Dude...I Love You...Sincerely...

By missjoanjett

24.1K 484 171


Dude...I Love You...Sincerely, Other Dude...(boyxboy)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

1.4K 44 21
By missjoanjett

(A/N: I'm gonna put another A/N into this chapter where I want you to start the song, because it really makes the scene XD Thanks for reading)

Chapter 6

Jett’s POV


I have never been so infuriated in my entire life!

I want to just rip his pretty little head off, because not only is he touching Vixon as much as he possibly can; he’s ignoring Kim, which is upsetting her.

Not that I care if he touches Vixon, I just don’t like it when my sister’s being treated like shit because of some pretty boy douche bag that only knows how to think with his god damn penis!

Mother fucking fuck!

To be honest, I nearly hit him! I really wanted to, but Vixon stopped me in my tracks with a cold glare. I hadn’t stopped sighing since.

“There’s a gas station up ahead, they’ll have an ATM” Kyle spoke up, looking sideways at Vixon for a split second, smirking at him in the passenger seat.

Once again, Kim’s chest fell; a small sigh escaped her lips as she rested her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and glared a hole through Kyle’s head.

“You know what, I’m sick of your bullshit fuck face! Stop the god damn car!” I bellowed, having enough of him and his crap. He slammed his foot down on the brake and smirked back at me, “What’s the problem, Jett?” he purred, looking sincere for Vixon’s sake, I’m sure.

“You are my problem ass wipe! You’ve been ignoring my sister since we got in this piece of shit, yet you can’t keep your hands to yourself with him? I’m out of here, and I’m taking Kim with me. Vixon… do whatever the fuck you want” I growled, throwing the car door open. I tugged Kim out with me and slammed the door closed; I ripped the boot open and pulled out Kim’s suitcases.

She stood quietly by my side, looking scared and feeble; I closed the boot roughly and stood back from the road, pulling Kim into my arms.

“Get off of me!” I heard Vixon scream as a drop of water fell onto my cheek. The heavens opened up and I dropped my arm from around Kim, ripping the passenger side door open to see Kyle roughly trying to keep a struggling Vixon in the car. “You heard him, get your hands off of him before someone gets hurt!” I growled, snagging Vixon around the waist, I pulled him out into the rain and pushed him towards Kim who had retrieved his duffle bag.

I stormed around the car and Kyle, being foolish, met me halfway at the hood of the car. I glared at him, level to his eyes; he smirked and raised his eyebrow, “Do you seriously think he tried to leave for you? He left for your sister, not you” he barked a laugh in the now pouring rain.

My fist balled into the collar of his shirt and I shoved him down onto the hood of the shiny black Mercedes. “What’re you gonna do? This is a loose – loose situation for you; you can beat the shit out of me right here, right now and know that Vixon liked the attention I gave him, and he could possibly hate you for it… or, if you don’t and just let me leave, you’ll always have a nagging in the back of your head, teasing you about how much you hate my guts and you’ll never get another chance like this again…” he trailed off, blinking past the rain falling in his face.

I roughly pulled him back and slammed his body down on the hood again, earning a resentful groan from Kyle. He glared at me and his arm pulled back, making contact with my jaw. I smirked down at him and slammed my fist into his face, hearing a satisfying crack come from his nose.

Wrong…” I growled in his ear, “I hold all the god damn cards in this game, and the only person that’s going to loose in this is you” I barked, a smirk on my face as I pounded my fist into his face again, watching his arms feebly try to fight back, but I had the strong rage of a bull built up in me, and I need to let off a lot of steam.

“Jett stop; you’re gonna kill him!” Kim cried and I shook my head, retracting my hand from his shirt. I shook my head again with a disgusted look on my face, watching the rain wash the blood away from his face. He scrambled away and into his car, speeding away when I moved out of the road.

My chest heaved, the rain beat down on me and I sighed; I just let out ride drive away, in the rain.

“Well, wasn’t that the smartest thing you’ve ever done!” Kim cried, pulling both of her suitcases along with her as she grouchily stormed in the direction we had been going to get to the gas station. Vixon smiled at me and I joined him, taking his bag from him. I slung it onto my shoulder and sighed.

“I’m really sorry about that, I shouldn’t have flipped, but he pushed me too far; I love Kim and him ignoring her hurt like a bitch…” I trailed off, not have a real valuable excuse for my foolish actions.

“Don’t worry about it. Kim will calm down later and I don’t blame you for freaking out… he was kind of perving on me, but I kind of ignored it… god, I’m so dumb!” he complained, sighing.

I laughed slightly and nudged his arm.

We walked silently until we came to what looked like the tiniest town. It had a gas station, an inn, a bar and a few old houses. Kim was already making her way to the inn, so I followed Vixon to the gas station.

An old looking ATM sat in the corner of the store and I left Vixon to work his magic, checking out the racks of magazines, there were none o my… taste if you know what I mean.

“Ok, I got a grand out of it; that’s all I could get out of the ATM, so do you wanna take a walk over to the inn and get some heat?” he asked and I nodded, smiling briefly at the chick behind the counter that had been sending me flirtatious looks.

We quickly ran over to the inn and Kim was sat in the café section of the entrance hall, sipping on a coffee that she obviously couldn’t afford.

“Thanks to you and your ego Jett, I’m soaked! You know, you should really start thinking less with your penis and more with your brain!” Kim barked at me, causing the middle aged guy behind the reception desk to hide a laugh as a cough.

I rolled my eyes and Vixon made his way to the front desk, smiling politely at the man behind it, “can I get a room for three, please?” he asked the guy and he didn’t even need to look down at the book that held the information of the customers before he answered.

“Best I can do is a double and a single room?” he asked back and Vixon grinned, nodding his head, “how much will that be for the night?” he asked and pulled his wallet out, retrieving a few twenties, “forty for one night, breakfast not included” the guy told him and he gave him the money.

“Room 4, go down that hallway, it’s the very last room” the guy said and I picked up Kim’s two suitcases, throwing a ten dollar bill onto the table she sat at, watching as she cautiously stood up and trotted over to Vixon, who watched me worriedly.

“What?” I asked as I started following them down the hallway, “Are you ok with all of that?” he asked and I smiled down at him. “Of course, I’ve lifted heavier than this.”

Vixon unlocked the door and the horrid 70’s fashioned room even seemed welcoming to me, “I’m freezing my god damn balls off here, Kim, start the fire; you’re good at that” I barked, lying her suitcases down. I dropped Vixon’s duffel back on the double bed and crashed down on the single, sighing heavily.

(A/N: If you could start the song now, it should sound pretty cool XD)

“Come here, you look beat” Vixon grumbled, pulling me into a sitting position. His fingers started working on the buttons of my shirt and my eyes fluttered closed, reigning in the sudden wave of lust that overcame me.

“I’m just gonna… change… in the bathroom…” Kim mumbled, dragging her suitcase into the bathroom with her. Vixon finished on the buttons and ran his hands across my cold, wet chest, pulling my arms through the sleeves.

On their own accord, my hands travelled up his legs, landing on his hips lightly. He was completely silent, and his arms froze around my neck. His legs stood between mine and I could feel the heat from his skin on my own.

I leaned up, breathing in the fresh smell of his skin as he breathed shakily, “I don’t know why, and I don’t want to… but that feels so good…” he whispered, leaning into me so that my face was hidden in the crook of his neck; I leaned up and brushed my lips against the soft skin of his neck.

His back arched and I ran my hands under his shirt, pulling it over his head slowly. My lips travelled down his chest, my tongue lightly sliding across his smooth skin. I ran my lips back up his chest and sucked on his collarbone, roaming across his neck until I found his special spot. He moaned when I sucked on it, and I nibbled at his skin, taunting and teasing his skin.

“No… Jett… I… I can’t do this…” he groaned. I could tell from the sound of his voice that he didn’t really want me to stop; he just didn’t want to get his heart broken again.

“Don’t worry; you’re safe with me” I moaned and his hands travelled from around my neck to my chest; he pushed me back on to the bed and I crawled back, letting him comfortably straddle my waist. I lay with my head hanging off the side of the bed and he looked down at my chest hungrily, biting his lip as if he was fighting a battle in his head.

He lowered his lips and captured my lips with his own, running his tongue along my bottom lip; I opened my mouth and his tongue explored the corners of my mouth, rocking back and forth as his hands raked up and down my chest.

“I really shouldn’t… do this” he groaned, but his lips continued to dance with my own as my hands rubbed the hem on his jeans. I pulled him down to my body and our chests collided, sending an electrifying shock across my body.

“You really should” I growled, breaking away from his lips, nibbling on his earlobe. He groaned and his hips ground into mine, rocking us back and forth.

“Um, guys, you’re like, really – OH MY GOD! My eyes!” Kim screamed as she exited the bathroom, quickly locking herself in the bathroom again when she saw us. “I’m scarred for life!” she cried and Vixon dropped to my chest, breathing heavily. My arms lay around his waist while I caught my breath.

“That was so wrong… but so right at the same time” he whispered, pulling himself off of my chest. I sighed and sat up, looking over at the roaring fire Kim had started in the fireplace.

“You don’t have to be scared. Not of me anyway” I told him boldly, watching him route through his bag for some dry clothes. I stood up and kicked off my shoes, tugging at my belt as Vixon changed into a dry white muscle shirt and a clean pair of boxers.

“Let us never speak of this again” he grumbled, curling up on the floor in front of the fire; he just sat and watched the flames blaze, silent tears fell down his cheeks as the orange flames danced across his eyes.

“I wish I could, but that just meant too much… to me anyway” I mumbled, hoping he wouldn’t hear me; I seriously just sounded like a girl, and I don’t know why he’s brought this side of be back… the only person that could ever make me like this was… well, it was Connor.

Connor was the love of my life a few years back, in high school, but I went to visit him late one night after a long day of working out; I hadn’t showered, just like he preferred and I was ready to blow off some steam, in more ways than one.

I walked into his bedroom to find him not only screwing another person, but a girl, and a very slutty one at that.

He had broken my heart in a million ways that night, because they had both turned to see who had opened the door and all he did was roll his eyes and mouthed for me to leave.

I lost all faith in love that night.

I also lost my humanity; I became a heart breaking man-whore, screwing anything with two legs and dick.

“Are you two decent?” Kim called and I nodded my head, but shook it when I realised she couldn’t see me, “yeah… we’re fine” I grumbled back to her, falling face first into the single bed when I snagged my jeans off.

I just felt something that I haven’t even felt with Connor before and he expects me to just forget it happened?

I don’t think so!


Thank you all for reading!!!

I'm terribly sorry it took so long for me to upload!!!

Vote, Comment and Fan pretty pretty please!!!!

If you don't vote and comment, Jett and Vixon wont have any more scenes like this!!!

That's a threat!!

LOL, tell me who your favourite character is, please! I'll put more of them in it for you!!!

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