Claire- Daughter of Wolverine

By ChelseaElliott1

17.7K 252 30

Claire like her father was an experiment of Stryker's. When her fathers memories were erased her mother manag... More

Character Profile: Claire
Chapter 1: Meeting Rogue and Attacked by Sabretooth
Chapter 2: Xavier's school for the gifted
Chapter 4: We stick together.... No matter what
Chapter 5: The train station and Magneto
chapter 6: What do you want with us?
Chapter 8: To the rescue
Chapter 8: Who is Charlene Xavier?
Chapter 9: Do I know you?
Chapter 10: Alkali lake and the museum.
Chapter 11: You're back!!
Chapter 12: Attack on the school.
Chapter 13: Bobby's parents and the plane
Chapter 14: Discussing plans and difficult conversations.
Chapter 15: Alkali lake.
Chapter 16: Waking up.
chapter 17: We need to talk.
chapter 19: Training.
Chapter 19: Hank and Claire meet.
Chapter 20: Jean.
Chapter 21: Jeans house and Xavier siblings down.
Chapter 22: The funeral, discussing the school and training.
Chapter 23: Preparing for battle.
Chapter 24: The battle and the end.

Chapter 3: What is this place?

1.3K 20 0
By ChelseaElliott1

Chapter 3: What is this place?


Hi guys so like I said this chapter will be in Logan's POV. Please review and tell me what you think.

*Daughter of Wolverine*

Logan's POV:

I begin to wake up. As I begin to remember what happened my first thought is where is my daughter? Where is Wildcat?

It is at that moment that I feel someone grab my left arm. Then I feel some sort of needle begin to go into my skin. WHAT?

I quickly move and jump off of the bed type thing that I was laid on. I grab the person around the throat thinking that it's the guy who attacked me earlier. I keep a good grip on the persons kneck as I look down at them.

It's a red haired woman. Definitely not the man that attacked me. I release her and I hear her begin to choke as I run quickly out of the room looking for my daughter and Rogue.

I run out and look around as the door behind me closes. I am in some sort of metal hallway. I have no idea how I got here.

I look down and remove the sticky pads from my arms and chest. I begin to walk towards a bunch of suits when I hear a voice.

"Where's he going?" The person asks.

I look around but see no one there. I walk closer to the suits and see that they are black leather. On the belt each one has an 'X' on the buckle. I then spot some jumpers. Seeing as I have no top on I take one off of the shelf and put it on.

I continue through the hall trying to find a way out. Or at least any clue to where my teenage daughter is. I hear the voice again.

"Where are you going?" A mans voice asks.

I hide but then a door opens to reveal an elevator.

"Over here," The voice continues.

I look inside the elevator and when I see that no one is in it I get inside. The door closes.

When it opens again I am in a completely different surrounding. The walls are now wooden and it seems like your every day mansion. Completely different from what it is like downstairs. I exit the elevator and glance warily around the corner.

There doesn't seem to be anyone around. I walk through the hallway breathing heavily.

"Where are you going?" The man asks again and I wonder who is saying that as I look around.

I race forwards a bit until I hear more voices. I hide behind a pillar and then I see a bunch of kids walking down some stairs.

I watch as they go down the hallway. I glance back at the stairs that they had just come down. I then jump over the sofa and enter a room. I see a bold man in a wheelchair at a desk. On the other side is a few teenagers.

"Good morning Logan," The man in the wheelchair greets me.

He gives the kids some instructions and then they begin to get up and leave the room. One of them turns back around and walks up to the professor.

"Goodbye professor," she says grabbing her bag that she had clearly forgotten.

"Bye Kitty," The man replies as she literally walks through a wall.

I am shocked at this. I look back to the other man and I see him holding a book in his hand.

"Physics," he says still smiling as he places the book down. "I'm Charles Xavier. Would you like some breakfast?"

I wonder what this guy is up to. I just look at him for a few seconds.

"Where am I?" I demand to know.

"Westchester New York," he tells me as he moves around his desk. "My people brought you here for medical attention."

I fought the urge to laugh at that. "I don't need medical attention."

"Yes of course," the professor agreed.

I look around and ask the question I have been dying to know.

"Where's my daughter and the girl?" I ask as politely as I can.

"Rogue and Claire?" He clarifies. "There here. they're fine."

"Really?" I glare at him not liking the fact that my little girl isn't with me.

He doesn't say anything as two more people enter the room.

"Ah Logan I'd like you to meet Oruro Monroe. Also called storm," he says as the woman faces me. "This is Scott Summers. Also called Cyclops."

Cyclops holds his hand out to me but I just stare at him until he lowers it slowly.

"They saved your life," the professor continues just before the red head I had choked earlier walks in. "I believe you've already met Dr. Jean Grey. Your in my school for the gifted. For mutants. You'll be safe here from Magneto."

I wonder who he is talking about.

"What's a Magneto?" I ask him.

"A very powerful mutant," he informs me. "Who believes that a war is brewing between mutants and the rest of humanity. I've been following his activities for some time. The man who attacked you is an associate of his called Sabretooth."

I fight the urge to laugh as he says the name.

"Sabretooth," I repeat in a sarcastic voice before looking at the other people mainly the white haired woman. "Storm."

I then turn to the professor.

"What do they call you, wheels?" I laugh hard just wanting to get my daughter and get out of this place. "This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

I go to leave but glasses gets in my way. I sigh.

"Cyclops right," I say angrily before gripping his shirt in a threatening manner. "You wanna get out of my way."

He looks down at my hands and then at the professor.

"Logan," the professor says but I don't look at him at first. "It's been almost fifteen years hasn't it. Living from day to day. Raising your daughter who you have no clue how she came to be. Moving from place to place. With no memory of who or what you are."

I finally let Cyclops go and look back at the professor in shock.

"Shut up," I order him.

"Give me a chance," he pleads with me. "I may be able to help you find some answers."

I am practically shaking with anger.

"How do you know?" I ask.

"You're not the only one with gifts," I hear the voices again and I realise that it was the professor all along.

"What is this place?" I ask smiling a little.

*Daughter of Wolverine*

I am now being showed around the grounds of the school. He is explaining that Jean, Cyclops and Storm were some of his first students. I watch as kids play and use their powers like they should be aloud to. He tells me how he taught them to control their powers and help other kids do the same.

We are now stood outside the class where my daughter and Rogue.

"The students are mostly runaways," he tells me as I watch my daughter sit with others like her. "Frightened, alone, some with gifts so extreme that they become a danger to themselves and those around them. Like Claire's and your friend Rogue. Incapable of physical human contact. Probably for the rest of her life. And yet here she is with others her own age. Learning, being accepted. Not feared."

I smile as I see Claire being comfortable here. Maybe she belongs.

"What will happen to her?" I ask speaking about Rogue. I cannot bear the thought of loosing my little girl. 

"Well that's up to her," Xavier continues. "She can join the world as an educated young woman. Or stay on to teach others. To become what the children have affectionately called X-men."

I then sigh. I feel like my daughter also belongs here. But I don't know whether I can let her go.  

"But the school is merely our public face," the professor continues. "The lower levels however, are an entirely different matter."

He takes me into a room with an aircraft in. I am shocked. The professor continues.

"When I was a boy, I discovered I had the power to control peoples minds," he informs me as I look around at my surroundings once more. "Make them think or do whatever I wanted. When I was seventeen I met a young man named Erik Lensher. He too had an unusual power. He could create magnetic fields and control metal. Believing that humanity would never accept us he... he grew angry and vengeful. He became Magneto."

I look at him from my spot where the suits are.

We are now going through the stables.

"There are mutants out there with incredible powers Logan," he explains to me. "And whether you do not share my respect for mankind no one is equipped to oppose that humanities days are over. I'll make a deal with you Logan. Give me 48 hours to figure out what Magneto wants with you. And I give you my word that I will use all my power to help you peace together what you lost. And what you're looking for."

I sigh but nod my head. "What about Claire? Could he be after her too?"

The professor looks a little unsure.

"I'm not sure," he tells me. "But I'll try to find out, I promise you that. If he does want her it is because like Jean she is a level five mutant. There is only one other person that is a level five. And she is dead."

I can tell his pain as he says this.

*Daughter of Wolverine*

Claire's POV:

I am just getting out of my last class when Jean Grey approaches me. I worry that something has happened to my dad. But she is smiling widely.

"He's awake,"  she informs me.

My eyes widen.

"Where is he?" I ask her wanting to go and see him.

"He is waiting in your room," she tells me with a small laugh at my reaction. "He cannot wait to see you."

I nod and begin running to my room. I can feel people staring at me as I am running but I don't care. He's okay.

I finally reach my room and I use my powers to throw the door open. There he is sat on the bed. When he sees me in the door way his smile widens.

"Hey Wildcat," he says.

I don't speak but throw myself at him. He hugs me close and I don't want to let go ever again.

"I thought I had lost you," I say to him.

"Hey," he says moving me to his side and looking at me. "You know it takes more than a hairy man to take me down."

I smirk. "Well your age might make it a little easier."

He growls. "You did not just call me old Wildcat."

I smile wider and make my way backwards towards the door. "Of course not.... wait a minute. Is that a grey hair."

I notice him coming towards me like a hunter coming towards his prey. "You .... better...  run.... now."

I squeak as he says this slowly. I am saved as Jean walks in.

"Sorry to interrupt," she says but I can see her smile. "But I thought I would show Logan to his room."

I nod. My dad gets up and I hug him.

"See you in the morning," I say to him.

*Daughter of Wolverine*


Ok so next chapter we see Logan flirting with Jean and the scene between him and Rogue. After that the girls disappear. Please tell me what you think and thank you for the reviews.

Replies to reviews:

Lady red star- Thank you I have always liked the idea myself. I will try and have the first film finished within a few days and then start on the second one.

X-23- I would actually like to do the story with Laura in it based on the film Logan. That is why her name is Claire because Laura will be her sister.

Waterlily91- Thank you I am glad you enjoyed it.

This chapter was posted on the 09/05/2017 at 12:02

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