Restaurant love

By YaoiDaisuki69

161K 4.2K 1.5K

Yami Sennen is the owner of a famous five star restaurant. He has been looking for love for the past few year... More

Chapter 1 : A chance meeting
Chapter 2: Meeting Again
Chapter 3: Our First Date
Chapter 4: Yugi's World
Chapter 5:Yami's Home
Chapter 6: The Business Party
Chapter 7: Dinner
Chapter 8: I Love You
Chapter 9: Being with you
Chapter 10: Atemu's Threat
Chapter 11: Surprises
Chapter 12: Playing games & Awkward Situations
Chapter 13: The Truth
Chapter 14: Day at The Park
Chapter 15: Problems
Chapter 16: Lawsuit
Chapter 17: Death Threat
Chapter 18: Waiting and Accusations
Chapter 19: Yugi's Story
Chapter 20: Going Home
Chapter 22: Mika's Trial
Chapter 23: Tanisha's Trial
Chapter 24: Moving
Chapter 25: Heba has the baby
Chapter 26: The Proposal
Chapter 27: Scott's Farewell
Chapter 28: Moving
Chapter 29: Pregnant?
Chapter 30: The Wedding
Chapter 31: The Second Wedding
Chapter 32: The Twins Arrive
Chapter 33: Restaurant Love

Chapter 21: Mother Hen

4.1K 117 31
By YaoiDaisuki69

Yugi had been at Yami's mansion for a week, and he was about to go insane. Yami had been constantly mothering him, and Yugi was getting sick of it.

Yami was at work at the moment, and Suzanne was the one taking care of him.

There was a knock on the door to the master bedroom.

"Come in." Yugi called.

Suzanne opened the door and walked in with a tray of food. "Hello, Mr. Mutou. How are you doing?" Suzanne asked.

"I'm fine." Yugi said.

"Here's lunch." Suzanne said, sitting the tray on the bed with Yugi.

"Thank you, Suzanne." Yuugi said.

Suzanne smiled at him before she left the room.

Yugi was thankful that Yami's room had a TV in it. He flipped on the TV to watch it while he ate.

"In other news, the highly anticipated trials of Mika Hano and Tanisha and Harmsworth will take place in a matter weeks. The women were charged with trying to kill Yugi Mutou, the boyfriend of restaurant owner, Yami Sennen." the newscaster said.

Yugi rolled his eyes. There had been so much of that in the news that he was sick and tired of hearing about it. "Those women really did get famous if that's what they were wanting, but it won't do them that much good in prison." Yugi said as he ate.

When Yugi was done, he set the try aside and sat back as he watched a movie that was on.

His cell phone rang.

Yugi picked it up and saw that it was Yami who was calling.

"Yes, Yami." Yugi said.

"Hi, little one. How are you doing?" Yami asked

"I'm fine, Yami." Yugi said.

"That's good. I was worried that you might not be doing well." Yami said.

Yugi rolled his eyes. "Yami, I am fine. You know that. There's not need to be worried." Yugi said.

"Well, I can't help it. I worry about you. I just don't want anything to happen to you." Yami said.

"Yami, the big threat to me is in jail." Yugi said.

"I know, but you never know what those bitches might try to pull." Yami said.

"Yami, take it easy. Tanisha and Mika can't get anyone to do anything. You know that any visits that they have and any phone calls that are made are monitored, and they have to let the guards at the prison read any letters that they write." Yugi said.

"Okay, Yugi. I think that I get your point. I'm going to be getting off at five today, so I'll see you then, Yugi."Yami said.

"Okay, Yami. I'll see you then." Yugi said before he hung up.

Yugi sighed. 'I have until about five-thirty before Yami is back to bug me.' Yugi thought.

Yugi's phone rang again.

'If that's Yami again, I swear that I am going to kill him.' Yugi thought.

Yugi picked up the phone again, and he was glad to see that it was Heba.

"Hey, Heba." Yugi said.

"Hey, Yugi. How have you been doing with Yami?" Heba asked.

Yugi groaned. "Please do not ask. He has barely left me alone since I got to come home. He doesn't let me leave the bedroom for any reason at all. In fact, the only time that I can get out of the bed is when I have to go to the bathroom and when I have to go to the doctor. Other than that, I have to stay in bed." Yugi said.

"Welcome to the world of dating a Sennen." Heba said.

"I take it that you knew that this would be happening to me." Yugi said.

"Yes, I did. You remember when I was in the car accident. Atemu and I had been together for a year by then." Heba said.

"Yeah. I remember that. You were in the hospital for about a week and then you ended up staying with Atemu because he wasn't going to let you stay on your own while you healed form the accident." Yugi said.

"Yes, and I found out first hand just how overprotective he could be. I swear that that man drove me up the wall and down it again. I'm surprised that I didn't need a psychiatrist after everything that I went through." Heba said.

"So, Atemu turned into a virtual mother hen." Yugi said.

"Yes, and that's what he became again when I got pregnant. It's something that you just learn to deal with. Well, that and threatening no sex for a time if they don't back off."Heba said.

"Does that actually work?" Yugi asked.

"Oh, yes. The thought of not getting any for a while makes them rather uncomfortable." Heba said.

"That's probably more effective when you're pregnant than when you're injured from an accident." Yugi said.

"No. It is still rather effective then. All you have do is threaten that when you're well, there will be a time that there will be no sex between you two, and he'll calm down." Heba said.

"Thanks for the advice because I really don't know what to do right now." Yugi said.

"Just give it time, and Yami will calm down. I promise you that." Heba said.

"Thanks. Did Atemu get that letter about having to testify?" Yugi asked.

"Yeah. He's already making the arrangements for while he's gone." Heba said.

"Are you going to be coming, or are you going to have to stay home?" Yugi asked.

"I'll be coming, too. If it had been a month later, then I don't wouldn't been able to, but I can for now, and I thought that I would come to support you, Yami, and Atemu." Heba said.

"Can I assume that Atemu doesn't like the idea of you coming?" Yugi asked.

"No, he doesn't, but he's going to learn to deal with it." Heba said.

"Well, I'm sure that you've got other things that you need to do, so I'll let you go." Yugi said.

"All right, Yugi I'll see you later. Bye." Heba said.

"Bye." Yugi replied and hung up. He laid back down and sighed. 'I might as well take a nap. There isn't much else that I can do.' Yugi thought. He closed his eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.

Yami walked into his mansion and sighed. He had had a rather rough day, and he just wanted to collapse.

"Welcome home, Mr. Sennen." Suzanne said.

"Hi, Suzanne. How's Yugi?" Yami asked.

"He's fine. Last account I had, he was asleep." Suzanne said.

"Okay. Thanks." Yami said and headed upstairs. He opened the door to his room and looked in to see that Yugi was asleep. He smiled and walked in into the room.

Yami set his briefcase on the table and then walked over to the bed and climbed onto the bed beside Yugi.

Yugi didn't stir.

Yami reached out and stroked Yugi's cheek.

Still asleep, Yugi leaned into the touch.

Yami smiled before he leaned down and kissed Yugi on the cheek.

Yugi eyes fluttered open and he blinked a little before his eyes came into focus. "Yami?" Yugi said.

"Who else?" Yami asked.

Yugi sat up. "When did you get home?" Yugi asked.

"I just got back." Yami answered.

"Oh. I guess I've been asleep a while." Yugi said.

"When did you fall asleep?" Yami asked.

"Well, Heba called me after I talked to you, and I talked to him for a little bit before I took a nap." Yugi answered.

"That's been a while." Yami said.

"I know. I was kind of tired." Yugi said.

"I can see that. I'll go tell Suzanne to have dinner sent up here." Yami said.

"You know, I could go down to the dining room." Yugi said.

"No, I'll have it brought up." Yami said. He then stood up and left the room.

Yugi groaned. 'I wish that he would let up on me.' Yugi thought.

It wasn't long before Yami came back. "Dinner should be up soon." Yami said.

"You know, I can do things, Yami. Being shot didn't make me an invalid." Yugi said.

"Yugi, you're going to stay here and rest. You know that you need to rest." Yami said.

"Yes, I know." Yugi said.

"Then that's what you're going to do." Yami said.

'I might be on trial for murder. Yami's murder.' Yugi thought.

Soon, dinner was brought up, and Yugi and Yami ate their dinner while making small talk.

"I talked to David today." Yami said.

"Oh? How are things at the restaurant?" Yugi asked.

"Things seem to be going fine. Everyone hopes that you get back to work soon, especially Leon." Yami said.

Yugi laughed. "Leon likes having someone to talk to. We talk while we cook, and he likes my company. Not to mention the fact that he loves my cooking." Yugi said.

"Do you two eat what you cook?" Yami asked.

"No. Whenever I would think of a new dish, I would make enough so that I could bring some of it to Leon and let him try it. He loves it when I would do that." Yugi said.

"So, Leon was your guinea pig?" Yami asked.

"In a way." Yugi said.

After dinner, the trays were taken back downstairs.

Yugi stood up from the bed.

"Yugi, what are you doing? You're supposed to be resting." Yami said.

"I know that Yami, but I need a bath." Yugi said.

"Oh. Okay." Yami said.

Yugi went into the bathroom and ran some water into the tub and got back in the water when it was the right temperature. 'He is going to drive me crazy.' Yugi thought.

Yugi was just sitting in the water and relaxing, letting the water ease the tenseness of his body. He didn't even know how long he had been sitting in the water.

Yami knocked on the door and said, "Yugi, are you all right?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." Yugi replied.

"You've in there for forty-five minutes." Yami said.

"Sorry. I'll be right out." Yugi said. He got out of the water and dried off before he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked out into the bedroom.

"Better?" Yami asked.

"Yes." Yugi replied. He walked over and got out some of his clothes and put them on.

Yami was sitting on the bed, and Yugi got on the bed with him.

The news was talking about the upcoming trials for Mika and Tanisha.

"Do they have nothing better to talk about right now?" Yugi asked.

"No. It's something that is pretty big news, and it will be for a while." Yami said.

"Did Tanisha and Mika ever get bail?" Yugi asked.

"Nope. Given their crimes, the judge decided that they would be better off to stay in jail. The fact that they tried to escape police custody and attacked officers didn't help their case." Yami said.

"Then they won't be bothering us until the trial." Yugi said.

"They can't bother us. They'll be with their lawyers all the time, and there are police officers there. They can't approach us." Yami said.

"That's good to know." Yugi said.

"Do you need anything?" Yami asked.

"No, Yami." Yugi said.

"Are you sure?" Yami asked.

"Yes, Yami. I am sure." Yugi said.

"All right. I think that I'm going to go and take a quick shower then." Yami said.

"Okay." Yugi said.

Yami leaned over and kissed Yugi on the cheek before he went into the bathroom.

Yugi reached over to the night stand and picked up the book that he had started reading earlier and started reading it again. He was so engrossed in the book that he didn't hear Yami when he walked back into the room.

"Yugi!" Yami exclaimed.

Yugi jumped and was thankful that he didn't fall off the bed. "What?" Yami said.

"Where did you get that book?" Yami asked.

"Suzanne got it for me. She had to go out today, and I knew that this book had come out, so I asked her if she would pick this up for me at the bookstore. I had pre-ordered." Yugi replied.

"Oh. I thought that you had gone to the library." Yami said.

"Yami, I haven't left this room." Yugi said.

"And you don't need to. You need to do like the doctor said and just rest." Yami said.

Yugi rolled his eyes. "Yami, you're worrying too much." Yugi said.

"No, I'm not." Yami said.

Yugi sighed. He was really sick of being in bed.

"I'm going to go downstairs and get something to drink. Do you want anything?" Yami asked.

"No." Yugi said.

"Are you sure? I'll be happy to bring you something." Yami said.

"No, Yami. I don't need anything." Yugi said.

Yami could sense that something was bothering him. "Yugi, what's bothering you?" Yami asked.

"Nothing is bothering me." Yugi replied, returning his attention to his book.

"Yes, there is." Yami said.

Yugi looked up from the book. "Yami, nothing is bothering me." Yugi said.

"Yugi, don't lie to me! I can tell that something is wrong." Yami said, getting angry that Yugi wouldn't talk to him.

Yugi slammed his book shut "Fine! You're what's bothering me!" Yugi snapped.

"Me? What did I do?" Yami asked.

"Yami, you have kept me cooped up in this room for a week straight, and I am sick of this. I can only take being keep in the same room for so long." Yugi said.

"The doctor said that you needed to rest, and that's what you're going to do!" Yami retorted.

"Resting doesn't mean keeping me locked in this room! If I don't do things, I won't recover!" Yugi said.

"You don't need to get up! You have to regain some of your strength before you can start to do things." Yami said.

"You can't expect me to stay in this room forever. I need to get out." Yugi said.

"You have to stay here and rest, and that's final." Yami snapped before storming out of the room.

Angry, Yugi slammed the book onto the nightstand. 'Why can't he see that there's no need to keep me locked up?' Yugi asked himself.

Meanwhile, Yami was downstairs, getting a glass of scotch.

"You and Yugi have a fight?" Suzanne asked.

"Why do you ask?" Yami asked, taking a sip of the drink.

"Because the only time you get into that scotch is when you have a fight with your lover, and I would say that this qualifies." Suzanne said.

"Yugi's angry because I won't let him leave the room, but he has to rest. The doctor said so." Yami said.

"The doctor also said Yugi could do a little walking to start with." Suzanne said.

Yami looked up at her. "What are you saying?" Yami asked.

"What I'm saying is that keeping Yugi cooped up in one room is not the best of ideas. I get your worry, but you could let him walk downstairs or to the library or something." Suzanne said.

"Is everyone against me on this?" Yami asked.

"No, but I see both sides. Yugi can only take so much. He can rest just as well in the living room or the library. He's not going to do anything he shouldn't." Suzanne said.

"I know, it's just-" Yami trialed off.

"Just what?" Suzanne asked.

"When I got in that apartment and saw Yugi, he had been shot and was bleeding. I was scared that I was going to lose him." Yami said.

"So you were keeping him in the room because you knew that he was safe there." Suzanne said.

"Yeah." Yami said.

Suzanne sighed. "Yami, you're fear is understandable, but you're taking it to an extreme. You can't keep Yugi locked up. Things like this can happen, but smothering him and acting like a mother hen is not going to make things better. As I see it, it has driven a wedge between you?" Suzanne asked.

"Mother hen?" Yami asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. You're constantly fussing over Yugi and being overprotective. You're acting like a mother hen. You need to try and relax. I don't think acting like this will help." Suzanne said.

Yami sighed. "I know. I guess I let my fear get the best of me." Yami said. He started to take another drink of the scotch, but Suzanne grabbed the glass and took it from him.

"You don't need this. What you need to do is go back upstairs and talk things out with Yugi." Suzanne said.

"Okay. I will." Yami said. He started to leave the room when he turned back to Suzanne. "Suzanne?" Yami said.

"Yes." Suzanne said, turning to look at him.

"Thanks. I think I needed that hit over the head." Yami said.

"No problem." Suzanne said.

Yami left the room.

Suzanne walked over to the sink and poured the scotch down the drain. "And they say that women are mother hens. He's worse than any woman." Suzanne muttered.

Yami opened the door to his room and walked into the room to find that Yugi had his face buried in the pillow. Yami knew that Yugi was crying.

Sighing, Yami walked over to the bed and sat down. He reached and rubbed Yugi's back. "Yugi, I want to talk to you." Yami said.

Yugi got up and wiped away his tears before turning to look at Yami. "What?" Yugi asked.

"Yugi, look. I wanted to apologize to you." Yami said.

"For what?" Yugi asked.

"Acting like a complete jerk by trying to keep you locked up." Yami replied.

"What brought this on?" Yugi asked.

"I was talking to Suzanne downstairs, and I realized that I was acting completely ridiculous. Like a mother hen." Yami said.

Yugi couldn't help it. He burst out laughing.

"Yugi, this isn't funny!" Yami growled.

"I-I'm so-sorry, Yami. It's just that I never thought that you would ever call yourself a mother hen." Yugi said as he tried to control his laughter.

"Anyway, there was a reason that I acted the way that I did." Yami said.

"Why did you act like that?" Yugi asked.

"Mostly because I was scared." Yami said.

Yugi frowned. "Yami, what were you scared of?" Yugi asked.

"Losing you." Yami answered.

"Yami, I'm not planning on going anywhere." Yugi said.

Yami shook his head. "No, Yugi. I don't mean you leaving me for someone else or something. I was scared of losing because you were dead." Yami said.

"Yami, what brought this on?" Yugi asked.

"When we got to the hospital and I saw you after you'd been shot, I was scared. Real scared. I was scared that I was going to lose you. I wasn't sure what I would have done if I had lost you then." Yami said.

Yugi reached out and lifted Yami's head so that Yami was looking at him. As Yugi thought, Yami had tears in his eyes. "Yami, why didn't you tell me that you were feeling this way?" Yugi asked.

"Because I wasn't if I should. I love you so much, Yugi, and the thought of losing you just scared the daylights out of me. I wasn't sure if I could deal with it. When you got here, I guess I just went overboard and started acting irrationally because I-I was afraid of losing you." Yami said, the tears starting to fall down Yami's cheeks.

Yugi reached out and pulled Yami into a hug. Yami buried his face into Yugi's neck as he cried.

"Its okay, Yami. I'm right here." Yugi said, stroking Yami's hair.

"I know that, Yugi, but I'm still scared." Yami said.

"You have every right to be scared. It's okay to be." Yugi said.

Yami pulled away and said, "I'm just not used to used to feeling like this."

"Everyone gets scared, Yami, and I understand why you acted like you did. I know not to overdue it, Yami, because I don't want to wind up back in the hospital, but you have to let me out of this room." Yugi said.

Yami smiled. "I know. I overreacted." Yami said.

"Yeah. It's not like I'm going to be leaving the mansion anytime soon." Yugi said.

"Okay. I guess I'll try to let up." Yami said.

"Good. I really don't want to end up in another argument with you." Yugi said.

"I don't either." Yami said.

"So, let's agree to talk these things out from now on instead of arguing about them." Yugi said.

"Right, and I'm sorry about reacting the way I did." Yami said.

"Now that I know why you started acting like that, I actually feel kind of relieved." Yugi said.

"Why's that?" Yami asked.

"Because it means that you love me as much as you say since you acted like that because you were scared." Yugi said.

"Yeah. I do love you, and it did scare the daylights out of me." Yami said.

"Well, we just need to try and stop to getting like this." Yugi said. He glanced at the clock. "It's late, so we should probably go to bed." Yugi said.

"Yeah. I guess you're right." Yami agreed.

Yami shut off the light before the two lay down to go to sleep.

"Good night, Yami. I love you." Yugi said.

"I love you, too, Yugi." Yami said, kissing Yugi before they settled down.

Soon, Yugi and Yami drifted off to sleep.

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