The Norsemen (Editing)

By BajanBelle

42.8K 1.9K 77

Disclaimer: This story is NOT based on the MARVEL universe. The Asgardians are based on Norse mythology and e... More

Chapter 2: Not a Myth
Chapter 3: Shopping
Chapter 4: Date
Chapter 5: I'm dating Thor.
Chapter 6: Crush
Chapter 7: Knowing you
Chapter 8: Loki
Chapter 9: Asgard
Chapter 10: Banquet
Minor Update
Chapter 11: Who was she?
Chapter 12: Asgardian Mornings
Chapter 13: Encounters, encounters, encounters.
Chapter 14 - Do I Love Him?
Chapter 15 - Scared?
Chapter 16 - Secrets.
Chapter 17 - A New Day in Asgard
Chapter 18: What If?
Chapter 19: The Return of the King
Chapter 20: Daughter of Ullr.
Chapter 21: Goddess
Chapter 22: Family
Chapter 23: The Son of Nanna and Baldr
Chapter 24: The Five
Chapter 25: The Truth
Chapter 26: Training
Chapter 27: The Prophecy
Chapter 28: Legacy

Chapter 1: Midgard

8.7K 207 9
By BajanBelle

"Frig!" Odin stormed into the Great Hall in the Asgard palace, spear in hand. "It is you who curse me so, giving me a bloody idiot for a son!"

"Calm down old fool." Frig walked up to him with her arms folded. "He's gone to Midgard."

"I know he's in Midgard! He's gone to consort with a human!" Odin heaved angrily, "Why must I be cursed so? I have such a fool for an heir." He held his forehead defeated.

"Who is this human, Odin?" Frig looked at him worried.

"A human girl called Kaylee." Odin sighed as he took his seat upon his throne.

"What is this madness?" Frig demanded, "Is he in love with her?"

"The idiot must be." Odin shook his head with disapproval.

Frig burst out laughing at him.

"What do you find so funny, you evil wench?" Odin raised a grey brow at her.

"You are, Lord Odin. The boy is just like you." She sighed staring him in the eye, "How many times have you gone to Midgard to trick some poor human into loving you?"

"We're not talking about me, woman." Odin dismissed her question, "Sif!" he yelled.

Sif entered the throne room and bowed in front of him, "Yes my Lord Odin."

"Go to Midgard and talk some sense into Thor." He ordered. "Use any force necessary to get him to return. He always listens to you."

"Yes my Lord." Sif stood and left the room.

She walked down the hall and onto the Bifrost Bridge where Heimdall stood, stoically in his post, clad his shining white armor, his glowing, all-seeing eyes look at her.

"Going to try to convince Thor to return?" he asked.

Sif smiled, "I know you see all Heimdall. But the knowledge you possess never seizes to amaze me."

She stepped up onto the bridge leading to Midgard as Heimdall raised his sword and turned it in the slot of the nine connecting realms.


Sif gasped as she appeared outside of Holbrooke College. She turned her head looking around the unfamiliar campus as students pass back and forth not even noticing her standing there.

She fixed her gaze upon a young man sitting by a fountain, as his and her eyes met. She shrugs and slowly approaches him.

"I may as well ask this human if he's seen Thor." She said to herself as she approached him.

"H-hi." He said in his British accent, as he watched her in shock.

"Have you seen a muscular man walking around here with a hammer?" she asked him.

He laughed at her. "Are you role playing?"

"What is role playing?" she asked him with her head tilted to one side.

He blinked at her, "Oh you're deep in character," he says, "my name is William. Are you part of some club?"

She looked at him and drew her sword, "I'm not playing, William. Show me to where he is." She demanded.

William burst out laughing and closed his book, "I don't know who you mean, but I'll help you find him." He got up and started walking towards the lobby's entrance.

"What is this place?" she asked him looking around the hall confused at the way some of the girls were dressed. "Is it customary to show your stomach like that?"

William stopped and looked back at her. "You're a really strange person. Where are you from?"

"I am Sif," she answered, "I was sent here from Asgard to find Thor."

"Thor?" he looked at her worried, "Should I be calling someone to get you?"

"No. I'm here to get Thor." She looked at him with her blade still in her hand.

He raised his hands surrendering. "Okay."


Kaylee's POV

Just my luck, I'm sitting out here on the lawn and this strange guy is this costume appeared out of nowhere and starts talking to me. And why the hell does he have this huge sledge hammer in his hand? And more importantly how does he know my name?

"Look, I don't know where you came from, but I have an exam tomorrow I need to study for." I said standing with my books.

He grabbed my arm, "Can't we talk? I'd like to know you better." He said in that sexy, powerful voice.

"This isn't a good time." I stepped back looking at him.

He's fit. His biceps are perfectly sculpted and that leather and silver, medieval looking armor that he's in. He must be part of the theatre program. He's looking at me sincerely with those ocean blue eyes and that long, silky blonde hair.

I sighed after a moment giving into them. "Okay." I got out my blue highlighter, scribbled my number down on piece of paper and handed it to him. "Call me later. We can hang out on Saturday."

He looked at me confused with furrowed brows, "Call you?" he asked.

"Yes call me." I said looking at him smiling, "You know, you pick up the phone and you dial that number."

He looked at me with a straight face, "I don't have a phone."

I gasped as I watched him. Either he's serious or he's really good at staying in character. I shook my head and exhaled.

"How about you meet me back here?" I can't believe I said that, "Saturday at noon. We'll hang out."

He smiled at me contented and walked away. I shook my head and walked back to my flat. I can't believe I just agreed to go out with a crazy guy in a costume. I wonder what Renee will say when I tell her about this.

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