The Forgotten Cullen(Book One)

By nattykit

78.4K 1.1K 49

What if Edward had a younger sister when he was mortal that got turned too. Natalie and Edward rely on each o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note(IMPORTANT)

Chapter 7

5.6K 96 0
By nattykit

Sam's POV
"Yeah sure you can come stay with me and Emily for a few days. Okay I'll see you in a few minutes Nat." I finished off and hung up. Emily walked up to me and I gave her lips a soft peck. "So her and Edward have a fight?" She questioned. I nodded and sighed. "Hey it'll be alright." She reassured me. "It won't. You should've felt the way she did. Her heart broke when he told her that he chose Bella over her. I mean he is her older brother. The only actual family she has and he threw her away like trash for some mortal that he is attracted to because of her blood." I explained getting upset. "She doesn't deserve to be treated like this. I mean Rosalie is the only one she misses right now. Alice got upset at Natalie for messing up her chance to become friends with Bella and Jasper followed her like a puppy. Carlisle and Esme can't do anything and haven't said anything because they are all their children and Emmett is too nice and wants to meet her. Rose already despises Bella and just wants her family to be safe like Natalie." I said running a hand through my hair. I turned around to the door and found Natalie standing there with tears in her eyes. She walked up to me and hugged me. I hugged back as she cried into my chest. Emily walked up and rubbed circles in her back. "Thank you for letting me stay here." She said releasing me. She sniffled and let more tears flow down her face. "No problem you're part of the pack and the pack is there for each other." I said smiling down at her. "The council said that now is the best time to have a meeting and I think the rest of the pack should meet you." Emily interjected. "I can show you to your room if you'd like." Natalie nodded and picked up her bag from where she dropped it. They went upstairs and I can't help, but worry for Natalie. 

Natalie's POV
I walked upstairs and could feel the panic radiate off Emily. "If you're worried about me hurting someone, don't." I said breaking the silence. "I'm sorry. It's just the way everyone makes vampires out to be." She apologized. "I'm not like those vampires. I am different I guess." I explained looking down at my hands. We stopped at a door and she opened it for me. It had a queen sized bed, a dresser, and some bed side tables. "I'll let you get settled." She said walking out. I put my bag on the bed and sat down. I rummaged through it looking for my lucky flannel. Once I found it I slipped it on and got up, but saw something fall out. I picked it up and it was a picture of me and Edward when we were matching the other day. I stuffed it in my back pocket and walked out of the room and downstairs. I found many people downstairs including Paul and another boy around his age. "Natalie this is Harry Clearwater and you already met Billy Black. Jared is the boy next to Paul he is the one I was talking about the other day." Sam explained. I shook Harry's hand and gave him a friendly smile. "It's finally nice to meet you Natalie." Harry said to me giving me a warm smile. "Yeah glad you finally left those leeches you called family." Jared said. Paul smacked the back of his head. I felt tears sting the back of my eyes. Sam gave him a glare and put a hand on my shoulder. I shook him off and stormed out of the house onto the beach and started walking. Walking to where...I didn't know just somewhere my instincts told me it was safe. I found small tree and climbed to the lowest branch and sat down and looked at the ocean. Its beautiful waves lapping at the rough sandy shore sprinkled with shells and the sun just starting to rise. I pulled out the picture of me and Edward and held it to my chest. I was done crying, but I was upset. He threw me away for Bella...someone that would eventually die leaving him alone and heartbroken. "Hey I'm really sorry about Jared he isn't the fondest of vampires." I heard a voice say. "It's alright it's not his fault he doesn't know any better. Thank you for coming to check on me Paul." I said smiling lightly at his familiar voice. He pulled himself up the tree to sit with me. "It really isn't alright. I can't say I can relate, but I can feel how you feel." He said looking at me with sympathy. "Do you? Do you really feel how I feel?" I asked. I let my legs dangle from either side of the branch and lifted my hand. He jerked away from my movement. "I'm not going to hurt you." I reassured him and moved my hand towards his cheek. I gently touched him and let my emotions flow through me to him. I could see images and memories flash throw his mind. I showed him everything. "I know not that bad with you being tough and-" He cut me off by pulling me into a hug. It shocked me at first just like with Jake, but Paul knew more. I let go of him and looked at him with concern. Tears streaked his face and I felt bad. He smashed his lips against mine and sparks flew. I kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck. He separated the connection and smiled at me. "I understand and I think I love you. With all my heart I finally know how you feel." He whispered bringing me into his warm arms. We sat and talked for a while. We walked back to the house holding hands and entered. Sam and Emily turned to look at us and I smiled. Natalie please come to the border we need to talk. Edward thought to me. Paul looked at me and nodded his head. I went upstairs, grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. "I'll see you guys later." I said leaving the house with Paul trailing behind me. "Try and shield your thoughts...think of something other than what happened." I explained as we journeyed through the wood. "I thought he could connect with you." He said catching up to me. "He can, but I am the only one who can block him out." I said stopping at the border. Paul took a few steps back as I stared at the floor. "Natalie you're okay." Edward said. I looked up to fins sorrowful golden eyes. "No thanks to you." Paul snarled from behind me. "Paul it's fine. Why wouldn't I be alright?" I asked. "Alice stopped seeing you in her visions, but I can understand that it must be because of the mutts." He said taking a step towards the border. "Don't call them mutts. I hate it when you call my pack mutts. They are people just like us." I said angrily glaring at him. "Why are you being like YOU FILTHY MUTT!" Edward screamed almost stepping past our territory. I ran to him and shoved him a few feet away. "Do you want to get yourself killed Edward?" I asked as he got up from the floor. He looked at me with a hurt expression. "Why him, he is a werewolf?" He asked. "Why Bella she is a human? It's because I love him. He knows how I feel, and you don't. You never have Edward and you think that you know what is best for me. He will live and stay with me forever unlike Bella she'll just grow old and die and I can't wait until she does!" I shouted crying. I walked over to Paul and he held me in his arms. He looked at me and then at Edward. "Bella is coming over and I wanted her to meet you and the rest of the family. I still love you and I want you in my life. I'm sorry for what I said. I just don't know how to feel at this point." Edward said getting as close as he could to the border. "You should feel nothing for Bella, then you might actually care about me. I'll stay until she leaves, but then I'm going back to the reservation." I said walking into my old territory letting the smell of vampire fill my nose. "I'll see you later Paul. Don't tell Sam what happened, he has enough to do with those new vampires around." I said before running off towards the house. I stood in front of the door hesitantly. I turned the doorknob slowly and walked into the house. "Natalie..."

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