Our Palace

By Naokou_

1.7K 77 25

So I stumbled across these pictures (see photo i Chapter 1) from their "Queen" MV photoshoot thang on tumblr... More

Chapter 1
Notes from author
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

319 13 2
By Naokou_

                                                    "Don't worry"  

The next day...

Kyungil woke up to the sound of loud music. Their music. In fact, it was their new song "Queen". Their manager usually wakes them up with music on days where they have some special activity planned or unplanned. It was supposed to be one of those days when all of them could relax and pretty much do whatever they'd want (not exactly "whatever" but you know..) but today was not that kind of day apparently...The leader sighed and tried to go back to sleep. He wasn't feeling very good this morning. He had too much on his mind. His head was spinning even when laying down. "Wtf is happening to me?" ..." I haven't been sick in months..", he thought to himself before drifting off to sleep again, not paying attention to the loud music that was playing throughout their dorm.

The other members also woke up to the loud music and one by one, they entered their living room area. There's where the music was coming from. They sat down on the floor, their eyes barely open. Yawning and scratching their necks in confusion. They were so tired that they didn't even know who was in the room and who wasn't, until their manager shut off the music. "Where is your leader?", the manager asks in a concerned voice. The members snapped out of their sleepy-state for a minute and looked around the room, both confused and concerned. Kyungil is usually the first one to wake up and he also wakes the others up if he feel like it. But this morning he wasn't. None of the members gave an answer. They continued to look confused. The manager raised his voice and for the second time asked "Where is your leader?"..."Why is he not up yet?" ... Still no answer from the members, who were practically falling asleep.

The manager was getting tired of not getting any answers. This time he yelled.."Can someone tell me where your so-called leader is?!" .. The members jumped back in surprise of their manager's sudden strict and loud voice.

Kyungil woke up in shock by their manager's suddenly loud voice. He quickly got up out of bed, his head still spinning. He put on a hoodie, since he was freezing all of a sudden. He continued walking in to their livingroom area

"I'm here. Please stop yelling, manager-nim", the leader said in a soft and gentle voice, while scratching the back of his head. He sat down, unknowingly next to his ongoing crush (atleast that's what he's calling it for now), Yijeong. Yijeong notices how exhausted and tired the older looks. He can't ignore the fact that their leader looks extra adorable in his extra large hoodie this morning. The younger leans in closer to the leader's ear and whispers "Hyung, are you okay?" .. Kyungil's body shivers in surprise to the sudden warm and tender breath that gently grazed his ear and neck. He turned his head and noticed that it was Yijeong. The leader instanly got flustered and got more nervous by each breath he took. He quickly turned his head the other way, feeling his face turn warm and probably red. Yeah, now he was full out blushing. Kyungil didn't want the younger to feel ignored so he quickly answered in a super low and shy voice "Yeah...I'm fine" .. "You don't look fine, are you sure?", the younger once again whispered into the leaders ear, sending shivers down his spine. Kyungil didn't want to be a burden to him, the other members and manager by telling them how he really feels, so he played it off by whispering back "I said I'm fine, don't worry."

Yijeong knows that there's something Kyungil's not telling him but he doesn't want to annoy him by asking more questions. The younger lets him be for now. He still worries about him though, even more now when he's not being honest with him. "I should keep an eye on our precious little leader today", he thinks to himself.

One hour later, in the car to their unknown destination...

"WOOHOO!! A CAR TRIP!!", yells Jaeho out of pure excitement. "Where are we going, driver-nim?", he asked in an excited voice. "Sorry but I can't tell you that.", their driver answers in quite a strict and serious voice. "Oh, come on..", Jaeho pouted his lips and crossed his arms in his usual cute way. "Jaeho, shut up", said both Sihyoung and Dokyun. "Hmpff..", was the only sound that came from Jaeho in response.

Unlike Jaeho, Kyungil was far from excited about this sudden "car trip" to wherever they're going. He was also stuck next to Yijeong. Which he didn't exactly "hate" but at this current situation, he did. He didn't want the younger to notice him feeling unwell. He didn't want him and the other members to worry about him. He's their leader. He's not supposed to get sick. The others shouldn't have to worry about him or take care of him. That's his job. The leader's job, he thought to himself.

The car ride didn't help his current health status either. He started to feel warmer and nauseous. He didn't feel the need to throw up but the feeling was unsettling and uncomfortable. Since he didn't want the others to notice, he kept a straight face and kept looking out the window. Yijeong noticed that something was wrong but he didn't want to possibly annoy the other so he tried to just ignore the situation. It was hard for him. Extremely hard. All he wanted to do was to embrace their leader and show him that he cares, alot...But he knows that it will only upset him. Yijeong knows that Kyungil thinks that since he's the leader, he has so many responsibilities. Though that's true, his health should come first.

All of the members had fallen aslep, even Kyungil. The only one who's awake is the maknae himself, Yijeong. He tried to sleep but the person next to him has his full attention. Yijeong doesn't like seeing their leader in this condition. He sees his pain and discomfort. "I wish he would just talk to me", he quietly mumbles to himself before drifting off to sleep, leaning his head against the window.

2 hours later, they've arrivied at their still unknown destination...

The members wakes up to the sound of a car door being closed, quite aggressively. One by one, the boys exits the car. It was more like a van than a car, since all 5 members fit in it. Their leader was the last one out of the van. He looked like he would faint at any moment. He manages to still keep a straight face, even though he's most likely slowly dying inside. "Where are we?", Jaeho asked in a confused voice. They looked around them and realized they're in the middle of the woods. "Wtf are we doing out here?", Dokyun asked in a concerned voice.

The driver, Kim, couldn't be found anywhere.

"Where is Kim?", asked Sihyoung also in a concerned and slight scared voice.

The boys were so focused on trying to figure out where they were that they didn't even realize that the van is now gone. There were only two tent bags, a large box containing what's persumed to be food and some type of beverage. Some flashlights and lanterns were also found near the other stuff. The boys started to get a little scared. They were out in the woods, all alone. Yijeong found a note behind the big box.

The note reads:

"Hello, boys.
We thought it would be a good time for you all to try out the camping life, since we'll do more stuff like this later on. Kim, I and the team are close by, so don't worry. We left you the supplies you'll need. Two tents, one is for three people and the other is for two people. Who sleeps where is for you all to figure out. There's also a box with food and drinks, flashlights, lanterns and a BBQ. We'll pick you all up at 2pm tomorrow. Have fun. / Manager"

"WHAT?!?!!".. "THEY JUST LEFT US HERE?!", screams Sihyoung.
"Try out the camping life, my ass...", says an unamused Dokyun.
"Yaah! Why are you two so grumpy? This is gonna fun!", says the overly excited Jaeho.

The only person who hasn't spoken since the drive here.. is Kyungil. Yijeong began to worry. The leader had wandered off somewhere, no one knew where. The other boys had spent about an hour on just complaining about the whole situation, while also trying to calm down the excited Jaeho. The time was now close to 2pm. The leader haven't come back yet, which made Yijeong get anxious and even more worried. He kept looking around him, seeking for their precious little leader but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Yah! Can you three put up the tents while I will go and look for Kyungil hyung?", Yijeong asked the others.
"Sure thing!", answered Dokyun.

About after 15 minutes of searching for their leader, he finally found him, leaning against a tree.

"There you are!"
"Why didn't you say something before you wandered off?
"Do you know how worried I've been?"
"Yah!!", the younger payfully yet seriously punched the older's arm.
"..that hurts...", is all Kyungil says while rubbing his arm.

Yijeong sat down next to Kyungil and took his hand and held it in his. "Hyung, are you sure you're okay?", he asked in a very concerned voice. Kyungil noticed their hands and quickly pulled away his hand from the maknae's in shock. He turned his head away from him, to hide his blushing cheeks. Yijeong was surprised by the sudden rejection.

"Please talk to me.."
"I know something's wrong."
"I know that you don't want me...us to worry but you're only making us worry even more by not saying anything."

"Don't worry, I'm fine." ... "I promise.", says the leader in a soft and shy voice.
"No, hyung. You're not fine. I can tell".

Yijeong suddenly stood up.

"Stand up", he says in a serious voice.
"What..?", the leader shyly asks.
"I said, stand up, hyung."
"Just do it."

The leader knew that the younger wouldn't stop asking. He also knew that he would probably collapse if he stood up..but he still listened to him and did what he was ordered.

As soon as he stood up, his head was spinning like crazy.
He could feel himself falling.
He closed his eyes.

He didn't fall.

"Hyung, are you okay?"

The leader opened his eyes, only to meet the gaze of the younger and feel his arms around him. They looked into each others eyes. Kyungil could feel his heart beating faster.

"Wha...?", is the only sound leaving his lips.
"See, I told you. You're not fine.", the younger said with a serious yet soft voice.

Yijeong placed his hand on Kyungil's forhead.

"You're burning up, hyung."
"No, I'm fine. It's nothing..."
"It's not nothing. You have a fever. You need to rest."
"I said I'm fine."
"You're not fine, hyung. You almost fell just now."

The leader finally gives in.

"Fine. I'm not feeling well. Are you happy now?"
"How can I be happy when you're not feeling well?"
"Why didn't you tell me or anyone earlier?"

Kyungil shakes his head in embarrassment. "I don't know..I just..."

"Hyung, stop.", says Yijeong while taking out his phone, hoping there's still service in the middle of nowhere. Thankfully, there is. He dials Dokyun's number.

"Did you find him?", Dokyun asks.
"Yeah but I was wondering...Are the tents up yet?"
"Only the two-person tent...but wh..."
"Ok, good"
"Why?, Dokyun asks in a concerned voice.
"Nothing", says Yijeong before hanging up.

"Why did you..."
"Shh, hyung", says the maknae while putting his finger on Kyungil's lips.

"Just, come with me", he tells Kyungil before gently grabbing his hand and leading him towards their camping area.


NOTE: School and work came in the way and I lost track on everything. This chapter turned out a bit longer than I thought, haha. I still suck at writing. I didn't know what to write for this chapter, it all just came with the flow. Tbh, this chapter might be a bit boring and serious but yeah, that's kinda what I was going for anyway so, yeah. More cute stuff will happen, I promise. :>

Btw, I added "-nim" at some parts, I don't know if that's a correct/appropiate way to use it but I thought it sounded cute so I added it. I hope it's ok. :o

Oh, did y'all know Kyungil is in the army now? I miss him like crazy but I bet Yijeong misses him even more. T ___ T I hope these two years go by fast.  

Here's some Kyungjeong for you all. Enjoy. :*

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