The Familiar of Useless (Sait...

By SilverMystic_

5.1K 160 43

(Name) the Useless accidentally summons Saito Hiraga of Earth. Now that they are bound together by the contra... More

Chapter 1 - The Human Familiar
Chapter 3 - Letter Opener
Chapter Four - Diffusion
Chapter Five - A Useless Normal Day
Chapter Six - The Legend Gandalfr
Chapter Seven - Feuding Feelings

Chapter 2 - Saito & (Name)

874 21 5
By SilverMystic_

Saito groaned in slight pain as he sat up in the plush bed he was in. He blinked in surprise as he tried to recall how he had gotten there, or even where he currently was. Then, it all came flooding back to him. Some strange portal opened before him with electric bolts all around the edges. He had touched it, out of curiosity, and it sucked him into some strange land where a cute (Eye Color)-eyed girl had kissed him!

He jolted out of the bed and saw that his jacket had been removed and was neatly folded on the little table in the room he was in. He went over to it and picket it up, inspecting it for any damage or tampering. 'It seems fine.' he decided and slipped the high-collared jacket back on.

The door opened as he zipped his jacket up. There stood (Name) and Siesta. The mage motioned toward Saito and turned toward her friend. "See? I accidentally summoned a peasant boy, and there's no way to send him back to wherever he came from."

"If you send him back, won't you be left with no familiar?"

"Well, yeah, but..." She turned to her familiar with glossy eyes. "I can't just keep him from his family. I'm sure they must love him and miss him dearly."

Siesta gently patted (Name)'s back. "Don't worry, Miss (Name). It'll all work out."

"Thanks, Siesta," (Name) smiled. "You always know what to say. Well, it's late. Good night."

"Good night, Miss (Name)."

As Siesta left the room, Saito decided to speak up, even if he knew that the girl wouldn't understand. "Hey! Which one of you undressed me? What else did you do to me?! Let me out of here, now!"

(Name) pouted as she approached him. He began to freak out a bit, thinking that he had made her mad. She pointed her finger at him and muttered a quick spell of understanding. "Hear what I say and understand."

A soft, warm light emitted from her fingertip and floated toward Saito at a slow pace. He stared, mesmerized, at it as it neared him. The light dissolved into his forehead, making him rub the area and stare at the girl in confusion. "W-what was that? Are you some sort of magician?"

(Name) gasped. "It worked. I didn't freak out." She beamed happily.

Saito was taken aback when he was able to understand the words that came out of (Name)'s mouth. He leaned toward her a bit and cautiously asked, "W-who are you?"

"Oh! My name is (Full Name). Pleased to meet you." She smiled sweetly at him. Then, she bit her lip nervously and continued. "I-I'm terribly sorry, but I summoned you as my familiar."

"Familiar? What is that?"

"A familiar is a mage's lifelong companion and protector. They must faithfully obey every command and loyally follow their master to the ends of the earth. I'm not sure how this happened, but I do know that I messed up my spell. I freaked out and that must have summoned you from wherever you came from. I apologize." (Name) bowed her head in shame.

Saito waved his hands around anxiously. "Hey, i-it's fine! I mean,-- Hey, wait a minute! If I'm supposed to be this familiar thing for you, then that means I'm your slave?!"

(Name) looked up, completely shocked. "Slave?! How dare you insult me that way! I would never enslave any human or creature, especially against their will! I tried to reason with Mr. Colbert, but there was nothing to be done. Because I did the ritual with you, you have to stay here with me as my familiar."

"You've got to be kidding me?!" Saito shook his head angrily in protest. "No way! There's no way I'm staying in some strange land to be some magic girl's pet!"

"Listen to me. We're both stuck in an unwanted situation. I wanted some sort of canine animal; something that would have gotten along well with my papa's familiar. But, now, my parents will probably mistake you for my boyfriend or something!" She slumped down in one of the wooden chairs at the table and sighed. She calmly motioned toward the other chair, looking toward Saito. "Come and sit down. What's your name?"

"U-uh, Saito Hiraga." Saito told her, slowly taking a seat across from her. "But, you can call me Hiraga-kun."

(Name) blinked in confusion. "Hiraga? That's a strange name."

Saito bristled before snapping, offended, "Oh, like (Name) is any better!" He looked at the mage in front of him for a moment before taking a calming breath and standing. "Listen. You seem like a reasonable girl." He stated, walking toward her and speaking in the most soothing and persuasive tone possible.

(Name) stood up from her chair and backed away from him a bit, nervous by his sudden mood change. Saito backed her into the wall and placed his hands on either side of her head, staring down at her. "Isn't there something we can work out? You get me home, and I do something for you?"

"Something?" The (Hair Color)-haired girl questioned. She tensed when she felt Saito brush his hand across her thigh, slipping underneath her skirt a bit.

He grinned lecherously at her. "Yeah... Something. You seem like a nice girl; much too nice to be single. So, I'll give you some 'company,' and you get me back home. Deal?"

(Name) blushed brightly before sharply slapping Saito's hand away. He shrieked in pain and blew on his hand, trying to ease the pain. "Don't touch me in that way if you don't love me, Hiraga!" She snapped angrily. "And, I told you already, there is nothing to be done about the situation! Whether we like it or not, we are now familiar and master and we must treat each other as such."

Saito sarcastically bowed to her. "Oh, of course, my master~ I am but here to serve!" He scoffed, dropping his little act. "Pssh! Give me a break!"

(Name) glared at him for a moment before pouting sadly and moving over to her closet. She removed her cloak and kicked off her shoes. "I had always hoped to get along well with my familiar..." She sighed before she reached to unbutton her skirt.

Saito was more than shocked. He held his hands up in surrender. "H-hey, are you taking up my offer? I wasn't being completely serious. I'm honestly not like that." He chuckled nervously with his eyes closed. When he opened them, he saw that (Name) was removing her slightly over-sized leg warmers. She had already taken off her skirt and had unbuttoned a few of her shirt buttons. "Ah! H-hey, I'm still here!"

(Name) blushed darkly before running over to him and roughly pushing his hands over his eyes. "Hiraga, don't watch me undress!"

"And, I wasn't serious about you calling me 'Hiraga-kun.' I was just upset. You can call me 'Saito.'"

The young mage pouted before lightly bopping his head. "You're so confusing, Hiraga! Either be serious or joke around; don't do both together!" She turned away from him to continue getting ready for bed. She quickly changed into a regency-styled nightgown and pulled out a piece of paper and a writing utensil. "You can uncover your eyes now, Hiraga."

Saito moved his hands away from his eyes and blinked in confusion. He stood over (Name)'s shoulder and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm writing a letter to my father about you. I promised to tell him about my familiar the very night I summoned him." (Name) sighed sadly before turned to look at him. She moved away a bit in shock at how close their faces were before she began blushing, remembering that she had kissed him earlier that day. "B-black hair, blue eyes..." She turned back to her letter and continued writing.

The human familiar stood silently for a moment before he stood up straight and began to explore the room he was in. "So, do you... live here?"

"Yes. And, now, you do, too."

Saito frowned before he started looking through the shelves of the dresser in front of him. He yelled in alarm and fell on his butt when he had opened up (Name)'s underwear drawer. He quickly slammed the drawer shut and stood up.

"What are you doing over there, Hiraga?"

"N-nothing! Continue with your writing! Tell your dad I said 'hi!'' He rambled nervously, hoping that she hadn't seen what he was looking at. Saito became serious again when he added, "And, I told you, you can call me Saito. Sai-to."

(Name) focused on her letter as she slowly announced, "Hi-ra-ga." She turned in her chair and waved him over. "And, you can tell Papa 'hi' yourself. Come and write something."

"R-really?" Saito went over to the table and sat down in (Name)'s seat as she got up and moved around to the other side of the table. "What should I say?"

"Just tell him that you're ever so honored to become the familiar of (Full Name), daughter to Kyoshunrui (Last Name)." She grinned cheekily.

"Kyoshunrui? That's your dad's name?" (Name) nodded proudly. "Hmm..." Saito shrugged before leaning down and beginning to write a quick message to (Name)'s father. Once he was done, he passed the letter over to (Name).

She stood up and folded the letter three times. Then, she held the letter up, with her pointer finger against the paper, and said, "Deliver this to Kyoshunrui (Last Name). Kyo the Powerful." The letter quickly vanished.

Saito stared in astonishment at her hand for a moment before (Name) started walking over to her bed. He stammered for a minute before he asked, "Uh, when do we get a letter back?"

(Name) climbed into her bed, staying more to one side. "Tomorrow. Papa always sends me something with his letters." She pointed to the free side of the bed. "Since I had hoped for a dog of some sort, I made the wrong bed for you. You can sleep next to me until I am able to get you a better one."

Saito blushed before shaking his head. "N-no way! I'm not sleeping in the same bed with you!"

"Why not?" (Name) asked, sitting up and looking at him.

The black-haired peasant looked around in the room for a better sleeping place. He was about to give up when his eyes landed on the dog bed next to (Name)'s bed. He jumped onto it and curled up inside the small space. "This is just fine! I'll sleep here until that new bed comes." He smiled nervously, hoping that she would buy his act.

(Name) pouted before conceding. "Whatever suits you. But, let me change the name on the bed." She stood up and went over to the dog bed.

Saito raised his eyebrow in confusion. "The name..?" He leaned over and looked at the spot that (Name) was pointing to. He saw that the name Shinrai was sewn into the front of the bed. "Shinrai?"

"That's what I was going to name my familiar. However, I can't very well just rename you." She swirled her finger in a circle, making the letters change to read Saito Hiraga. She stood back up and smiled in satisfaction. "There. That's better. Good night, Hiraga." She smiled kindly at him before clapping her hands twice, making the lights dim down until they were completely off.

Saito pouted before trying to snuggle comfortably into his new bed. "Good night..."

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