I'll Believe In You {A Brendo...

By GiveMeEnvy

195K 4.4K 4.8K

Izabel Rose was just looking for a change in her life. Her High School years would soon be over and she still... More

I'll Believe In You {A Brendon Urie} Love Story
It's not a date... Right?
3... 2... 1
Too Big Of a Dream
Panic! At the Disco...
Strictly Friends...
Secrets Revealed...
Broken Heart...
Love Letters
Love and Truth...
Who Knew Dating Would Cause So Much Drama?
Pete Wentz
Sometimes When Something Good Happens You Have To Let Something Else Go
Time To Let Go
What Did I Do To Your Heart?
Taking A Leap...
Impress Him
'Sorry' Can't Fix Everything
A Day With Panic! At The Disco
Just Like Old Times...
There's no other way...

Love Struck...

7.5K 268 233
By GiveMeEnvy


Let the evening in the back door

Filled the room

Ceiling to the floor

Beat backbones

Grazed the poem and made it strange

I wasn’t born to be a skeleton



When I woke up from my nap, Brendon had gotten all of our stuff together and had the car ready. We left his house in a matter of seconds and made our way back to the hall. At some point during the car ride our hands intertwined and took to resting on his lap. Brendon was rubbing soft soothing circles onto the back of my hand; I smiled at the gesture.

When we reached the hall we found Tristan pacing back and forth grumbling to herself about, what I guessed was, us.

“Thank god the two of you are finally here,” Tristan groaned when we walked into the room. “Seriously, where were you?”

“At the house,” Brendon supplied. “We watched a movie and talked. We were both tired so we took a little nap. I thought I had set an alarm but it didn’t go off.”

“Oh,” She nodded. “Well, you aren’t that late but we do have to take care of the last few things.”

“Which are…” Sophie’s voice trailed off.

“The individual pictures, group picture, prizes, interviews… all that.”


“Just with you all and I,” Tristan shrugged. “No biggie. I just need a couple of comments from you all.”

“Sounds good!” Landon boasted. “I’m all for the interviews you know my fans…”

“Landon,” Spencer rolled his eyes. “You don’t have any fans.”

“Yes I do!” Landon argued. “Do I have to remind you? I was a pretty famous football player.”

“Yeah, for like two years.”

“Whatever,” He huffed and crossed his arms.

“It true, Landon,” I agreed with Spencer. Landon was great at football in fact he was one of the best but it wasn’t what he wanted. He realized that after his first year playing but he didn’t quit until the following year because he didn’t want to disappoint his family. Turns out… they honestly couldn’t care less.  All that mattered was that he was doing what he loved.

Jon and Sophie were the first to take their individual shots. I watched them interact with each other and chuckled at them being so shy and reserved. I nearly died from the adorableness when the photographer asked Jon to put his arms around Sophie and they both stared at him wide-eyed and blushing.

Next in line were Spencer and Landon. Their shoot took a little longer than necessary because they were goofing off. I had to, more than once, scold Landon for acting like a baby. When they finally finished their turn Ryan and Bree went next. Their photo shoot was absolutely beautiful. The passion radiating off of those two came in waves, it was obvious that they were still very much in love. Their eyes never left each other and there was never a moment where they weren’t touching each other somehow.

“Brendon, Izzy,” Tristan called out. “Get on over here.”

“Okay,” The photographer, Gabriel, said. “I just want the two of you to act completely normal. Start a conversation or play around or anything really. Just do whatever you need to do to look like you’re having a good time.”

“No problem there,” Brendon said cheekily and I giggled.

“Cheese ball.”

“You love it,” He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the tip of my nose.

Click. Flash.

The bright lights momentarily stunned me. When my vision went back to normal I raised an eyebrow at Gabriel and he shrugged before muttering, ‘natural remember’.

“Woah, wait,” Tristan paused us. “Those pictures are going in a magazine. Delete that picture. The public can’t know about the two of you yet.”

“And why not?” Brendon’s tone was angry.

“Because neither of you are ready to handle that,” She said. “Brendon are you really ready for all the angry fans and think about Izzy. The fans that have shrines dedicated to you in their bedrooms will eat her for breakfast. Izzy doesn’t deserve that and neither do you.”

“So what… we’re just supposed to keep our relationship a secret?”



“Oh c’mon!” Tristan groaned. “I’m trying to save the two of you here. Look, I’m not saying that the two of you can’t be together in public or anything but, just for a little while, keep it on the DL. We can ease our way into the situation. We can bring her into the eye of the public as a friend. Then, slowly, you’ll be able to bring the truth out.”

“And what am I supposed to say when they ask if I knew her before and what my relationship was with Izzy before my life in PATD? What is she supposed to say?”

“That you guys were close friends who lost connection over the years.”

“This is bullshit,” Brendon groaned.

“Bren,” I gave him a look. “She’s trying to help us and Tristan’s right. I don’t think I’m ready for all the hate mail and the threats from adoring fans just yet,” I teased, wanting to see him smile. “Maybe we should keep this a secret, like she said. At least for a little while.”

Brendon raised an eyebrow at me, “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

“God,” He rubbed his hands roughly over his face. “I don’t want to deal with this. I hate that I can’t be with you how I want to be. Especially in public. I just got you back and I want to scream it out to the world that you’re mine and nobody else’s…” I hated the look on his face. He looked so defeated at that moment. I grasped his hands in my own and his sad brown eyes bore deep into mines.

“Hey,” I said softly. “You know I want that too, more than anything, but for now… we have to do this. Plus, I kind of like the idea of us having to sneak around. It’s mysterious and dangerous. It’ll add a little fun to our relationship,” He raised an eyebrow. “Well more fun than usual. We can think of it as being secret lovers,” He let out a loud guffaw and I instantly felt relieved.

“Just like when we were sneaking around in high school at the beginning,” He reminisced.

“Yeah, exactly like that.”

Click. Flash.

Again the blinding flash screwed with my vision for a while and then went back to normal.

“Was that okay?” Gabriel’s voice was sarcastic when he asked the question.

“Do you have their hands in there?” Tristan asked and he shook his head no. “Then it’s fine.”

Fantastic,” The sarcasm was just dripping off of every syllable. “Okay, I want you two to do the same pose that Joe and Sophie did. Brendon you wrap your arm around Izzy’s shoulder… Good. Izzy wrap you arm around his waist… exactly. Alright, you guys can make a funny face in this one and play around…”

When all of the pictures had been taken and the interviews had finished we moved on to the prizes. When we left the store, I had 5 t-shirts, multiple bracelets and other merchandise from Panic! At The Disco. We also got the Vices and Virtues box set. Everything was autographed. Sophie was nearly hyperventilating from it all. I had to calm her down more than once. Each time she blushed even more and more than the last and apologized profusely. Sophie really was the sweetest thing.

“What now?” I asked.

“Now…” Tristan glanced at her watch. “The day has ended. So, that means you guys get to go.”

“Oh,” Sophie looked down and I caught the sadness that was evident in her eyes. “Well, I’ll be on my way then…” We all watched her leave and Spencer nudged Jon who looked equally pained as Sophie.

“Go get her,” Spencer rolled his eyes and Jon smiled happily.

“Sophie! Wait up!”

“Well, I can’t really expect you three to leave,” Tristan smiled to show us she was joking. “So, I guess you can stay here. I don’t need the boys for the next couple of days so…”

Wait,” Ryan gasped. “We have free time? Like, actual free time?”

“Yes,” She laughed. “So go have fun and… catch up.”

Oh thank god…


Brendon and I had said goodnight to the group and were heading back to his house. When we reached our destination the air was thick with tension. Not the bad tension. More like the… good kind. We stared at each other for I don’t know how long. It could have been seconds… minutes… hours. All I knew was that I had somehow lost control and thrown myself at him.

Something in Brendon snapped as well. He took three powerful strides towards me and picked me up; I immediately wrapped my legs around his waist. Brendon began walking and I felt my back press against the cool wall. My hands ran through his silky hair and he returned the favor. He brushed a strand of hair off my cheek and slid it ever so slightly past my ear, his thumb rubbing softly. Brendon pulled back and the intensity of his eyes was enough to make me quiver.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

He leaned back in and firmly, yet seductively, placed out lips together. I knew Brendon could hear my quick intake of breath. The kiss was so gentle, but captivating, a mixture of sweet and salty. Mesmerized lips pressed together time after time. The rest of the world seemed to disappear with just the two of us there.

Desire ignited around us as we became lost in a sea of lust and love. It was a spicy, powerful combination that sent waves of passion crashing over us. Our breathing came out in short, desperate gasps. The intensity has washed away and the rest of the world was slowly coming back into focus.

“Wow,” I whispered.

“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to do that again,” He breath tickled my cheek. “You have no idea how long I’ve yearned to just hold you again in my arms. Or how many nights I stayed up wishing I could just hear your voice.”

“You don’t ever have to go through that again,” I told him gently. “I don’t ever want to go through that again. The restless nights, the crying, and the pain… everything was too much without you.”

“Don’t ever leave me again.”

“I won’t, baby.”

“Please don’t,” He sobbed over the words and my heart ached for him. I dropped my legs back to the ground and wrapped my arms around his shaking frame.

“I won’t. I promise you.”

He took in a shaky breath, “I want to be angry at you.”

“You should be,” I told him, fearing his reply.

“But I can’t. I don’t want to be angry with you and I don’t want to fight with you. I just want to be with you.”

“I just want to be with you too, Brendon,” I brushed my lips over his cheek delicately.

“I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you again.”

“Well, we’ll never find out. Will we?”

Brendon brought his gaze back up to my face, he was smiling gently and then he nodded.

“We’ll never know,” Brendon agreed. “C’mon, let’s go to bed.”


We weren’t going to push our boundaries tonight. As much as I need her… it isn’t the right time. Instead, I held Izzy’s tiny body against mine. Her figure in between my legs while resting on my chest, and my arms around her; I ran my fingers through her silky locks. The casualness we still felt around each other was incredible. There weren’t any long awkward pauses or hesitation we just flowed easily together.

“I can’t sleep.”

I chuckled and buried my nose in her hair, “You never really had the easiest time falling asleep,” I mused and her shoulders shook with soft laughter.

“Yeah, I guess I’m just too hyper for my own good.”

“Love, I think the word ‘hyper’ part belongs to me. You’re just too much of a spaz…” Izzy whacked me and turned around in my arms to glare at me.

“I am not!”

“No you’re not,” I agreed and brushed my hand against the side of her face. She really was adorable when she was mad. Heck, she was adorable all the time, “Do you want me to help you sleep?”

“Hmm… what does that imply,” She raised an eyebrow and I held up my hands.

“No funny business, promise,” I told her.

“I’m listening.”

“Maybe I could sing to you… that always use to help you sleep.”

“That’s sounds great,” Izzy snuggled into me again and closed her eyes, her thick, long eyelashes resting gently on the top of her cheeks. The light shining off of her luscious locks created a sort of halo around her head. Izzy looked like an angel, “What are you going to sing.”

“I think, I’ll sing you something different then your lullaby tonight. Maybe,” I thought for a while and then a certain song popped up in my head. I smiled at the simplicity of it all. I had even said to myself a while ago that she looked like an angel. What better song then, “Angel by Jack Johnson.”

“I never heard of it,” Izzy’s voice was already heavy with sleep.

“You’ll like it,” I whispered in her ear and she snuggled further into me. She brought my hands up to lips and gently kissed the fingertips, palms, wrist and everything else she could reach. Izzy’s lips began tracing patterns over my hand and I grinned at the sweetness of her actions.

“I’m sure I’ll love it,” She told me.

I’ve got an angel,” I began singing and I felt her smile against my palm. “She doesn’t wear any wings. She wears a heart that can melt my own. She wears a smile that can make me wanna sing,” With songs like these I sometimes wonder if they went through the exact same thing I went through. Because this song hits my exact feelings spot on.

“I love you,” Izzy whispered against my skin.

“I love you too,” I resumed singing, “She gives me presents with her presents alone. She gives me everything I could wish for. She gives me kisses on the lips just for coming home…”

She could make angels

I’ve seen it with my own eyes

You gotta be careful when you’ve got good love

Cause the angels with just keep on multiplying

But you’re so busy changing the world

Just one smile can change all of mine

We share the same soul

Oh oh oh ohhh

We share the same soul

Oh oh oh ohhh

We share the same soul

The deep falls and rise of her shoulders indicated to me that she had fallen asleep. I smiled and kissed her gently on her forehead. It was great to have her back again. There was no way to summarize how much I’ve missed her.

 Just as I felt myself drifting off I heard my phone began ringing and my eyes shot over to Izzy. Thankfully, she didn’t stir and I quickly reached over on my nightstand to pick up my phone. Ryan.

“Hello,” I answered.

“How is she?”

“She’s good,” I pressed my lips against the top of her head.

“You’re smiling like a geek right now aren’t you,” Ryan laughed.

“Yup,” My cheeks were beginning to hurt from the force of my smile but I couldn’t help it, “You have no idea how good it feels to have her back.”

“God, you’re still just as love-struck as you were in high school,” I could imagine him rolling his eyes.

“I am,” I agreed. “Just as much as a love-struck fool as you are with Bree.”

“That’s true,” We both snorted and I shook my head. “I can’t believe we’re getting another chance to do it all over again.”

“We’re not getting a chance to do it all over again,” He said. “We’re getting a chance to make it right, no… to make it better. Even if they claim that they aren’t mad at us and despite the fact that we’re all together again… we have to show them how much they mean to us. We have to work our asses off to show them how much we care.”

“Bro, I know,” I nodded my head and then rolled my eyes at my stupidity. He couldn’t see me. “I’ve been thinking about that too and I’ve got just the idea to get us started on that…”

“I’m all ears, dude…”



Sunk the glow and drowned in covers,

Send for all your absent lovers things.

Go on,

Grab your hat and fetch a camera.

Go on, film the world before it happens. 


Sorry for the wait! I've had a tight schedule lately but that's no excuse. I should have found time to fit this in. Hopefully you aren't all that mad at me :( Well, let me know what you thought! Hoped you liked it 

Song: She's a Handsome Woman by Panic! At The Disco 

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