Love Games


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Taehyung and Jimin like to play games and this time, the game is, who can seduce Jungkook. BTS SMUT - Vmin... More

Fucking Jimin
Rock, Paper, Scissors
600 Fucking Meter Dash
Fucking Kim Taehyung
Truth or Dare
"You Win. You Win."


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Taehyung woke up suddenly from a nightmare. He had dreamt that their dorm rooms had caught on fire and all his Gucci clothes had burned. It was horrible. He was crying and screaming while Yoongi dragged him out of the house.

"Oh fuck. Thank god." he whispered as he breathed heavy, slowly realizing that it had just been a dream and he was safe in the hotel. All his clothes in tact.

He sat up and yawned and stretched. It was getting light outside. He looked down and saw Jungkookie asleep. He must have fallen asleep during the game. He got up slowly, he didn't want to wake him. He searched in the darkness for his slippers and when he rose up he hit his head on the desk.

"Ow. Fuck!" he whispered. He looked back to see if Jungkook had heard. He was still asleep. He started to giggle despite the small pain where he bumped his head. That shit had been hella funny.

He shuffled his way to the door and opened it slowly, closing it behind him, and made his way down to Jimin's room at the other end of the hall.

He went in, shut the door and took off his robe and slippers and got into the bed. Jimin was sleep. He stared at him while he slept. His hair was spread across the pillow, his hands tucked under his face as he lay on his side. He was smiling a little. He must have been having a nice dream. He smiled down on him and laid down, snuggling close to him. He pushed his hair back from his forehead.

"Jiminnie" Tae whispered. " Yoongi said I could have it..." he mumbled and he started to pout as he dreamed.

Tae giggled. What the fuck? Jimin was always talking about crazy shit in his sleep. "Jiminnie." he whispered again, stroking his hair back again.

"Mmm." moaned Jimin and he opened his eyes sleepily. He blinked as he stared at Tae, letting his eyes adjust to the faint light that came into the room from the half open window shades. He felt cold suddenly and he pulled the cover up to his neck.

Tae seeing he was cold got up and grabbed his blue and white striped oversized button down and passed it to Jimin to put it on. 

Jimin put it on, leaving it open and got back under the covers.

"What time is it?" he whispered. Tae reached over and grabbed Jimin's phone. "6:02" he said.

"We have to get up soon. We have the shoot at 9 right?" asked Jimin. They were doing a photo shoot for the next comeback. They had done most of it yesterday. Today was Jimin and Jungkook's photo, Min Yoongi's solo shots, and the group ones.

"Yeah, I think so. I fell asleep in Kookie's room. I had the worst fucking dream. All my clothes burned...All my Gucci." said Tae looking for sympathy.

Jimin smiled at him and started to laugh. "Your Gucci. You're so ridiculous."

Tae dropped his mouth down. "I'm serious. It was the worst dream." he whined. Jimin giggled at him again. He looked at him and Tae was still pouting. "This boy and his Gucci." he teased.

Tae turned over like he was mad but Jimin grabbed him and turned him back. "I'm just teasing silly. If that happened I would buy you all of it back. All of it. Mmm?" he said sweetly. 

Tae smiled at him and rubbed his nose against Jimin. Jimin started to play with the necklace Tae had. It was a little tiger. He look up at his face and he felt warm inside. My little tiger, thought Jimin. He had named him that long ago. He wondered if that was why Tae loved Gucci so much. Because of the tiger.

"So are you serious? About the Jungkookie thing?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah. You?" replied Tae. Jimin shook his head yes. He started to giggle. "Oh my god really! Like we're really going to try and fuck him?" his eyes widened.

"Well you don't have a shot anyways. He already likes me. It's really not a fair game." said Tae smirking at Jimin.

Jimin's mouth dropped. "Yes I do have a shot!" Jimin sat up angrily. "Jungkookie's mad at you because you never hang out and you're always with your Hwarang friends. Me and him are always together now asshole." said Jimin and he looked harshly at Tae, his arms folded. How dare he say that he couldn't seduce someone.

Tae started to laugh a deep loud laugh and he sat up on the bed. "My Hwarang friends? I haven't even seen them in like a month! You guys are ridiculous."

"A month? Yeah right." said Jimin and sat back against the headboard and frowned at Tae. His lips pushed out into a pout. Tae laughed at him. He liked how they all got jealous when he went out with his other friends. It was so cute.

"Okay enough fighting. What are the rules?" said Tae and he sat against the headboard, close to Jimin. Jimin was still mad. He mumbled under his breath. "This fucking guy."

Tae giggled. "Aww..don't be mad at me." he said and he gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Mmm.." said Jimin in an off handed way. Tae was letting this Hwarang shit go to his damn head he thought. He started to think of the rules.

"Rules...rules.." thought Jimin. "Okay you can't say bad things about the other person to make him not want them." Tae shook his head once to agree.

"Mmm...You can't interrupt another person's time with him. Like say I'm in the room with him. Then you can't come interrupt and try to stop us." said Jimin.

"Oooh. That's a good one. I totally had planned to do that shit." said Tae.

Jimin laughed. "I know. That's why I said it." Tae smiled a boxy smile at Jimin's cleverness.

Tae turned around excitedly to face Jimin. "Oh I got one. You cannot fuck him in the dorms." He smiled his boxy smile at Jimin again. He wanted to make it hard so he could win.

Jimin's eyes grew wide. "What?" he said disbelievingly.

Tae giggled. "Yeah. It has to be away from the dorms."

"Like a public place?" asked Jimin. His face lit up just then. Tae giggled. He knew that shit was turning Jimin on. He was so fucking kinky.

"Any place. Just not the dorms. Like let's say you go to Busan. You could fuck him at your parents house." said Tae. Fuck! He shouldn't have said that. He had just given Jimin an idea. He could tell by the way he was looking that he was considering it.

"Okay. Deal. No dorms." said Jimin. He giggled. This was so fun.

"Mmmm.." thought Jimin. "Oh it has to be real sex. Jerking off or sucking his dick doesn't count." said Jimin.

"Oh fuck Jimin. This shit is gonna take forever." whined Tae and he pouted.

"Ahhh. Not so confident know mmm?" teased Jimin.

He looked down at Jimin and gave him a blank stare. "No. I'm still confident." said Tae. Jimin eye smiled at him. He knew he was lying.

"What do you think Jungkookie would do if I just grabbed him and kissed him?" asked Jimin, his eyes wide and curious. He bit his lip as he imagined it.

Tae beamed at him. "He'd be like this." He made a shook face similar to Jungkook. Jimin leaned his head back and bust out laughing and Tae joined in. Kookie was always looking shook and shit.

"Jungshook nooooo." laughed Jimin. Tae leaned over and laughed harder. That shit was so funny.

"What will be the proof though? That we fucked him?" asked Tae.

Jimin thought about. "Mmm. A text message. You have to confirm it in a text." said Jimin. Tae giggled. Jimin was so good at this shit. "You're savage." said Tae. Jimin laughed and Tae's dick started to get slightly aroused.

He moved closer to Jimin and leaned into his neck. "You're so bad. You're making my dick hard." he said. His voice sent a chill down Jimin's spine. It was so deep and sensual and he loved how Tae would talk so dirty to him.

Jimin turned and looked in his eyes. They were dark and piercing just then. He couldn't bear how he looked at him. He blushed, his cheeks turning fully pink. "Stop." he giggled.

"No." said Tae and he leaned in and started to kiss on Jimin's neck. " can't...we don't have time.." whispered Jimin weakly as Tae started to kiss and lick his neck.

"Mmmm. I want some. Give me a quickie." said Tae and he moved, pulling the covers off Jimin and pulled Jimin down on the bed and got on top of him, pressing his bulge against Jimin's.

"Tae. No...we get ready." whispered Jimin. "Plus.." he sucked in his teeth just then as Tae started to lick down his chest...sucking and pulling his nipple into his mouth. "Ohh...mmm." he moaned.

"Plus what?" whispered Tae and he moved to Jimin's other perfect pink nipple. He knew all his spots. He never could say no to him.

"Ahhh.."sighed Jimin as Tae started to nibble on his nipple. Fuck his mouth felt so good. Jimin loved his aggressiveness, his directness. He never could resist how he would dominate him suddenly.

Tae reached into Jimin's boxers and palmed him. "Mmm..Tell what?" he asked.

" you..mmm..take forever to cum. Ahhh..mmm" he moaned. Tae couldn't stand his moaning. He growled and moved up quickly, grabbing Jimin's arms and pinning him to the bed. He attacked his neck savagely, licking and sucking and biting him. Fuck he tasted so sweet!

"Ahh...ahhh...Mmm." Jimin moaned. He sucked in his teeth. Fuck he couldn't stand his wild tongue, his mouth, his aggression.

"Give it to me....You're so fucking sexy...Chim..don't say no...never say no." Tae whispered as he kept attacking Jimin, making him lightheaded from his incredible tongue.

Jimin trembled beneath him. "Mmm..ahhh..ahh." he sighed. His dick was so hard, leaking precum already. "Ahhh...fuck...Taehyungie...ahhh." he moaned. Tae grinded against him as he kept sucking and licking, moving up to Jimin's mouth, shoving his tongue inside, and then back down to his neck again. Making him weak. Making him submit.

"Oh fuck...ahh." moaned Jimin.

"I want you. Give it to me." whispered Tae. Jimin shook his head yes. Tae moved down, pulling off Jimn's boxers and grabbed his hard cock and threw it into his mouth. Jimin arched his back. Fuck he couldn't take it. It felt so fucking good. Tae licked up and down, his mouth was super wet and Jimin panted and sighed, he was already starting to trembled as Taehyung started to deepthroat his dick.

"MMMM.MMM" he moaned.

"Shhhh. They'll be awake." said Tae. Jimin couldn't stand it. Tae jerked his dick in his mouth. He wet his finger and pushed it into Jimin.

Jimin opened his mouth and silently cried out. "Oh fuck!" and he trembled, grabbing the sheet in his fist as Tae abused his prostate, pushing in another wet finger, while he sucked hard on his thick cock.

"Ahhh...ahh...Mmmm." moaned Jimin. Tae scissored him. He had to hurry. He eyed the phone laying on the bed. It was 6:38. Any minute and staff would be knocking on their doors telling them to get ready.

"Tell me.." whispered Tae..."Say yes Tae you can fuck me."

"Oh fuck..mmmm." moaned Jimin.

Tae started to jerk his dick harder, lashing his tongue around the tip roughly.

"MMMMM. Ahhh...ahh." moaned Jimin.

"Say it. Say it." demanded Tae. " can fuck me." whined Jimin.

Tae knew they had fucked earlier. He didn't have to stretch him for too long. He stopped and grabbed the lube for the night stand and rubbed it on his dick. Jimin lay there panting.

"Come here." said Tae as he gently stroked his dick, looking at Jimin's gorgeous body as the shirt lay open exposing him.

Jimin obeyed and he moved over to Tae. Tae took his other hand and pulled Jimin to him.

Jimin knew what he wanted. He straddled him and Tae took his hand and pushed it up into Jimin's hair near his neck. Jimin stared into his eyes. He was so handsome, he couldn't stand his piercing stare, Tae's tongue was licking his lip as he looked at him full of passion and longing. He looked just like a tiger, magnificently beautiful yet dangerous, like any minute he would devour him whole.

Jimin looked down shyly and he grabbed on to his dick and moved up to get on top of him like he wanted.

"Jiminnie. Jimin. Look at me." whispered Tae. Jimin was so shy suddenly. He shook his head no and bit his lip. He placed Tae's dick at his entrance. 'Jiminnie. Look at me when you put it in." whispered Tae. "Jimin. Listen to me." said Tae.

Fuck he couldn't stand it! Him staring like that. Asking him to look at him when he was so shy beneath his hungry gaze. He blushed hard. "Tae...I can't." said Jimin softly.

Jimin started to move down on his dick and Tae bit his lip as he stared at him, his blonde hair hanging down beautifully in front of him as he looked down. He didn't understand how Jimin would suddenly get all shy all of a sudden. It was him. His tiger. His TaeTae.

"Please Chim. Please. Do it for me. I love you." whispered Tae, grabbing his head tighter just then. Jimin looked up at him suddenly when he said it. His hair flipped back in one sweeping gesture and he looked into Tae's eyes like he asked him to. Tae gulped. He was so fucking pretty just then.

Jimin started pushing Tae's cock inside him slowly. He bit his lip hard, wincing slightly as he pushed down further, staring into Taehyung's eyes like he had begged him to, feeling completely naked, and small, and vulnerable as he obeyed him. His breath became quick as he moved down further on Tae's cock, the warm feeling rushing through him as he felt the head inside him. He moved up and down slowly, taking more and more of his dick, his hand on Tae's shoulder, steadying himself, still staring into Tae's eyes, the warm feeling engulfing him. He trembled as he watched Tae staring back at him so deeply. His eyes felt like they were looking into the very core of his being and he couldn't bear it...but he did it for him...because he had begged him...because Tae loved him.

Taehyung stared at his plush pouty lips that were parted and swollen, his cupid like face, his picturesque beauty. He stared on at his timid shy eyes, his trembling body, his incredible raw beauty. His tight, wet hole felt so fucking good as his cock went further and further into him. He licked his lips as he stared on and suddenly he became shy too. He was so fucking beautiful to him just then he wanted to cry. He pulled Jimin's head toward him, against his forehead.

"I fucking love you Chim. I fucking love you." whispered Tae.

"Mmm..Mmm." moaned Jimin as Tae's dick slid further and further inside of him.

Tae grabbed Jimin's hip with the other and he thrust his dick up inside him. "Mmmm...ahh...ahh." moaned Jimin. They both began breathing harder, more sporadically. Tae trembled as he felt the incredible pleasure of his tight wet hole sliding down on his dick. He started to pump into him and Jimin rode him back sighing and moaning. It felt so fucking good.

"Oh fuck Chim...mmm..fuck you're so fucking good to me. Why did you listen?" he whispered.

"Mmmm..MMMM." moaned Jimin as Tae pushed further and started to pump up inside him. The wave of pleasure rushing through his body, making him so weak. He grabbed tightly onto his shoulders as he felt Tae's cock rubbing against his prostate.

"Fuck Chim you're so wet..oh fuck tell me." whispered Tae, grabbing his ass, pulling him back and forth toward him as he pumped and pumped.

"Mmm..because...ahh...ahhh...mmm.' Jimin moaned as Tae started to pump deeper into him, his dick almost fully in.

"MMMMM.' moaned Jimin. Tae pumped harder and Jimin bounced up and down on his dick. Fuck it felt too good. Too fucking good.

"Tell me Chim." whispered Tae. Jimin gasped as Tae's dick went fully in suddenly.

"Oh god...fuck...because...MMMMM...because you..ahhh..asked me...ahhh...ahhh." moaned Jimin as Tae fucked deep and hard inside him.

"I fucking love you." Tae growled. He felt a wave of pleasure rush through him, shooting down to his dick and he didn't know how it had happened, but he knew he was going to cum fast for the first time in his life.

He thrust deep into him and Jimin trembled and moaned. Tae covered his mouth and started to fuck up into him. Jimin pushed back against him and started riding him hard and good. Rolling his hips back and forth and he leaned back, holding Tae's shoulders and Tae started to fuck him faster and faster.

"Oh fuck..mmm..mmmm." moaned Jimin.

"Take it Chim. Take it." said Tae. "Fuck me back. Do it."

"Oh fuck..MMMMM. Moaned Jimin. He grabbed onto the headboard and he started fucking Tae back as hard as he could. He wanted to scream. It felt so fucking good. "MMMMMM..oh god! he moaned.

"Shhh!" said Tae. He was still covering his mouth. He was too fucking loud. But then, suddenly, Jimin moved his hand down. "Choke me." he whispered.

Oh fuck! Jimin was so fucking hot. Tae knew he would cum any minute. He grabbed onto his neck and squeezed and started fucking hard and deep up into him and Jimin's felt his hard thick dick slapping up against his stomach as Tae fucked into him.

"Ahhh...ahh." He sighed.

"Oh fuck Jimin..fuck!" said Tae. He was about to cum. Any fucking second. He couldn't stand it. He fucked him faster and faster. Jimin kept moaning and sighing and making pretty sex noises.

Tae closed his eyes, he let Jimin's neck go, he grabbed Jimin's hips and he pulled them back and forth against his dick. He felt his orgasm rising. Any minute and he would cum. He fucked him faster and faster. Jimin bit his lip down hard. He wanted to scream. It felt so fucking good. He leaned back, Tae looked at his pale neck, his chest. He looked like a fucking angel to him. He thrust hard and deep.

"Oh fuck Chim. I'm about to cum...I'm about to-

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Jimin stared at Tae, his eyes wide with fear but Tae didn't give a fuck who was at the door. He was going to cum.

He lifted up Jimin and laid him down on the bed, moving his legs up around him and he leaned down on top of him and he thrust hard and deep. Jimin trembled. He had did it all so fucking fast. He grabbed onto Tae's arms and he sucked in his teeth and shook as Tae fucked him hard and deep.

Tae pumped faster and faster, he was almost there. Jimin started laughing. Tae was fucking crazy!

"Shhh!." said Tae and he leaned into Jimin's neck. He felt the hot rush take over. He thrust and thrust and thrust, Jimin wanted to scream again. "Ahhh...ahh." he sighed.

"Oh's so fucking wet....say my dick is big...say it's big." he whispered.

"It's so big...ahh...ahh...It so fuc..king big." whispered Jimin. He could barely talk. Tae was fucking him so hard.

"Oh fuck! I'm cumming..Chim ohhhh" whispered Tae and his orgasm rushed through him and he came hard as fuck inside of Jimin. He trembled from it. He was so wrecked.

Jimin covered his mouth and laughed hysterically. Tae was so crazy. Someone was at the door and he had kept going. What the fuck?! He laughed and laughed as Tae lay on top of him.

Knock, Knock, Knock.

"Coming!" yelled Jimin.

"Oh fuck. Ohhh." sighed Tae. His dick was so sensitive as he pulled out of him.

"Go get in the damn shower or something." whispered Jimin. Tae raised up and smiled at him. He was still panting, out of breath. He got up and grabbed the whole luggage and took it in the bathroom.

Jimin kept laughing as he grabbed his robe and smoothed back his hair. Taehyungie was fucking crazy. His legs felt weak. He could barely fucking walk. Dammit why was someone at the door!

He pulled up his boxers. He sighed and got himself together. "Who?" he asked.


Jimin giggled. Oh shit. He thought it was one of the staff people.

"He opened the door nervously and he stared at Min Yoongi. He had on all black and he was leaned against the arch of the door.

He looked Jimin up and down. His tongue peeking out of his mouth.

"Ya'll almost ready?" he asked eyeing Jimin suspiciously when there eyes met.

"Yeah. Tae's in the shower now." said Jimin.

Yoongi stared at him and Jimin blushed. "Okay. Meet us downstairs. Me and Hobi are going to get breakfast. We leave in 20 mins." he said.

"Okay." said Jimin.

Yoongi kept staring at him. "What?" asked Jimin.

Yoongi smirked. "Nothing." he said and he turned and walked back to his room. Jimin kept looking at him. Did he know something? He closed the door slowly to see if Yoongi would look back but he didn't.

He ran into the bathroom.

"Tae!" he said as he took off his robe and boxers quickly.

"Mmm?" said Tae. Jimin got in the shower. "Tae I think Yoongi knows something." he said. Tae raised his eyebrow.

"Why?" he asked as he closed his eyes and started washing his hair.

Jimin moved over to him to get under the water, he grabbed the sponge and started to wash up, stepping back to let Tae back underneath it.

"Because he was all staring at me up and down and then I asked him what and he said nothing!" said Jimin. Tae started rinsing his hair. He finished and he grabbed the shampoo and turned Jimin so that he was under the water now.

"Nah that's not it." said Tae as he poured the shampoo in his hands.

"Then what is it?" asked Jimin. His eyes were wide with curiosity.

"Yoongi likes you. That's all it is." said Tae casually and he started to shampoo Jimin's hair.

"What?!" said Jimin. Tae looked down and him and laughed. "You didn't know that already?"

Jimin was in shock. He shook his head no as he stared into space trying to figure out how it could be true.

Tae laughed at him. "Even Army knows that shit." he said. "Rinse." he told Jimin. Jimin took his hands and started rinsing his hair.

Tae grabbed the sponge from Jimin and washed up.

"I can't believe it." said Jimin softly.

"Mmm..hmmm. I heard him tell that shit to Hobi one night. I was in the kitchen but they didn't know. They were in the living room and Yoongi was all like how he liked you but he didn't want to tell you and Hobi was like don't tell you cause if you don't like him it will fuck up everything and we gotta think of BTS first and blah, blah, blah." said Tae.

"Ohhhh." said Jimin.

Taehyung looked down at Jimin. He looked so cute and innocent suddenly as he stood there, wet from the shower, staring into space thoughtfully as he came to the realization that Yoongi liked him.

"Don't worry about it." said Tae.

Jimin shook his head yes but of course he would.

They got out of the shower and got dressed. They only had 5 minutes but the stylists would do everything so they grabbed random clothes and threw them on. They both sported hoodies, and sweatpants. Tae in his Gucci sneakers and Jimin grabbed his Black vans.

"Which beanie?" asked Jimin. Tae grabbed the blue one and passed it to him.

Tae pulled his hood over his head. "Okay let's go." he said.

They walked out and saw Jungkook in the hallway. He looked at them and they both started laughing. His eyes were all big like he was startled. Jimin whispered to Tae as they approached him.

"Jungshook." he said. Tae giggled.

They stood with him at the elevator. They were both wicked. Both plotting how to seduce him. He had no fucking idea.


Jungkook gulped as he saw Taehyung and Jimin approach him. He wished he hadn't heard anything last night. Everything felt odd now. Different. He thought how they really looked like boyfriends as they walked up the hall. They were giggling and practically had on the same damn outfit. A black hoodie and gray sweats. The only difference was their hats and shoes. Fucking boyfriends, thought Kookie.

"Jungkookie! Did you have a good sleep?" asked Tae and he threw his arm around him and looked down at Jimin and raised his eyebrows at him. Jimin eye smiled at him. He was already starting the game.

"Yeah it was okay."

"Tae had a dumb dream that his Gucci clothes burned." teased Jimin. Jungkook looked at Tae and burst out laughing. Jimin laughed too and Tae frowned at them.

"It's not funny. That shit was scary. I almost died!.. but Yoongi pulled me out." he said attempting to gain their sympathy but it was no use. They thought it was hysterical.

They entered the elevator as the door opened. Jimin took his opportunity to stand next to Kookie as they laughed at Tae. He whispered something in Jungkook's ear as he stared at Tae and Tae bit his lip. He knew it was about him. Jimin was already breaking the rules.

Jungkook started laughing.

"What?" said Tae. They were pissing him off.

Jimin shook his head no that he wouldn't tell and Jungkook held onto the bar on the wall of the elevator and burst out laughing at what Jimin had told him.

"What the fuck is so funny?" asked Tae. Jimin started to laugh too at his cute face. Jungkook was turning red.

Tae started to pout as they got to their floor.

Jimin decided to tell him.

"I probably.." he started laughing again. Tae slammed his foot down and pierced his lip. "I probably fuck..." he started laughing harder and he held the railing too.

Jungkook finished. "With a...a Gucci condom!" he laughed. Jimin squated down to the floor laughing with his hand over his mouth. The elevator door opened. Tae looked at them blankly.

"Whatever." he said and he walked out into the lounge. Jimin and Kookie kept giggling and they walked over to the breakfast room.

Jimin kept going. "He's probably like...'yeah...take that Gucci dick.' hahaha!" laughed Jimin.

"You feel that? That's Gucci sliding in you." said Jungkook, laughing harder as Tae ignored them. Jimin leaned on his shoulder and laughed as Tae walked away from them over to Yoongi and Hobi.

Jungkook thought it was extra funny because Tae was fucking Jimin. He felt better after the joke. Like things could still be normal.

"Hurry up they're gonna be here any minute." said Yoongi.

Jimin grabbed some oranges and pointed out the donuts for Jungkook. Tae was standing with Yoongi and the others. Jimin knew he was still sulking but good. It gave him time to work on Jungkook. He grabbed him a bowl of strawberries and some watermelon and a peach cup. He knew he would be hungry later when he wasn't sulking.

They all climbed into the van and Tae sat next to Yoongi. Jimin laughed to himself. Tae was so easy to fuck with! His plan was working perfectly. He sat next to Jungkook in the back.

"Here." he said and he passed Tae the food. Tae took it but didn't say anything to him. He had looked at him blankly when he took it and then started to listen to Yoongi's story.

Jimin smirked. He was such an asshole sometimes.

Kookie watched the exchange curiously. Tae really kept shit going for too long. It was just a damn joke.

I'm still tired you?" asked Jimin. Kookie smirked. He knew exactly why he was tired. Because Tae had fucked him so good he "couldn't take it". He giggled and looked away shyly at the window.

"Nah I'm pretty good." he said.

"Mmmm." said Jimin and he leaned on Jungkook's shoulder and wrapped his arm into his. Kookie stared out the window as they drove to the studio. Yoongi and Tae and the others were all talking about some movie they had all seen. Jungkook hadn't watched it. He had been out with his other friends.

He wondered why Tae and Jimin weren't sitting next to each other. They didn't always but he felt like now they should. He knew it wasn't the joke. Even when they fought in the past they still were always around each other. Just around each other and mad.

He felt Jimin move closer into his neck. He smelled so fucking good. Like peaches or something. He always smelled amazing. Jungkook realized he was still kind of tired as the van rocked along down the street. He decided he'd listen to music and rest his eyes. He moved slowly, not to disturb Jimin and put in one of his earphones. He turned on Justin Bieber's new album.

He closed his eyes and Jimin moaned suddenly in his sleep, his hand falling down on top of his leg. Hearing him moan brought back the memory of him moaning last night when Tae was fucking him. He bit his lip and tried hard not to think about it, bobbing his head to the song.

He looked out the window again and Jimin moaned again softly and he suddenly pushed his hand underneath his T-shirt and hugged him as he curled up his legs onto the seat.

Jungkook felt an electric feeling from Jimin's hand on his bare skin. He twisted his lip and shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

"Stay still." said Jimin softly and he started rubbing Kookie's side slowly back and forth, back and forth. He did it lightly, his hand barely grazing against Jungkook's skin and Kookie's eyes got wide. It felt good as fuck, tingly, he felt nervous, slightly aroused by it. His finger kept grazing his skin and Jungkook felt the tingly feeling grow until he became lightheaded. 

Jimin moaned again and pulled him in. Hugging him. He felt good. Kookie felt nervous, still tingly, and he bit his lip, staring out the window trying hard not to take anything the wrong way...not to think of Jimin moaning and saying "I can't take it" . As he kept staring out the window he failed miserably at his attempt not to think about it. 

He shook his head. What the hell was wrong with him lately? He closed his eyes and leaned his head back as the music played in his ear and Jimin held him close as they rode to the studio. He felt his finger grazing his side every now and then while he slept. He looked at Tae to see if he cared that Jimin was laying on him. Tae was laughing with Yoongi about something. He seemed perfectly fine, normal, like he didn't care what was going on with Jimin.

He suddenly laughed to himself. Why the fuck was his thinking of Jimin like Tae owned him now or something? For all he knew that was the only time they did anything.

Fuck! He was dying to know! He looked down at Jimin as he slept. He looked cute and extra small curled up against him. He put his arm around his shoulder and rubbed it a little as he closed his eyes again. He knew Jimin used to like him kind of. Their first year of training he had always tried to kiss him and shit. He would say he was just joking but Jungkook didn't think so.

He thought about him moaning again. He felt his dick get a little hard. He puffed his cheeks out and sighed. He had to get a grip. He moved his arm from around Jimin. Jimin grabbed it and pulled it back.

He beamed down at him. Jimin was so fucking cute. Even if he was annoying as fuck sometimes. Jimin started rubbing his side again. It kind of tickled. Then he started walking his two fingers up his side. Jungkook's teeth showed as he smiled. It tickled him but he didn't want to laugh and make the others turn around. What the fuck was Jimin doing? He felt his finger move over and he pinched his nipple.

"Ahhh!" he gasped. Jimin giggled and moved his hand back down, letting it "casually" rest on Jungkook's lap. He was so very wicked. Tae and Hobi turned around to see what had happened.

Jungkook felt nervous as fuck, his nipple was his spot. "I felt something in my back. Something must be in the chair." he lied.

"Mmm." said Tae, staring at him blankly, he looked down and saw Jimin cuddled up on his side. He frowned. He was starting already. 

He turned back to Yoongi, ignoring them. He didn't want to break the rule. Damn Jimin was already flirting. He was so good at this shit. He had tricked him by using his weakness, Gucci. He would spank him later. No, he thought. He'd like that. He'd make sure he hung out with Kookie all day. Ignore him. That would get his ass good, he thought. Tae giggled at his own pettiness.

Jimin buried his head into Jungkook's side. " smell good Kookie." he whispered. Jungkook giggled. Jimin made him feel so fucking tingly and he felt shy all of a sudden.

"You too though." he said. Jimin giggled. He raised up and looked at Kookie suddenly. Kookie looked at him but then shied away. He looked so fucking seductive just then. He couldn't stand when Jimin would stare at him like that. He did that to all of them though. He was just a flirt by nature.

The van pulled up and stopped. Hobi opened the door and they all started to get out.

Jungkook went to move but Jimin was still leaned over, staring at him.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows silently asking him what was up. Jimin shot a quick look back to where the others were. They were all heading into the building.

"I have to tell you a secret." he whispered.

"What?" asked Jungkook. His eyes wide with wonder. Jimin was still looking at him with bedroom eyes. He gulped. He was so fucking pretty sometimes it was crazy.

Jimin leaned into his ear, he sucked in his breath. Kookie closed his eyes as his heavenly scent engulfed him, his breath tickling his ear and neck.

"Jungkookie..I're sexy." whispered Jimin and he dared to let his plush, pouty lips graze Jungkook's neck before he giggled and dashed out of the van, jogging into the building, leaving him there to process what he said.

Jungkook just stared. His eyes wide. He kept hearing him say it over and over in his head. When his lips had grazed his neck. His dick had jumped. Oh shit. Did Jimin want to fuck him too?! He sat there like an idiot until Namjoon came back to see where the hell he was.

"Yo! Come on!" he yelled.

Jungkook shook his head and got out of the van, closing it and walked in a trance toward the building. What the fuck was Jimin up to? He was with Tae wasn't he? Did he really like him? Or was he saying that shit just to fuck with him. What if he didn't like Tae. Like it was just a sex thing. What if he really did think he was sexy?

He could barely concentrate inside. Everyone was acting all normal and shit when all this crazy stuff was going on underneath. What if they all were fucking and he didn't know? His mind was fucking blown.

"Kookie. It's your turn." said Hobi. Jungkook went over and let the stylist pass him his clothes. He walked into the makeshift dressing room and got dressed automatically. "Jungkookie." he heard Jimin whispering his name in his head. His dick jumped again. Fuck he had to get a grip. He whined softly to himself. This was going to suck. They had the shoot together and it was going to take everything in him not to get a damn hard on.   

He looked in the mirror and eyed his blue suit. Suddenly, Jimin came into the dressing room. He turned around quick, his eyes wide.

Jimin laughed. "Jungshook."he smiled and laughed again, walking up to him and he started to fix his bow tie. 

His fingers grazed his neck every now and then and Jungkook felt hot all of a sudden as he raised his neck to let him adjust the bow tie.

"It' in here." said Jungkook, still looking up. Fuck he felt like he would start sweating any minute. 

"Mmm..hmm." said Jimin, still fixing the tie. He knew he was hot because of him and not the room.  

"Jungkookie." whispered Jimin. He sounded seductive, like when he had said it in the van. 

"Mm?' asked Kookie still looking up as Jimin continued fixing his tie. 

"What about me? Do you think I'm sexy?" whispered Jimin and he moved his hand down and tugged Kookie's blazer down suddenly into place with a singled abrupt motion. It startled him. 

Jungkook looked down at him suddenly. Jimin was peering up at him, his eyes looked flirty, mischievous and slightly curious. He was biting down on his lip, the pink pouty lip was pushed out beneath his teeth and for a quick second Jungkook imagined sucking on it. It looked so fucking delicious. 

He didn't even realize he was holding in his breath as he watched Jimin stare at him. He was frozen. He felt like time had stopped for that second. He didn't know what to say. He was shook as fuck.  

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