Hey, Mr. President Series (Bo...

By MissyNicole93

250K 2.6K 781

(Book One: Hey, Mr. President, I Think You're My Daddy!:Complete) Katalina Daniels grew up in a what she thou... More

Hey, Mr. President... {Part One}
'2' Hey, Mr. President... {Part One}
'3' Hey, Mr. President... {Part One}
'4' Hey, Mr. President... {Part One}
'5' Hey, Mr. President... {Part One}
'7' Hey, Mr. President... {Part One}
'8' Hey, Mr. President... {Part One}
'9' Hey, Mr. President... {Part One}
'10' Hey, Mr. President... {Part One}
'11' Hey, Mr. President... {Part One}
'12' Hey, Mr. President... {Part One}
'13' Hey, Mr. President... {Part One}
'14' Hey, Mr. President... {Part One}
'15' Hey, Mr. President... {Part One}
'16' Hey, Mr. President... {Part One}
'17' Hey, Mr. President... {Part One}
'18' Hey, Mr. President... {Part One End}
'1' Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}
'2' Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}
'3' Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}
'4' Hey, Mr. Presodent... {Part Two}
'5' Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}
'6' Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}
'7' Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}
'8' Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}
'9' Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}
'10' Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}
'11' Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}
'12' Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}
'13' Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}
'14' Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}
'16' Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}
'17' Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}
'18' Hey, Mr. President...{Part Two}
'19' Hey, Mr. President... {Part Two}
'20' Hey, Mr. President...{Part Two}
'21' Hey, Mr. President...{Part Two}
{Chp. One}
{Chp. Two}

'6' Hey, Mr. President... {Part One}

8K 92 15
By MissyNicole93

Hey, Mr. President I Think You're My Daddy.


I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go. This phrase keeps repeating itself over and over again in my mind. I don't want to go out with him but I do, does that make sense? Ah, here comes the headache again.

"Ugh, where the hell is that cheerio?" Kyle was supposed the meet me at the mall 10 minutes ago and the ass hat has yet to show up. I know 10 minutes isn't long but I've only got 20 minutes to get ready for a date that HE set up. So can you see why I'm pissed?

"Fruit loop!" He screamed when he saw me and started running like a mad man. I love him and all but jeesh he really needs to take it easy on the coffee.

"You're late." I glared and he pouted.

"By 10 minutes. Damn what's up your ass?" He swung his arm around my shoulders and pulled me with him to Victoria Secret. Oh shit.

"Kyle! He's not gonna see my underwear." He just chuckled and pulled into the store ignoring my feeble attempts to get away from him. Why does he have to be the only gay guy I know that's a damn boxer? I mean its just not fair!

"Hun, you never know what will happen and I have a feeling that after this date you'll be begging him for it." His eyes went huge and he slapped a hand over his mouth.

"What do you know?" He shook his head. "Oh come on Kyle! Pretty please!" He shook his head again. "Please, please, please, please, please, please, ple-"

He cut me off putting his hand over my mouth so I bit him. "AHHH! Now I'm gonna get rabies!!!"

I frowned and watched him run around me in circles screaming about how he's gonna die before he has kids.

"I do not have rabies! You are an insane cheerio." He just continued to scream drawing a crowd.

"She bit me! AHH! Momma she bit me!" I groaned and grabbed his arm pulling him to the back of the store.

"Show me what you think I should wear." He jumped up and down clapping like a little girl before showing me a black corset and thong outfit that looking like it was made of floss or something.

"No uh uh no way! There is no way I am wearing that!" He just narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath, getting ready to start screaming again. "Fine! But if he takes advantage of me and I end up dead I will come back and haunt you! Do you hear me!?"

"Yea, yea whatever. You'll thank me for it later!"


"Kyle I can't breath in this! I think my boobs are gonna pop out!" I whined again while he just stood there admiring his work, as he put it.

"That's the whole point, Kat. Besides once he sees you in the dress I got you, he'll rip you clothes off so fast it won't matter." Is it wrong that I like the sound of that?

"Is that all you think about?"

"Sweets, he's straight so there for I have no chance. At least let me live bi-curiously through you." I just shook my head and adjusted the corset so I could breath, again. "Stop fidgeting."

"I'm not fidgeting I'm trying to breath." I snapped. "Can we go? I have like 10 minutes to get ready now." He nodded and I threw my clothes on over the death trap Kyle had insisted I buy.


After we got home I had exactly 4 minutes to be ready before Dominic got here. I swear I will get revenge on Kyle for this, I just have to think of a way how...

"Kat! Mr. Parker's here!" When did he get formal? Whatever.

I looked at myself in the mirror once more and sighed. The heels I had on were already making my feet hurt and the damn corset was making it difficult to breath but I guess I looked ok. My hair was down in waves, the black eyeshadow making my blue eyes pop. The black dress ended at my mid thigh and barely wen any higher than the corset. Kyle said I looked gorgeous, but I can never tell if he was lying or not.

Walking down the stairs in 4 inch heels wasn't as easy as they make it look on TV. I stumbled before I even got to the stairs and had to hold onto the railing the entire time, unless I wanted to eat carpet. And trust me the carpet doesn't look very appetizing.

When I got to the bottom I stopped and took a deep breath before walking to the living room, where Kyle was giving Dominic 'the' talk. No I don't mean the sex talk, it just what Kyle calls it. He gives every guy I date 'the' talk telling them what and what not to do on or after a date. Really its just Kyle trying to flirt most of the time but its funny so I leave it alone.

"Are you sure she'll like it?" His voice sent shiver up my spine and I couldn't stop a goofy smile from appearing on my face.

"Yep, just make sure you don't give her any hints about where you're taking her. Kat I know you're listening."

I walked into the room and they both turned. Kyle smiled widely and Dominic just stood there staring.

"You do know its rude to eavesdrop, right?"

I rolled my eyes. "You do know its rude to steal some one's phone, right?"

Dominic finally snapped out of his daze and laughed at us. "You look gorgeous." I blushed and thanked him.

"Ok, ew stop eye fucking her and go!" He pushed me into Dominic and all but threw us out of the house.

"Uh, sorry about that. He drinks way too much coffee, sometimes." And so the awkwardness begins.

"Its fine. I do that a lot." Or maybe not.

"SO do I get to know where we're going?" He just shook his head and opened the car door for me.

"I want it to be a surprise." Was all he said for the entire ride. My eyes stayed glued to the window, too afraid to get caught drooling over him again.

My eyes about popped out of my head when I saw where we were going. "Um, why are we at the airport?"

"Well, you said you always wanted to go to Paris, but never had the money, right?" I nodded and it took a few minutes for what he was implying to sink in.

What the hell am I supposed to say to that one??

"Is that alright?" He looked so vulnerable and concerned that I couldn't help but smile.

"No its great, but isn't it a little much?" I didn't want to hurt his feelings but I also didn't want him to throw his money around for me and then expect me to screw him, just like that.

"Well I didn't really think about it, money isn't a concern if that's what its about. Kyle said you'd like it." He looked hurt and I didn't know what to do.

"No, I'd love to go to Paris, I just don't... I don't know." I sighed and sunk into the leather seat.

"It'll be fun and next time I promise to keep it to this continent, alright?" I nodded reluctantly and watched as he got out of the car and half ran to my side.

Oh, I have a feeling I'm gonna regret this.


This girl is strangely refreshing. She doesn't want my money and she doesn't seem to only want a quick fuck. Its something I haven't experienced since high school and even then the girls I dated had ulterior motives. She's different and I like it, a lot.

If it wasn't for her friend always bringing her to my club I would have never known she even existed. So I guess I'm grateful for him always trying to get into my pants. That sounded wrong even to me.

I'm a player, I guess. But its not something I've wanted to become. You try staying with a girl that is only after publicity for more than 2 weeks. It isn't easy and it made me hate the status I've worked so hard to get.

Hopefully things will be different from now on.

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Kinda boring, next chap will be their actual date.

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