All Bets Are Off

By PrettiestStar17

129K 2.7K 1K

Hermione has harbored a crush on Fred Weasley for years. But that's all it is! A silly, little crush that's l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note

Chapter 14

4.4K 94 47
By PrettiestStar17

The Burrow whirled into view and Fred hastily stepped into the living room, gently kneeling down so Hermione could get off his back. The moment her feet hit the floor, she darted through the kitchen and out the back door. He winced as the muffled sound of retching followed her departure.

"Is she drunk!?"

Fred spun around and found his sister clutching her stomach, shooting an accusing glare at him. "Don't look at me like that! I didn't force the Firewhiskey down her throat!"

"You're the one that insisted I go out on New Year's Eve!" Hermione called from the back garden, then promptly vomited some more. Once she had caught her breath, she added, "And you told me this morning that you were sure it wasn't labor!"

"Well, what do I know? I've never been in labor before!" Ginny shouted back, before doubling over and letting out an anguished scream.

"Ooookay!" Fred called, rubbing Ginny's back. "Where's mum?"

"Right here, dear," Molly announced, rushing past him to the meet Hermione at the back door. Hermione appeared, her face tinged green and a sheen of sweat glistening on her forehead. "Take this, Min," Molly said, tucking a blue vial of potion into Hermione's hand.

"Thank you," Hermione whispered. She downed the potion in one gulp and her face started to immediately restore its normal color. "I'm sorry, Ginny. I got pulled into a stupid drinking game and completely lost my senses. How long have you been having contractions?" Hermione came over and started smoothing Ginny's hair back from her face. With a wave of her wand, she had Ginny's hair tied back and plaited.

"I guess all day," Ginny answered, through gritted teeth. She sucked in a quick breath and let it out slowly. "I thought they were just Braxton Hicks, but then my water broke and now I'm dying!"

"You're not dying," Hermione reassured.

"It sure as hell feels like it!" Ginny stood up and looked at Hermione. Her face went from pained to joyful. "Min, your hair and that dress are amazing!"

Hermione laughed and kissed her friend's sweaty forehead. "Let's go have a baby, shall we?" Ginny nodded and Hermione turned to Fred. "I'll floo to the hospital first. Help her get on her way, and then you come after, okay?"

"Sounds good," Fred agreed. He refrained from laughing as Hermione gave the fireplace a dirty look before stepping into it. After she had disappeared within the green flames, he guided his sister into the hearth and made sure she was steady before taking a step back and watching her whirl away. Once the soot and ash had settled, Fred stepped into the fireplace, called out, "St. Mungos!" and was whisked away on the short trip to the magical hospital.

When he arrived in the large lobby, he was surprised to find it virtually empty. Aside from Hermione helping Ginny into a wheelchair, there were only two other wizards there. One was sat on a bench, leaning against the wall, fast asleep and lightly snoring. The second was sank down in a well-worn armchair, head buried in the latest Daily Prophet.

Hermione had eased Ginny into a wheel chair. Fred followed them over to the Welcome Witch station. A very bored looking witch looked up as they approached and reluctantly pushed aside her crossword puzzle. She tossed a clipboard of parchments, along with a quill, towards Hermione. Without hesitation, Hermione snatched up the quill and started scribbling out Ginny's information. Within a minute, she had it completed and handed it back to the receptionist.

"You're allowed one person in the delivery room," the receptionist informed them. "Is this the father?" she asked, looking up at Fred.

"What? Oh, no, I'm her brother," Fred told her.

"I'm her birth partner," Hermione said, placing a hand on Ginny's shoulder.

"I see," the receptionist said, giving the girls a reproving look. She looked over the papers, muttering "We do get all types here, I suppose. Not sure how much you'll be able to do in a dress like that."

"Excuse me?" Hermione scowled and turned to the offending witch.

"It's not like that," Ginny said, before Hermione had a chance to fly across the desk. "My fiancé is gone at the moment, so my best friend is filling in."

The receptionist suddenly turned apologetic, saying, "Oh, sorry love. We get a lot of girls coming through here in the same situation. The thought of fatherhood gets to be too much and they do a runner."

It was Hermione's turn to hold Ginny back, placing both hands firmly on the laboring redhead's shoulders before plastering an overly sweet smile on her face and turning to the blabbering witch. Fred took a quick step back. He had never seen Hermione look like that and was a bit worried for the receptionist's safety, but all the gold in Gringotts wouldn't put him in the middle of this situation.

"Hi there," Hermione started and paused, peering over at the witch's name tag. "Stacey. You seem to be a bit confused as to what your job entails. See, you're supposed to check us in and get my friend here a Medi-Witch. I'm pretty sure if I had a chat with your supervisor, nowhere in your job description would it call for you being a nosey, judgmental bint. You've checked us in. Now, get us a damn Medi-Witch or else you'll see exactly what I'm able to do in a dress like this!" The smile was long gone and Hermione was bent forward, inches away from the receptionist's face. Her glare was so harsh, Fred almost expected Stacey to start melting under the heat.

Stacey's eyes went wide and she slid back in her chair as far as she could. Fred gingerly touched Hermione's shoulder and his girlfriend slowly retreated from the desk. Stacey touched her wand to a megaphone and said, "Maternity Medi-Witch, check in please!" The message reverberated through the empty halls.

Grinning, Fred bent down and whispered in Hermione's ear, "You can be bit scary, you know that right? Bloody brilliant, love, but scary."

"Pretty sure you're brother said exactly the same thing in our first year," Hermione replied through gritted teeth. She still had her gaze set on Stacey, who was doing her very best to make herself look busy and avoid all eye contact with any of them.

"Good evening!" a cheerful voice greeted. Fred looked up and saw a middle aged Medi-Witch striding toward them. She wore a crisp white smock over an equally immaculate white trousers. Her salt and pepper hair was clipped short and pinned back with two barretts, adorned with flowers that opened and closed, alternating between pink and blue colors. "My name is Kelly and I'll be taking care of you-" She suddenly went silent when she got up close to Ginny and stared for a few seconds, open mouth and unblinking. Finally finding her voice, the Medi-Witch whispered, "Oh my stars! You're Ginny Weasley!"

From her chair Ginny moaned, but managed a small wave. Kelly quickly took control of the wheelchair, all but shoving Hermione out of the way. Fred heard her let out a low growl and grabbed her hand. "Let's keep the threats to a minimum tonight and focus on the tasks at hand, shall we?" he chuckled, planting a kiss on the top of her curls. She let out an irritated breath, but squeezed his hand and started following the nurse, who was now talking a mile a minute to Ginny.

"The Harpies are our favorite team! My thirteen year old adores you!" Kelly gushed, turning the chair sharply to the right. "You inspired her to try out for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team this year and she was ecstatic when she was chosen as a Chaser. I half expected her to come home on holiday with her hair charmed red!" Kelly guffawed loudly, covering up the painful moans of Ginny. "Do you think I could get your autograph before my shift ends?"

"Kelly, I will sign every last piece of parchment in this bleeding hospital if you make this pain stop," Ginny pleaded.

The overexcited nurse appeared to regain of bit of sense and professionalism, giving Ginny's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "I understand darling. Let's get you checked out and see how far you've progressed." She stopped the wheelchair in front of Delivery Room 12 and her and Hermione stood on either side of Ginny, helping her get to her feet. Turning to Fred, she pointed further down the corridor and instructed, "There's a waiting room at the end of this hall. You'll find plenty of tea, coffee, and snacks there."

"Thank you. Take good care of my little sister." He smiled and kissed Ginny's cheek, saying, "Don't worry, you'll be just fine, Ginger Snap."

Ginny's eyes filled with tears. "You haven't called me that in years, Freddy Bear," she sobbed, using her old nickname for him.

"I'm feeling all nostalgic and sappy, for some odd reason." He gave her chin a chuck and turned to Hermione. "Good luck," he said, quickly kissing her.

"I'll keep you updated...Freddy Bear," she said with a devilish grin.

"Hey! Only my sister can call me that!"

"Whatever you say," Hermione called back as she helped lead Ginny into the delivery room.


"Eight centimeters," Kelly announced, tucking Ginny's hospital gown back over her legs. "This comes with good and bad news."

Hermione looked at Ginny. Her best friend was chewing nervously on her bottom lip. Finally, Ginny said, "Good news first."

"Good news, you're over halfway there! it won't be long before we're welcoming your little one into the world."

"And the bad news?" Hermione asked.

Kelly's frowned slightly and said, "Unfortunately it means you're past the point of any pain potions."

Ginny closed her eyes and screamed. Hermione wasn't sure if it was out of frustration, pain, or a combination of both. Kelly patted her leg and walked over to a cabinet. She took out a blanket and blue stockings.

"You're quite lucky actually, Miss Weasley," Kelly said, spreading the blanket over Ginny's legs. "Most women labor like this for hours before they have a baby. I'm betting your little one arrives before midnight." Hermione glanced at the clock- 10:48 p.m. Kelly turned to Hermione and handed her the stockings. "Here you go, dear. These may be more comfy than your heels. Was it a nice party?"

Hermione smiled and gratefully accepted the socks. "Thank you. Yes, the party was great, but there's nowhere else I'd rather be at the moment," she said, looking over at Ginny.

Kelly nodded and headed for the door, letting them know that she'd inform the Healer of Ginny's current state. As soon as the door clicked shut, Ginny turned to Hermione with a panicked look.

"I can't do this Hermione! We need to shut this down." She threw the blanket off her legs and made a move to get out of the bed.

"Hold on there," Hermione said, grabbing Ginny's hand and gently urging her to lie back down. "It doesn't work that way, Gin."

"I want Harry here! I need him here! I can't do this without him!" Ginny cried, rivers of tears cascading over her cheeks. "He's supposed to be here!"

Hermione sighed and climbed into the bed, wrapping her arm around her friend's shoulder. "I know," Hermione whispered, fighting back her own tears. "And you know if he could, he would be by your side in a heartbeat. Trust me, when he gets home, he'll be getting an earful." Ginny chuckled and then grabbed her middle, sucking in a quick breath. "Just breath, you've got this." Hermione bit her lip as Ginny took her pain out on Hermione's left hand.

Once the contraction passed, Hermione stood up and got a washcloth to mop off Ginny's forehead. Ginny's hand suddenly rose and covered Hermione's. A smile graced her tired face and she said, "If I can't have Harry here, I'm glad you're the one by my side. Thank you, for everything. And I'm sorry for yelling at you for being drunk. Drunk Hermione is fun."

"That's what George said," Hermione laughed. She hugged Ginny tight and rubbed her back. "You don't have to apologize for anything, though. I love you like a sister and I meant it when I said there's no place else I'd rather be than right by your side. Whatever you need, I'm here for you."

Ginny started to respond, but was seized with another contraction. She grabbed both Hermione's hands and squeezed, breathing through her pain. Once it had finally subsided, she slowly released Hermione's hands and collapsed back against the pillow.

"How about I go get you some ice chips?" Hermione suggested. "I promise I won't be long."

Ginny nodded and Hermione tucked the blanket back around her legs. Then she switched out her heels for the blue hospital socks and headed out into the hall. She started walking in the direction that the Medi-Witch had pointed Fred in. When she came to the waiting room, Fred jumped up and ran to her, quickly followed by Molly and Arthur.

"How is she?" Molly asked quickly, wringing her hands together.

"She's doing great," Hermione reassured. She smiled at the Weasley mother. She couldn't begin to imagine what the worry was like to know your own baby was having a baby. "We went through a brief period of doubt, but pulled it back together. Right now, she's eight centimeters along. The nurse thinks the baby will be here before midnight, so it won't be long now."

"What does eight centimeters along mean?" Fred asked.

Hermione bit back a grin and shook her head. "I'm going to let your mother explain that one," she said, making Arthur chuckle.

"Thanks. How are you doing in there?" Fred queried, brushing his fingers down her cheek.

"If I get through it without my hands being crushed, I'll be amazed," Hermione said, flexing her fingers. Fred gave her a sympathetic smile and brought her hands to his lips. "It'll all be worth it in the end." He nodded and Hermione turned to the ice machine, filling up Ginny's cup. "I better get back. I promised her I wouldn't be long."

"Send her our love," Molly said, giving Hermione a quick hug.

Hermione nodded and started back towards Ginny's room. Fred's voice brought her to a stop and she turned around.

"Those booties really complete your outfit," he joked, looking at Hermione's feet and raising an eyebrow.

"Comfort over style," Hermione called back.

An hour later, Hermione was perched on the bed, behind Ginny. She massaged her best friend's back as the mum-to-be took slow deep breaths. The contractions were coming stronger and closer together, barely giving Ginny a minute's rest between them. Kelly had been in and out several times, checking in on the progress.

"Oh Merlin!" Ginny cried, grabbing Hermione's hand. "It's coming!"

"I know, Gin. You're doing great. Keep breathing," Hermione assured, smoothing a few wisps of hair from Ginny's face.

"No, no, no, no! I need to push, right now!"

"Oh, shit!" Hermione scrambled off the bed and ran for the door. She wrenched it open and just started shouting, "Kelly? Kelly!" The nurse came careening around the corner within seconds. "It's time!"

The nurse tapped her wand against a pendant around her neck and explained, "Notifies the Healer," after seeing Hermione's puzzled look. Hermione nodded and ran back to Ginny's side. "Is there a lot of pressure and burning?" Kelly asked, lifting up Ginny's gown. Ginny nodded. The nurse bent down for her routine check. "Oh, yes, it certainly is time. This little one has quite the head of hair already. Would you like to have a look Miss Granger?"

Hermione's eyes went wide. Her and Ginny had never discussed where Hermione's eyes should be during the actual delivery. She wasn't sure how comfortable she felt looking at her best friend's downstairs area.....

"It's okay, Min. Is it Weasley hair or Potter hair?" Ginny wheezed.

Hermione took a deep breath and then took a quick glimpse under the gown. She turned to Ginny and smiled.

"Potter hair."


"Hey, what's going on?"

Fred looked up and saw George and Angelina sitting down on the couch across from him. He gave them a surprised smile and asked, "Why aren't you two at the party? You're going to miss our big finale."

"Lee knows what he's doing," George said, waving off Fred's concern. "It just felt wrong not being here. So, how's she doing?"

"Good, I guess. Hermione came out about an hour or so ago, saying Gin was pretty far along," Fred started to explain.

"How many centimeters?" Angelina asked.

"Jeez, are all women just born with this knowledge or do you have secret meetings?" Fred asked incredulously.

"Secret meetings. How many?" she asked again.

"Eight," Fred answered and Angelina nodded, apparently satisfied with the number. "The nurse had told them she thought the baby would be here by midnight, but I don't think we're going to hit that mark." He looked at his watch for the millionth time that night. It was ten minutes to midnight.

The sound of a door opening and Hermione's voice yelling for the nurse drew the family's attention down the corridor. The nurse came around the corner and they caught Hermione say, "It's time!" before both women disappeared into Ginny's room.

This news put Molly Weasley on her feet and she began pacing the length of the waiting room.

"She's going to be fine Mum," Fred said, attempting to ease his mother's nerves a bit. She merely nodded and continued her pacing. Angelina patted George's leg and went to walk with Molly, talking to her in a soothing voice. Fred couldn't make out what she was saying, but he saw his mother smile in response to it. He turned to his twin and shook his head. "How did a great girl like that end up with you?"

George scowled and replied, "Maybe I should go ask Hermione the same question?"

"Touché brother. Guess we really shouldn't question the universe, should we?"

"Let sleeping dogs lie," George said with a nod.

"Compare me to a dog again, George Weasley, and you'll be sleeping with them," Angelina threatened.

"I love you!" George called, giving Angelina a simpering, innocent smile.

Molly and Angelina continued to wear a path in the tile while the three men sat silently, checking their watches every other minute. As the clock ticked over to midnight, Auld Lang Syne started playing throughout the hospital.

"Happy New Year everyone," Arthur announced. He stood and went to kiss his wife.

A sudden scream, followed by unmistakable newborn cries, made them all jump up and look down the corridor once more. Molly's hands clamped over her mouth and tears spilled out of her eyes as they heard Hermione calling, "It's a boy! It's a boy!"

Fred hugged his mum as his dad planted kiss after kiss on her cheek. The news seemed to give everyone a second wind and no one wanted to sit back down. Molly was practically bouncing, her eyes glued on Ginny's door.

"Where's Hermione?" Molly asked after five minutes had passed and no other sounds were coming from the room. "I do hope everything is all right." She wrung her hands and Fred was sure she was about to start her pacing again. Just then, they heard the door click and Hermione slowly backed herself out of the room. When she turned around, her face was beaming down at a bundle of blue blankets she had cradled in her arms. As she approached them, she looked up and her grin stretched from ear to ear.

"Everyone," she whispered, pulling the blankets down to reveal a sleeping little boy, with a head full of untidy black hair. "I'd like to introduce you to Mr. James Arthur Potter. Born at exactly 12:01 a.m., on January first, two thousand and three."

Fred looked up his father, who was trying to fight back tears at hearing his name attached to his first grandson. He lost his fight as Hermione gently placed the baby in his arms. "Merlin," Arthur sighed, brushing his fingers over the tips of James' hair. "He's beautiful." He brushed his hand once more over the baby's hair before handing the newborn to Molly.

"How is Ginny?" Molly asked, never taking her eyes off James.

"Exhausted," Hermione answered. "The delivery went just fine and she's in the process of getting cleaned up. She asked to see you."

"Well, of course she did." Molly gave the baby a gentle kiss and handed him to George, then scurried up the hall, to Ginny's room.

"How are you holding up?" Fred asked, moving behind Hermione and wrapping his arms around her waist.

She let out a sigh and said, "Not gonna lie, I've seen things Fred. Things a person can't unsee. You may be sleeping in your own bed for a while."

George let out a quick bark of a laugh, then quickly clamped a hand over his mouth when James startled and Angelina shot him a warning look. Mr. Weasley shook his head and mumbled, "I'm going to pretend I've gone temporarily deaf."

Angelina passed the baby to Fred who got to admire his new nephew for a minute before Hermione insisted that her time was up and she needed to get James back to the room.

"They'll be moving Ginny to a new room shortly and then she'll be able to have more visitors, if you guys have the energy to stick around a bit more," she explained, cradling the newborn close. She turned to Fred and said, "I'm going to stay here for the night. I don't want her to be all alone on her first night of motherhood."

"I understand." He bent down to give her a kiss, but she ducked her head and he got a face full of curls. "I can't even give you a kiss?!"

"I love you, but I'm going to need at least a day to recover." Hermione looked up at him with wide eyes, and she clutched the baby closer. "Until you've seen what goes on behind those doors, you don't fully understand everything it takes to bring one of these into the world. I don't want to experience that again anytime in the immediate future." She gave his arm a quick pat and rushed up the corridor.

Fred's face fell as he watched her hastily open the door and scurry inside. "Do babies make all women's brains wonky?" A sudden slap across the back of his head and Fred wheeled around to find himself on the receiving end of Angelina's warning glare. "What? It's a legitimate question! Earlier she could barely keep her hands off me, and now I may as well be some random acquaintance." Loud laughter drew Fred, George, and Angelina's attention to Arthur. "Sorry, dad. Probably more than you wanted to know."

Arthur waved off his son's apology. "I've long accepted the fact that you children are grown and leading your own lives, in your own way. You have no need to apologize for having a natural, healthy relationship. You're mother on the other hand..." He laughed and moved over to clap a hand firmly on Fred's shoulder. "As for the baby thing," he drew in a breath and let it out with a chuckle. "Childbirth is a beautiful and wonderful part of life. I was there to welcome each of you into this world and wouldn't have missed it for anything. But, it's also a very unique experience that leaves you looking at things differently. You'll understand when your own kids come along someday, son. Like Hermione said, give her a bit of time to recover. She won't banish you from the bed forever."

"Should I tell her that I'm not even-" Fred started.

"Nope," his father said, quickly cutting him off. "You say nothing and just let her regain her comfort level on her own time. Trust me on this one."

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