I'll Never Let Them Hurt You...

By mychemicalponies

183K 7.1K 10.9K

teacher gerard / student frank frerard fic More

First Day
Falling For Him
Phone Number
Forbidden Love
The Last Goodbye
Perfect Day
Fearful Plans
Panic! At the Party
Not a Clue
A Broken Heart Calls
The End.


4.5K 213 89
By mychemicalponies

"Do I look okay?" Gerard asked, dusting off his jacket.

"You look great," I complimented. Gerard was wearing ink black pants with black dress shoes and a shirt and tie. He was going to his job interview that he'd been stressing about for days.

There was no doubt in the world that he wasn't going to make it in. This school was in desperate need of an art teacher. And besides, we're talking about Gerard here. Who wouldn't want him to teach there?

It was around 3:30 in the afternoon. It was a Friday. I had no homework, which was great. While Gerard is at his interview, I can stay home and relax.

"Okay, I'm gonna get going. Wish me luck!" Gerard nervously said, he anxiously bit his bottom lip. You could hear in his voice that he wasn't stable, all of the pressure and tenseness was probably getting to him.

I walked up to him and moved the hair out of his face as I used my tippy-toes to reach him. I wrapped my arms around him, and kissed him goodbye.

"Good luck," I wished, after letting go of each other. Gerard walked out the door into the hallway, and slowly shut it.

I yawned. This week was stressful, and tiring.

I went into Gerard's bedroom, and fell onto the bed.

I think all that was left to do was take a nap.


As I awoke from my sleep, I rubbed my eyes and made my vision clearer. I checked the clock.


Gerard should be home by now.

I ripped the covers off of my body and walked into the hallway, where I heard rustles and small noises coming from the living room.

I peeked into the living room. He was home! I couldn't wait to ask him what had happened, and if everything went well.

"Hey Gee! How was everything?" I questioned.

"It went well," he explained "But I don't think they liked me as much as they thought they would."

My eyebrows curled closer to my eyes. What did that mean? The confusion made my demeanor change.

"What does that mean?"

"I don't think that my ways of teaching was what they were looking for. You know, letting you do whatever for your projects."

What? How did they not like that? It gives students freedom, it lets them figure out what art field they are gifted in.

"But we don't have to think negatively upon it. Let's be optimistic. They seemed to like everything else," he reassured.

Well, obviously they liked everything else. What kind of absent minded person wouldn't?

A new job is a pretty big deal. Especially because he's a teacher. If he doesn't make it, there are only so many other schools that he can apply for.

Beyond worrying about if he could continue to support me or not, I still tried to look at the positive in this situation.

"You'll get it," I grabbed his hand. "Trust me."


As Gerard and I lounged around and watched TV the whole night, I decided to tell him about a new person whose entered my life.


I still don't know much about him, but I liked him.

Not in that way, of course.

"He kinda just saw me getting beaten up the other day, and after that he's just been... appearing," I explained. Gerard nodded his head. I'm not sure if he was happy that I found a friend, or if he was on the jealous side.

Judas was a person with some sort of mysterious personality to them. He was obscure and dark, but he was also friendly and likable all at the same time.

Judas put up this edgy, emo type feel to him. But once you talk to him, he's not dark at all.

I liked that mystery about him. It wanted me to become closer with him.

"So is he new or something?" Gerard asked, interrupting my dazing thoughts.

"N-no. I mean, maybe? I have no clue. He doesn't talk a lot about himself. He's more concerned about me," I answered.

I still didn't know if Gerard was okay with me befriending Judas.

Or, have I even befriended him? I barely ever start conversation with the guy. I'm still sort of debating if him being nice to me is all a joke.

I mean, we both look like emo freaks, why wasn't anybody picking on him? This probably was all an act.

I tried my best to try and think better about this "friendship."

If this was a trick, why was he so nice? So friendly? So willing to take me under his wing?

This can't be a joke.

No, Judas is my friend. That was final.

"So he just kind of showed up? You've never seen him before?" Gerard asked, interrupting my thoughts yet another time.

"Yeah, basically. I probably would have noticed him before," I explained. "He's kind of like me, an outsider. We're not hard to miss."

"All the talk about this Judas kid really makes me wanna meet him," Gerard chuckled.

"Maybe we can one time. I think that would be cool," I suggested. It actually did sound like a fun time to me. You know, as long as Gerard isn't jealous of Judas and likes the idea of me being his friend.

I scotched over closer to Gerard on the couch. He put his arm around me. "I hope you don't think Judas is replacing you, because that's impossible. Nobody can replace you," I cheesily whispered in Gerard's ear. I then kissed his cheek.

"I know," Gerard blushed.

He then kissed my lips.


(A/N) ehhh im not very proud about this chapter. its another one of those chapters that are just there to build up the story.

but my news feed isnt really working. it doesnt tell me when people comment or vote on my story. :(

anyway, make sure you comment and vote, even if i dont know if you do it or not.


-laser candy

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