Playboy's Girl [Christian Col...

By CrazyKaaath

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"Jessica told me about your situation.." He said while looking at what I'm outlining "What about it?" I asked... More

Chapter 1: I need a job
Chapter 2: His past and the lollipop
Chapter 3: Detention and the breakup
Chapter 5: A date with the playboy?
Chapter 6: The Party
Chapter 7: Meeting her
Chapter 8: Surprises # 1
Chapter 9: Surprises # 2
Chapter 10: Crawford Collins
Chapter 11: The Plan
Chapter 12: Plan #1
Chapter 13: Plan #2
Chapter 14: Plan #3
Chapter 15: Plan #4 & #5
Chapter 16: Plan #6 & #7
Chapter 17: Plan #8
Chapter 18: Crawford's sick
Chapter 19: Getting cozy with him
Chapter 20: Poor Crawf
Chapter 21: Revelations
Chapter 22: Babysitting
Chapter 23: My Knight
Chapter 24: He's the one
Please Read :)

Chapter 4: Dinner with the Collins

15.4K 456 69
By CrazyKaaath

Upon enetering the restaurant, I easily spotted Chris' parents who were standing and smiling at us.

"Good evening ma'am, sir." I greeted them formally and smiled

"Good evening Ashley" Mrs. Collins'smiled back

"Hello Mrs. Collins'! Long time no see." The girl with Chris said cheerfully with a high pitched tone

"Oh, hello Janelle, it's really been a long time. Nice to see you again." From the looks of Mrs. Collins', she looks like it's really not nice for her to see Janelle again

Then it hit me.. Janelle was Chris' ex girlfriend.. I'm so stupid..

"Let's sit down and order something." Mr. Collins said

I sat down by myself while Chris became a gentleman to Janelle.. Seeing them together made my heart sink and the thought of killing someone is present in my mind. I just ignored them

Mr. Collins ordered for us. It took not long enough for the food to be served so we ate our food. It's delicious.

"So..Chris, how have you been lately since we.. you know.." Janelle clinged her arms on Chris'

"I've been fine lately." There was annoyance in Chris' voice that made me smirk a little

"Did you had a girlfriend after me?" Janelle asked in a sweet voice

Fuck you Janelle.. Just shut up..Stay calm Ash, stay calm..

"Uh,no" Chris answered

"Oh.." She just said and continued to eat her food

We ate in silence after that

"I'll just go to the restroom first." Janelle stood up and went to the restroom.

There was something bothering me so I excused myself and also went to the restroom

I went inside it and saw Janelle smoking? She is smoking.. The hell??

"Oh hi" She said to me plainly when she saw me standing there and staring at her

"You smoke." I told her

"So?" She said and rolled her eyes

"It can kill you" I told her.

"Yeah right" She said and blew the smoke right into my face

I immediately covered my nose

"Chris' such a fool you know?" She blurted out

"What?" I faced her

"I can tell that he still likes me" She said proudly

"You can never be sure of that." I said

"Yes I am and by the looks of you, you like him" She said and smiled

"I don't." I said

"Whatever.. I'll play him a little more" She said and smirked at me

I raised a brow and controlled myself at slapping her ugly face

"Don't Janelle" I said seriously

"Why not? I mean he looks hotter now" She shrugged

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked her

"Yes" she said

"I pity your boyfriend.. He doesn't deserve someone like you" I said

"Who care? I like playing other people" She said

"People's hearts are not toys bitch." I said

"I'll do what I want Ashley, you're not stopping me." She blew another smoke on my face

"I'll do everything to stop your evil plan" I said and walked past through her, bumping her left shoulder

I came back to table and saw that the deserts were already there.

After a few minutes, Janelle came back with a smiling face

"You two look like a very sweet couple" I said while I ate my desert

"Why thank you Ashley" Janelle said smiling widely as ever while Parker had his head down

"Mr. and Mrs. Collins, you two look like a very sweet couple" I looked at Mr. and Mrs. Collins and smiled sweetly

"Thank you Ashley." Mrs. Collins was trying not to laugh

I looked at Janelle who was very furious at that time but managed to smile

"Oh,Janelle, do you have a boyfriend?" I asked her and all of us looked at her curiously including Chris

"I-I don't have" She stuttered..


"I thought you do." I said

"Uhm, Ashley, do you mind if we talk outside privately?" She asked me and smiled

"Sure,sure" I said and stood up from my seat and followed her outside

The Collins were left there with no idea on what we were about to discuss

"Don't get in my way Ashley" Janelle said as we stepped outside the restaurant

"Oh, can't keep up now huh Janelle?" I crossed my arms

She was about to answer when there was a guy who put his arm on Janelle's shoulder

It was a little dark so I can barely see the guy's face

"Hi babe. What're you doing here?" The man spoke.I was assuming that he was Janelle's boyfriend but His voice was familiar to someone who I know.

"Oh, She came to have dinner with her ex" I replied for her

The guy looked at me

"Ashley?" He said

I came closer to him and saw Ken.. I saw Ken.. I freakin saw Ken, my ex boyfriend

"What are you doing here?" I asked him trying not to cry

"He came to visit his girlfriend" Now, it's Janelle who spoke

"Girlfriend? You just broke up with me and you already have a new one?" Unbelievable.. The worst part is, Janelle is his new girlfriend.

"Oh, you're his ex?" Janelle grinned

"You know Ken, She's been rude to me all the time."Janelle whined

"Who's been rude?" I asked her

"See?" She was pouting like a child

" I never thought you had this kind of personality Ash." Ken said with a disappointing voice that made my jaw dropped. He actually fell for that?

"She has a nice personality unlike you." Someone behind us talked and I already knew who he was

"You really know where to butt in huh?" Ken said

Chris came closer and Janelle immediately removed Ken's arm on her shoulder that shocked Ken

"Well, you keep showing your face when I'm around" Chris stood beside me

"Your shitty girlfriend annoyed mine.." Ken said that made a tear run down from my face. He called me shitty..

"Actually, your slutty girlfriend annoyed mine." I was surprised at what Chris said so I looked at him and he smiled at me. That smile was so reassuring

"Watch your mouth" Ken stepped forward

"Oh, Wanna go for round two?" Chris didn't move but his words affected Ken's pride so much

"Ken we need to go" Janelle said nervously

"My girl wants us to go so maybe next time. I'll win next time" Ken said and they left us

"You okay?" Chris asked me and I just nodded

He took of his jacket and made me wear it.

"Let's get inside." He let me in first

I saw Mr. and Mrs. Collins who was waiting impatiently for us

"Where were you? And where is Janelle?" Mr. Collins asked us with a concerned face

"She's with his boyfriend." Chris answered them

"Boyfriend???" Mr. and Mrs. Collins asked in unison

"Yeah, boyfriend, her annoying boyfriend." Chris said

"How about you Ashley, why do you look so sad suddenly?" Mrs. Collins faced me

"It just happened that Janelle's boyfriend is Ashley's ex who just broke up with her yesterday." Chris was the one who answered for me

"Oh dear" Mrs. Collins hugged me tightly like she's my mother.

I can't help but cry at that time. I can't hold back anymore.

"You'll be fine Ashley." Mr. Collins said

After the dinner, Chris drove me to the apartment

"I'm sorry" Chris talked

"About what?" I asked him

"I wasn't able to pick you up awhile ago because of her" He looked at me having a concerned look at his face

"You should be, I was almost raped by a driver." I told him

"What?!" His eyes widened

After that, I told him about the incident that happened to me and after hearing my story he didn't stop apologizing..


"Okay, you can stop now." I rolled my eyes at Chris who was following through the corridors of our school. People around us just watched and whispered about us.

"I won't stop until you forgive me." Chris was still following me

"Okay, I forgive you Christian Collins. Happy?" I stopped at my tracks to say that and crossed my arms

"No, you should forgive me sincerely." Chris demanded

"Do you want me to forgive you or not?" I said as I tapped my right foot on the ground

"Of course I want you to forgive me." He pleaded

"I forgive you okay? As if I really was harmed by that maniac." I insisted and started to walk again but he still didn't disappear out of my sight

To be honest, I like the way I am, I like the fact that Chris won't stop bugging me until I forgive him sincerely, I like playing hard to get..

"I'm sooo sorry." He grabbed my shoulder and made me face him. Seeing his face made me feel weak. He look so innocent with sadness in his eyes.

I stared for him for awhile and finally decided to forgive him like the way he wanted me to.

I didn't know what I was doing but my hands reached out for his and made my sincerest look on my face

"I forgive you Chris, really." I said a little bit embarrassed

He made the sweetest smile and pulled me closer to him to hug me

"Finally Ashley." He said

I closed my eyes and cherished my time with him while he hugged me.

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