Undefeated (on hold)

By FlyAway29

99 7 1

Castia Chance has a tough time adjusting to her new life as a werewolf. So many things have piled onto her sh... More

Lunch? Or Truth?
A Town Worth Meeting
His Favorites...

Mirror Mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all?

27 3 0
By FlyAway29

Chapter 1;

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?

I closed my eyes, and fell into a deep restless sleep...

I looked around at my surroundings. Trees surrounded me. Dead grass below me. Fog was slowly luring it's way toward me. Jack Frost was nipping at my nose and ears.

The fog was so thick, I couldn't see three feet in front of me.

I twirled around in a circle.

"Alone! I'm alone at last!" I screamed.


The hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

"Who..who's out there?" I yelled, slowly turning in a circle. I grabbed the nearest stick I could find, and held it up for defense.

Gripping the stick like a bat, I hissed out another word: "leave!"

A dark shadowy figure inched it's way towards me.


The sound of a stick snapping rung all throughout the woods.

The figure took off it's black cloak.

Brianna; an old friend of mine.

"Cast, your a werewolf! Look! Your nails, long and sharp!" Brianna cried running up to me.

"That's just my manicure!" I whined.

It was true, I had just gotten my nails done, they were fakes.

"Stop! You have a gift! Admit it!"


"Why are you scared to admit it? It's awesome!" Brianna threw her hands up in the air. "There's only six more werewolves left! Save them! They are getting killed more and more everyday! Help!"

"I'm not scared!" I screamed. "You are! Leave me alone!"

What felt like electricity, screamed threw me. I grew teeth. Sharp, big teeth, and fur. My body was covered. I began to look up, I was closer to the ground. I growled.

Brianna screamed.


I was a werewolf.

I woke up, startled by my dream. I had to take a minute just to process this. Was that true, that I am a werewolf? Who knows?

I threw the covers off of myself. Groaning, I made my way to my bathroom.

I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror.


My hair was practically a cat on top of me, I had old makeup smeared all over my face and arms from last night, and I looked awfully pale, for a Mexican American at least.

I looked at my feet in shame. Angry with the mirror, I punched it. I mean, everyone knows that only mirrors can tell the truth, they just don't break it to you easily.

My punch became a scratch quickly.

My long nails dug into the cool mineral. The errie sound could have been heard miles among miles away.

I cringed at the errie sound. Nails hitting chalk boards was what I thought of.

I smiled in achievement. I had won, I broke the truth.

The mirror shattered and feel to pieces at my feet.

Stumbling, and scraping, my parents ran into my room.

"What the hell was that, Castia?" My father's voice boomed threw out my bathroom.

"You scared us, Cast!" My mom said in a small, sleepy voice.

"Sorry." I said in a some what bitchy voice.

My eyes wandered to the broken mirror. My parents' eyes followed mine.

"Castia!" My mom said in a very stern voice.

"Yes mommy?" I tried to ask in an innocent voice. Epic fail.

"You know damn well 'what'!" My father yelled.

I rolled my eyes.


I took six or seven steps back, in shock, before I could regain my balance.

To this day, I still have no idea who smacked me. I keep going back from my mom when she's mad, but she wouldn't have the guts to smack me, unless she's like going-to-kill you mad. Or if it's my dad, he's smacked me before, but he wasn't at his smacking point.

"Get ready for school." My father said in a flat voice.

I could see small grey spots of grey in his black hair. His green eyes pierced threw me. His dark skin melted into love and hatred all at once. How could such a handsome man be so hard on you?

My mother had her apologetic face on. Big blue eyes filled with sorrow, her curly brown hair messed up, just made her look innocent. But just like a mirror, she holds the truth, but within that truth, there's always a lie.

I walked into my room. Closing the door, I let out a sigh of relief. My life is messed up.

I went into my walk in closet, and picked out a pair of purple (growing darker at my knees) caprice, a green and black zebra print tank top, no sleeves, knee high golden colored boots, and a small leather jacket with a purple collar.

I brushed my hair. Black was underneath, and brown was over. The curls swayed into my face a little pit.

Applying a bit of eyeliner, mascara, purple lipstick, and some blush, I left for school.

"Bye." I said in a flat, sarcastic voice. And like always, I didn't get a reply. Oh well.

I walked to school with Brianna.

"Hey girl-girl!" She said tugging at my black back pack.

"Hey!" I said smiling weakly.

Brianna has been my neighbor forever. We always walked and talked to each other on our way to school.

"Hey I got a letter addressed to you..." She trailed off as she pulled out an envelope in a golden plastic wrap.

"Hmm..." I said while examining the envelope.

I stuck my long, deep purple nail thumb into the corner and ripped open my letter.

Dear Castia,

Hello my darling, long time no reply. I am in town for a limited time. You must find me in that limited time, Darling.

Find me, and Hell is yours.

Your clue~

You are the yin, to my yang.
She will die,
When the first bell has rang.
The game I play, say goodbye
Buried deep
Good night, my queen.

You have a special gift. A gift of willpower, strength, and intelligence.

Your life will dramatically change if you don't react to my note fast; your powers need to expand, therefore making you change in the worst time.

Be careful my queen.

You are a werewolf. Powerful, and magical.

Stay vicious my queen.

~Red Fox

I had to bite my lip to not burst out laughing. Kids these days.

What the internet tells them!

"Castia! What's the letter 'bout?" She begged as a puppy would; her blue eyes big, and round, tears dwelling up, and a running nose about to take off.

"Oh, nothing. Just some stupid prank." I said throwing the paper behind me.

"Seriously! The words on the freaking paper! What the crap! English man! I'm speaking English! Not German! You know German!" Brianna squealed.

"Umh it's Mexican, and it was just some stupid prank that said...grass is my enemy." I stuttered trying to think of a lie.

"Yeah, don't believe you!" She spat on my while stating her opinion.

I flicked off the saliva from my forehead. "Trust me. Ok? It was probably a prank from Joseph, that 13 year old a few doors down." I said turning the corner.

"Oh, alright." Brianna whined while walking into Connecticut Bridge; a school for the wealthy.

"Brianna, see you at lunch?" I asked.

"Yeah!" she said waiving.

I walked down the hall. My second least favorite thing besides Monday.

Algebra. Heck, I can't even spell it! That's my number one rule; if ya can't spell it, than it ain't important! Therefore algebra isn't important.

I walked into the small, white classroom that held 16 students and 2 teachers.

I groaned as I sat down, throwing my books beside me. I sat stiffly in Mrs. Curtis' class. I think we were suppose to be learning about geometry, but I don't know.

I zoned out in class. Tapping my pencil on the desk slowly, just the right speed to tick people off.




"Mrs. Wynter, please cut that out, or I will break your pencil." Then the old bat smiled, as if she wasn't threatening to murder my only pencil, wow! People these days!

I stopped taping my pencil, and moved on to taping my fingers.




"Mrs. Wynter! Lord better have mercy on you!" Again, the bozo smiled a flippin smile as if everything was hanky-dory!

I crossed my arms across my chest.

'Hmmm...how else can I annoy the crap out of Mrs. Curtis?' I thought.

Then it hit me!

I started to tap my foot.


Err. I meant stomp my foot. Not step.


My desk moved, and I smashed my knee on to my desk. My pencil flew into the aisle, and I almost fell out of my chair.

I flinched in pain. My knee started to swell, and turn pretty colors. Red, blue, purple, pink, a yellowy, and white.

How hard did I hit my knee?!

"Mrs. Wynter! Office, now!" Mrs. Curtis said snapping her fingers at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Mrs. Curtis! Go to hell! Bye!" I said under my breath.

Zach, a boy who sits in front of my smirked at my thought, apparently he heard it.

I chuckled too.

I walked really slow just to kill time. I stopped at every water fountain, just to get a 5 minute drink. I went to every girls' bathroom and just stood at the sink singing 'Mary Had A Little Lamb.' Let me just say, I did look pretty insane.

I jumped over every crack separating every tile from one another.

Turning the corner, I stopped at a poster of Abraham Lincoln saying 'Be an honest Abe!'

I looked Mr. Abe in the eye. "Why hello there, Mustache!" I said in a deep, mans' voice.

I walked forward into the office. Several parents waited impatiently by the front desk, taping their foot.

I walked into the back room.

"Why hello there!" A blonde lady said to me in a very, very cheesy way.

I hissed at her for some weird reason and walked on.

I opened the big, brown, really heavy door. I walked into the office that was themed 'Harry Potter.'

"Good morning." Mr. (what he claims his name is) Dumbledore said.

He stood up, and swished he's black 'wizard' cloak behind him. A stick was in his left hand. "What is your duty?" Mr. Dumbledore said in a very bad British accent.

"I dunno." I muttered.

Mr. Dumbledore said some 'spell' that supposedly made me remember my train of thought.

"Gee thanks. Can I just get like a bus ticket or something and leave?" I asked in a bitchy voice.

"Yeah, ei?" He wrote up a bus ticket for me, and I left.

Mrs. Curtis told me I had to stay in the office for the rest of the hour, and I'm not as dumb as some people think, so I walked around the school, just doing whatever could amuse my short attention span. Trying to avoid the 9th grade hall.

I trolled down the 6th grade hall, and kind of threw shoes into the classes.

"Excuse me! Miss! Miss! I don't think you can-can do that!" The janitor said to me.

I froze in mid in my crime. A kindergarten kid's left shoe was in my hand. Some students in the class had gotten laughs out of my stupidity, and threw the shoes back at me.

"Crap!!!" I said.

"Get back here!" The old guy screamed at me.

I walked into the girls bathroom. "Nananana!" I said and stuck my tongue at him.

Closing the door, and locking it, I walked over to the sink and splashed cool water onto my face.

I applied new mascara, and lipstick onto my face.

I took out my phone and texted Brianna.

To: Bri-Bri
From: Castia
Hey Girl!

To: Castia
From: Bri-Bri

Where the hell are you?!?! Almost lunch and your what?

To: Bri-Bri
From: Castia


Thankfully, the bell rang. Lunch time!

I looked once more in the mirror at myself. "You are a believer, a creator, a wolf." I said. "Haha! What a prank!"

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