These Awkward Moments

By reedus_junkie

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Daryl Dixon has faced a lot since the world changed and this has resulted in even greater change in his own l... More

Chapter 1 New Comers
Chapter 2 Supply Run
Chapter 3 First Time Ever
Chapter 4 Defensive Moves
Chapter 5 Hilltop
Chapter 6 The Fight
Chapter 7 The Last Stand
Chapter 8 Community Dinner
Chapter 9 Sparks
Chapter 10 Courting
Chapter 11 In Between
Chapter 12 Building
Chapter 13 The Picnic
Chapter 14 It's a Long Story
Chapter 15 Guy Talk
Chapter 16 Revelation
Chapter 17 Let's Be Clear
Chapter 18 The Rest of the Story
Chapter 20 Outside
Chapter 21 Saviors
Chapter 22 The Wait
Chapter 23 Blessed
Chapter 24 Closer
Chapter 25 Family
Chapter 26 The Meeting
Chapter 27 A New/Old Tradition
Chapter 28 Holding you
Chapter 29 At Last
Chapter 30 The Cabin
Chapter 31 Come Away With Me
Chapter 32 Growth
Chapter 33 New Home, New Friends
Chapter 34 Ties That Bind
Chapter 35 Misconception
Chapter 36 Chupacabra The Sequel
Chapter 37 Confirmation
Chapter 38 Delivery
Chapter 39 Back to Hilltop
Chapter 40 Going Public
Chapter 41 The Kingdom
Chapter 42 Taken
Chapter 43 Dreams
Chapter 44 Hidden
Chapter 45 Recovery
Chapter 46 Dumb Redneck Luck
Chapter 47 The Calm
Chapter 48 Unexpected
Chapter 49 Introductions
Chapter 50 Declaration
Chapter 51 Found
Chapter 52 Decisions
Chapter 53 Heart to Heart
Chapter 54 No Regrets
Chapter 55 Worries
Chapter 56 The Farm
Chapter 57 Dry
Chapter 58 Wings
Chapter 59 Loving
Chapter 60 Imminent Threat
Chapter 61 The Roundup
Chapter 62 Patience
Chapter 63 The Search
Part 64 Trapped
Part 65 Home
Part 66 The Nerves
Part 67 Balancing Act
Part 68 Suspicion
Part 69 The Warning
Part 70 Promises
Part 71 Into the Fire
Part 72 The Offer
Part 73 Life
Part 74 Moving On

Chapter 19 Choices

1.5K 55 19
By reedus_junkie

Delilah's POV
A couple of hours later we were up before sunrise. I pulled on a pair of loose shorts and headed to the kitchen. I made coffee and breakfast while Daryl went to his place to shower and change. He returned just I was setting breakfast on the table.

Roe woke up when he smelled food and coffee. He walked into the dining room rubbing his eyes. "Mmmmm. Coffee and omelets. Am I dreamin'? It's been too long since ya spoiled me like this Lila girl!"

I snapped him lightly with the dish towel I was holding. "Yeah? Well don't get too used to it ya big lug. I'm only feedin' ya cuz I'm fixin' ta make ya work hard today."

He looked slightly more awake. "Yeah? Whatcha got planned?"

I smiled at Daryl who was hunched over his coffee holding onto it like a lifeline. "Well my darlin'... boyfriend? I dunno if that sounds right... yer not really a boy... but 'manfriend' sounds pretty fuckin' ridiculous... I mean, would ya introduce me as yer girlfriend?"

Daryl grunted. "Doc. 'S too damn early in the mornin' ta keep goin' on 'bout what label ta slap on ya ass. Yer my woman. How's that? Now. Tell the man what the fuck's up today 'fore he goes back ta bed."

Roe slapped the table and guffawed. I scowled at him. "Well y'all sure do know how ta suck the joy outta the mornin'! Alright, well my darlin' 'man' here has kindly consented ta takin' me on a little supply run today. We were hopin' you'd be willin' ta go with us."

Roe shrugged. "Sure. I'm in. Whatcha gonna do with the baby?"

I frowned. "Well I had considered just takin' her in the sling. But she's gettin' ta the age where she gets restless in there unless she's sleepin'. I wonder if Carol would be willin' ta watch her. She offered before."

Daryl nodded and grunted. "Yeah. I'll go ask her. Tobin should be wakin' up ta go ta work 'bout now. Worse comes ta worse, Carol can always take her by Rick's ta play with Lil Ass-Kicker." He headed to the door.

I turned to Roe. "I've never had ta worry about this before. But I need ta see if I can express some milk for Mercy. I grabbed a clean glass from the kitchen and headed to the bedroom. I always had a lot more milk first thing in the morning than any other time of day. Usually as I nursed her on one side I would leak milk from the opposite breast.

I woke the baby enough to get her latched on. I felt my milk let down fairly quickly and held the glass under the other breast to catch the milk that started flowing. I had a couple of ounces in it when the leaking stopped. Mercy finished feeding, and I sat up and started hand expressing into the glass.

Daryl walked into the bedroom. "Carol said she'd be happy ta... Wow! I didn't know you could do that!"

I chuckled. "You just now figurin' out that these things are for makin' milk Dixon?"

He grinned. "Nah, I knew that... I just didn't know ya could squeeze milk out of 'em like that. It's pretty cool."

He sat and watched as I continued. "So... I was wonderin'... that means if I... what would..."

He was so adorable when he got flustered and stammered! "Yes Daryl. If you sucked on my breast, milk would come out."

His eyes widened. "Even though I'm not the baby?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah. My body doesn't know the difference between her mouth and any other mouth... except she doesn't turn me on the way you do."

I finished expressing and sat the almost full glass down. "What's it taste like?" He asked shyly.

I raised my eyebrow. "Ya wanna taste?"

He grinned and nodded. I raised my shirt exposing my breast. I spread my knees slightly to make room for him. Daryl knelt in front of me and gently grasped my breast with one hand. He lowered his head and gently licked the nipple before pulling it into his mouth. He sucked softly a couple of times, then pulled back with a satisfied look and swallowed. "Mmmm. It's kinda sweet. And very sexy." He rasped.

He started to bend towards my breast again, but stopped. "Can I?"

I nodded and he placed his lips back on my nipple and pulled it into his mouth again. This time he sucked harder, swallowing, then sucking again several times without pulling away. I felt my body respond to him. I raised both hands to his head and tangled my fingers in his hair drawing him closer. He slowed his sucking and began to flick his tongue across my nipple, then sucked again. I dropped my head back and moaned.

He smiled and slid his fingers along my thigh and into the loose gap in my shorts. His deft fingers slid past the edges of my now wet panties and stroked my pussy, parting the lips and rubbing against my throbbing clit. I let out a soft gasp and he moaned quietly against my breast. I shifted my hips forward as he slid his middle finger inside me, and continued to stroke my clit with his thumb. "Mmmm. You're so wet for me Delilah. Are you always gonna be this wet for me love?"

I managed to whisper, "Yes."

He raised my shirt and switched breasts, licking and sucking as I pulled his head as close as possible. It was so erotic, I knew I wasn't going to last long. His fingers continued to work their magic on my pussy. He slid a second finger inside and increased the speed of his strokes. I gasped and moaned quietly.

Daryl pulled back from my breast and whispered, "That's it Delilah. Ya gonna cum all over me so I can smell your sweet pussy on my hand all day? You know ya wanna cum for me baby."

Daryl's lips returned to my breast again and his teeth scraping across the sensitive nub just before he flicked his tongue across it was all it took to send me over the edge. My body tensed as my climax exploded like fireworks bursting, and my juices flowed all over Daryl's hand as I came in wave after wave.

Daryl waited until my breathing slowed and I was able to open my eyes. "See, we don't always have ta have a condom" he smiled.

He pulled his fingers from my wet pussy. I reached for his hand and pulled it to my mouth. I ran my tongue along the length of his middle finger, then drew it into my mouth sucking it all the way into my mouth. He leaned back and smiled. "Yer so fuckin' hot Delilah! How did I get so lucky?

I shrugged. "Dumb redneck luck I reckon."

I winked, and pulled him to me for a kiss. "Mmmm. Yer makin' me wanna taste that pussy first hand." He growled.

I smiled and stood, which happened to put his face level with the part of my body he was most interested in at the moment. He put his arms around my waist and pressed his face against my shorts. I giggled and grabbed his head pulling him back, then wriggled from his grasp. "We gotta get goin'. Sun's almost up."

I grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom as Daryl groaned his protest. No time for a full shower this morning, but I could at least sponge bathe and brush my teeth. I finished quickly, pulling my hair into a messy bun.

I grabbed the glass of breast milk on my way back into the kitchen. I split the milk between two sippy cups I'd gotten at the pantry. I grabbed the diaper bag and filled it with everything Carol might need for the day.

Roe was walking out of his bedroom freshly showered and shaved. My brother was one of the few men I now knew who did not let his facial hair grow out. It was strange to see a man without at least some scruff on his face now. But he was also one of the few I preferred clean shaven. He had a great jawline and beautiful high cheek bones I would have killed for. Growing a beard just covered up all that. I had never hesitated to brag about how handsome he was. It was impossible not to adore him for his charm, wit, and good looks. I always worried that the wrong kinda woman would take advantage of him.

I smiled at him, and he raised an eyebrow. "Why you lookin' like the cat that ate the canary this mornin'?"

I shrugged. "Maybe I'm just happy ta be gettin' outside those walls for a while?"

He shook his head. "Nah. That ain't it." He looked more closely at me and rubbed his chin. His dark green eyes got wide.

I shook my head. "Nope! Nope! Nope! It is not what you're thinkin'"

Daryl had just walked out of the bedroom and Roe turned his head to look at him too.

Daryl smiled a goofy grin. "What?"

Roe's head snapped back towards me and he lifted his index finger and pointed to my face.

I shook my head again. "No! I swear it's the truth!"

Daryl gave me a puzzled look. "What's... goin' on?"

Roe looked back at Daryl and scowled.

I rolled my eyes. "Nuthin' Daryl. It's just my brother suspects that we been havin' sex without condoms. Will you please tell him the truth?"

Daryl grinned and shrugged. "Aw. That's it? Nah man. We ain't done nuthin' like that."

I breathed a sigh of relief as Roe's shoulders relaxed. Then that damned Daryl Dixon went and mumbled loud enough for us both to hear, "More 'n one way ta skin a cat... or a pussy." And walked to the door chuckling to himself.

My face turned five shades of red as I walked to the bedroom to get Mercy. I put her in the sling and walked back out to go to the door. Roe hadn't moved from where I'd left him, but now walked to the door, passed Daryl, playfully slugged him on the shoulder, and said, "Good job Dixon!"

I wanted to crawl under a rock.

We arrived at Carol and Tobin's just as the sun was coming up over the trees. She answered the door before we knocked with a big smile. "Oh! There she is! I just can't wait to get my hands on her and spoil her rotten."

The three of us chuckled, and I said, "More than she already is?" Daryl and Roe nodded.

I started to explain to Carol that I had packed Mercy a bag and there were two cups of milk for her.

Daryl interrupted. "And you ain't gonna belie..."

"Daryl! I'm pretty sure Carol is aware of how breast milk gets from its original container into a cup!" I blushed for what felt like the millionth time that morning.

Carol smiled understandingly and took the diaper bag from me. Daryl reached over and took Mercy from her sling like a pro and held the sleepy baby in his arms. I continued. "I just nursed her right before I expressed the milk for her, so she shouldn't be hungry for at least three hours. Here's a list of the solids we've tried so far, and if she gets too fussy this afternoon you can always take her by to play with Judith for a while. You know if anything goes bad around here, the plan is to meet at Hilltop if that route is safe, but if not, head to the Kingdom?"

Carol smiled sweetly and nodded. "I'm sure we'll be just fine, and yes, I'm aware of the contingency plan. Daryl? You wanna give me the baby so you can get going?"

Daryl kissed the top of the baby's head and very reluctantly handed her to Carol. As he leaned in Carol whispered something in his ear causing him to blush.

Roe and I both kissed the baby goodbye before we left. As we walked to the truck Daryl put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him. "Are you sure Carol will be able to keep her safe if something goes wrong? Maybe we should have asked Michonne to babysit?"

Daryl chuckled. "Well there's the topic for today's car ride. All the reasons why Carol Peletier is the best babysitter choice in case of apocalypse."

I shrugged. "Ok. Hey. What did she whisper to you when you handed her the baby?" We started loading our gear into the truck.

He grunted. "It was just Carol teasin'. She said 'We'll be just fine Daddy'."

I smiled. "Would that bother you? If people assumed you were Mercy's father? Or if she called you 'Da' someday?"

He put the last of the gear in the bed of the truck, then turned to me and wrapped me in his arms. "I can only hope that someday she loves me enough to call me that. I know I already love her enough for other people to assume I am. And no. It wouldn't bother me a bit. I'd be honored."

He pulled me in for a kiss as I tried to hide the fact that I was wiping a tear from my eye.

Roe banged on the truck. "C'mon lovebirds! Let's go! It's like a damn romance novel!"

Daryl laughed harder than I had ever heard him laugh before as we got in the truck.

In the past the area to the west hadn't been searched very thoroughly because of the walkers that had been in the quarry. Aaron and Daryl had scheduled some patrols in the area to start to clear out walkers so search groups could be sent out, but we were the first search group to go into the area. It made our search potentially more dangerous, but also potentially more successful if these areas hadn't yet been scavenged.

Our goal was Annandale, which was about twelve miles away. We were avoiding the major roads again, but these roads hadn't been completely cleared yet. We made it about five miles before coming to a pile up of cars blocking the roadway. There were a few walkers trapped under and inside the cars that had already been neutralized by our patrol, but the bodies hadn't been cleared. We worked carefully in case something had been missed. I kept watch while Daryl and Roe pushed cars off the road. I could hear a walker in the distance, but the sound didn't seem to be getting any closer. Daryl looked towards me and I motioned that it was stuck on something. He nodded and smiled.

They finished in less than thirty minutes, and we returned to the truck. Daryl told us some of the stories of Carol's part in the group, including caring for the group's children, and saving pretty much the whole group at Terminus. She had gone from being a meek victim to being quite a badass, and was incredibly protective of those she loved. She and Daryl were actually very similar in a lot of ways. She was one of those cases where the outside appearance didn't match what she was capable of. I suddenly felt a lot better about leaving Mercy with her.

We stopped twice more to push cars off the road, only this time there were walkers to clear. I helped Daryl and Roe take out the walkers and clear the bodies before they moved the cars. The last time we stopped, as Daryl and Roe were moving one of the cars, three walkers came out of the trees together. I didn't alert them because I knew I could take care of them on my own. They were spread out enough that I walked to the first one stabbing it in the head with my knife. As I stabbed the second walker the third approached more quickly than usual. I kicked it in the knee, fracturing the leg and dropping it to the ground. This gave me the chance to pull my knife out of the second walker and turn to stab the third one on the ground. Just as I hit it in the head with my knife a crossbow bolt also hit it in the head.

I jumped back in surprise and looked up in the direction the arrow came from. Daryl came towards me, his crossbow still in his hand. He pulled the bolt from the walker's skull wiping it off on the thing's clothes. "Don't take chances like that Doc." He growled.

I blinked in surprise. "Daryl! I had it under control. The only danger I was in was if I had moved in front of your bolt. Maybe you are the one who should be more careful!"

Roe came up behind us aware that my defenses were on high alert, both for walkers and for what I felt had been a personal attack on my abilities. He stretched his hand toward me slowly. "Now Lila girl. Daryl didn't mean that you did anythin' wrong."

I spun towards him feeling my Irish temper rise. "Don't give me that patronizin' shit, tryin' a calm me down Roe Casey! Are you sayin' yer takin' his side?"

Roe raised both hands in surrender and shrank back a bit seeing the clear danger signs in continuing to push my buttons.

I heard a low growl coming from Daryl, and out of the corner of my eye I saw his arm snake towards me quickly. Before I could react he had pulled me into his chest and dropped his mouth onto mine. He kissed me hard and breathless until he felt my body relax and sag against him. He pulled back from the kiss and said in a slightly choked voice. "What I meant ta say was, 'don't scare me like that Doc.' I spent way too many years waitin' for ya and love ya way too much ta loose ya now." His low, gruff voice turning my knees to jelly.

Roe snickered, then tried to clear his throat to cover up his laughter. There was a twinkle in his eye as he took the wise path and headed back to the truck.

Daryl lowered his forehead to mine. "We ok Doc?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I love you Daryl. I'm sorry I blew up a little. I could've handled that so much better."

He smiled and pulled my hips closer to his. "Can't wait ta find some condoms and get ya back home Smokestack. And just so ya know, yer really sexy when yer pissed off." He kissed me again before Roe whistled softly to signal us to go.

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