When Natural Meets the Supern...

By umhimynameischarlie

1.8K 110 53

The worst feeling in the world is when you're an outsider. And that's the vague feeling that I had every day... More

Episode 1: Formalities
Episode 2: Streak Bet
Episode 3: Alone Time
Episode 4: Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Episode 6: Adults Only
Episode 7: The Hangover
Episode 8: Lost Loves
Episode 9: Rebound Sex
Episode 10, Part 1: Low-Key
Episode 10, Part 2: The Unexpected One-Eyed Snake
Episode 10, Part 3: Resolution

Episode 5: Did it Hurt to Fall from Heaven?

177 13 7
By umhimynameischarlie

He stood there. He just stood there, staring at us. 

I looked to Dean, and then Sam. Neither of them knew what was going on either.

"Thanks for the headache, douchebag. Who the hell are you?" Dean rubbed his forehead.

The man tilted his head a bit to the side, in confusion. "I am Castiel, an angel of the Lord."

He raised an eyebrow and a breathy laugh came out of his mouth. "Uh huh, yeah... Right."

Castiel took a step forward, and looked Dean straight in the eyes. "That is your problem, Dean. You have no faith."

There was a crash of lightning and then seconds later, we saw the shadow of immense, pitch-black wings on the walls. 

I pushed Dean aside and decided to talk to the angel one-on-one. "So, Cas-ti-el," I said, mimicking his earlier tone, "why are you here?"

Castiel stepped closer to me, looking partially offended that I would ask such a thing. "Because God commanded it," he paused, "because we have work for you."

Sam furrowed his eyebrows. "What kind of work?"

Castiel's jaw clenched. "Important work."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I got that. But if I'm gonna be busting my ass for someone I just met, it'd better be for a good reason."

He was glaring at me and then he came closer. I could now feel his breath on my face. "Do you honestly believe I would be here on this Earth by choice?"

Dean came in between us. "Whoa, chuckles, back up."

I pushed him aside. "Dean, I can handle myself." 


Sam and I were sitting down on the beds, while Dean and Castiel were standing in front of us. 

I wasn't quite sure what I thought about this guy. I mean, out of the blue, he just pops up and decides that he's gonna tell us what to do? Yeah, right. Like I'm gonna let that happen.

Dean definitely didn't like Castiel. The ironic part about that was that him and Castiel were practically eye-fucking each other. I mean, I've always had a feeling that Dean wasn't as pin-straight as he tries to convince us he is... But this? Whew. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife, I swear. Not that I could blame Dean. The guy was attractive. Plus, the whole "angel" thing is totally doing it for me. The deep, gravely voice, his penetrating gaze... I definitely wasn't minding it.

Sam, however, seemed to like Castiel a lot. He kept eagerly asking questions about Heaven, Hell, and everything in between. He was fangirling. Dean and I checked out of the conversation mentally after the fifth or sixth question. Castiel seemed to be enjoying the attention though; after each question that Sam would ask, Castiel would raise his chin and pull his strong shoulders back with a tint of pride.

 Dean headed to the table to pour some more whiskey into his glass. I handed him mine, nodded my head to signal that I wanted some as well. If I was going to deal with angels and shit tonight, I definitely didn't desire to do it sober.

Dean swirled the whiskey in his glass, took a sip, and then placed it on the table. "Well, we should probably turn in for the night." He gave Castiel a forced smile, hoping that he would go away.

Castiel cocked his head to the side in confusion. "What are you turning in?"

Dean rolled his eyes. "Sleep. We need to sleep."

Sam stood up. "It's fine Dean, I think he should stay a little longer."

I smirked. "Yeah, Sam wants his boyfriend to spend the night."

Sam's nose cringed and he cocked his head. He obviously didn't enjoy my comment about how into Castiel he was.

Castiel's eyebrows furrowed. "I do not recall Sam becoming my romantic partner..."

Dean and I burst into laughter. 

Sometimes, in friendships, you can pinpoint the exact moment at which you decide that you like the person.

For Dean and me, this was the exact moment we decided that Cas was allowed in our little group.

"Fine, Cas can stay the night. But no creepy angel shit."

Castiel nodded.


"So, Cas," Dean took a large gulp of whiskey, "what've you been doing with the man upstairs all this time?"

Castiel squinted his eyes, unsure what we were talking about. "If you're referring to God, then I haven't been doing anything. I've never spoken nor seen him."

Sam took a sip of his beer and raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You've never seen God?"

"So you're obeying anonymous orders? You've never even met this guy, and you're taking orders from him?" I cringed. Why would he do this?

Cas' jaw clenched. "It's our job to take orders. It's not our job to question them."

Dean stifled a laugh. "But, I mean, how could you do that? Ya'know, take orders and take orders and then more orders without knowing the greater purpose?"

"There's always a greater purpose. That's why it's important to have faith," Cas said, as a subtle jab to Dean's lack of belief.

"It's also important to have independent thought," I said, as a subtle jab to Cas' lack of independence. 

He looked me straight in the eyes, with his eyebrows drawn together in partial anger. "I don't have the luxury."

"So you're just gonna spend all of eternity being someone's bitch?" I raised my eyebrows. Is that really how he wanted to spend his eternal life? Sounds pretty lame to me...

He cornered me. "I think you should show me some respect; I am bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, and all-around more powerful than you are."

I met his glare and gave it back to him stronger. No one, no one whether it's a four year old or God himself, talks to me like that. "And I'm supposed to just blindly obey you becuase you're a scary-ass motherfucker? No. Respect is earned, not blindly handed out and you've done absolutely nothing to deserve my respect."

"I'll have you know that I was placed on this mission to save your lives. All three of you. I'd gladly leave if you would prefer to be killed by your reckless decisions." He kept on staring right into my eyes with a vicious scowl. 

I raised my eyebrows and chuckled. "No, you wouldn't. Because you're daddy's little angel, you wouldn't dare question an order because it's not your place to do so."

His nostrils began to flare. "If you become more trouble than you're worth I could strike you down right here. So you're going to do exactly as I tell you to."

"Make me." God, I am so turned on right now. His gaze was penetrating my soul right now but I sincerely wish there was another part of him doing the penetrating. If you know what I mean. 

God, just slam me against the wall and fuck me as hard as your sweet little angel ass can. 

Wow. I need to get laid.

"I'm an angel, it would be sinful to engage in acts as such."

Sam and Dean looked at each other, having no idea what was going on. 

"What acts?" Sam asked.

Castiel smirked. "Scarlett wishes to engage in sexual acts with me."

Dean's eyebrows furrowed and he began to laugh. "And how would you know that?"

"I have the ability to listen to her thoughts."

I blushed slightly and tried to look away so that the boys wouldn't see. 

Dean smirked. "Oh, really?"

I bit my lip, and looked at Castiel. "You should probably go back to angel business... There's probably something they need you for..."

"Oh," Cas looked at the ground, "I'm making you uncomfortable. I should go." 

Then, just like that, he was gone.

Sam and Dean burst into laughter as soon as Cas left the room. 

"So you've got an angel kink? Well I'm an angel at heart..." Dean winked.

I rolled my eyes and sighed dramatically, nonverbally telling him that I was done with this line of questioning.

"But seriously," Sam said, "if you wanted to bang him you didn't have to go through all of that oooh oohh I'm angry rawr rawr stuff to pass the message along." Sam mocked my "angry" body language and the tone I used with Cas.

"Although that was a pretty good indicator..." Dean pitched in.

"Fine, yeah, I have a bit of an angel kink. But look at him, he's gorgeous in that tough and brooding, yet delicate and sensitive kind of way."

Sam raised his eyebrows, probably mentally making fun of me, and Dean just shrugged and took a sip of whisky, trying to hide the fact that he was a bit jealous.

"Whatever, he's hot."

"Dumbasses," I muttered under my breath, earning a chuckle from Sam.


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