The Wedding

By Hannahmcm

596 35 4

My name is Sarah Moore. I've lived my life without a father, and constantly moving around with my older broth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

140 6 2
By Hannahmcm

Chapter five already.

Again, I am SOOOOOOOOO sorry about delays and everything. Ive been just way to busy to sit down and write.

So plz plz plz forgive me!!

Enjoy :)

Hannah <3



I walked in my front door and collapsed on the living room couch. Derek came in and shut the door, throwing the keys on the table.

"Well that was some fun shopping." he muttered sarcastically.

"I thought it went pretty well." I fingered with the handle on my shopping bag. "Until we ran into Kyle."

"I still want to bust that kids lip." Derek opend the fridge and pulled out a can of pop. "Elizabeth seemed a little upset on the ride home. Even when we dropped her off she barely smiled and said thanks."

"Don't mind her, she's just going through a rough time. And seeing Kyle sure didn't help."

"I bet."

"Yea." I stood up and headed towards my room. "I'm going to my room. Then I'm showering."

"What do you want for supper?" Derek turned to look at me.

"Isn't mom coming home early tonight?"

"I don't know." he frowned.

"Well, I'm not really hungry right now so I'll just wait until mom gets home." I climbed up the stairs and shut my bedroom door.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and fell down on my bed. Three unread messages from Zac, two from Elizabeth, and two from my mom.

"Wow. I'm popular." I muttered sarcastically.

Hey I need to ask you something... -Zac

I scrolled down to the next one.

I got a distubring text from Kristen, I'm a little worried. Call me. -Zac

"What the heck is this about?" I frowned nervously.

His last text made my blood freeze.

Something's happened. I need you to call me and let me know you're ok. -Zac

I quickly dialed his mumber. It went straight to voicemail and I sighed in fristration. I tried again and it started ringing.

"C'mon, c'mon. Pick up, Zac!" it rang four times and I was about to give up when I heard his voice on the other end.


"Zac! What's going on? What happened?"

"What happened!? Where are you? You texted me and said you were in the hospital! And then you never responded, so I got worried. And then Kristen said that you were seriously hurt!"

"What?! I'm fine! I never texted you either. What are you talking about?" my heart started pounding faster.

He paused. "Nevermind. This isn't right, I know what's going on." he sighed.

"Well I don't. Who sent you that text?"

"Not you. Most likely Jake or one of his henchmen." Zac snorted. "I'm sorry."

Anger suddenly rose in me. "Don't be sorry, it's not your fault! He needs to grow up and get over himself. I'm done being stalked and harrassed by him! I can't take it anymore!"

I blinked and realized I had started to cry. I quickly wiped my eyes and mentally scolded myself.

Zac didn't answer for a few seconds, making me feel horribly embarrassed.

Finally, I heard him sigh. "Are you ok?"

"I guess I will be." my voice shook, I didn't know why.

"Hold on. I'll be there shortly." he hung up and I imagined him smiling as he hung up.

I fell back against my pillows and stared up at the ceiling. Little glow in the dark stickers still hung up there from when I was little. My heart fell when I remembered that it was my dad that hung them there for my birthday all those years ago.

I rolled over and grabbed my laptop off my dresser and flipped it open. I clicked on my youtube icon and scrolled through my favorite's list. I decided to listen to some One Direction; their music is amazing.

After I turned the volume down to a comfortable level, I closed my eyes and drifted in a light sleep.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a grey t-shirt and a black leather jacket. I jumped up, pulling my hair from the person's fingers.

I shrieked and hopped off the bed, rubbing my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

The person jumped too, and fell off my bed.

"Ouch." Zac mumbled when he hit the floor.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were there, and you scared me!" I ran a hand through my hair.

He stood up and straightened his jacket. "It's ok, I should've known better. When I got here, Derek said you were upstairs so I came up and you were fast asleep. I didn't want to wake you; you looked really peaceful."

I calmed my pounding heart and sighed. "You're fine, it was my fault."

I groggily climbed back in my bed and leaned against the headboard. I switched the music off on my laptop and closed my eyes.

Zac sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Are you going back to sleep?"

I shook my head. "Probably not. What time is it?"

He glanced at his wrist. "Well I've been here for about....thiry minutes? It's six forty-five right now. Why?"

I rested my head against his shoulder and sighed. "Why does Jake have to be such a jerk?" I blurted.

Zac laughed. "It's just his nature to be that way."

I twisted my head and glanced up at him. "Doesn't he bother you?"

He shrugged. "I'm used to people like him. Once you moved, there were these new kids that came in and were just like him. All stuck-up rich brats. They got all the nice kids in trouble, and we couldn't do anything about it."

Suddenly I laughed. He stared at me, a surprised look in his eyes. "What is so funny?"

I played with the sleeve on his jacket, and he gently held my hand. "I was just thinking about what you said, about getting all the nice kids in trouble."

"Annddd? What's funny about bullying?"

"I'm not talking about that. I was just--nevermind. Did you get into trouble because of them?"

I felt his arm tense up and he looked down at me. "Yes. They broke my arm."

I sat up, shocked. "Oh my god! What happened?"

He frowned. The boys and I were playing soccer out in the field the they came over and started beating up on Olive. You remeber her?"

I nodded.

"Anyway, I was sick and tired of them and Tommy was ready to beat the crap outta them. He liked Olive at the time, and seeing her being hit and bullied was his last straw. But he's a twig, so I ran over and started throwing some punches for him. Well, the biggest one grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back."

"Oh my god!" I repeated.

"I fell down and he stepped on my back and suddenly I felt and heard a 'pop'. I screamed and some of my friends ran and got some teachers. I was rushed the hospital, and the doctor wanted to know what had happened. I didn't tell him the guy's name, but I think he knew. It was a small town, and news travels fast.

The next day, the kids were gone. I was so happy." he absentmindedly rubbed his arm.

I rested my head back against his shoulder. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" he asked, sounding surprised.

"For not being there." I whispered. Then I laughed. "I could have beat them up!"

Zac laughed. "Yea, you were quite the...boxer of our grade."

I smiled. "Can I ask you something?"

He played with my hair, pulling it out of my face. "Anything."

"Why were you so quiet when I was around you? Back in fourth grade?"

He sighed. "I was nervous. And shy...I didn't know how to approach you. You were always so...out there and since you were always around the guys so I couldn't just ask you up front."

I nodded.

My door opened and Derek popped his head in. "Just checking up on you kids."

I frowned at him. He winked and smiled. "Mom's back, by the way. She brought some mexican food! Zac, you are staying. Mom doesn't know yet." he smiled at him.

I threw a pillow at him and he ran out, laughing. I stood up and stretched, my hair falling in my face. Zac stood up and opened the door the rest of the way. I walked out with him and slowly jogged down the steps.

I heard bags rustling in the kitchen, and when I turned the corner, I saw my mom unloading food from plastic containers.

I walked in and gestured to Zac to stay there until I called him in. My mom looked up and grinned at me. "Hey sweetie! I brougnt some Mexican food home for you! How was your day?"

I cleared my throat. "Thanks mom, and my day was fine. There is someone here that I would like you to meet."

Zac stepped in the room and my mom's eyes grew huge.

"Zac Daley?!" she walked forward and pulled him in a big hug. "Oh my goodness! I haven't seen you in ages! What are you doing here?!"

He smiled and stuck his hands in his pocket. "I moved here with my mom, and since Sarah and I...haven't seen each other in a while, I thought I'd stop by."

Derek snorted. "C'mon Zac." he turned to mom. "They're dating."

My mom shrieked and pulled me in a tight hug. "Thank goodness you're dating a nice, sensible boy and not some...drug addict or something. I'm so happy for you!"

I glanced at Zac and saw he was trying not to laugh. He scratched his head and walked over to the table.

"I better be going, it's getting late and my mom might be wondering where I am."

My heart fell; I was actually hoping he would stay for dinner. My mom let me go and turned to face him. "Oh. You can't stay for dinner?" she looked hopefully at him.

He smiled. "I would, but I should be getting home."

She nodded. "Alright. But, expect a call from me soon. You and you're mom are coming over for dinner this weekend. I insist!"

Zac glanced back at me and I smiled. He shrugged. "Sure. I'll talk to her when I get home."

"Do you need a ride?" Derek asked.

"Nah. My house isn't too far from here. I'll see you tomorrow, Sarah." he smiled.

I pointed toward my living room, and mouthed that I would meet him out front. He shook hands with my mom and winked at me.

Derek slapped him on the back and walked out of the room. My mom walked Zac to the door and held it open for him. I ran through the living room and came out next to my mom, who rolled her eyes when she saw me.

"Don't be too long." she scolded teasingly.

I shut the door behind me and walked with him down the steps.

"Thanks for coming over." I said. He held my hand and smiled. "Anytime."

He stopped and looked at me. "Can I ask you something now?"

I grinned. "Anything."

He turned to face me. "Sarah Moore. Will you give me the honor to become your boyfriend?"

I stared at him. "Yes." I giggled.

He held both my hands. "Then from this day forward, I am now you're official knight in shining honor."

I laughed and he pulled me in for a hug. I rested my head against his shoulder, smiling at how everything seemed so perfect.

Suddenly his phone went off and we jumped.

He frowned as he pulled it out of his pocket. "I'm sorry, I completely forgot about it."

"It's fine." I brushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

He stared at his phone for a second before sighing. "It's my mom. She needs me home."

"That's fine. I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

He smiled. "Yep. See you tomorrow!" he squeezed my hand and walked down the drive. I waved to him as he turned on the road, and then I quickly ran inside where my mom was laying out all the food and drinks.

"He's such a nice boy." she gently smiled at me. "I'm very happy for you."

I sat down at the table and stared out the window. "Yea, he is."



I've been so busy, and I'm supposed to get surgery in my wrist, but the hospital wont call

Enjoy :)

Hannah <3

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