I know that Yami is real tired of living in the city." Yugi said.

"What brought this on?" Heba asked.

"I think what happened with Tanisha and Mika started it. After the trials, he just started wanting to get away from it all." Yugi said.

"Why is that?" Heba asked.

"Well, he met both of them there. He knows that there are a lot of girls that are going to be after him, and he wants it to end. He wants a quieter life, and we both feel that being in Domino would give us a bit of a chance to have a quieter, normal relationship." Yugi said.

"I see. I can understand you wanting that. I know that Atemu and I have had a quiet relationship. Sure, there were people who tried to come between us, but it didn't work. It didn't happen anymore, especially when people heard that we were engaged." Heba said.

Yugi smiled. "Yeah. Atemu made it pretty clear that he was with you, and that he wouldn't be leaving you under any circumstances." Yugi said.

"Yeah. Once people heard that, no one bothered." Heba said.

"Well, Yami made the exact same statements. The only problem was that Tanisha and Mika didn't listen." Yugi said.

"Well, they're out of your hair now, so is doesn't matter." Heba said.

"I know what you mean. Yami and I have had some peace now, but we both want to have a quiet, normal relationship." Yugi said.

"You couldn't go wrong moving here. You know from experience how quiet things can be." Heba said.

"That would be the point of moving if Yami decides to. He hasn't even talked to me about this. I can just tell that it has been on his mind." Yugi said.

"I can't believe that Yugi and Yami are thinking the same things, and don't know about it." Atemu said. He was sitting on the bed with Heba.

"Well, it's not that they don't it. Yugi knows that that's what's been on Yami's mind. Yami hasn't approached Yugi about. They'll work it out at some point. I'm not worried about that." Heba said.

"I'm glad that you're not. I just hope that thy work this out soon." Atemu said.

"It's not like they're having relationship problems. Once they talk about it, things will work out for the best." Heba said.

"Speaking of which, why didn't you want to go out with them when they went for a walk?" Atemu asked.

"Did you ever think that I didn't want to?" Heba asked.

"Heba, you like taking walks regardless." Atemu said.

"Okay. I figure that this might be a great time for Yugi and Yami to talk about this, and they need to be alone." Heba said.

"Agreed. I wouldn't mind having Yami living close again." Atemu said.

"I wouldn't either. It would be nice for them to live here so that they could be closer and get to see their niece more." Heba said.

"That would be nice." Atemu agreed.

"By the way, I might have told Yugi and Yami that we're having a girl." Heba said.

"Heba, we had agreed to keep that a secret." Atemu said.

"I know, but I had to tell someone, and they wanted to see the nursery. They agreed not to tell anyone." Heba said.

"Well, okay. I guess that it can't hurt." Atemu agreed.

Yugi and Yami walked through the park.

"It's a nice night, isn't it?" Yami asked.

"Yeah. It is. Domino has always had nice and quiet nights." Yugi said.

"I know. They're a lot quieter than nights at Tokyo." Yami said.

"Agreed." Yugi said.

The two walked in comfortable silence for a while.

"Yugi, what do you think about moving back to Domino?" Yami asked.

"Meaning you're building a new office and restaurant here so that we can move here." Yugi said.

"How do you know that?" Yami asked.

"Yami, I that you've wanted to move here so that we can have quieter lives. Therefore, you're building the new restaurant for me to work at and the new office for you to work from there." Yugi said.

Yami looked at Yugi in shock. "How did you know that?" Yami asked.

"I know that it's been on your mind for quite some time. All you had to do was tell me." Yugi said.

"How did you know that?" Yami asked.

"Yami, I've gotten to know you very well. I could tell that that was on your mind." Yugi said.

"Well, since you know, what do you think about it?" Yami asked.

"If you could get it to work, I think that it's great." Yugi said.

"Really?" Yami asked.

Yugi nodded. "I wouldn't mind being closer to Heba and Atemu. Heba is my brother. And Atemu is going to be my brother-in-law. Besides, I'd love to be able to see my niece, and living in Domino would let me see her more than I would back in Tokyo." Yugi said.

"Is that a yes?" Yami asked.

"Yes. That's yes." Yugi said.

"Great. I'm still only in the beginning stages of getting all this worked out." Yami said.

"I know that it could take a while, but at least we know we might get to move here at some point." Yugi said.

"I know what you mean. Living here would be great." Yami said. He held Yugi's hand tighter and said, "And the new restaurant would get a great chef."

"How do you know that?" Yugi asked.

"Because you'll be the chef there." Yami said.

"Yami, I don't want to be the new chef because I'm you're boyfriend." Yugi said.

"You're not. When I started to plan this, I looked at all the assistant chefs to decide who would be the next head chef at the one here. All the head chefs looked at the work records and agreed that you would be the best choice, and Leon gave you a very strong recommendation." Yami said.

"And the fact that you get the final say has nothing to do with it?" Yugi asked.

"Maybe a little. Anyway, you'll be the head chef at that restaurant." Yami said.

"Well, I guess I can let you off with this one." Yugi said.

"Great. I would have hated for you to be angry at me." Yami said.

"I'm not. The thought of being able to move out here to Domino is a great thought for me." Yugi said.

"Same here. I just hope that everything works out for us to move here." Yami said.

"Don't worry about it, Yami. We'll see if things do work out." Yugi said.

"Okay." Yami agreed.

The two headed back to the mansion.

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