By xxTaepartyxx

51K 2K 544

Pyrokenisis, Telekinesis. Vitalim Vitalus. Transmutation. Body control. Heightened abilities. Divination. T... More

The First chapter
The Second Chapter
The Third Chapter
The Fourth Chapter
The Fifth Chapter
The Sixth Chapter
The Seventh Chapter
The Eighth Chapter
The Ninth Chapter
The Tenth Chapter
The Eleventh Chapter
The Twelvth Chapter
The Fourteenth Chapter
The Fifteenth Chapter
The Sixteenth Chapter
The Seventeenth Chapter
the end
Probably the last post

The Thirteenth Chapter

1.9K 79 27
By xxTaepartyxx

A/N: Please read till the end!

Taehyungs POV:

"Hoseok, watch out!" I yelled. He looked over his shoulder and duck his head from the boulder being thrown at him from an invisible source, letting it hit the back wall. He ran towards whatever had thrown it. His body fell to the floor with a thud. "Fuck! Jungkook get his body somewhere safe!"

A tall raven haired boy, dressed in all back appeared the front door. He looked at his hands with furrowed brows , then smirked at me. 'I've got this, Tae,'. I nodded in the boys direction, realizing it was Hoseok.

"Taehyung, Taehyung, Taehyung," Jackson said, walking towards me. His arms were folded behind his back and a fake expression of concern were on his face. "It's not safe to just stand by and watch when you're under attack,"

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Orders from GD and he doesn't like when we disobey," Jackson said, biting his lip bitterly. A boy with chokolate brown hair walked up from beside Jackson, towering over him. His dark, narrow eyes were on me.

"Sounds more like daddy issues to me," I said. Jacksons eyes twitched and he took a deep breath. "What's wrong Jackson? Did I say something wrong?"

Jackson folded his fist. "Youngjae. Please, remove this bug from my sight,"

The taller boy nodded. Before I could react his hand was around my throat, choking me. I was gasping for air, but without luck. Another pair of hands wrapped around my wrists, making me unable to fight. Instead I looked at Jackson, meeting his dead eyes and blank face.

"Why don't you fight your own fight?" I asked, struggling hard to speak. I felt my feet rise from the ground. My vision became blurry, noises faded in out, but I refused to close my eyes.

Jackson folded fist came in contact with my face. "Let go of him," He grumbled. Youngjae obeyed and let me fall to the floor, coughing and still trying to catch my breath.

I felt a mocking kick in my rips and looked up at Jackson. He still had his arms behind his back, making it easy for me to bring him down. His eyes very furious, but he was still trying to keep his cool. I was determined to see him let go of that facade, no matter what it would take, cause it was annoying me by now.

I reached out for his ankle and pulled his leg forward, watching his eyes switch from rage to shock when he stafted to lose balance. He tried to shake me off his leg, his foot kicking me in the face several times. I bit back the urge to flinch. With a loud noise, Jackson were on the ground. I crawled on top of him and started punching his face, going for the places I knew would hurt the most. Cheekbones, nose and jaw. He let out several pained grunts and other noises. Holding him down was not a problem. Keeping him still was the real task.

"Yugyeom!" Jackson cried out for help. Hoseok, who as still inside the members body, looked over his shoulder and saw what was going on. He rushed over and tried pulling me off.

'Just trust me' He thought. I took a deep breath, not liking the thought of leaving Hoseok with someone like Jackson, but decided to play along and let him push me off. He quickly took my place and began throwing punch after punch at the confused leader.

I stood up and folded my arms behind my back, the same way Jackson always did.

"Jackson, Jackson, Jackson," I shook head. "What a mess you've gotten yourself into. GD wouldn't be proud if he could see you right now,"

I laughed at the bitter look on the blondes face, then turned around and looked at the fight that was happening.

Jin and Namjoon were working together on Bambam, Namjoon would transportate continuously to different places in the room, confusing the boy, who currently had taken the shape of a tiger, then Jin would use a long metal object to hit Bambam with.

Yoongi were throwing fire balls at another raven haired boy, who had some kind of blurry force field around. It looked look water. He seemed to struggle keeping the fire out, explaining the satisfied smirk on Yoongis face.

Jimin were in a fist fight with a boy twice his size, lean and dark haired. He seemed to be handling the situation way better than ever, but without Jennie or Yoongi by his side, he only had his physical strength to work with.

Lastly, Jungkook were nowhere to be seen, but objects were constantly lifting form their place and being thrown at a very confused Youngjae, so I figured he was hiding somewhere in the room.

Suddenly, I felt someone poke my shoulder, I turned around, ready to fight.

"Calm down, peaches, it's just me," Mark laughed. I rolled my eyes and smiled. As little as I wanted to admit it, it was nice to see a friendly face amongst all the caps that was going on.

"Hi Mark," I said.

"God, I missed that voice," He said, pretending to shiver. I scoffed. "Sorry. I just wanted to tell you that there's a body in the kitchen that looks like its dying,"

My eyes widened. "Hoseok,"

"Sure. Also have you seen, Yugyeom? He's about you're height, has back hair, he's usually invisible," He asked, furrowing his brows.

"In fact I have. He's beating Jackson," I replied, rushing towards the place I left the two.

Jackson had somehow gotten on top of Hoseok and was now the one to beat. He had a malicious smile on his face and I cos see how the body under him was flickering from visible to invisible.

"Mark! Get Jackson off before he kills your friend!" I yelled worried.

Mark groaned. "But I'm enjoying this," He said. "Yugyeom is so annoying with his invisibility and constant flirting,"

I glared at him. "Fine. But only for you,"

Mark poked Jackson's shoulder. but as expected it had no effect. Instead Mark got down on his knees and wrapped his arms around Jackson, then pulled him backwards. The blonde boy started fighting back, yelling and cursing like a child.

"Come on, big boy," Mark said, starring to stand back up. "You dont wanna kill Yugyeom, trust Me,"

"That's not Yugyeom!" Jackson yelled hysterically. I patted Mark in the shoulder before running off.

'You own me big time'

I stopped dead in my tracks. The thought didn't feel like the usual kind. It was stronger, it rushed through me like a wave. It wasn't distant like when The ones I usually received from the boys. It was crystal clear. I looked at the Mark, who were still struggling to keep the other boy off Yugyeom. He caught my eye and blinked at me in his usual flirty way. Shaking the thought off of me, I picked up my pace and quickly found Hoseok behind a kitchen counter.

"Wake up, Hoseok," I said, shaking Hoseoks unconscious body. From the way his brows were look on his face and how he was squirming, he looked like he was a lot pain.

"Taehyung, you should get back out there. I'll take care of hyung," I heard Jimin say. He sat down beside me. I nodded and looked at him, instantly noticing the bleeding cut in his brow. Jimin looked away and shook his head. "Don't worry about that. I'll be fine,"

I sighed. "Jimin, you need stop saying that,"

He scoffed. "I'll get Jin to look at it when all of this over, I promise, but right now, your boyfriend could really need some extra help," Jimin said.

I patted his back, nodded and got up. I saw Jungkook struggle with two of Jacksons guys. One being Youngjae, the other one was the guy I had seen Jimin fight with. I ran and quick as I could and less than a second later I had Youngjae's right arm lockes behind his back, pressing him against the floor. He tried to wiggle out of my grip, making me tighten it until I heard the sound of a bone crack. Youngjae let out a scream.

"Thanks, babe," Jungkook said. I stood back up and looked at the other guys scared face, then smirked. He swallow a lump.

"Wanna try?" I asked, referring to his whimpering friend on the ground. He shook his head and slowly backed away. "I thought so,"

"Need backup?" I turned around and saw Jennie, Lisa, Jisoo and Rose dressed in their black and pink suit. I nodded and they instantly split up. Jennie ran over to Yoongi while Lisa shrunk and took on the scared male in front of us. Rose and Jisoo ran towards the kitchen.

It didn't take long before the remaining of Jacksons guys were laying on the ground, either wrapped in leafy branches, tied up in Lisa's pink ropes or under a burning dome.

Mark walkes up to me with and furious Jackson behind him.

"Alright you can let them go, were leaving anyway," Mark said bitterly, followed by a cheeky smirk. "See you next time, peaches,"

'I could kill you right here and now if I wanted to. You're lucky, Taehyung' Jackson thought to me. I smiled at him.

"Next time, Jackson," I said, seeing the fire in his eyes ignite. He tried to get out of Mark's grip, but instead gave in to the red head. The two walked off as the rest of the guys one by one were sat free and followed them, limping and whining.

"Thanks for helping," I said to Jisoo.

"What are friends for," She replied with a smile. "If you ever need a helping hand, I'll know,"

I nodded, thanking her again. She turned around to the girls and pointed towards the book shelf, then began walking towards them. Jennie was the last one to leave. She looked at me, then at Yoongi behind me and smiled softly.

"Bye guys," She said, waving, before turning around and following her friends.

Yoongi ran past me. "Wait up, Jennie," He yelled. She stopped walking, letting him get on her side. I couldn't hear what they were talking about, but from the way Yoongi nervously scratched his neck, I had a good feeling about it. He smiled widely at something she said and bit his lip. She bowed awkwardly at him and left the same way the rest had. Yoongi walked back over to me with a smile on his face.

I smirked. "What was that all about?"

"Nothing," He replied. I raised a brow.

"Nothing?" I asked. He nodded. A blush crept up on his face and he looked down, smiling. "Am I dreaming or is Min Yoongi falling in love?"

Yoongi snuck passed me, head down. "You must be dreaming,"

I chuckled and followed him. He walked into the room and dumped down on his bed. I laid down beside him and looked at him. He turned his head the other way. I leaned on my elbow and tired to catch his eyes to get a glimpse inside his head.

"I know what you're trying to do, and I won't let you. If I tell you what we talked about, will you stop trying to read my thoughts," Yoongi said, failing to hide a smile. I nodded rapidly. "Yes, we're going on a date. Tomorrow afternoon when they're done training,"

I squealed. "Congratulations, Casanova," I said. He furrowed his brows.

"You always act like such a tough leader, but in reality, you're really gay," He said, sitting up. I placed a hand over my chest, pretending to be offended.

"Now, now, lover boy," I said, getting up. I placed my hands on my hips and looked at him, examining his appearance and sighed. "No,"

"What?" He asked.

"It's just not working for me," I said. "The peach hair and black roots. It's not helping you,"

Yoongi raised his brows. "What would you suggest?"

"We color it,"

He scoffed. "How? We don't have haircolor,"

I grinned. "But we have Namjoon,"

After about an hour, Yoongi had black hair, and I had bright red. We were walking to breakfast, already a little late due to Yoongi forgetting his hands were covered in dye and grabbing almost every wall in our shared room, collapsing on the floor with laughter as he made me scrub it off and it only smearing. We eventually gave up, accepting that the light grey to black smeared handprints were going to be there for a while. Yoongi walked into the dining room first, followed by the conversation ceasing and the sound of a fork clattering. I heard a small "What" from Yoongi, and decided it was time to walk in.

All eyes turned to me. Namjoon and Seokjin were the only two left talking, abruptly stopping and staring at me, Seokjin's eyes wide and Namjoon's mouth hanging open. Jungkook didn't make any facial expressions, just stared at me with wide eyes, looking down at his plate when I met them with a flush of red to his cheeks. Jimin just looked between us, trying to figure out what was happening.

And then there was Hoseok.

He yelled, eyes flicking between Yoongi and I, pointing at my head.

"What the fuck did you do?! How'd you even get access to hair dye?! Why bright fucking red of all colors?! You look like a clown!" Yoongi was laughing, practically wheezing in his seat. Bang laughed, and patted Hoseok's back as an effort to calm him down. He looked over to me, nodding with a smile on his face. I looked back at Hoseok, confusion still on his face.

"It was time for a change I guess. The guy I used to be isn't really who I am anymore. So, I decided why not change my hair. It's not that serious, it'll grow out eventually." I sat down next to Jungkook, placing my hand on his thigh. He hadn't looked at me since I walked in, keeping his eyes trained down and on his nearly empty breakfast plate. I smiled at him, and bumped his shoulder with mine.

"Hey," I smiled.  kissed him, ignoring the disgusted comments in from the others

He ran a hand through my hair. "I like it," He said, smiling. "It fits you,"

Third person POV

Yoongi walked through the bookshelves, entering the living room where the rest of the boys including Bang were sitting, a movie playing in the on the wall. Taehyung was the first one to look up. He looked excitedly at the raven haired, probably expecting him to start crying his heart out about the date, but Yoongi walked straight passed them and into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung asked, stepping up beside the older.

"Having some wanter cause I'm thirsty," Yoongi replied, taking a sip from his cup.

Taehyung crossed his arms. "Don't you have something to tell me?" He asked. Yoongi pretended to think really hard, then shook his head. Taehyung stomped his foot on the ground like a kid. "Come on, hyung I've been waiting all night for you to come home!"

Yoongi chuckled. "I'll tell you when we're in our room, okay?"

Taehyung sighed, but nodded. He began walking back to the others, but stopped in the door frame. "Just tell me if it went well,"

"I'll tell you this, she's amazing," Yoongi replied, smiling at the latter. Taehyung nodded, smiling his usual boxy smile, then went back to the living room. Yoongi followed.

"I'll be outside, if anyone need me," He said, exiting through the hole in the wall. Yoongi pulled out his pack of cigarettes from his pocket, talking one out and placed it between his lips. With the snap of his fingers the cigarette was lit. He exhaled the smoke with a happy sigh.

The date had gone exactly as planned. No awkward silence, no empty conversation. They had talked, laughed and ate all the food Jin had prepared. Yoongi smiled, thinking about tonight.

"Mind if I join?" Jimin asked. He had a thin cardigan on, hugging himself to keep warm.

Yoongi shook his head. "Not at all," He smiled. Jimin sat down beside him.

"How did it go?" He asked, looking down.

"Amazing. Everything was just amazing. Her, the food, the place," Yoongi said, smiling widely. He looked at Jimin, expecting to see his friend smiling just as wide, but he wasn't. Jimin was staring into the night with blank eyes. "Is something up?"

"Tonight marks four months since Jimyung forgot me," Jimin said with a monotone voice.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know," Yoongi said, placing a hand on Jimins thigh. Jimin looked at it, biting his bottom lip.

"How were you supposed to know?" Jimin asked, not expecting an answer. Yoongi removed his hand. He took off his jacket and placed it losely over Jimins shoulders. Jimin mumbled an inaudible 'thank you'.

"So, tell me about him," Yoongi said. Jimin tugged at the jacket and smiled.

"He was the best. Everyone liked him. The captain of the basketball team, straight A student, popular. At one point he even dated the most popular girl in school Lee Soha," Jimin explained, his eyes glistening with love. "On top of all of that, he was an amazing brother. He never let anyone hurt me, dragged me along to parties and made me do things out of my comfort zone. He made me join the dance team and take singing lessons, which I'm really happy he did,"

"He sounds like a great guy," Yoongi smiled. Jimin leaned his head on the olders shoulder.

"One time, we went on a roadtrip, me, him and three of our friends," Jimin began laughing against "He had stolen a few bottles​ of soju from our dad and we ended up wasted on the middle of rice field somewhere between Daegu and Busan. It was one of the best nights in my life,"

Yoongi chuckled. The happiness in Jimin's voice was something he had rarely heard, but he loved it. Jimin started softly humming a song. Yoongi looked at him. His eyes were closed and he a had a smile on his lips. He looked peaceful.

"Sing for me," Yoongi said.

"No, I'm not very good," Jimin said, shaking his head.

Yoongi smiled. "I don't care,"

(A/N: Pssst turn on the song)

Jimin sighed, raising his head and laughed awkwardly. Yoongi turned his head to look at him, taking a drag of the almost finished cigarette.

Jimin closed his eyes and softly began singing the song he had previously hummed. Yoongi closed his eyes as well, enjoying the way Jimin's angelic voice consumed his body. He started humming along, not noticing the sudden change in Jimin's voice, before the younger boy sniffed.

Yoongi looked at him. He had tears down his cheeks and a sad smile on his face.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked, instantly feeling stupid. Jimin did answer him. He reached out for a stray strand of orange hair and brushed it back, the other hand drying his tears away.

"It was his favorite song," Jimin mumbled.

"I know you miss him, Jimin. You should be able to come to me about stuff like this. I wanna help you," Yoongi said.

Jimin nodded. Then silence fell between the two. Yoongi coiædnt help but notice the youngerd eyes on him. He was about to ask but was cut off by two plump lips covering his own. He was in shock.

Jimin didn't move his lips too shy to do it. Too embarrassed about the whole situation, but at the same time he was boiling with happiness.

Once he pulled away, it didn't take more than a few seconds before all happiness disappeared at shame, sadness and humiliation took over.

"Jimin-" Yoongi didn't get to finish before he was cut off again.

"I should go," Jimin stuttered. He got up from the ground and rushed back inside, not even looking at Yoongi, who stayed out, trying to figure what had happened.


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