I'm in Love with a White boy:...

By -ChocolateRoyalty-

59.6K 2.4K 301

Lunette Winter was just an ordinary seventeen- year-old black girl, who moves from L.A to London. But that wa... More

C h a p t e r O n e || M o v i n g
C h a p t e r T w o || L u n c h
C h a p t e r T h r e e || F u n N e v e r E n d s
C h a p t e r F o u r || C o n f e s s
C h a p t e r F i v e || H a l f N o r m a l
C h a p t e r S i x || D e m o n
C h a p t e r S e v e n || A w a k e a n d S c a r e d
Attention Beautifuls
C h a p t e r E i g h t || M a t e l e s s & L o n e l y N i g h t s
C h a p t e r N i n e || Surprise!
C h a p t e r T e n || M y P r i o r i t y
C h a p t e r E l e v e n || Part 2

C h a p t e r E l e v e n || Part 1

2.3K 104 1
By -ChocolateRoyalty-


I woke up to see Zeke still asleep. I took a second to admire him. His jawline, pink plumb lips, and nice vanilla skin. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek before getting up slowly. I felt the cool air hit my chest before looking down to see im naked..? I remember that me and Zeke had a heated make out and things got more heated but we didn't mated yet.

I went to the bathroom and took a nice hot shower. I shampoo my hair and shaved more since i left some spots unshaved. With a light sigh, I got out of the shower. I put on some lotion,perfume and brushed my teeth before putting on some shorts and one of Zeke's shirts. After putting on some socks, I dried my hair and put it in a little messy bun. I walked into the room to see Zeke still asleep. I smiled at him before going downstairs to see Jennifer, Lizzy, and Lia smirking at me.

"What?" I looked at them confused, Jennifer looked at me with a smirk and her hands on her hips. "You got some d*ck last night?" She laughed, I blushed hard. Thanks for my dark completion it dont show that much. "Awh she glowing." Lia laughed, Lizzy joined. "No we just..made out and stuff." I say, they laughed more. "Yall did more than that.." Lia started. "Yeah me and Hunter couldn't even sleep with your moaning self being all loud." Jennifer stated, I looked down shyly.

"Girl,its okay. We just playing with you." Lizzy say, it went slient. "But was it good?" Lia asked, I looked at them before smiling and nodded. They bust into laughter. I joined them. Soon I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, I instantly smile. "Morning baby girl." He said with his sleepy voice, I almost melted. "Good morning " Soon Hunter and the rest of them joined us.

"So Zeke you sleep good?" Hunter asked with a smirk as Zeke lightly kisses me on the neck. I blushed and looked down. Here we go again...


"So I was thinking since we're not busy today we can have a movie night well marathon." Jennifer said, I agreed. "Yeah that'll be fun." I said, she smiled at me. Everyone else agreed. "So when it start? Because I gotta go talk to thr trainers about the pups." Zekr commented, I looked at him. "Ill be back soon, baby. Then you'll have me all to yourself, okay?" I nodded and we kissed. "It starts in like a hour and couple of minutes. I already reserved the movie room." Jennifer answered, we nodded. "Ill see you in a few." I nodded before he starts to walk away. "Aye dont forget to wear some pajamas! And bring some snacks!" Jennifer yelled, laughed before turning the corner.


"Okay girl we gotta make ya look sexy yet cute..for this movie night." Lia said, I nodded. "Okie." She nodded. "We all gotta look good to night...tryna get our mates to be all over us." Jennifer say with a wink, I laughed. I swear she wild. "Heres the thing...all night we gitta tease our mates but we cant give in. Whoever is the last to give in gets a surprise. Lia, Jennifer and I do this sometimes and since ya now part of our family we should let you join." Lizzy explained. I nodded. "Okay." I say before we began.

After an hour or so we were done.  I looked at my lace bra and panties before putting on my pajamas. "Damn we look sexy." Jennifer said as we looked at each other.

(Jennifer's night wear on the left, Lunette's in the middle, Lia/ Lizzy on the right. )

We both have on the same sexy laces.

We didnt put on make up, we went all natural with just some lip gloss. I curled my hair like Jennifer them did. "We are ready." She said after we put on perfume. We nodded and walked downstairs to the movie room. I looked around to see Hunter in black basketball shorts, Rex and Vex in joggers and Zeke in sweatpants. I may or may not stared at his d*ck print. I bit my lip as I looked at his abs. "Lunette stop staring hard." Lia whispered with a laugh. We walked up to them. They looked at us with their mouths opened. "Damn." They mumbled. "Lets start watching movies." Lia say as she went and sat down with Vex. Lizzy sat with Rex, Jennifer layed with Hunter and I cuddled with Zeke.

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