Restaurant love

By YaoiDaisuki69

161K 4.2K 1.5K

Yami Sennen is the owner of a famous five star restaurant. He has been looking for love for the past few year... More

Chapter 1 : A chance meeting
Chapter 3: Our First Date
Chapter 4: Yugi's World
Chapter 5:Yami's Home
Chapter 6: The Business Party
Chapter 7: Dinner
Chapter 8: I Love You
Chapter 9: Being with you
Chapter 10: Atemu's Threat
Chapter 11: Surprises
Chapter 12: Playing games & Awkward Situations
Chapter 13: The Truth
Chapter 14: Day at The Park
Chapter 15: Problems
Chapter 16: Lawsuit
Chapter 17: Death Threat
Chapter 18: Waiting and Accusations
Chapter 19: Yugi's Story
Chapter 20: Going Home
Chapter 21: Mother Hen
Chapter 22: Mika's Trial
Chapter 23: Tanisha's Trial
Chapter 24: Moving
Chapter 25: Heba has the baby
Chapter 26: The Proposal
Chapter 27: Scott's Farewell
Chapter 28: Moving
Chapter 29: Pregnant?
Chapter 30: The Wedding
Chapter 31: The Second Wedding
Chapter 32: The Twins Arrive
Chapter 33: Restaurant Love

Chapter 2: Meeting Again

8.3K 192 120
By YaoiDaisuki69

here's chapter two I don't own Yugi oh :V

  The sun shone through Yami's window and into his room. A moment later, Yami's alarm went off. Tiredly, Yami reached over and shut off his alarm. He sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Yami climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After the shower, Yami got dressed in a gray business suit before he handed downstairs to eat. Yami just had a quick breakfast of cereal before he headed out the door.

Yami arrived at his business office and went upstairs to his office.

"Good morning, Mr. Sennen." June said pleasantly.

"Morning, June. Anything I should know?" Yami asked.

"Well, Tanisha called three times asking to talk to you." June said.

Yami growled. "I don't want to talk to her." Yami said.

"Yes, well, the last time she got so angry when I said that you weren't here that she shouted a strong of profanities before saying she was coming down here herself." June said.

"All right. I'll deal with her myself." Yami said.

"SO, should I tell security to let her in?" June asked.

"Let her in, and when she leaves, alert security that she is not allowed in here again." Yami said.

"Yes, sir." June said rather happily.

Yami went into his office before he let out a chuckle. He knew that June had never cared for Tanisha, so he knew that she would be more than happy to tell security not to let her in again.

Yami went over to his desk and sat down, taking out the paperwork he had neglected to do the night before when he left to go eat.

'Hmm. I wonder what Yugi is doing.' Yami mused. He wasn't sure why, but he had a strange attraction to the young boy, and he wasn't sure why. 'I wonder what he's like.' Yami thought.

Pushing the thoughts aside for the moment, Yami started doing the paperwork that he needed to get done.

Yugi got up the next morning and took a shower before he made himself a small breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon.

Yugi lived in a small apartment which consisted of a bedroom, a small living room, and a kitchen. Many would have considered it small, but Yugi considered the apartment warm and cozy as well as just right since he lived alone.

"Well, I wonder what I am going to do now that I don't have to be at work until three." Yugi murmured.

Deciding that he didn't want to stay inside all day, Yugi left his apartment to go and wander around.

Yami had just finished all of the paperwork and was about to call June when he heard a ruckus outside.

"You can't just go on there!" June said.

"I can do as I please!" came Tanisha's derisive voice.

"Mr. Sennen is very busy. I have to see if he can see you now." June insisted.

"I can see my Yami whenever I want to!" Tanisha snapped.

Yami was not going to have this disruption is his office. He stood up and went to the door, flinging it open to see June in front of the door with Tanisha in front of her, looking angry.

"Yami! This woman won't let me in!" Tanisha whined.

Yami growled.

"Get in here. June, no one else is to come in." Yami said.

"Yes, Mr. Sennen." June said before going back to her desk.

Tanisha smirked before she went into the room.

Yami shut the door.

"Hello, Yami." Tanisha purred before wrapping her arms around Yami's neck and trying to kiss him.

Yami pushed her away."Yami." Tanisha whined.

"Stop it! You do not get to come in here and try to seduce me." Yami growled.

"Yami, I came to apologize. I know that I shouldn't have done what I did, and I wanted to ask you for another chance." Tanisha said

"No." Yami said.

Why not?" Tanisha whined.

"Tanisha, I found you letting another guy fuck you. There's not way that I'm staying with a cheater." Yami replied.

Yami, it won't ever happen again! I promise!" Tanisha cried.

"Do you take me for a fool. You have been 'busy' for the most part for the last month. I think that's how long you've been cheating on me." Yami said.

"I know, and I know that it was wrong, but it won't happen again. I promise." Tanisha promised.

"Tanisha, only a fool would go back to you when you cheated on them, and I am certainly not going to take you back." Yami said.

"Yami, please-" Tanisha started reaching for him.

Yami stepped back away from her. "Tanisha, get out. I told you when we started seeing each other that I do not stomach cheaters. You cheated on me, so it ended things between us." Yami said.

Yami, I swear to you that it will not happen ever again. Please, just give me another chance." Tanisha pleaded.

"No. Tell me, Tanisha. Did you love my money or my body?" Yami asked.

Tanisha didn't answer, but her eyes said it all.

"You wanted both, but you never loved me. Get out." Yami said.

"Yami-" Tanisha started.

"I said get out!" Yami growled.

Tanisha's eyes widened. "What am I supposed to do now?" Tanisha demanded.

"I don't know, but you will not get anything from me. Leave. You can go ask your boyfriend you were screwing yesterday for help. I don't want to see you ever again." Yami said.

Tanisha growled. "You know, it was just your wealth and body I wanted. I never loved you." Tanisha said, hoping to hurt him.

Yami wasn't fazed. "I knew that already. You just admitted it. You're not the first to feel that. Of course, you're poor again, so good luck on getting those luxuries you were used to." Yami said.

"You'll regret this." Tanisha said.

"No, I won't. You can leave on your own or security will escort you out of the building." Yami said.

"You wouldn't dare." Tanisha said.

Yami raised an eyebrow. "Really?" Yami asked. He went to his desk and hit the intercom. "June." Yami said.

"Yes, Mr. Sennen." June replied.

Send security into my office now." Yami said.</p><p>"Yes, sir." June replied.

You won't." Tanisha said again although with less confidence.</p><p>There was a knock on the door, and Yami said, "Come on."

Two security guards walked in. One was lanky with red hair and blue eyes. The other was female with black hair and brown eyes.

Yes, Mr. Sennen." the male security guard said.

Escort Ms. Harmsworth out of the building since she refuses to leave on her own." Yami said.

"Yes, sir, Mr. Sennen." the flame security guard said.

The tow came forward and took one of Tanisha's arms each.

"Yami!" Tanisha cried, unable to believe that he was doing this.

Oh, and alert all members of security that Ms. Harmsworth is no longer allowed in my office building." Yami said.

"WHAT?!" Tanisha cried.

We will, sir." the female said.

The two security guards dragged a fuming Tanisha out of the room.

Yami shook his head and sat down, tired.

June shut the door and walked over to him. "Yami, are you all right?" June asked.

I don't know. I just wish someone actually cared about me." Yami said.

June smiled sadly. She hoped that Yami could find someone as good to him as her husband had been to her. "You'll find someone one day, Yami." June said.

"Maybe." Yami said a little distracted.

"Is there something on your mind?" June asked.

"Sit down." Yami said.

June sat down across from him.

"When I went to dinner last night, I met someone. He's the assistant chef at my restaurant." Yami said.

"What about him?" June asked.

"Well, I don't know why, but when I met him, I don't know, it just felt, well-" Yami wasn't sure how to explain it.

"Sparks flew?" June asked.

"On my end at least." Yami agreed.

June smiled. "Well, I know that you've been hurt, but you could give it a try." June said.

"The thing is I don't know anything about him other than the fact that he works in my restaurant, and his name is Yugi Mutou." Yami protested.

"That's why they call it dating. You get to know them. You could give it a chance." June said.</p><p>"I don't know. Anyway, I wouldn't call it hurt. Truthfully, I had gotten bored with Tanisha around the same time that she started cheating." Yami said.

June smiled. "Maybe you'll find him interesting." June said.

"Maybe." Yami said.

"Yami, you don't have much to do today. Go out and relax today." June said.

"Maybe I will. I certainly need it." Yami agreed.

Deciding to take the advice, Yami left the office to go to a coffee shop that he liked.

Yugi walked into Bushido's Coffee Shoppe. He had seen it, but never had time to go in, so Yugi went in this time and sat down.

"May I help you, sir?" a waitress asked.

"Yes. A coffee with cream and sugar and an apple Danish." Yugi said.

The waitress nodded and went off to get what he asked for.

Yugi hadn't been able to do much. He wasn't up to do much, and he wasn't one to just shop needlessly. He was rather bored when he wasn't working.


Yugi looked up and was surprised to see Yami Sennen standing beside. "Mr. Sennen, this is a surprise." Yugi said.

"Indeed, it is. And call me Yami." Yami reminded him.

"Sorry. Would you like to join me?" Yugi asked.

"If you don't mind." Yami said.

"I don't." Yugi replied.

Yami sat down, rather shocked the object of his recent thoughts was here. "What are you doing here? Do you not have to work today?" Yami asked.

"I do, but not until three. I didn't really want to just sit around my apartment, so I decided to come out." Yugi said.

"Do you come into this coffee shop often?" Yami asked.

No. This is actually the first time that I have been here. I've been meaning to try it, but haven't really had the time, so I came in here since I had the time." Yugi answered. He looked at Yami and said, "What about you?"

"I come here a lot. It's actually my favorite coffee shop of them all." Yami answered.

The waitress came back with Yugi order and said, "What can I get you?"

"A black coffee and an apple pie." Yami answered.

The waitress nodded and went to get it.

"If you don't mind my asking, why are you not at your office?" Yugi asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"I had a bad confrontation with my ex-girlfriend this morning and needed to get away." Yami answered.

"I see." Yugi said.

"There you are, Yami." a sickeningly sweet voice said.

Yami looked up and almost growled at who he saw.

Tanisha had gone home and changed into a short skirt and a tight, strapless shirt that was too tight. She looked like a slut.

"What do you want?" Yami asked.

Tanisha flashed a smile. "I want nothing to do with you. I was actually going to ask your friend on a date." Tanisha said sweetly.

Yugi nearly choked.

Yami growled inwardly. 'Great. I break up with her and now she's going after Yugi.' Yami thought angrily.

"What do you say? You want to go out with me?" Tanisha asked.

Yugi looked at her. "I don't even know your name, and you don't know mine, and you want to go out on a date?" Yugi asked.

"Yes." Tanisha said.

"Not a chance." Yugi said.

"Why not?" Tanisha demanded.

"One, I don't date people that I don't even know their name. Two, I don't date girls." Yugi said.

Yami bit back a laugh at the horrified expression on Tanisha's face.

"You- you mean you-" Tanisha started.

"Yes. I am gay, so chances of me going out on date with you is impossible. Now, if you don't mind, Yami and I were having a nice conversation." Yugi said.

Tanisha glared before she ran from the shop.

"What did you think of that?" Yami asked.

"I was wondering how much she charged." Yugi replied.

"That was my ex-girlfriend." Yami said.

"Oops. Sorry." Yugi said, blushing.

"I don't care about what you said. I was thinking the same thing. I broke up with her because I found her with another man. Believe me. I don't care what you say about her." Yami said.

"Did she always dress like that?" Yugi asked.

"No, although I think she might have when she wanted someone else." Yami said.

"You planning to fond someone else?" Yugi asked.

"I might, although I may not go with a girl." Yami asked.

"Switching teams?" Yugi asked.

Yami laughed at the remark. "Not exactly. I am actually bi although I date guys more than girls. She was a mistake." Yami said.

"I would say so. She didn't even know who I was, and she came onto me." Yugi said.

"I hate to say it, but I think she did it trying to get to me." Yami said."

Thank goodness. I don't want her after me anymore." Yugi said.

"I doubt she will. I think you rather humiliated her." Yami said.

The waitress returned with what Yami ordered and then left the table again.

"Yugi, are you dating anyone?" Yami asked.

"Me? No. The last person I was with was over two years ago. He was a rather arrogant bastard. I know how you feel about being cheated on." Yugi said.

"Happened to you?" Yami asked.

Yugi nodded. "I was just finishing up my schooling. I came home early and found him screwing some other guy. He didn't even care. Said that he was tired of me and needed a real challenge and went right in screwing the guy. I packed up and left. I moved here to Tokyo to start over. I focused on my work." Yugi said.

"You've only worked at my restaurant?" Yami asked, surprised.

"Since I moved here, yes. I haven't had to get a job anywhere else." Yugi said.

"You must have impressed Leon. He usually doesn't keep am assistant for more than a year. Actually most didn't make it six months." Yami said.

"He liked my cooking. He also mentioned that I wasn't stuck up and snobby and only looking for a chance to move up in the business." Yugi said.

"You don't?" Yami asked.

"True. I would like to be a head chef one day, but I work on bettering my skills at cooking, not my position in the restaurant." Yugi said.

"Well, that's good to hear." Yami said.

"Leon was glad, too." Yugi said.

"Was last night the first night you had to take over the kitchen?" Yami asked.

"No. I've done it several times before." Yugi answered.

"You're an excellent cook. I can see why Leon likes you as an assistant." Yami said.

Yugi smiled. "Thanks." Yugi replied.

Yami couldn't help but want to ask. "Yugi, would you like to go out with me sometime?" Yami asked.

Yugi looked startled. "You mean, like a date?" Yugi asked.

"Yeah. Would you?" Yami asked.

"I don't know. I mean, we don't really know each other." Yugi said.

"I know, but someone told me that the point of dating is to get to know the person." Yami said.

"Wouldn't it be strange for you to date one of your employees?" Yugi asked.

"It might be a little awkward, but it won't change anything. You work in the restaurant all the time, and I usually am at the office. It won't affect it much, and it wouldn't change anything." Yami said.

Yugi thought and couldn't deny that he liked Yami and wanted to get to know him. "You know, I think I would like to go out with you sometime, Yami." Yugi said.

"You would?" Yami asked.

Yugi nodded. "Yeah, but just so you know, I like to take things slow." Yugi said.

"Agreed. I would like that, too. Also, I don't take to cheating well as I am sure that you have figured out." Yami said.

"We have the same thought on that issue." Yugi replied.

"When is the next time that you are off?" Yami asked.

"Actually, I have the next two days off." Yugi replied.

"Really? Would you like to go to dinner with me tomorrow night?" Yami asked

Yugi smiled. "I'd like that." Yugi said.

"I'll pick you up at seven then." Yami said.

"Should I dress up?" Yugi asked.

"Might be a god idea." Yami agreed.

"All right." Yugi said. He gave Yami the address to his apartment.

"I should be getting back to the office." Yami said.

"All right. I'll see you tomorrow, Yami." Yugi said.

"Likewise." Yami said.

Yugi was surprised when Yami paid for what he had as well. "You didn't have to that." Yugi said.

"I know, but I wanted to." Yami replied.

Yugi smiled and watched Yami go. 'I wonder if he'll be a good one. I'll find out soon.' Yugi thought.

June looked up and smiled at Yami. "Welcome back, Mr. Sennen. Did you enjoy your time out?" June asked.

"Yes, I did, and I have to thank you, June." Yami said.

"What for?" June asked, rather surprised.

"I saw Yugi at the coffee shop. I talked to him for a little while and asked him out." Yami said.

"Really?" June asked, happy.

Yami nodded. "Yes, and he said yes. We're going out tomorrow night." Yami answered.

"That's great. I'm real happy for you." June said."Thanks for the advice, June. I really needed it." Yami said.

"Glad you did that." June said.

Yami frowned. "Although Tanisha came in there." Yami said.

"What did she do?" June growled.

"She saw me and Yugi sitting together and came up and asked Yugi out. I could tell that she was just doing it to try and get to me." Yami said.

"How did your date handle it?" June asked.

"Rather well. He told her that he didn't date girls." Yami said.

"He's gay. That's good for you." June said.

"That's why I got the courage to ask." Yami said.

"So, she did do one good thing." June said.

"Yes. I'll be in the office." Yami said and went into his office.

June smiled, happy. She wanted her boss to be happy. 'Maybe this one will be different.' June thought.

"You're going on a date with Mr. Sennen." Leon said, surprised.

Yugi nodded. "I was rather surprised, but I couldn't refuse him." Yugi said.

"Do you love him?" Leon asked.

"It's too soon to say love, but I do like him." Yugi said.

"Well, as long as he treats you right, I think that it's great." Leon said.

"Thanks. We're going out tomorrow night." Yugi said.

Leon snickered. "I know that there are going to be some upset people when they learn that Mr. Sennen is not available after all." Leon said.

Yugi smiled. "Maybe, but I don't care." Yugi said.

"What do you like about him?" Leon asked.

"Well, I have to admit that he is handsome, but he seems to be rather kind. He's also real easy to talk to. Easier than a lot of people that I know." Yugi said.

"Well, you need anything, let me know. He hurts you, and I'll give you a piece of my mind." Leon said.

"Don't worry. I can handle myself. Besides, I don't know why, but I get the feeling that he's going to be a good one." Yugi said.

"Come on. Let's get to work." Leon said.

The two started their work.

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