Gallavich Oneshots

By whatam_i_evendoing

21.8K 369 50

One shots of the best couple on shameless. Because seriously, they're adorable. Mentions of other characters... More

Write Back
Authors note
"The Day"

Write Back (part 2)

2.9K 87 7
By whatam_i_evendoing

(cause I didn't know what else to Fucking title it.)

"Hey" He replied.

Mickey glanced at his sister, who looked way too excited about his phone call.

"So like, about your dad." Ian started.

"Christ Ian, I told you, it's happened before, I can deal with it." Mick spoke, frustrated.

He heard a sigh.

"Look I know, I've met a lot of people who deal with this type of shit, but I'm just worried you know?" Said Ian

"For the last time, I can take care of myself. I'm not some little bitch."

Ian scoffed, "What I can't be worried about my soulmate?"

"Hey enough of that soulmate crap, where do you get even off calling me your soulmate?"

"Its decided at fucking birth dipshit." the redhead spoke, grin evidant in his voice.

Mickey rolled his eyes, "That don't mean shit"

Mickey glanced over at Mandy who seemed to be trying to listen to muffled call. Rolling his eyes, he got up, much to Mandy's protest, and headed over for the kitchen.

If he was gonna listen to Ian blabber on about this soulmate crap, he would need a beer.

"Actually," spoke Ian, "It means a hell of a lot. It means who your gonna spend the rest of your life with if your lucky enough."

'Bullshit' Mickey thought as he opened the fridge, 'Ma and Terry were soulmates and look how that turned out. An asshole for a dad and mom who abandons her kids for freedom.'

Mickey can't really blame her though, he would leave this hellhole if he had the chance too. Though, he'd have the Fucking decency to take his siblings with him if he could. Can't just leave them alone.

"Mick?" Ian called from the phone.

Shit he must've spaced out.

"Hm? Oh I'm uh, I'm here." Mickey quickly grabbed a beer,"and who gave you permission to call me 'Mick' anyways?"

He heard Ian laugh, "I did"

'This fucker.' Mickey thought as he opened his beer, chuckling a bit.

He sipped the drink before hearing Ian speak again, "So where do you live anyways?"

Mickey raised an eyebrow, "You looking to stalk me or something?"

Ian laughed, a sound that, Mick  would never admit, was actually pretty Fucking nice.

"Nah I just, you said you lived in Chicago too. We could have passed each other and never even known."

And Mick would be lying if he said he never looked at every redhead he saw in all of Fucking Chicago.

"I don't need to tell you shit about where I live" He took another sip.

"Stop being an asswipe and tell him!" He heard Mandy call from the living room, frustrated.

"Stop Fucking eavesdropping!" Mickey called back.

Ian laughed. "Who was that?"

"My bitch of a sister, Mandy."

He looked down at his arm full of ink. Fucking hell. He had a shitton to wash off later.

"Hey I know a Mandy!" Ian exclaimed.

"Fucking hallelujah."

"No seriously! Is your last name Milkovich?" Mickey didn't answer.

"It is! So you are Southside."

"And?" Mick felt oddly ashamed of the fact that Ian found out. A small part of him hoped the other wouldn't mind.

"I am too!" Well at least Mick didn't need to be embarrassed anymore. "Damn, why did it take us so long to find out?"

"Cause My sister never tells me where the fuck she's going and I don't care enough to ask." Mick responded, sipping his beer once more.

Another chuckle from Ian, "Hey, can we meet up some time? So we can, you know, hang out?"

Mickey thought for a moment, it wouldn't be so bad "...Sure, you know where the alibi is?"

Ian laughed, "My dad practically lives there. So we meet there?"

Mickey nodded, "Yeah."

"Then it's a date!"

"Don't get ahead of yourself firecrotch." He grinned, leaning on the counter.

"So were serious about writing that whole "I'm a homo" thing on your chest?"


(I wrote this instead of sleeping at 5am so it's probably really bad, but I'm not gonna worry about that right now. Instead I'm gonna go the fuck to sleep cause Jesus I need it.)

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