Brothers in Arms

Galing kay blauhoernchen55

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Who knew the research Carson was doing would have such an impact? Evan blinked unbelieving at the screen. Non... Higit pa

1- Surprise
3 Missing
2 - Talking
4 - Slipping and falling
5 - Worrying
6 - What happened?
7 - Bonding
8 - Back on earth
9 - Midway
10 - Messages
11 - Crash and Burn
12 - Heart ache
13 - Busted!
14 - Missed calls
15 - Hey there!
16 - It's not as you think!
17 - Meeting the family
18 - Banter, teasing and more
20 - Dave and Evan have a talk
21 - Healing
22 - Surprises down the road
23 - Phone calls
24 - Coming home
25 - Decisions
26 - Intelligence
27 - Facing things
28 - Wondering and silent suffering
29 Sharing with the family
30 - Green knowlege
31 - Meanwhile in the Pegasus galaxy
Teil32 - Evan gets a surprise
Dave' side on the cermony
34 New command

19 - The Millers are visiting

78 4 5
Galing kay blauhoernchen55

Dave's POV

It was mid-morning when Dave came by to visit his brothers, upset about the news he had received the day before while checking in with his company. He had been made aware that some problems had arisen with one of his latest projects and unfortunately it wasn't one of those things he could work out over the phone. So he had to return home to clear things on Monday. Dave didn't like it one bit.

Okay, John was doing better now but he hadn't seen him for such a long time and was only now realizing what he had missed all those years. Seeing the easy banter between John and Evan... well if he was honest with himself, he'd very much like that for himself. But John and he had always been so different and for too many years he had focused on that. Ever since they talked after their dad's funeral he had wanted to mend at least some fences. And now once again the company was interfering.

And then there was Evan, their baby-brother, as John had named him lately. Dave had to smile at the memory. Evan hadn't been thrilled about it but seemed ready to let it slip, although Dave couldn't figure out why. Soon enough both his brothers would have to return to their base and John had already made it clear last time, that leave wasn't something that he got very often.

His mother and the family had stayed behind and would join with them later. They had mumbled something along the line of sibling-bonding.

"Look," Dave said to both his brothers. "I'm sorry but I won't be able to solve this over the phone." He sighed.

"It's okay, Dave. Really I understand," John assured him, but Dave could tell that both his brother, while being sympathetic, was also disappointed.

Before Dave had a chance to express his regret over the situation once more, Carson walked in.

"Hello Colonel, Major, Mr. Sheppard, Julie."

Julie had insisted in Carson calling her by her given name, whereas Dave as much as he liked the doctor hadn't felt the need to do so himself. Even more so because he called his brothers by their rank. But Julie wasn't one to bother with etiquette or formalities and he wouldn't have her any other way.

"Hello Carson!" His siblings greeted back while Dave said, "Good morning Dr. Becket."

Dave noticed the bright smile on the doctor's face.

"I wanted tell you the good news as soon as we agreed on them."

Everyone was looking at him expectantly when he continued, "Major you ecg came out clear these last days and therefore you'll be released this afternoon."

"That's great news!" Evan exclaimed with a bright smile on his face but then he turned serious, "Doc, what about John?"

Julie let go of her brother whom she'd hugged immediately, looking tense.

"Well, the Colonel his doing better but I'm afraid, lad, your breathing is still giving us grief. I'd like you to get checked anew by your pulmonary specialist who will be back on Monday. It's up to him then to release you, since I got a call from the SGC this morning..."

He let it hang there and though neither John nor Evan had told him what SGC actually stood for Dave knew that Carson had been ordered back. Before Dave had the chance to ask Dr. Becket for further advice about John's appointments someone knocked at the door and entered. A couple with two children walked in, stopping reluctantly when they noticed the others visitors.

"Kelly!" John exclaimed surprised. "And Shannon and Tommy."

"Um, hello John. This is my husband, Bob."

"Hi, Bob."

"Bob this is John, the man who saved Shannon and I."

Much to his astonishment Dave noticed his brother going shy upon her words. Shouldn't he be pleased to get a thank-you from the family he'd rescued? Sure, he'd shied him from the press who had printed a large article about the burning and the stranger that came to the families rescue. Once the journalists knew John's name and had done some background research they had been eager to get an interview with him and of course John after he had regained consciousness. Dave had turned all these requests down, knowing his brother well enough that to know they'd be highly unwished-for. Somehow they had been able to get hold of a service picture of John to put with the articles.

"Hi John." Bob gave his brother a firm handshake. "I wanted to thank you for saving my family. Who knows what would have happened to them if you hadn't come to their rescue."

"Um," John began, clearly uncomfortable. "Anyone would have done it."

Kelly cut in, "Well, I beg to differ."

As did Dave, but he decided not to voice his opinion, at least not now.

"Bob, Kelly, this is Dave. He is my brother," John introduced him, "and these are Julie Caulfield, Evan Lorne and Dr. Becket."

Dave then noticed that John hadn't introduced Evan or Julie as their siblings which in his mind would have been the polite thing to do. He looked over to Evan who seemed totally unfazed. Julie looked puzzled but Dave noticed Evan tight grip on her hand as he returned her quizzical look with a wordless plea. It hit him, that John was fully intended to keep their blood relationship a secret. Of course they had talked about the problems that could arise for the two of them but it wasn't until now that Dave realized how much trouble John was expecting. Apparently Evan knew John was doing this to protect them both and for him, that was it. Dave focused back on the Millers when they addressed him:


"Bob, Kelly. Hello, Shannon. Hello. Tommy."

Dr. Becket left them after the greeting was over and the Millers focused on John and himself.

"I draw a pictu' for you." Shannon walked towards John and offered her gift to him and again his brother astonished him. He wouldn't have expected John to be comfortable around children, but John clearly relaxed when he started to praise the little girl. Soon Tommy joined them. Bob had an arm around his wife as they along with everyone else in the room enjoyed the little show.

"Let me see. Well, is this you?" John pointed at a small figure on the picture.

Shannon nodded. "Yes and t'is you. See you carryin' me."

"I see that. And you even drew my boots." John pointed to the picture were a black stick-figure with a much too big head could be seen whose feet were stuck in some kind of giant boots that looked more like boats with a shaft if you didn't look at the picture with the much-needed affection to the artist. Clearly John had much affection for the little girl.

"They were easy," Shannon answered with clear proud in her voice.

"Well done!" praised John. "Your drawing is very good Shannon. You actually used all the different colors for the fire too." David noticed John pointing to circles of yellow and red all over the picture.

Despite her obvious pride only moments earlier John the little girl asked more insecurely now, "You really think so?"

"Of course! Look I put it right here up on the wall. Carson could I get some tape to hang up this wonderful picture?"

"Of course, lad. I'll be right back." And sure enough he returned only moments later and with John's help Shannon hung her picture on the wall.

"See. Now I can show it off to everyone," John said to the girl, which made her giggle in delight. As they continued their discussion about drawing, Dave remembered how his little brother used to sit and watch their mom paint while he was telling her everything that crossed his mind. John had loved talking to their mom. He never did so with their father. That occurred to him only now. How come he never noticed before? Okay he had been a child himself back then but now it was so obvious. It wasn't that their father wouldn't listen when John tried to talk to him. He just wasn't able to grab what John tried to tell with his stories, much like himself. He only remembered John's laconic or even angry remarks of the last years before the fallout. But these last days he had seen his brother much more open than he had in years.

" since I don't have a gift in return how about I tell you a story?"

"Yeah!" Shannon cried happily and began to make herself comfortable in her brothers lap on a chair close to Johns bed.

"Colonel!" Carson tried to get his attention and when John looked up he gave him a warning, "Just a short one. Don't overstrain your voice!"

John gave him a short nod and happily lunched himself into the story: "Now, once upon a time..."

Kelly looked at David and Carson anxiously: "He shouldn't do it. I don't want him to stress himself out. He had done so much already for us."

"Well, if the Colonel doesn't follow my orders I will put an end to it, so don't fret. As long as he tells her only a short story there won't be any risk to it."

John had launched into a story about a wonderful queen named Teyla and how one day a young charming prince from a land far, far away had to rescue her. David could hear Evan gave a strangled laugh and when at this David looked at him he saw him grinning from ear to ear and shaking his head trying hard to get his composure. Clearly there had to be a story behind this story. Dave made a metal note to ask about it some other time.

Much to Shannon's chagrin, who obviously liked the story very much, John followed orders and ended the tale only a few minutes later. Now John looked up and addressed the Millers, "So how is the house doing? I hope there wasn't too much destroyed?"

"Well there was a lot of damage," Bob replied, "but a house can be fixed and I'm sure all will work out. The main point is that my family is alive and unharmed thanks to you."

When John gave him a look, Dave knew that like him John had seen right through it. The Miller had trouble due to the fire and knowing insurance companies he'd bet that they were delaying the payment, which the Millers seemingly couldn't afford. 'Of course!' Dave thought. 'By now I shouldn't be surprised that John wouldn't stop at getting everyone to safety that fateful night.'

Aloud Dave said, "If you could send me copies of the necessary files I will have my lawyers look into it."

The Millers looked at him stunned but all Dave cared for was the happy look at his brother's face, smiling broadly at him.

In the end the Millers were glad to accept the much-needed help.

While Dave talked to the Millers, Shannon and Tommy talked to John who dragged Evan into the conversation and after a short while he could hear both kids laughing out loud. They looked over to the quartet that was clearly having a great time and Dave saw his own smile mirrored at the Millers faces.

"You must be very proud of your brother, Dave," Bob said.

"That I am," Dave told him and it came from his heart. He still had to get used to thinking of his brother in these terms. For far too long John had been the black sheep, the family skeleton they kept hidden from business partners. Even though he still had no love for his brother's career choice he was proud of his actions.

John must have noticed that David had been watching him since he turned around and quirked an eyebrow at Dave. In return Dave just smiled and shook his head lightly, communicating: not now. He now knew it would embarrass John if he told that he was proud of him while they still had an audience. He had a strong feeling John would like to hear it but at the same time he'd shy away. Much like he had with the Millers. Only he wasn't some stranger. Darn! He was his brother and John shouldn't feel the need to hide himself to protect him from emotional injury. Dave promised himself to be more careful about the things he said to John.

Shortly afterwards the Millers took their leave.

"So John," Evan addressed him, his tone making the teasing evident "Queen Teyla..." he broke down laughing.

Dave looked between his two brothers and noticed Julie was doing the same. One was laughing hard while the other held a very calm countenance. How he'd liked to know the story behind this! Right into this walked Sarah and Martin, waving their hands in a way of greeting and asking in a hushed tone: "What's up?"

Julie and Dave filled them in while Evan tried a grip on himself and still giggling turned to John. "I'm really looking forward to telling this one to..."

"PX4273," John deadpanned, at which Evan sobered up immediately.

"You wouldn't!"

"Try me!"


"One word, Evan!"

"Now!" Julie demanded to know "Care to tell us what this is about?"

Dave was glad he had an ally in this. "I'd like to know that as well!"

Sarah and Martin looked at the two expectantly.

"Well," Evan began, eyeing John warily. "This is John abusing his position as my commanding officer..."

"What?" John exclaimed "No this is you, trying to blackmail me."

"I didn't blackmail you."

"Sure you did! Didn't you just threaten to tell you know whom about 'Queen Teyla'?"

"Yeah well, but you put your head into that sling yourself!"

"What can I say, her name just popped into my mind."

Dave could see that John had noticed his slip right before Julie.

"Oh... so there is someone called Teyla on your base." Julie looked at John with glee. "Do tell! I want to know all about her!"

Much to Dave astonishment John flushed bright red while Evan looked somewhat remorseful upon John obvious distress.

"Um well. Teyla is a member of my team," his brother finally admitted somewhat awkwardly and at first Dave had to smile at this. So his brother had obviously a crush on her but then... did he say 'on my team'? Wasn't there some regulation? Well, crap. Dave was sure Evan hadn't known about this crush or else he hadn't threatened John to tell Teyla about that little story about 'Queen Teyla'. Dave looked at his brother trying his damnedest not to show his pity. John would hate it. He was glad to see that the others were able to do the same.

All Julie said was, "Well, go on! You can't leave me hanging just there!" while Sarah said, "I'm sure she is a very wonderful person. Why don't you tell us more about her?"

Much to Dave surprise John began to tell them some stories, well more team stories and obviously all faintly military were strongly adjusted but his closed up brother was willing to share. Dave was certain that they all owed it to their mother that John was feeling comfortable enough to talk after he had been exposed in such a way. Each family member got comfortable. They were listening to John's tale and occasionally Evan took over, sharing some stories of his own.

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