By darkhappybubbles

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This is the story of Luna Silver, a White wolf and the daughter of the Moon Goddess. What happens after her... More

In The Beginning
Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
Publish Update
update ~important~

chapter 7

183 5 0
By darkhappybubbles

It was the day of the full moon and everyone was existed to gain a new Luna, especially Jack and I, but Nick, Alyssa, and John looked a little too excited and that scarred me.

We were all helping out with tonight's preparations, even Courtney who was just let out of her cell this morning. She seems to have learned her lesson but I'm not 100% sure. And Everest still won't tell me what's going to happen tonight and the suspense is killing me! I'm soo nervous and soo very much excited for tonight. Well, we've got to keep working, we've still got a lot to do and we only have less than four hours left.

Everything has finally been completed 30 minutes before the moon would reach its peak, and everything was gorgeous. We were going over the checklist one last time to make sure that everything is done and that we were all set and ready to go when I heard my name being called. I turned around to see Wendy running towards me with Mark and Chuck following close behind her.

"Oh My Goddess! Wendy!"

I yelled as Wendy ran right into my arms as we engulfed each other in each other's arms laughing and giggling. I noticed that in the corner of my eye that Jack was smiling warmly and in love.

"I missed you soo much! When you didn't come home I was so worried about you! Thinking that I might never see you again!" I missed you too, but no need to be so overly dramatic"

We continued to laugh when Jack and Mark walked over to us. Both Mark and Jack staring daggers at each other. I walked over to them to stand in between Jack and Mark.

"Umm boys?"

They both looked down at me.

"Please, let's try to get along tonight, just for a few hours"

Jack and Mark both looked down at me and smiled before looking back up at each other staring at each other directly in the eyes. Jack spook first.

"I will, for you love, if he will"

Mark growled.

"I will too, but he better stay in check"

Jack growled as I dropped my head smiling and shaking my head, Wendy just laughed. I give up, what am I supposed to do with them?

'What can, you do? They're our big brother and mate, they both just want to protect us and keep us safe and happy' I know but,' you also have to remember, they are, both Alphas'

I mentally chuckled.

'Yes, true and knowing that they both just want the same thing for us is just a big pain because they just can't seem to see that they both just want the same thing' Yes, see. They also need to learn how to get along with one another, just not because they are family now, rather they like it or not, but also because of something else'

That's when Everest popped out, and of course leaving me with a question that needs answering. Really?! Wow! Thanks Everest! But what is she talking about when she says "something else"? I was then brought of my thoughts by Jack calling my name and snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Luna? Luna? Hello, anyone home?"

I snapped out of it and shook my head looking up at him.

"Oh? What? Sorry" you ok?" yah, I'm fine, I was just talking with Everest about tonight" ok, well, it's time"

I nodded as Jack walked me up to the platform where Amy was waiting. I stepped up onto the platform that was surrounded by both packs. Amy walked up in front of me with a smile and told me to raise my right hand to the moon. Now, time for me to say my vows so I can become the next Luna of The Blood Moon Pack.

"Luna, the time has come for me to step down and for you, to step and become the official Luna of The Blood Moon Pack. Luna, will you care and look after this pack?" I will" do you promise to always be there for your pack and help with any problem no matter the size?" I do" and do you promise to help Jack be the best Alpha and to be the best Luna you could to the best of your abilities?" I do"

I brought my arm down turning around to face everyone, smiling proud and determined to be the best Luna and a great Alpha Luna as Amy raised her arms to the moon.

"I proudly pronounce to you! Your new Luna of The Blood Moon Pack"

The crowed of people roared with cheering and clapping. I looked to Jack and Mark who both had a proud happy smile, Mark's was also mixed with sadness knowing that his little sister is now all grown up. That's when the moon's light started to shine down upon me. Everyone went silent as orbs of white and gold light started to fly around me. My eyes went wide and got wider when I was lifted up off the ground and into the air.

I felt power flood my body and reach a great energy. I could feel it in my veins, my bones, muscles, and in my fingers and toes, and throughout my entire body. My platinum blonde hair turned snow white that grew down to my hips and my ice blue eyes became bright silver, as silver as the moon. The dress that Amy gave me became long and white with a tail that started at my upper thigh so the bottom would pool around and drag behind my feet as the top hugged my upper body close, the under part over the see through lace was shiny soft silk as the top layer, the lace had a pattern of lines and swirls with stars and moons.

At that moment I knew, I knew that I was no longer human, no longer the Moon Goddess' daughter, nor the Alpha Luna, I was now, the Moon Goddess. That's when a bright white light erupted from my chest consuming me and the whole land as an angelic voice of a women said proudly.

"My time as the Moon Goddess is over! My power and my title now goes to my daughter, Luna!"

The same voice then popped into my head.

'The time has come for you to take over my rule, you made me so proud. I'm so happy to call you my daughter' No! I'm not ready yet! And I have so many questions!' you saying that proves that you are more than ready, and don't worry, if you need me, just call me, I will always be here to help and guide you. I am, your mother and I will always be your mother, and remember this, no matter what, I will always be here. Listen to Everest, she will teach you how to use your new powers as the Moon Goddess and your new role in this world. Your powers are now more than just the elements and you will discover them as time goes by. Now, I must go' No! Please wait! In still don't understand!' I love you, now and always' NOOO!'

That's when the light cleared and I was gently put back down firmly on the ground. That's when everyone bowed their head as they turned into their wolf still bowing. When their heads came back up they all howled, that's when I heard all the other packs in the area start to howl, one pack after the other. The Black Moon Pack, The Eclipse Pack, The Lunar Pack, The Sun Pack, and many others. I was the last to shift into my white wolf that is now three times the size of the Alphas' wolf. I then started to howl with them, my howl was the loudest, sweetest, and the smoothest with a faint echo to it that was louder over powering all the rest.

But the happiness was short lived. We all shifted back as Nick, Alyssa, John, and with an army of rogues followed behind them. Amy, Grayson, Alice, Darick, Wendy, Chuck, and yes, Courtney stepped in front of me. Jack and Mark ran up over to me as Jack held onto my hand getting me ready to run if it came to it. Amy tried to reason with her son to stop whatever he was planning, but he didn't listen. Nick and the other two walked closer but stopped to Jack and Mark's loud growls.

"Now, now, now, don't be like that, give us Luna and no one gets hurt, you're out numbered, 6,000 to 7,000"

Oh no, this can't be good. I should have seen this coming! Jack stepped forward still holding me.


Nick got that look that scarred me, a look that said that he was hoping that Jack was going to put up a fight.

"Fine, have it your way brother"

The rogues then charged as the others turned back into wolves and charged at them. Mark looked at me sadly then back at Jack with a serious face.

"Take care of my sister"

Jack nodded as he picked me up. Before Mark shifted to join the fight he turned back to face us.

"Run! Go now!"

Mark then shifted and charged right in as Jack ran with me in his arms using his wolf speed. I held my dress so it wouldn't drag and get dirty making Jack trip.

"We must get up to safety!"

I nodded as we continued to run. The direction we were running in told me that we were running to the closest pack to us, the Sun Moon Pack. That's when Nick, Alyssa, and John jumped out from the bushes right in front of se. Jack stopped and put me down as he looked at me with sad eyes.

"Luna, run. Get to the safety of the Sun Moon Pack!" But!" Just run! Go! I'll be fine! GO!"

I nodded and took off running, when I looked behind me I noticed Nick running after me. Everest told me to let her take control so I let. She stopped running and concentrated before forming a 50 foot tall and 50 foot long wall of rock before taking off running again. We shifted and sent out a distress howl to the Sun Moon Pack, they replied almost instantly saying that they're coming. But not soon enough. Nick quickly caught up with us as Everest gave me back control. I was just feet from the border when Nick pounced on me.

I turned back to human as I hit the hard ground. I tried to get back up and run but I was pushed back down by Nick's large black wolf. The last thing that I remember was that I was screaming for help, then, nothing but black.

(Jack's P.O.V)

As I heard the sound of Luna sending out a distress howl and the Sun Moon Pack answering a faint scream that sounded like Luna soon followed. I finally got rid of Alyssa and John as I started to follow Luna's sweet scent of lavender and vanilla to make sure that she made it, but I knew something was wrong because Nick's scent was mixed with her's. I started to fear for the worse. That's when I saw Pete, the Alpha of the Sun Moon Pack come running towards me with about twenty others following close behind him. When they stopped I walked over to them.

"Where's her majesty? We heard her distress call"

I closed my eyes trying to hold back Loki from taking over before speaking.

"She's been taken" What?! By who?!" My brother"

I said growling clenching my jaw and fists. Pete put a hand on my shoulder, his face as well as the others behind him was covered in anger, all their eyes turned black as mine did too.

"Don't worry, we will find our Goddess, your mate. He took the wrong person"

I nodded as we all ran back to the others, thankfully no one was seriously hurt. Grayson, Alice, Wendy, Chuck, Darick, Mom, and Mark ran over to us. They looked over at all of us searching to see if Luna was with us.

"Where's Luna?"

Alice asked with worry. I put my head down as I clenched my fists and jaw. Mark walked up, his voice full of anger and worry.

"Where is my sister?! What happened?! WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?! TELL ME!!" He-he has her. I broke my promise to her, and to you"

I started to break down, tears falling down my face with sadness, gilt, and anger, and not normal anger, I was ferrous.

"But I swear, to my mate, to Luna, to you! That I will kill Nick! And I will get her back! At all costs!!" She is my little sister, I promised to look after her and to protect her. I'm coming with you"

Pete walked forward and nodded once.

"She is out Goddess, we will fight with you and help you get her back. I'll send out best trackers to locate where our Goddess is being held"

Mark, Grayson, and Darick nodded and said at the same time.

"We'll do the same"

I nodded and about over 3,000 wolves were sent after her following her and Nick's sent. We have over 7,000 wolves out looking for her and the other packs will be notified. We will find her. That's when Courtney walked over to me.

"I'll go with them, I need to find a way to say sorry for what I did to her and make it up to her. I know that I can't take back what I did and said but I can't just sit around feeling guilty about what I did"

Her voice was soft and sincere. I nodded at her, she smiled and her eyes brightened as she ran off with the others. Now we can start to plan how we're going to get Luna back and how we're going to kill Nick, how I'm going to kill Nick.

(Luna's P.O.V)

I woke up in a cold concrete cell with a pounding headache. I mentally sighed. Not again. I was still wearing my long white dress and my hair is now permanently long and snow white, the same goes for my eyes. When I tried to get up I noticed that I was chained to the wall by reinforced silver shackles, the cell bars were also made with reinforced silver, but oddly the silver didn't make me feel weaker, but instead the silver chains and bars made me feel stronger. That's when the cell door opened to reveal a very evil looking man. I growled.

"Nick, what do you want?" It should be obvious by now, I want your power" for what?"

I spat.

"My younger brother doesn't deserve the title of Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack nor the title of being the Alpha of the moon, so, I plan to use your power to take over all the wolf packs and make them all bow down to me, and I will be king! But, I need you in order to do that, and maybe when that's done who could stop me from taking over the human world too"

My eyes turned black and Everest was not happy. But of course of late she's never happy.

"WE WILL NEVER HELP YOU AND WE WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN!! You good for nothing bitch!"

He came closer to us making Everest growl loudly making the whole place shake. Nick jumped back a bit, but soon he walked black closer to us.

"Oh, yes you will" No. We. Won't"

That's when John walked in pulling a girl by her long red wavy hair. She looked at me with sad but bright green eyes. I gasped to see who it was.


That was the last straw. My eyes turned completely white, glowing and emanating a white smoke.


The ground then started to shake and crack. Nick then put a knife to her neck.

"If you don't help us then I'll just have to kill little red here"

He snickered with a smirk. No! I can't let that happen! I can't do anything if he kills Wendy the Mark would die, he'd kill himself. As my eyes turned back to normal and the shaking stopped a plan formed in my head, and it was a great one. I took a deep breath as I looked down to the ground closing my eyes.

"Fine, I'll help you" Good girl" But! If you hurt her! I swear in my mother's name! That I will kill you!"

Nick looked pleased as John threw Wendy in the cell with me as they both left laughing. When they were gone I broke the chains off my wrists and ran over to Wendy.

"Oh my Goddess Wendy! Are you ok?!"

I said rather quickly with great concern. She coughed and slowly sat up.

"Y-y-yah, I'm, I'm fine"

I sighed in relief.

"How long have I been in here for?"

I asked looking around the room.

"About two months" WHAT?! I've been asleep for that long?!!" yah, I've only been here a few days when I decided to go out and look for you myself" What?! Why would you go out to look for me out on your own?!" you're my sister and best friend, I would do anything for you, especially after what Mark told us after you were taken" What, what did he say?"

She went silent as her eyes widened.

"Um, Luna? Do you realize what you just did?" No, what?"

She pointed to the broken chains that held me to the wall. I just smiled cheekily as I turned back to her.

"Oh yah, I know. I broke the chains to get to you, silver doesn't make me weaker, but instead it makes me strong but I have no idea why" Wow" Yep"

I said with a strong proud voice and face popping the P in yep.

(Jack's P.O.V)

It's been two months and we still haven't found her and me and Loki are starting to go crazy without our mate. Missing her touch, the feeling of us holding her in our arms, her soft skin, her sweet voice that's as soft and as smooth as silk, I miss everything about her, and what's worse? Now Mark's mate, Wendy has now been taken and has been missing for three days. But we have a lead.

Of lately I've been able to sense Luna's growing power and where she is, she is somewhere in the rogue territory. And I've noticed that the moon has been staying as a full moon and the light of the moon has been shining in the same spot, the light of the moon always follows her and the light is what gives her her powers. The moon knows where she is and now, we know where the girls are being held, and we can finally go get them. Luna we're coming.

(Luna's P.O.V)

In the last two weeks Wendy and I have been planning our escape. I know that Jack and Mark have been looking for us, I can sense it. I can sense where he is and they're coming for us. Now, we just wait for them to come so we can make our escape, it's almost time

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