All Bets Are Off

By PrettiestStar17

129K 2.7K 1K

Hermione has harbored a crush on Fred Weasley for years. But that's all it is! A silly, little crush that's l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note

Chapter 11

5.7K 117 29
By PrettiestStar17

"How long have you been standing there, Gin?" Fred groaned. As he rubbed his eyes and sat up, he pulled the blankets with him. Hermione gave a yelp of surprise and yanked the covers back over her chest, causing Ginny to giggle. "Sorry, Min."

"I've been here in the flat for about a half hour. I thought you were at the shop," Ginny explained, gesturing at Fred. "And I thought Hermione had popped out and was just running late for our date. Then George floo called, wondering where the hell you were. I got suspicious and now here I am."

Fred looked down at Hermione and asked, "A date? How many Weasleys do you plan on juggling at one time? Should I write out a rotation?"

"We're going out furniture shopping, for the baby," Hermione laughed. She rolled over, grabbed her wand from the nightstand, and summoned her bathrobe.

"You never told me you were going out furniture shopping."

"That's what happens when you're a stubborn git. You get left out of plans. What time is it?"

"Eleven-Thirty," Ginny answered.

"Shit," Fred moaned. He was supposed to be at the shop by eight that morning. George was sure to be fuming by now.

"Give me a quick fifteen minutes to shower and I'll be ready to go," Hermione said to Ginny. His sister smirked at them before leaving and closing the door. "We were supposed to leave at eleven to have lunch and then pick out baby furniture," Hermione explained, slipping out of bed and shrugging on her robe.

"Why didn't my sister seem more surprised to find us in bed together?" Fred retrieved his boxers from the floor and pulled them on.

"Because she's my best friend and I tell her things."

Fred came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Did you tell her you've fancied me for eight years."

"No, that has been my own little secret." Hermione twisted around craned her neck back to look at him. "She's only known for a few months." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his chin, grumbling, "I need to grow a few inches."

"Come here," Fred laughed. He sat down own the edge of the bed, pulling Hermione onto his lap. "I can adjust." He kissed her and fairies fluttered in his stomach when her lips melted into his. He could definitely get used to this.

"I shouldn't keep your sister waiting," Hermione whispered.

"She's a patient lass," Fred said dismissively, kissing her again.

As if on cue, Ginny's voice rang through the hallway, "If you two are in there snogging, I swear I'll hex you both!"

"You were saying?" Hermione laughed. She quickly kissed him one more time and hurried out the door, to the bathroom. Fred briefly thought about sneaking in and joining her in the shower, but he figured he had already tested his siblings' patience enough. He dug his jeans out from under Hermione's bed and made his way out to the kitchen. Ginny was sitting at the table, grinning like a cheshire cat.

"Did you have a nice night?" she teased.

"Very nice, thank you for asking." Fred rummaged through the refrigerator until he found leftover sausages and roast potatoes. He arranged them on a plate and popped them into the microwave. "You've used this blasted thing before. How long should I set the timer for without setting off the damn smoke alarm?"

"One minute should do the trick."

Fred carefully punched up the numbers and started the microwave. "Was George upset when he called earlier?"

"I can't say he seemed pleased but, once you tell him why you're late, I'm sure he'll forgive you."

"I'll tell him...eventually. Until then, you're sworn to secrecy," Fred warned.

Ginny frowned and asked, "Why wouldn't you tell him today?"

"I just want to have a chance to enjoy things without family asking too many questions. You know as soon as I tell Mum, she'll start talking about wedding plans." Fred pulled a mock disgusted face as the microwave beeped. He pulled out the steaming plate of unburned food and gave a victorious whoop. "It's gonna be a good day," he declared as h into a seat and started cutting up the sausages.

Ginny laughed and said, "It's the little things in life, isn't it? So, how do you know I won't ask too many questions?"

"Oh, I'm sure you will. But Min gets to field those," he answered, popping a potato in his mouth.

"What do I get to do?"

Fred glanced up from his plate as Hermione came into the kitchen. She had on a pair of faded jeans and a long sleeved, black t-shirt, with a picture of a mouth, sticking out a tongue. The words 'The Rolling Stones' were written across the chest. Her hair was still damp and hanging past her shoulders.

"Answer my nosey sister's inevitable questions," Fred said, his cheeks stuffed with food.

"Charming," Hermione teased, pouring a glass of orange juice. "Oh, you actually used the microwave without filling the flat with smoke."

"I'm offended by your surprise." Hermione waved him off and pulled a granola bar form the cupboard. "What, or who, are The Rolling Stones?" Fred asked.

"A muggle band. You've heard them before. They're the ones that sing that Satisfaction song."

"Oh yeah, I like that one." Fred started humming the song as he finished off his breakfast of leftovers. Fred had come to find that he liked a lot of Hermione's muggle music, but he was horrible at remembering all of the band names.

Hermione performed a quick drying spell on her hair and then tucked her wand into her pocket. "Okay, I'm ready." She turned to Fred and smiled. "Would you and George be up for putting baby furniture together tonight?"

"How could I pass up such a romantic evening?" Fred said, dropping his fork onto the empty plate. "Yeah, but I was just telling Gin to keep quiet about what she saw this morning. So mum's the word around him tonight."

"Arrive with a nice dinner and I'll play pretend for a night," Hermione bargained, running her hands up his arms.

"What's the little one keeping down these days?" Fred asked, turning to his sister.

"I've been craving a really good chicken lo mein lately," Ginny answered, rubbing her stomach.

"Chinese takeaway it is." He wrapped his arms around Hermione's waist and looked up expectantly. "I'll see you around six-thirty then."

"We'll be waiting." Hermione leaned forward and kissed his waiting lips. "Don't keep your brother waiting too long." One last kiss. with the promise of, "See you tonight," and her and Ginny linked arms and apparated away, leaving the flat quiet.

Fred left his dirty plate in the sink and started rushing to get ready. He got into the shop just after twelve o'clock.

"You better have a good reason for being late on an 'effing Saturday!" George yelled before Fred even had a chance to step into the front of the shop. "And if that reason isn't because you were dead, it's about to become your reason."

Fred forced the huge grin off his face and stepped through the curtain. "Sorry. Hermione ambushed me last night. We ended up staying up late to talk things over and I forgot to set the alarm."

George gave him a suspicious look. "So, she finally forced you to talk?"

"The mad woman hyped herself up on caffeine and waited for me. And then she wouldn't let me get to my room." Fred took over the position at the register and started ringing up the next customer's purchase. He didn't have a chance to finish his explanation. The next hour was filled with a steady stream of people. Fred held down the till while George bustled about the store, answering questions and directing customers to various products.

Just after one, there was a lull and George made his way back to the counter. "Did Hermione set you straight then?"

Fred nodded. "Yes, and you'll be happy to know I was declared a git and a prat several times over."

"That's stating the obvious."

Fred ignored his twin's comment and continued, "Good news is that she turned down the New York position and is staying here."

"That is good news. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm taking my lunch break. I might be back by closing." George slipped on his coat and started for the door.

"Oh, George," Fred called. "The girls asked if we would go over to Gin's tonight. They're out buying baby furniture and want help putting it all together."

His brother groaned, but nodded. "You're a real pain in the arse today you know that? But yeah, I'll go. Ang is at her sister's for the night so I really don't have anything better to do."

George said his farewell just as another round of customers poured into the shop, making Fred wish wizard-kind would hurry up and perfect a cloning spell.


"What do you think about this one Gin?" Hermione asked for what felt like the millionth time that afternoon, standing in front of a blond oak nursery set. Her friend looked up from the white crib she had been inspecting and her lip gave a disapproving twitch. Hermione let her head drop in defeat.

The pair had been shopping for several hours and besides a few purchases of curtains, bottles, and blankets, they had made no dent in furnishing the impending child's bedroom. They were currently in their fifth store and Ginny couldn't make a final decision on any of the furniture sets they found.

"I'm sorry Min," Ginny said, walking over and laying her head on Hermione's shoulder. "I know I'm being picky and irritating."

Hermione patted Ginny's arm and said, "You know, the baby isn't going to care what you put it in. It'll just scream when you try and put it down anyway."

"I know," she giggled. "It's not that any of these are horrible. I just don't envision them in the room, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I get ya. How about this? There's one more shop on our list. If something doesn't jump out at you there, we go back to that second shop and get the cherry oak set that you sort of, kind of liked. Sound like a good plan?"

"I guess so," Ginny conceded. "That one's probably the one I liked the most out of them all."

"Sweetheart, it's either that or your kid sleeps on the floor. My feet are killing me. I can't imagine what yours feel like at the moment." Hermione linked her arm with Ginny's and started walking to the exit.

"Oh, my feet are so swollen right now. I doubt I'll be able to get these trainers off until the baby is born."

Hermione laughed as they started the painstaking trek down the street, to the last store. As Ginny set off for the furniture section, Hermione drifted off to look at the racks of adorable clothes.

Ginny had decided not to find out if she was having a boy or a girl, so naturally the whole family had put bets on the baby's gender. Even Molly had thrown in a few sickles, insisting that she would be getting another granddaughter. Hermione had staunchly abstained from betting, claiming that she didn't care if she had a goddaughter or godson; as long as baby and mummy were both healthy, she'd be happy. Secretly though, she was certain that her best friend was carrying a little boy and that he would look exactly like his father.

Deciding to throw caution to the wind, Hermione chose a few boy outfits, including what had to be the tiniest Holyhead Harpies kit she had ever seen. Boy or girl, she knew the Potter baby would be dressed in that. As she was paying for her purchase, Ginny's voice sounded from across the store.

"Hermione! This is it! This is the one!"

Hermione shoved her receipt in the bag and hurried to find her friend. Ginny was slowly circling an antique white colored crib. It had a high backboard that boasted a beautiful painted scene of a child being pushed on a swing, hung from a tree, by his parents. As with all magical pictures, the painting's subjects moved; the tree's leaves rustled gently in an imaginary breeze as the little boy swung higher and higher, until his feet almost touched the leaves, before slowing back down to start the scene over again. The two short sides of the crib had the same tree painted, sans swing and child, swaying to and fro.

"It's perfect," Hermione declared, running her hand along the top rail. "I'll go get one of the salespeople."

Along with the crib came a matching set of dressers, a changing table, and gliding rocker. Ginny also sprung for a bassinet so that she could keep the little one in her room for the first few months.

An hour later the two girls were sunk into the couch at Ginny's house. Hermione had gently eased her friend's shoes off and iced them to bring down some of her swelling. She had let herself be talked into giving Ginny a foot massage (not that it took much persuading), and Hermione had even suggested painting her toenails, since her friend's ever-growing middle was holding her back from that ability.

"You know, you and my brother are cute together," Ginny said as Hermione started applying a coat of hunter green polish to her toenails.

Hermione, seated cross legged with Ginny's feet in her lap, glanced up at the redhead and smiled. As soon as they had sat down for lunch, Ginny had started begging for details. Hermione told her just about everything, leaving out the things that nobody wants to hear about their siblings. She also left out the part where she told Fred about how long she'd had a crush on him. It wasn't huge, life altering information. Hermione just enjoyed having that little secret as something only her and Fred shared.

"You don't think it's weird that I've now dated two of your brothers?" Hermione asked tentatively.

Ginny snorted a laugh. "You actually call what you and Ron did dating? Harry and I've always called it a two week experimental disaster."

"Well, that's nice to know," Hermione said, sticking out her tongue. "It was more of a 'Thank-Merlin-We're-Alive' sort of fling. But, a relationship nonetheless."

"Whatever you call it, I don't think you dating Fred is weird. On the contrary, he's a far better match for you than Ron ever was."

"How do you figure? Not that I'm arguing of course." Hermione put a final swipe on Ginny's pinky toe and moved onto the the other foot.

"I just see you balancing each other out. He's able to loosen you up and get you to have fun where you usually wouldn't. And on the flip side, you keep him grounded and call him an arse when his head gets too big for his shoulders." Ginny sat up slightly and adjusted the pillow behind her back. "So, when's the wedding?"

"You Weasleys are incorrigible!" Hermione giggled, gently blowing on Ginny's toes. "I can see why Fred doesn't-"

Her sentence was cut short by the sound of the floo. Hermione looked up and saw Fred stepping out of the fireplace with two paper bags that were emitting tantalizing smells. As he kicked off his trainers, George appeared beside him, carrying a bottle of red wine and a bottle of sparkling mineral water.

"You can see why Fred doesn't what?" Fred asked, narrowing his eyes a Hermione, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Nevermind, girl talk," Ginny said airily.

"It looks like you ladies had a rough afternoon," George said sarcastically, eyeing up Ginny's relaxed position and the bottle of polish in Hermione's hand.

"You scoff, but it really was painful," Hermione answered, standing up and helping Ginny to her feet. "Plus, the baby could come anytime now and Ginny's feet should look presentable when they're up in the stirrups."

"Ahhhhggg!" The brothers made identical disgusted sounds and faces, and darted for the kitchen.

"What?" Hermione asked innocently, following the boys.

"You said stirrups," Ginny giggled.

Hermione grinned and said, "I know. I just wanted to see their reactions. You didn't disappoint," she said, winking at George as she opened up one of the paper bags and pulled out cartons of fried rice.

"You think you're so cute," George replied. He opened up a container of won tons and tossed one at Hermione's head.

"I know I'm cute," Hermione said, shoving the won ton in her mouth. "Mmm, so hungry," she sighed through puffed cheeks.

"Charming," Fred muttered. He smiled at her and winked when George looked away to unload more food onto the table.

Together, they got the table set and sat down. Hermione took the seat to Fred's right, hoping to prevent him from making faces at her during the meal and giving away their secret.

"Fred told me today that you turned down the New York job," George said, trying to get his fingering right on a set of chopsticks.

"Yeah, I decided I didn't like the thought of starting over in a brand new city. So, they promoted me to Department Head, which makes me happy because it's the position I originally wanted." Hermione suppressed a laugh as she watched George's struggle.

"And you couldn't imagine life without all of our craziness," George added. Giving up on proper etiquette, he speared a piece of beef on the end of a chopstick.

"Yes, what would I do without the patented Weasley brand insanity in my life?" Hermione reached across the table and carefully arranged George's fingers around the foreign utensils. "Now, keep the bottom one still and just move the top one to pick things up."

George made an attempt to follow her instructions, but ended up sending his chopsticks and some broccoli flying across the table. Beside her, Hermione heard Fred snigger.

"Shut it you. I don't see you using them," Hermione scolded, glancing at Fred's fork.

"That's because I know the limits to my abilities," Fred laughed, shoveling chicken and rice into his mouth.

After dinner, Hermione and Ginny led the twins to the nursery. Boxes and various furniture pieces were spread throughout the room.

"I should have brought another bottle of wine for this," George muttered, taking in the impending tasks. "Where are we starting?"

Ginny pointed to the box to the right and said, "I thought you guys could start on the crib and I could start hanging the curtains."

"Good try," Hermione said, hurrying over to the step ladder. "You can help me hang the curtains and we'll let the boys tackle the crib." She climbed up the ladder and started hooking up the curtain rods while Fred and George started unboxing crib parts. Ginny stayed planted on the floor, handing Hermione the pale yellow curtains to thread onto the rods. Every now and then she would catch Fred's eye and receive a small smile, which she'd echo before George had a chance to look up.

"You girls are still good for helping at the shop next week, right?" George asked.

Before Hermione or Ginny could answer, Fred asked, "Why are they helping at the shop next week?"

"Because Ang and I are going on vacation for the week. I told you about this days ago," George replied exasperatedly.

"When? I don't remember?"

"That doesn't surprise me. I told you on Wednesday. I tried to catch you in a moment when you weren't in the middle of a tantrum, but those moments were few and far between so I'm sure you just ignored me."

Hermione tried to stifle her giggle, but failed, prompting Fred to look at her and purse his lips. "What's so funny, Granger?"

"Just imagining your tantrums," Hermione said, still giggling. "But yes, George, I'll be there right after work all this week. You and Ang decide where you're going?"

"We decided to spend the week in Greece. Feel free to hang out in our flat if this git throws anymore of his fits," George said, jerking his head towards his brother.


"Hey!" Fred cried.

Hermione grinned at him, but it faltered as she examined the half put together crib. Her brow furrowed and she asked, "Are you boys following the instructions?"

"It's a pretty straightforward task, Min. There's only like five pieces," Fred said, waving his screwdriver over the project.

"I admire your confidence, but those end pieces are backwards." Fred and George looked at the short sides that they had just attached. "The trees are supposed to face the outside."

"Oh," George said, tilting his side from side to side as he inspected the ends. "I thought the trees went inside for the baby to look at."

Hermione and Ginny simultaneously shook their heads and turned back to the curtains. Once the curtains were hung the girls started assembling the bassinet while the twins continued their crib construction. By the end of the evening, Hermione was sat on the floor, beside Ginny, drenched in sweat and her right hand swollen. Fred and George had gone to take the trash out.

"Okay, the baby can now come anytime it wants I believe," Hermione sighed, looking around the room and smiling. In addition to getting the furniture set up, they hung shelves and pictures on the wall to bring the room together. "Everything looks perfect."

"It really does. Thank you so much for helping Min." Ginny reached her arm around and pulled Hermione close for a side hug. "I have one last favor to ask, and it's kind of a big one."

"Anything. What do you need?"

Ginny bit her lip and started wringing her hands. "I was wondering if you could be there when the baby is born."

"Like, with you with you? In the delivery room?"

"Yeah, as my birth coach."

Hermione turned so that she could face her best friend. "Are you sure? Wouldn't you rather have your mum there with you?"

"I love my mother, but I don't want her in the delivery room. I fear she'd take on a 'mother knows best' attitude and add more stress. I think with you by my side, I'd be much calmer. If you don't want to though, I understand." Ginny frowned and let her hands drop onto her belly.

Hermione placed her hands over Ginny's and smiled. "Of course I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Oh!" Hermione pulled her hands back quickly as she felt a jolt from Ginny's stomach.

"I think they baby is happy to hear that," Ginny chuckled.

Hermione gingerly placed her hand back on Ginny's belly and grinned as the baby kicked several more times. "I can't wait to meet him."

"You think it's a boy too?"

"Yes," Hermione admitted. "Don't let it slip to anyone else though."

"Don't let what slip?" George asked, walking back in the room, Fred right behind him. "What sort of secrets are you keeping Min?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Hermione teased, pushing herself to her feet. She reached down and helped Ginny up.

"Yeah, I would. That's why I asked," George replied, slinging his arm around Hermione's shoulder.

"You'll know when the time is right."

"Cryptic. I like it." George tousled her already frazzled hair. "Well, kids, it's been fun, but I need to get home and pack. Ang will be back tomorrow morning and then we're off. Try not to totally destroy our life's work while I'm gone," George said, pointing to Fred.

"You act like I'm completely incompetent!" Fred cried. "I helped build the business. I help run the business. Do you really think I'm just going to let it all go to shite in a week?"

"No, but I do enjoy winding you up. See ya next week!" George kissed Hermione and Ginny on their cheeks, gave Fred a firm thwack on the back, then sauntered out of the room.

Hermione smiled as she watched as Fred stare at the door warily. When the whoosh of the floo sounded, he relaxed and hurried over, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close.

"How come you never told me you were going to be working in the shop this week?"

"We didn't really do much talking last night," Hermione said, cocking an eyebrow. "I was a bit preoccupied with-"

"Don't finish that sentence!" Ginny cried, throwing her hands over her ears.

"Sorry Gin," Hermione laughed. "But yeah, George asked me on Tuesday if I could help out. I agreed because, well, mainly I wanted to help you guys out, of course. But also because I figured if you were still avoiding me, you'd at least have to acknowledge my presence in the shop."

Fred rested his chin atop Hermione's head and said to Ginny, "You have to promise not to go into labor while you're with me!"

"We make no such guarantees," Ginny replied. "You never know. Having a baby born in your store could be good publicity."

Hermione buried her face in Fred's sweater and exhaustion started to kick in. She suddenly wanted nothing more than her bed. Stifling a yawn, she asked, "Is there anything else we can help you with tonight?"

"You have done more than enough. Thank you so much."

"Whatever you need, I've got you covered." Hermione let go of Fred and gave Ginny a hug. "Just promise us you'll stay off that bloody ladder!"

"I promise," Ginny muttered, giving Hermione a playful push back to Fred. "Go on home and snog your boyfriend."

"You heard her, let's go," Fred said, grabbing Hermione's hand and pulling her to the door. "Love you Gin!"

Back at their flat, Hermione kicked off her shoes and collapsed on the sofa. Fred laid down beside her, slipping his hand around to the small of her back. His nimble fingers started kneading tiny circles, and Hermione let out a faint moan.

"There are muscles aching in my body that I didn't even realize I had." She tilted her head up and started peppering little kisses along Fred's neck, breathing in his scent. It was a unique combination of blasting powder, sweat, and aftershave. On exhale, she let an involuntary purr.

"Would you like me to help ease some of those aches?" Fred offered, letting his hand slip lower.

"Yes, please."

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