What I never knew I always wa...

Por MarinaShipper19

63.4K 1.1K 392

ON HOLD- I'm back with another Robsten pregnancy story (shocker I know right?) because let's face it! I wish... Más

Were going to Rio!
Edward and Bella
Gender reveal :)
Hormones are fun!....Not
Sex on the beach
Family time
Cats out of the bag
32-week appointment
Stay at home
Baby Time
1 Day post partum
Baby's first checkup!
Authors note!
Your back!
Beach baby
Date Night
Food poisoning
Authors note- sick
How I met your mother
Blood tests
authors note! I needed to do this
Condoms and birth control
it's time
Mackenzie Foy
authors note -Family emergency
By Your Side
Elle Magazine
I'll be there for you
Lunch Disaster
Where is the baby?
Every parent's nightmare
72 hours
Hospital Blues
First word, First steps and Getting Drunk...Oh My!
1st Birthday
First Day of Preschool
Mom, I think I'm dying
authors note
Unexpected Consequences
Officially Grandparents
Please tell me.....I'm dreaming
The Funeral
Why Eliana?
The Hauntings Of Our Past
Coming Home
Very Unexpected!
24-week birth
When Nothing Else Matters!
Welcome home
2 months later
First Cuddle
Christmas Eve
A new day
End of the road
Never easy
I don't know what to do with her!

Please dont go....

1K 17 0
Por MarinaShipper19

1 week old.

It's had been a week since Eliana came into Kristen and Robert's life and they couldn't be happier. Kristen was in charge of feedings and Robert volunteered diaper duty and Kristen was not about to argue with that. Kristen was slowly getting back to her old self, she still had some difficulty moving around but it was getting easier as days went by.

They were getting into a pretty good routine with Eliana, well somewhat. Rob would take Eliana with him in the morning to make breakfast and by the time that was done she would be due for another feed. Kristen would feed the baby while she herself ate and then Robert would take Eliana while Kristen went and showered.

On this particular morning, Robert woke up to his phone going off on the nightstand beside him. He had apparently forgotten to put it on vibrate last night.

"Rob, shut it up please" Kristen groaned

"Sorry," Rob said as he reached over and grabbed his phone. Kristen could hear Eliana start to fuss from the bassinet and mentally cursed. Turning over she laid her hand on the Baby's chest

"It's alright sweetheart, go back to sleep." She gently stroked Eliana's hair, listening to Robert get frustrated with whoever he was talking to on the phone. She turned back over to look at him when she heard him start Semi-yelling. She sighed and picked Eliana up laying her against her chest, knowing Rob would end up scaring her. Rob's conversation came to an end and he threw his phone onto his lap before laying his head back, closing his eyes and taking a deep breathe

"Here, I think you need her more than I do" Kristen giggled as she laid Eliana on Rob's chest. Rob slightly giggled and placed his hand on her back and sighed.

"Who was that?" Kristen asked

"My agent, She wants me to come in and do a photoshoot and then attend a convention."

"That's great hun," after a long silence she asked, "what are you not telling me?"

"It's an overnight thing"

"That's why you were pissed."

"Yeah, I don't want to leave you guys overnight. Eliana is only a week old and you both need me."

"That's true, but I don't really think you have a choice, Eliana and I will be fine, You can't just say no."

"I really do not want to leave you guys....."

"I know, I don't want you to leave. But you have to do what you have to do. When do you leave?"

"In an hour"

"Wow, glad they gave you some notice"

"No shit," he sighed. "Will you guys be alright tonight?"

"We will be fine, I can see if my mom can come and stay with us if you are really that worried."

"You don't have to"

"Actually, she hasn't met Eliana so it will be good. I'll call her, you spend time with your daughter."

"Sounds good."

Kristen got out of bed and headed into the hallway to call her mother. She didn't really want Robert to leave but at the end of the day, he had a job to do and knew if she didn't push him. He would jeopardize his career for his family and she didn't want that. She didn't know when she would go back to work after they film the second installment of Breaking Dawn, so she wanted him to at least have a career left. She was thankful that her mother agreed to come stay the night, at least it would put Robert's mind at rest and also give Kristen some time with her mother.

Heading into the bedroom she saw Rob talking to their daughter and decided to leave them alone until he had to leave or she needed to eat, whichever came first


"I will be back as soon as I can love," Rob told Kristen as he kissed her and then turned to the baby in his arms placing a kiss on her forehead. "I love you both" he whispered.

He looked back up at Kristen, "I suppose I have to give her back to you"

Kristen giggled. "Preferably, since you can't feed her and she would probably miss her mommy too much"

"I know I'll miss her momma," Rob said as he kissed Kristen's forehead before gently placing Eliana into her arms. "I will try and Facetime you tonight alright?" He said as he grabbed his bag and walked out.

When the door closed, Kristen couldn't hold it any longer. Afraid she would collapse right there with the baby in her arms, she headed over to the couch curling up. She couldn't help the tears that came, she didn't really like the fact that he would be gone all night but it was for the best. Since Eliana was asleep, Kristen decided to do some laundry. Slowly getting up she headed upstairs placing Eliana into the bassinet before grabbing the laundry basket. Bringing the baby monitor with her, she headed downstairs to clean and start the laundry.

She went and cleaned the kitchen from the dinner they had to abandon last night after Eliana projectile vomited all over Kristen. Heading into the laundry room, Kristen threw a load into the washer and started switching what was in there over to dryer when Bear came barking down the stairs. He ran into the laundry room, looking at Kristen as he proceeded to bark and whine

"What did Timmy fall into the well?" Kristen giggled. "I will let you outside in a minute, let me finish this."

Bear, deciding he had had enough of Kristen's shit gently grabbed her shirt sleeve and pulled her out of the room,

"Easy Bear, what could be so urgent?" Kristen asked as he pulled her to the stairs "Bear, you need to quiet down otherwise you are going to wake Eliana....unless....oh shit," Kristen said when she suddenly realized why Bear was trying to get her attention. She ran up the stairs and when she hit the top she could hear Eliana screaming from the bedroom.

"Eliana mommy's here," Kristen said as she entered the bedroom, she picked the wailing baby up and headed over to the chair, she sat down and worked with the baby and got her eating. Looking at her daughter she could see how frustrated she had gotten, she took her thumb and gently wiped away the tears.

"It's ok baby, I'm so sorry. I guess the monitor isn't working." When Eliana finished her meal, Kristen took her with her downstairs leaving her on the living room floor. Bear came over and Kristen petted him, "Thank you boy, I'm sorry I didn't know what you were trying to tell me right away. Your the best brother a baby could ask for." Kristen got up and watched as Bear snuggled up to Eliana.

Kristen headed back to the laundry room and got the laundry started. Heading back to the living room, she picked Eliana up. "Ok, my turn to cuddle with her" Kristen giggled at Bear. Heading over to the couch Kristen laid down and snuggled her baby girl onto her chest as she fell asleep.


6 pm that night

Kristen went and answered the door when she heard the doorbell, Eliana was asleep in the bassinet in the bedroom

"Hi mom," Kristen said as she hugged her mother

"Hello sweetheart, how are you?"

"I'm doing alright, getting stronger every day. Follow me, there is someone I want you to meet."

Kristen and Jules headed up the room, Kristen leaned down and carefully picked Eliana up.

"She's precious Kristen" Jules gushed

"Yes, she is. You wanna hold her?"

"Of course," Kristen handed her baby to her mother, watching as Jules eyes watered.

"What's her name?"

"Oh that's right, Rob didn't tell you. Its Eliana, Eliana Kristine Stewart-Pattinson"

"Kristine?" Jules questioned

"That was Rob's doing."

"I figured" Jules giggled.

"I'm glad you are finally meeting her momma, I knew tonight was perfect"

"I was glad you asked me to come over"

"Me too," Jules went and sat on the couch as Kristen joined her. Bear came over and looked at Jules

"It's ok Bear" Kristen giggled, "I know you are protective of your mini human." She turned to her mom, "they are buddies"

"That's cute."


10 pm that night

Never pictured myself singing lullabies
Sitting in a rocking chair in the middle of the night
In the quiet, in the dark
You're stealing every bit of my heart with your daddy's eyes
What a sweet surprise
And now I'm holdin' what I never knew I always wanted
I couldn't see, I was blind 'til my eyes were opened
I didn't know there was a hole
Something missing in my soul
'Til you filled it up with your love, yeah
Life has a way of showing you just what you need
And who you were made to be, yeah
I finally found what I never knew I always wanted

-Carrie underwood

Kristen softly sang to Eliana as she nursed. She was sitting in the rocking chair that was in the corner of the room rocking her baby, Bear was laying by her feet. The room was dark and quiet, the only noises that could be heard were Eliana suckling.

"That was beautiful," Jules said from the doorway. Kristen was not aware that she had an audience.

"Thank you."

Jules came over and sat on the bed. "The way you look at her Kristen...."

"What do you mean?"

"It's incredible, watching you with her. The way you look at her, its hard to describe."

"What can I say? I love her. More than I ever thought was possible."

"it is an incredible feeling isn't it?"

"Very much so. I wish you could have been there when she was born,"

"Me too," Eliana started to whimper drawing Kristen's attention back to her.

"Sorry baby," Kristen whispered as she laid Eliana on her shoulder to burp her. "Ok, momma is going to bed ready for bed, go and hang out with grandma for a few minutes," Kristen said when the baby was done burping. She slowly stood up and laid Eliana in her mother's arms. Going to the bathroom, she put her hair into a ponytail and changed into some fresh pajamas. For the past week, she had pretty much been living in pajamas Returning to the bedroom a few minutes later she took carefully took a sleeping Eliana from her mother and laid her in the bassinet. Turning around she hugged her mother.

"I don't know what you were so worried about Kristen, you are doing great with her," her mother whispered. Bringing Kristen to tears.

"Goodnight mom, I love you and will see you in the morning."

"I love you too Kristen and you too sweetheart" she whispered to Eliana who was passed out in a milk coma.

Her mother left the room and Kristen climbed into bed, already missing Rob's presence.

1 am

Kristen was still awake, tossing and turning. She needed Rob here, she needed his arms around her. She couldn't sleep without him next to her, she didn't understand why this was so hard. She sometimes would have trouble sleeping when they were apart but nothing like this, she figured it was the baby hormones making it worse. She turned over to look at her sleeping angel, seeing her daughter splayed out on her back with her fist in her mouth made Kristen smile. Slowly she picked Eliana up and placed her on her stomach on her chest. Pulling Eliana's baby blanket over her, she took in the scent of her newborn daughter as she fell into a good sleep.

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