Somebody Like You (Malec)

By fandomgirl46

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What if Magnus met Alec before the party. Would their relationship last or would they burn out? More

Chapter 1:Rain
Chapter 2:Things
Chapter 3:The Meeting
Chapter 4:Talking
Authors note
Chapter 5:She Knows
Chapter 6:The party
Chapter 7:The Date
Chapter 8:Boyfriend
Chapter 9:I Love You
Chapter 10:After the Pain
Chapter 11:Seeing Eachother
Chapter 12:The Fight
Chapter 13:Julie Silverscale
Chapter 15:What to do with you
Chapter 16:Yes, he is
Chapter 17:Surpise, surprise
Chapter 18:Wedding Pains
Chapter 19:Max
1000 READS!!!
Chapter 20:The Mortal War
Chapter 21:The First Trip
Chapter 21:The City of Love
Chapter 22: You Only Came for The Food, Didn't you?
Chapter 23: The Blond Ruins Everything
Chapter 24:The Break Up And The Aftermath
Chapter 25:Guess who's back?
Chapter 26: Papa Lightwood takes a visit
Chapter 27:One last time
Chapter 28:Hope Is Broken Word
Chapter 29:The Rescue
Chapter 30:The Plan
Chapter 31:The Results of Helping
Chapter 32:The Final Attacks
Chapter 33:War
Chapter 34:It's All My Fault
Chapter 35:Chesnuts and Happines
Chapter 36:An Announcement
Chapter 37:Epilogue
Goodbye...Not Really Though

Chapter 14:Introducing

4.1K 152 17
By fandomgirl46

  I woke from a slight shift on my bed;I always was a light sleeper. I opened my eyes to see Isabelle sitting on my bed, still in her purple pajamas, holding a steaming cup. I tried to sit up but I started coughing viciously. "Yeah Magnus warned me that might happen, he texted me saying he forgot to heal you and you may or may not be sick. So I got up and made you this." She held the cup out to me. I eyed it like it was going to bite me(hey knowing Isabelle you never know)and then looked up at her. "Don't worry, its just cinnamon tea with honey in it. If i messed this up then I don't know whats wrong with me." This time I grabbed the cup from her and started to drink. The hot tea certainly helped my throat.                                                  

  "Hey what time is it?" I asked a little hoarsely. She reached over to grab my phone from the nightstand to check the time.    

"Its 10:25, and you have a text from Magnus, whats your password?" I snatched my phone away from her and entered my password to check my text. 

Hey babe, you may or may not be sick right now. My bad, after the events of last night I forgot. Why don't you come over and ill heal you then, and maybe you'll stick around afterwards :). And by maybe I mean you should

Isabelle was looking over my shoulder to try to read the text but i kept changing the angle so she couldn't see, after a while she gave up. "What did it say?"                                                         

"He was just asking me to come over." my voice was better now because of the tea that Isabelle amazingly didn't screw up. There was a silence for a moment and she spoke.                        

  "I think you should talk to Jace." She said this very quickly.    

"And why is that, he the one getting into my business." I said cocking my head to the side a bit.          

  "Because you kind of came out to him in a terrible way and hes your brother and parabatai and deserves an explanation."  

  "Okay, but if this backfires on me I'm blaming you." I got up and walked out the room. Isabelle told me he was in the kitchen so that's where I intend on going. I opened the door to the kitchen and Jace was sitting at the table with his hand around a cup of coffee. He looked up and stared at me with cold eyes. The chair made a slight creek against the tiles as I pulled it out to sit across from him.

  "Look Jace, I know you're probably still mad at me but let me explain." He didn't say a word just kept on staring at me. "Magnus is my boyfriend and I know it's wrong for not telling you after such I long time, I know that, but it was just hard for me to tell you. The only person who knew was Isabelle and that's only because she figured it out on her own that I was gay and she knew so it only felt natural to tell her. What I'm trying to say that I'm sorry for keeping this from you for so long, that I should have more trust in you to tell you about him. That I-."

  "Alec you don't have to keep going, and I should apologise for over reacting, for hurting Magnus. I knew I guess I was just hurt that you didn't tell me. And you were right I am taking my anger out on you, and I'm sorry for that. So are we okay now?" I nodded my head and he nodded his back.

  "So, how long has this been going on?"

  "Almost six months I believe." I answered nonchalantly

  "Six months? So you two have been together for half a year and I'm barely figuring this out?" I opened my mouth to speak but he kept talking. "You don't need to answer that, look introduce me to him, not as Magnus Bane The high warlock of Brooklyn but Magnus Bane your boyfriend." We got up and walked out the kitchen and towards the front door. Isabelle yelled for us from the top of the stairs. "Hey where are y'all going?"

  "I'm going to meet Alec's boyfriend." Jace yelled back at her." She yelled back at us but we closed the door before we could catch what she was saying. We took the usual rout to his apartment and there was a awkward silence between us, I guess it was because I'm going to introduce Magnus as my boyfriend to Jace. We walked up to his apartment and I took out my key and unlocked the door. Jace gave me a look as of he was saying "you have a key?" We went inside and walked up the stairs and I opened Magnus's door. I gestured Jace to go inside, he did and was soon followed by me. I called out for Magnus and he walking towards us. The events of yesterday didn't seem to affect him at all, he was still in his normal clothes which today consisted of lime green skinny jeans, a tight v-neck shirt, a bit of green eyeliner, and his hair in its normal spikes, even the scar on his cheek was gone. He walked up to me and put his arms round my waist and kissed my cheek. I felt my cheeks heat up from being kissed by Magnus in front of Jace. He then whispered into my ear "what is he doing here?" I just stood there and took his hand in my hand and turned around to face Jace. "Jace you obviously know Magnus Bane The high warlock of Brooklyn but this is Magnus, my boyfriend." Jace just stood there without saying anything, the awkward silence was back again, but it was Magnus who broke it. "Alexander, Jace why don't we have a seat on the couch over there, ah and come here." I walked up to him and he held my face with one hand. Out of the corner of my eye i saw a small cloud of blue. "There that should get rid of that cold." Jace look at Magnus confused.

  "He lets you call him Alexander?"

  "Yes, why?"

  "He doesn't like anyone calling him that, only his parents, and not even me." The corners of his mouth turned upward. Magnus and I took a seat on Magnus's now fluffy, purple couch while Jace sat on the armchair next to the couch. "So Alec said that this has been going on for six months, is this true?"

  "Actually to be exact about five months and three weeks." Magnus said with a smirk .

  "It still amazes me that it's been going on for this long and I've barely noticed." The smile didn't leave his face. "Magnus I'm sorry about the way that I reacted yesterday, I don't know what came over me so I just want to apologise to you since I've already given Alec my apologies."

  "All is well goldie locks, but just remember you can insult me and physically hurt me all you want but don't you ever insult my relationship with Alexander or you might just wake up in the Sahara desert with no food, water, or way to get back." The smile he had on was mischievous like he would do that, but to be honest he probably would.


  "He's not kidding you know." I told Jace.

  "Well it's good now that we know the high warlock's boyfriend, now we don't have to pay him just hand you over for a couple of days."

  "That can be arranged." He wrapped an arm around me and i easily relaxed into his arms.          

  "Last time I checked I'm not some form of payment." I cut in.  

  "Too late. Though I'm still pretty surprised that you're dating Magnus. Not that its bad that he's a man or warlock I knew you were gay for a while now i just thought you'd end up with a guy, you know the exact opposite of Magnus and a bit more like yourself."                                                                                            

  "Wait you knew I was gay?" He just nodded his head and laid back in the armchair, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table. I knew Magnus didn't mind because he did the same thing sometimes when we're watching tv or something. "How long have you known and how did you find out."                    

  "I've known since you were about fourteen, and I noticed because you never seemed interested in a girl ever and you never had a relationship before, so i just assumed and thought you would tell me some day, that day clearly came later than sooner. You know five years is a long time."                              

 "Yeah, sorry about that, and that you had to find out the worst way possible." He just nodded his head, looking calm about the whole situation. "Yeah we should probaly get going about now. Goodbye, Magnus." I got up and gave him a quick kiss not caring about Jace being less than a yard away from us. Jace and I were walking out of his apartment when he came out and yelled out to us. "When exactly do you plan on handing Alexander over?" I laughed and yelled goodbye to him one last time before we were out the doors and out  of sight.                    

  "Well that was...interesting."                                                          

"Yeah, it was." I smiled while we were walking. Then u saw a dark figure running towards us. It was clearly female with black hair. The figure got closer and I saw that it was a clearly frantic Isabelle.

Ended it sort of on a cliffhanger :b Anyway next chapter will pick up right where I left off, so wait for that next week. Stay awesome and good bye

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