Save Me

By cummccann

206K 8.2K 7.1K

completed: 6/20/17 COVER BY THE AMAZING: blushingbieber More

a 150 foot drop
a third grade teacher
a favor
a little bit of patience
a full-time job
a little laugh
a special man
a mistake
a really good kisser
a lovely evening
a possibility
a little hard to deal with
a reassuring smile
a tall blonde girl
a normal day
a strange feeling
a different way
a little baby
a way to find her
a hospital visit
a look of anger
a goodbye

a bowl of ice cream

4.7K 262 56
By cummccann

"Wake up. You've been asleep for hours now," I heard.

I groaned before shoving my face in my pillow.

"Don't you want to eat?" she asked.

I shook my head and felt her grab my arm. "N-no! No!" I instantly yelled trying to pull my arm out of her hand.

"I'm not going to hurt you... I just want you to come and eat," she said.


"Fine," she sighed before leaving.

I sat up after a while and when I did I saw Camila's shirt that I was holding, beside me. I took it in my hands and closed my eyes.


I walked back over to Justin's room. I had to get him to eat before he started complaining to his mom that I never fed him. But, after all, he couldn't talk so what could he even complain about?

As I walked in I found him holding something grey. I waked over to him and asked him, "Are you going to go eat now?"

He didn't reply, he didn't even open his eyes to look at me. Instead he rocked back and forth.

I snatched the shirt from his lap and said, "Look at me."

He opened his eyes, looking at me as he said, "G-g-gi-give m-m-me."

"Not until you go eat!" I said as I examined the shirt, "who does this belong to anyways?"


"Oh you were girls clothes too?" I laughed.

"N-no!" he stuttered as he started crying.

I watched him begin to throw his little tantrum. He started hitting his legs before hitting his chest all while rocking back and forth.

"Okay sorry, stop it now," I said throwing the shirt at him.

"I w-want C-camila! N-n-not y-you!" he yelled as he punched himself in the chest.

"Too bad, now stop hitting yourself, you weirdo," I reached for his arms, attempting to pull them away from him, but he was too strong.

I gave up after he started hitting me instead. I got up and walked to his medicine cabinet in the bathroom opening it and finding five different bottles of pills. I went for the usual bottle that had a sticky note on it with the word 'tantrums' on it. Upon opening the bottle I noticed it was empty so I grabbed the bottle next to it which was for anxiety. I picked up a different one and that one was for sleeping. The next one was called risperidone and said 'treatment of aggression' so I popped it open and got two pills, filled up a glass with water then walked back to Justin's room.

He was still hitting himself and now full on sobbing. I held him down before putting the pills in his mouth.

"Work with me please, stop being so difficult this is for your own good," I said.

I held his nose shut and he finally took the water before smacking my hand sending the water flying everywhere.

"Stop it!" I yelled.

He started pushing me away, but we was becoming weaker and weaker.

"Try to calm yourself," I said pushing him back on the bed. He stopped hitting himself in the chest and face but was now pinching his own thigh. I moved his hand away and he laid on his side revealing a red bruise on his cheek.

I groaned as I sat down on his bed. I looked over at him and he was staring at me as tears ran down his face. "You've got to control yourself, okay? I know it can be hard but you can't hit yourself like that. One day you might hit your chest in the wrong place and your heart could stop," I explained.

He closed his eyes shut before opening them back up. Now they were bloodshot red. I reached for his face and he flinched.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I whispered.

He closed his eyes tightly again as I wiped his tears away. "Try to go to sleep now," I said as I got up and left.

I had to find a way to make him stop throwing tantrums it's not okay to be giving him so many medications three out of the five medicine bottles don't even have a prescription... Pattie must be getting them from somewhere else.

I sat in the living room reading a book in silence but I couldn't focus on what I was reading because I was trying to figure out how to help Justin's behavior. I took a few psychology classes but not enough to give him any kind of therapy.

He suddenly walked in still crying. I watched as he walked over to the door and began opening it. After realizing what he was trying to do I ran over to him, "Hey hey, no, you can't just leave."

He banged his head against the door and I quickly placed my hand in between the door and his head.

"My job is to keep you safe so that's what I'm going to do, now why don't you sit and watch TV for a while, to get your mind off of things," I suggested.

He shook his head as I locked the door again and pulled him into the living room.

"Oh you know what's better than TV?"

He looked up at me and then down at the floor.

"Ice cream!" I said, "I think I saw some in the fridge this morning. Let me serve you a bowl of ice cream."

He didn't care. I stood up and grabbed his arm trying to pull him with me to the kitchen.

"Come on, Justin, I know you want some," I bribed.

He finally gave in and walked with me to the kitchen where I sat him down and took out the tub of chocolate ice cream. I grabbed a bowl and a spoon and started scooping some into the bowl. After it was half full I gave it to him.

He stared at it then pushed it away.

"You don't want any huh?" I said grabbing another bowl for myself. I scooped some ice cream in it and began eating it. "Wow, it's really good."

I made some sounds to show how much I was enjoying it and after a while he looked up at me then at the bowl of ice cream and back at his lap.

"It going to melt," I warned, "I'm gonna have to eat it for you."

He looked at it again and this time reached for the spoon. I smiled to myself as I watched him begin to eat the ice cream.

I could have sworn I saw smiled as he was eating it. Once he finished he walked over to the sink and placed his bowl in before turning the water on.

"I'll wash it, you can go sit down," I said.

He walked away heading towards his room. At least he ate something and he wasn't hitting himself anymore.

I washed the dishes and sat on the couch for the rest of the day until Pattie came home. I told her about what happened before I left.

She seemed upset but it's not like there was anything else I could have done.


I walked into Justin's room and he was falling asleep on his bed as he watched TV.

"Do you want dinner?" I asked him. My voice startled him and he quickly sat up.

"N-no-no hun-hung-hungry," he stuttered.

"Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded before I said, "Okay let's get you ready for bed."

To my surprise he quickly walked to the bathroom and got in the tub. He was ready for bed in less than fifteen minutes.

He got in bed and turned the light off before I could even tuck him in. Something was wrong with him; it might still be the Camila thing but maybe he's just growing up.0

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