Big Bang - Shout Out To The W...

By Galaxy_FanFan88

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Big Bang - Shout Out To The World! TOP
Discovering dreams within a vague shadow [~ Pt.Two~]
Adults have their way, children have theirs [~ Pt.Three~]
Becoming the first Underground rapper in YG [~ Pt.Four~]
A dancing rapper? [~ Pt.Five~]
Creating a color solely for myself [~ Pt.Six~]
"T.O.P ah, compose more music" [~ Pt.Seven~]
T.O.P. that sings, T.O.P. that acts [~ Pt.Eight~]
From this moment, I want to slowly improve myself [~ Pt.Nine~]
TOP, charged out like a bull! [~ Pt.Ten~]
giving me encouragement [~ Pt.Eleven~]
Position as Big Bang's big hyung [~ Pt.Twelve~]
[~ Pt.Thirteen~]
[~ Pt.Fourteen~]
Shout out to the World: G-DRAGON
GD's opinion on his fellow members [~ Pt.One~]
Back to the days when we were trainees .. [~ Pt.Two~]
[~ Pt.Three~]
What kinds of person I am? [~ Pt.Four~]
What is worse than facing failures? [~ Pt.Five~]
We Shine the brightest when we are in 5 [~ Pt.Six~]
We have to lead our whole life as if were still trainees [~ Pt.Seven~]
What kind of trees are we? [~ Pt.Eight~]
What 'FRIEND' mean to me [~ Pt.Nine~]
Where does my inspiration come? [~ Pt.Ten~]
What meanings do my tattoos carry? [~ Pt.Twelve~]

To me,fashion is... [~ Pt.Eleven~]

211 7 0
By Galaxy_FanFan88

 Ever since I was small, I have been into fashion. I still remember that when I was small, I anticipated the coming of weekend most since I could go shopping with my mum and sister. I think that the boutiques are just like

museums which display arts work, maybe I like it since I can also create something out of it.

When I was asked by the MCs of the TV programme what I liked most when I was little, my answer always surprised them since they expected that I would answer them something like, toy cars or figures but I said ‘fashion’. It just sounds like I had told them I wanted a picture of ‘Mona Lisa’ when I answered him that I wanted something which is just like a combination of dream and reality.

I don’t think that wearing brand-named clothes means that I have better fashion sense. Although I do buy them too, I feel happier if I can find suitable clothes from the street stalls. To me, fashion is not a price tag or a brand but a pair of wings that I put on in order to show you my real colors. If music is said to be the source of my happiness, then fashion is the wings that enables me to explore my creativity.

Because I really do not follow the fashion trend nor do I care about what others think of what I am wearing, something bad has happened to me and it enabled me to realize that I have to be responsible for everything I do since I am a celebrity whom many people pay attention to.

I was once wearing a shirt with the words , ‘I LOVE SEX’ on and I was criticized by the press for this. I chose this just because it was designed by my favourite designer, John Galliano . It sounds like an excuse to say that we were not aware of the words printed on the clothes. I felt really sorry for the mistake that I made.

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