>Pitch Perfect 2- My Rendition

By lexilowe99

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My version of Pitch Perfect 2. Ever wondered how Pitch Perfect 2 would be? Well so have I and I decided to s... More

Pitch Perfect 2- My Rendition
Chapter One *Auditions*
Chapter Two *Aca-Initiation*
Chapter Three *Rehearsal*
Chapter Four *Graduation*
Chapter Five *Riff Off*
Chapter Six *Fundraising Part 1*
Chapter Eight *SH*T*
Chapter Nine *Plans & I Love You's*
Chapter Ten *What the H*ll Just Happened?!*
Chapter Eleven *Figuring it Out*
Chapter Twelve *Jimmy....Mitchell?*
Author's Note

Chapter Seven *Fundraising Part 2*

2K 46 9
By lexilowe99

Chapter Seven *Fundraising Part 2*

*Still Jesse’s P.O.V.*

 I sit there and eavesdrop.

 "What is your deal with my boyfriend?"

There is a long pause.

  "Look, it's not like I’m the only girl that stares at him!"

 "But you’re the only one that looks like a stalker doing so!" She has a point.

 "Look, I’m not going to try anything on him k? Chill"

 "Fine whatever, just DON’T try anything or I am kicking you out of the Bellas. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah. I won't try to steal Jesse from you"

  I back away as I see the handle move then hide. Anna comes out and turns the corner and I follow her silently.

 "I’ll steal him from you, you little emo"

 My eyes, widened what the hell. I turn around to see Beca crossing her arms. She startled me and I jumped.

 Beca sighs.

 "1st, you’re not as ninja as I am." I chuckle, "2nd, I am probably going to rip her head off." I wrap my arms around her shoulders and kiss her temple lightly.

 "She is kind of scary. I think I’m going to stick with you or one of the guys for the fundraiser." She nods

 "Why does she think I’m dumb enough to fall for that 'oh I would never try to steal him' bullsh*t?" I shrug.

  "Don't know babe, but you don't have to worry, I don’t like Aubrey clones.” She smiles at my remark and it goes quiet, not the awkward kind but the enjoying each other’s company kind.

 “Y’know, she kind of reminds me of my ex."

  Beca gives me a questioning look.

  "Can we go back to your room?" She smiles and nods as we turn to go back to her room.

When we get there she closes the door and turns to me.

 "Spill Jess." I smile, loving it every time she calls me that.

"Ok, so I had this girlfriend in high school, her name was Samantha, I think. Anyway, I really liked her but then I caught her cheating on me so I dumped her." Beca nods her head then sits in my lap as I continue to tell the story.

 "Then she started stalking me claiming that I didn't break up with her, that it was just a rough patch. It got so bad that I had to get a restraining order. Then time for college came around and I moved out here, never seeing, hearing, or thinking about her again, until just now." Beca lays her head on my shoulder.

 "It's kind of creepy that she reminds you of your ex." I nod my head then rest it on hers.

 "Hey Jesse?" I look at her. "Can you spend the night?" I smile and kiss her lightly.

 "Of course." We both lay down and she falls asleep in my arms.


 I woke up and Beca wasn’t in my arms. I looked around the room and found her. She was changing into a black bikini and putting on a button down that I think is actually mine. I reluctantly turned my head to look at the less hot wall out of respect.

After a minute or two, I felt someone lay next to me and I looked down to see Beca laying her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her enjoying the feeling of her skin against my fingertips. I kissed her temple and she looked up at me. I smiled and leaned down to kiss her lips. When they connected, I felt that lovely fire ignite through my body.

I pulled her closer until she was practically on top of me. Her hands ran through my hair as mine pulled her closer to me, till there was no space left. I heard someone cough and we reluctantly pulled away to look at Amy.

  “First of all, I don’t like walking up into my roommate and her boyfriend eating each other.” We both sat up Beca was straddling me.

  “Second, time to go set up the fundraiser! Come on, Beca. Drop Jesse off at his dorm so he can change then we can all meet up at the fundraiser ok?” We both nod our heads as Beca gets off of me.

 “Meet you in your dorm Jess.” I kiss her goodbye and leave to go change.

 *Beca’s P.O.V*

I woke up in Jesse’s arms. I smiled and laid down for a little bit longer till Amy woke up and told me to get dressed before leaving for something. I groan and get up to get dressed. I get my black bikini and look back at Jesse to see him still asleep. I change quickly to avoid any awkward moments. I find a black button down that I think is Jesse’s and slip it on.

I see Jesse waking up out of the corner of my eye then he moves his arm and realizes I’m not laying on it anymore. His eyes opened and he looked up at me then looked away when he realized I was changing. Finishing up the buttons, I went and laid next to him, with my head on his shoulder, and his arms re-wrap themselves around me. After a few seconds he kisses my temple and I look up at him. I tilt my head sideways and he leans in, smiling and kisses my lips.

I put my hand in his hair the other against his chest. He pulls me on top of him and I ran both of my hands through his hair as his fingertips slowly slip across my waist, pulling me closer. We were pulled away from the kiss by Amy clearing her throat.

“First of all, I don’t like walking into my dorm to find my roommate and her boyfriend eating each other.” We both sat up and I was straddling him.

“Second, time to go set up the fundraiser! Come on, Beca. Drop Jesse off at his dorm so he can change then we can all meet up at the fundraiser ok?” We both nod our heads as I get off of him.

“Meet you in your dorm Jess.” He kisses me sweetly and leaves to go change. I close the door behind him.

“Ready shaw-shank?” I nod my head and we both leave. “But seriously, if you could give me a heads up when your about to do 'it' so I know not to be there.” I blush and playfully shove her.

She looks me up and down. “That Jesse’s shirt?” I blush lightly and she smiles at me.

"Alright, see you at the fundraiser and please, keep it PG-13." she said then walked down  the hall to leave as I turned to walk down the hallway that led to Jesse's dorm.

When he opened the door I saw that he hasn't even started to get ready so I waited for him. A few minutes of waiting passed and my phone rang.

*Brittany's P.O.V.*

I watched Anna as she tried to find some dirty little secret about Beca.

"Anna let it go. Jesse loves her too much. One little secret won't break them up." I tried talking some sense into her but it didn't work.

"I know that Brittany, that's why I'm trying to find a big secret." She said as she looked at me then back down at her laptop.

"She's gotta be hiding something." She said as she continued searching the web.

"Ah ha!!" Found it."

I gave her an 'are you crazy?' look.

"The day of his arrest, Damien Patterson's supposed girlfriend, Beca Mitchell was at the scene. A source says they heard Mitchell tell her boyfriend 'when you get out I promise we'll be together again.' Anna read aloud. "I hit the jackpot."

She's lost it. I watched as she dialed a number into her cell phone and leaves the room. I sigh and start to get ready for the fundraiser. I run it through my head a few more times then I decide to call Beca. She needs to know this and soon. The phone rang a couple of times then I heard her voice. (B=Beca Br=Brittany)

B: Hey Brit, what's up?

Br: Anna is seriously going off the rails.

B: (sigh) what's she up to now?

Br: Who is Damien Patterson?

There was a pause then I heard the phone hit the floor.

"Bec, you ok?" I heard Jesse's distant voice. "Sh*t." He said as I heard the phone get picked up.

J: What the h*ll happened?

His voice was full of concern.

Br: Do you know who Damien Patterson is?

J: So that's the cause of the anxiety attack.

His voice trails off as he tends to his girlfriend. I can hear her breathing heavily. "You ok?" I hear Jesse ask her. I can't see it but I'm sure she nodded.

Br: Jesse!

I yelled reminding him that I'm still here.

J: Right, sorry. Damien is her abusive ex. How do you know him? Beca's only told me.

Br: Um, Anna. She found out about him through the old news records. She's calling him right now. She wants him to come here and get Beca back.

J: Sh*t. Brittany, your friend is a psycho.

Br: Tell me about it.

J: Alright, I'm going to help Beca regain or sense of...well everything. We'll see ya at the fundraiser.

Br: K, bye.

J: Bye.

The line went dead just as Anna came back into the room. I tossed my phone onto my bed and finished changing.

"Who was that?" Anna asked.

I glared at her and she flinched.


I shook my head at her disappointedly. I left, completely ignoring her when she asked me what was wrong. I was too angry to speak to her.

*At the Fundraiser*

When I arrived at the fundraiser I noticed Chloe and Aubrey were here as well. They left after the riff off and I'm not sure why they're here now.

"Hey." Aubrey said when she spotted me.

"Hey what are you guys doing here?"

"I came to help with the fundraiser."

"You don't look dressed for the occasion." I eyed her choice in wardrobe.

"Well I didn't plan on Beca doing something so...like this. It must've been Stacie’s idea." She said faking a little smile.

"So, why are you here Chloe?" I asked my fellow ginger.

"I came to give money to the Bellas fund. I won't be participating in the water fight but I wanted to give money."

I was going to say something else but my attention quickly changed to Beca and Jesse, who were getting out of a car I assumed to be Jesse's.

"Um, I gotta go." I excused myself from the conversation then quickly made my way over to Beca.

I immediately wrapped my arms around her making her stumble a little. I pulled out of the hug and looked at her.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Fine." She faked a smile.

Jesse made his way around and laced his fingers in Beca's.

"Let's go girls."

Within minutes of approaching the crowd, one of the Trebles called for Jesse. He said he'd be back then walked off with his buddy. Beca and I walked over to Lily and Fat Amy, who were in charge of the money, and we took over so they could go get ready. We sat down and continued taking money. After giving the 5th person their water balloons and guns, I noticed a guy standing in the back. He was fully dressed and he was creeping around, making me suspicious. I was about to point him out to Beca when Jesse wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek. She smiled, a real smile this time, and turned her head. They're lips immediately locked. I didn't want to watch them so I turned my head. The creepy guy caught my attention. He was staring over here with his hands clenched into fists. Before I could say anything, Jesse left and the guy was walking this way.

"Holy sh*t!" Beca jumped out of her seat as she noticed the guy.

"Beca, is that-"

"Go get Jesse." She quickly cut me off.

I hurried out if my seat and ran to get Jesse. I looked back to see the guy slap Beca in the face. I sped up. I finally reached Jesse and tapped him on the shoulder. He looked at me and I tried to say something.

"Beca....help....her." I said between pants.

"Brit, calm down. What about Beca?" He asked.

I couldn't get a full sentence out so I said the one word I knew he would understand.


His eyes quickly widened.

"Oh my God." He said then handed me the water bottle he was holding and ran after his girlfriend.

I threw bottle on the ground and followed him. I stopped and stood in the front of a crowd watching Damien and Beca. Damien was now holding Beca's arm and yelling at her. Jesse ran up and tackled Damien to the ground much like a football player. Beca fell with them and Jesse quickly stood up, pulling her with him, and gently pushed her to me. He turned back toward Damien just for Damien to punch his jaw. Jesse stumbled back but didn't fall. Damien threw another punch but Jesse caught it then threw his own punch. His fist met Damien' s jaw and busted his lip. I didn't think Jesse had it in him and I'm surprised by this action. Jesse clocked Damien again, bloodying his lip even more. Damien threw a punch but Jesse quickly dodged it and ran behind him. He pinched his shoulder and Damien immediately collapsed to the ground.

"What the h*ll was that?" Beca asked the question everyone was thinking.

"The volcen pinch."

Everyone face him a confused look.

"Spock uses it in Star Trek. It knocks the person unconscious." He explained.

"You are such a nerd." I said.

"Yeah. But he's my nerd." Beca said with a smile.

Jesse smiled back and Beca walked up to him and examined his cheek. After seeing its ok, she kissed him.

"Who's ready to get soaked?" She asked when she faced the crowd.

Everybody cheered them followed Beca's directions. Amy wrapped the lock box of money in a Wal-Mart sack and stuck it in her purse. Beca and Jesse then folded up the table that once held the water guns. Everyone else stripped out of the clothes they were wearing over their swim suits and Beca explained the rules.

"No balloons to the face or private areas. If your guns need refilled there are hoses located at each end, don't use the water bottles those are for drinking. Any questions?"

Everybody just looked at her.

"Ok. The team that gets soaked the most loses. Start on my count."

Everybody positioned themselves as Beca started counting down from 5.

"5...4...3...2...1. Go!"

Immediately, balloons started flying back and forth and streams of water were being shot at each other. I dodged a couple balloons by ducking behind Anna. I watched as Beca pelted Jesse's chest with a couple balloons and Jesse darted at her. She squealed as Jesse grabbed her and twirled her around. He set her back down and kissed her.


Jesse popped a balloon on Beca's head.

"Holy sh*t, that was cold."

Jesse chuckled at her and she grabbed her own balloon. She quickly slid  it and her hand into his trunks and popped it. He shivered as the water poured down his legs making it look like he was peeing. Beca pulled her hand out of his trunks and threw the pieces of balloon onto the ground as she smirked. Out of no where a crack of thunder sounded across the sky and rain poured down. For a split second everyone looked up then went back to soaking each other. Jesse wrapped his arms around Beca's waist and just smiled at her. I could barely make out their conversation over the sounds of people screaming and thunder cracking.

"What?" She asked smiling back.

"I've always wanted to kiss my girlfriend in the rain, it would be so romantic. Just like in the movies."

Beca rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's nerdiness but wrapped her arms around his neck. They slowly leaned closer to each other until their lips met. I watched them for a moment because they were cute and, Jesse was right, it was romantic but when they got a little too enthusiastic and I could see their tongues enter each other's mouths, I quickly looked away. I shuddered at the sight then stood back up. I saw Anna eying them.

"I told you. You're not going to get between them." I said.

She looked at me then glared at Beca and Jesse then went back to throwing balloons.

The fundraiser lasted a little longer until lightning flashed. Beca then stopped it and sent everybody home for their safety, declaring there was no winner since the downpour drenched everyone but by the end of it, nobody cared. They were exhausted from all the fun they were having.

*Jesse's P.O.V.*

After fighting the urge to kill Damien for what he did to Beca, I knocked him unconscious with the volcen pinch. Beca examined my now very sore cheek for cuts then kissed me after finding none. She asked everyone if they were ready to get soaked and after the cheers died down she explained the rules. As she counted down from 5 everyone, including her, started positioning themselves.

When she was standing across from me she eyed me with a mischievous look then yelled go. Balloons started flying and she pelted me in the chest with a couple then mouthed the word 'whoops'. I smiled then darted toward her. I picked her up and twirled her around causing her to squeal. When I put her down I pulled her in for a kiss then 'POP!' I popped a balloon on her head. She cursed then a balloon of her own. She smirked then quickly stuck her hand holding the balloon into my trunks. I didn't think she would actually do it when suddenly everything below my waistline went cold and the water trickled down my legs. She pulled the balloon pieces out and threw them on the ground.


Thunder suddenly sounded across the sky. Mother nature is joining our fight and I have a feeling she is going to win. We looked up at the sky then I quickly looked back down at Beca. I watch her as she watches the sky. She looks as beautiful as always. I wrap my arms around her waist and she looks at me. I just stare, taking in how beautiful she looks even when she's wet.

"What?" she asked with a smile.

"I've always wanted to kiss my girlfriend in the rain, it would be so romantic. Just like in the movies." I added the last part just to see her reaction.

As expected, she rolled her eyes then slowly leaned closer to me until our lips met igniting that fire inside of me immediately warming me up from the chill of the water. We stood there and just kissed for a few minutes until a streak of lightning lit up the sky. Beca pulled away from the kiss and me and sent everybody home declaring that there was no winner unless, of course, you count mother nature.

I helped the Bellas do a quick cleanup. After about 30 minutes we had most of the balloon pieces picked up and the table, water guns, and boxes the balloons were in put into the back of my car. The girls said their good byes then I drove Beca back to the dorms.

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