The Big Seven: Seasons Awaken

By FaithScarred

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When darkness and evil returns, seven teens will take a stand. They are the only hope to save everything good... More

How It All Begun
The Viking And The Hybrid Part 1
The Winter Spirit And The Boy
The Princess, The Thief, And The Girl
Meeting Each Other In A Not Good Way
A Kid Like You
Kingdom Dance And Lost Princess
Story Time
Letting Go Of The Past And Under Attack
Powers Unleashed
Story To The Prophecy
We Are The Big Seven
Bandits? No Problem
Lost Princess
So Alone, Dreams, And Trapped
Kingdom Corona Under Attack
A Royal Family Reunion
Guardian Of Redemption And Emotion
Getting Stronger And Captured
Gone, Faith, Death, Destiny
I Will Always Be With You
New Love Blooming And The Warning
Guardian Of Belief And Fun
Princess Of Wisps
Guardian Of Freedom
Isle Of Home And Red Deaths Plan
Lover's Reunited
See The Light And Black Night's Plan
Power Of The Alpha
I'm Proud Of You
Guardian Of Dragons And Change
We're Simply Meant To Be
Friends Forever
It's Over And New Spirit Of Fear
One Journeys End, One Journeys Beginning
Teaser Trailer

The Viking And The Hybrid Part 2

307 13 2
By FaithScarred

Me: If you didn't see, 'The Viking And The Hybrid Part 1' as taken the second chapter's place.

I hope you guys enjoy the second part now.

Now the bonding begins.

Hope you all like this!


Night Scale was curled in on himself, sobbing.

He wanted to play with the Viking, some hide and seek, a game that he couldn't play when he was home anymore. But of course, he couldn't. Vikings kill Dragons and if they're lucky, a Hybrid which was rare. He had his older brother, Nightcore, who used to play with him when they were young, but when Nightcore turned fourteen, their father had made Nightcore train to fight, much to the confusion of the brothers. Both thought that their father wanted Nightcore to lead. It wasn't until two years later, today actually, did Night Scale finally find out why.

Their father saw Nightcore's strength perfect for a fighter, but Night Scale was strong, fast, and smart, the three thing their father wanted in the next King of the Night Furies. Course Nightcore was smart and strong, but he wasn't fast.

But then, Night Scales friends started to slowly leave him. One by One, they all stopped talking to him and hanging out with him.

Only his friend Midnight was still hanging out with him, but she was banished for breaking a rule, an important one. The last words she said to him before she left was that she loved him.

When Night Scale asked his father why he didn't want Nightcore as a leader and why his friends no longer play with him, he plainly said, right in front of Nightcore to, that Nightcore didn't have all the qualities. Then their father said they friends would distract him from becoming a good leader. The talk ended up in an argument that made Black Night, their father, hit Night Scale on across the face. Night Scale ran out of the room after that, not listening to his father's or brother's call to come back.

All he wanted, was some friends or maybe just one.

"Are you alright?"

Night Scale jumped and gave a shout, turning to the left to see something he didn't expect.

The boy, Hiccup, was standing there, a small smile on his face. Night Scale gulped. "What?"

Hiccup chuckled. "I said, 'Are you alright?'"

Night Scale managed a small smile. "I guess?"

Hiccup walked forward until he was right next to Night Scale. Then, he sits down next to him. Night Scale is shocked by the sudden change and Hiccup notices.

"I felt guilty that I made you cry. I guess I was still afraid from Snotlout about to beat me up to realize that you actually stopped him from hurting me."

Night Scale smiled. "It's fine! I guess I forgot that Vikings and Dragons and Hybrids don't get along."

Hiccup looked at him. "But we are."

At those three words, Night Scale froze and looked Hiccup in the eye. "Yeah, we are."

Both looked at each other for about a couple more seconds before Hiccup looked away, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I would tell you my name, but you already know it. And you already told me your name," Hiccup said.

Night Scale laughed. Hiccup laughed along with him.

"Well, how old are you," Night Scale asked. Hiccup smiled at the question.

"I'm ten," Hiccup said, holding up all his fingers.

Night Scale gasped. "So am I!"

Hiccup gasped as well. Turning to Night Scale more to look at him more in the face.

"I'll be eleven a month from now," Hiccup said.

"So will I," Night Scale said.

Hiccup and Night Scale looked at each other in shock before they both start laughing. They didn't realize that they were now leaning against each other. When they stopped, they realized that they were leaning against each other. Night Scale's eyes widen. He started to move away, thinking Hiccup wouldn't want him on him when Hiccup's voice suddenly spoke up.

"Don't. Please."

Night Scale glanced at Hiccup. Hiccup was looking at him with a pleading look in his eye, his hands clutching his left arm. Realizing that Hiccup wanted more contact, Night Scale moved his right arm around Hiccup before pulling him close hugging him. Hiccup leaned into Night Scale's scaled body, sighing happy and snuggling up against Night Scale like a little brother would do a big brother.

Hiccup smiled. "You're warm."

Night Scale huffed. "It's the scales and my body heat that keeps me from getting cold."

Hiccup glances up at Night Scale, a bit embarrassed. "Sorry, I don't get much contact from my tribe. They don't like me very much."

Hiccup attempts to move away but Night Scale just pulls him closer. "Tell me," Night Scale said.

Hiccup looked at him for a couple seconds, deciding if he should. Finally, he talked.

"Berk is a strong tribe. The Vikings are hard to beat. One of the strongest tribes there is. My father is Stoick the Vast, Chief of the Tribe. His saying is 'A Chief protects it's own'. The only thing is about that saying, is that my father cares more about the tribe than me," Hiccup explained.

Hiccup sighed before continuing.

"I wanted to fit in. I wanted to be like them. I admit that I wanted to kill-" Hiccup paused in what he was saying, looking up at Night Scale. Night Scale only smiled in understanding, knowing what Hiccup meant. Hiccup smiled in relief and continued.

"But awhile ago, I realized that no matter what, my father and my tribe won't like me for who I am. Not unless I grow muscles and start acting like them. Sometimes I wonder if it would be better if I had died instead of my mother during a Dragon Raid. I only know because I heard Uncle Spitelout and my dad talk about it," Hiccup said, whispering the last part with a frown.

"But if you died, then I wouldn't have met you," Night Scale said without thinking.

Instantly, he blushed in embarrassment. They had just met and he already was attached to Hiccup. Hiccup looked surprised that Night Scale said that.

Hiccup blushed and coughed. "Well, uh, your turn," Hiccup said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Night Scale sighed at the change of subject.

"My father, Black Night, is the Alpha and King of the Night Furies." Night Scale paused, looking down at Hiccup for his reaction. Ever so slowly, Hiccup expression changed from listening to awe.

"You're a Night Fury! The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself! The dragon that never misses a shot! The fastest dragon of them all," Hiccup said in awe and in little fear.

Night Scale smiles nervously. "Yeah, I am." He then looked serious. "I'm the type of dragon you wanted to kill, didn't you." It was a statement, not a question.

Hiccup tensed next to Night Scale, looking afraid. Night Scale just smiled. "It's okay. Killing a Night Fury is every Viking's dream."

Hiccup sighed in relief.

"Please continue,' Hiccup said relieved.

Night Scale couldn't help but chuckle. He continued anyway.

"My father wanted me to be the next King because I held the qualities. Being smarter, stronger, and faster then my older brother. My father told all my friends to stop hanging out with me, telling me that having friends would distract me. Midnight Gleam was the only one who would stay with me, no matter what her family told her. To tell you, I actually had a crush on her."

Night Scale smiles sadly. Hiccup notices.

"What happened," Hiccup asked. Night Scale smiles sadly.

"It was revealed that she was taking slaves that the Night Furies had and freeing them or taking them somewhere safe. It was against a law and she was banished. They found that she had a partner and that if she revealed him or her, she wouldn't be banished. But Midnight did not say a word. The only thing she did was a glance in my direction, a glance no one saw but me. The last words she said to me was that she loved me and that we would meet again. I didn't see her again after that."

Night Scale had tears falling down his face. Hiccup saw his tears and frowned.

"I hope you see her again," Hiccup said, trying to make him feel better. Night Scale smiled at that. He continued.

"When I went to my father to find out why, he told me, right in front of Nightcore too, that I was more fit for the role and that Nightcore was not. I lost it and started yelling that I didn't want to be King, but my father slapped me across the face. I ran out of the room, ignoring my brother's and father's calls to come back."

Hiccup hugged Night Scale, much to his shock.

"We are just alike," Hiccup mumbled. At Night Scale's confused look, Hiccup explained.

"My father wants me to be Cheif of the tribe, but I don't wish to be. Besides, no one on Berk will listen to me and I will more likely be ignored than anything."

Night Scale hugs Hiccup in return. Without realizing, both sighed as one and close their eyes, feeling the same feeling of comfort with each other. When both of them opened their eyes and looked at each other.

They looked at each other, both of them seeing that their eyes looked the same. They started at each other for a couple more seconds before Night Scale spoke.

"I don't want to go back."

Hiccup looked confused. "What?"

"I don't want to go home now that I know that my father will force me to be something I don't want to be."

Hiccup looked thoughtful at that, his face taking on his thinking look (We all know what that looks like).

Finally, Hiccup looked at Night Scale.

"Stay with me."

"What," Night Scale said, shocked at what Hiccup said.

"My father is out looking for the nest, he won't be back for a couple days. Tomorrow, I can help you find a place to stay in the forest so I can visit you. I know just the place to, you'll like it."

Night Scale thought about it. He nodded and smiled. "Okay." Hiccup let out a whoop and raised a fist in the air. Night Scale chuckled before smirking, raising an eyebrow.

"Is this your way of asking me to be your friend," Night Scale asked. You can hear the hope in his voice.

Hiccup nods, a happy smile on his face. Night Scale laughs and gets up, pulling Hiccup along with him.

Night Scale turns his back to Hiccup. "Get on. It will be quicker and it will be dark in a couple seconds."

At that, Hiccup looks up and sees that the Sun was nearly set. Not wanting to be left out in the dark, Hiccup wraps his arms around Night Scales neck. When Hiccup was settled, Night Scale jumped up, making Hiccup let out a shout. Night Scale gilded and jumped from branch-to-branch before landing outside of the treeline of the Village.

Hiccup pointed to his window and Night Scale jumped and flew to it, looking inside before jumping in.

Once Night Scale landed, Hiccup got off and went to his bed. Reaching under it, he pulled out a huge blanket. After seeing Hiccup struggle, Night Scale came over and helped him, pulling the blanket to the other side of the bed and away from the sight of the door.

As the both of them started making a makeshift bed, Night Scale spoke up. "I want to change my name.'

Hiccup glanced at him. "Why?"

Night Scale shrugged. "I don't like my name; my father named me and I want to change it."

Hiccup hummed, thinking a bit. He thought a bit more before he noticed Night Scale retracting his teeth, pulling an annoying piece of food out of his mouth and throwing it out the window.


Night Scale looked at him. "What."

Hiccup smirked. "You looked toothless without your teeth in."

Night Scale chuckled. "Having retractable teeth helps when you try to get annoying food out."

Hiccup's face suddenly brightened. "I know! Why not Toothless? It fits you somehow and you can mislead people with your name."

Night Scale thought about it. After a while, he smiled.

"Toothless. I like it."

Hiccup smiled. The newly named Toothless looked over at Hiccup.

"From now on, I shall stay with you. When your father or anyone else is here, I will stay in the place you have for me."

Hiccup looked very happy at that. "And from now on, I will think differently of dragons. If you can have emotions and not try to kill me on the spot since Dragons supposedly always go for the kill, then that means others can too. It means everything we know about you guys is wrong!"

Toothless smiled. Hiccup smiled too before he yawned.

"Come on, let's go to bed. If you hear anyone coming then jump onto the rafters," Hiccup said, pointing upwards. Hiccup crawled into his bed.

Toothless nodded and crawled into his little makeshift bed.

Both went to sleep soundlessly, happy that they found a new friend.


Me: Sorry, that it took so long but I lost connection to the internet on my computer at home so I had to finish it on a later date.

But, anyway, I hope you all liked the chapter.

The next one is Jack and Jamie. Then it's Merida, Rapunzel, and Flynn.

After that, the story begins. Well, it already did, but you know that it's the start of their adventure.

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