What I never knew I always wa...

By MarinaShipper19

63.7K 1.1K 392

ON HOLD- I'm back with another Robsten pregnancy story (shocker I know right?) because let's face it! I wish... More

Were going to Rio!
Edward and Bella
Gender reveal :)
Hormones are fun!....Not
Sex on the beach
Family time
Cats out of the bag
32-week appointment
Stay at home
Baby Time
1 Day post partum
Please dont go....
Authors note!
Your back!
Beach baby
Date Night
Food poisoning
Authors note- sick
How I met your mother
Blood tests
authors note! I needed to do this
Condoms and birth control
it's time
Mackenzie Foy
authors note -Family emergency
By Your Side
Elle Magazine
I'll be there for you
Lunch Disaster
Where is the baby?
Every parent's nightmare
72 hours
Hospital Blues
First word, First steps and Getting Drunk...Oh My!
1st Birthday
First Day of Preschool
Mom, I think I'm dying
authors note
Unexpected Consequences
Officially Grandparents
Please tell me.....I'm dreaming
The Funeral
Why Eliana?
The Hauntings Of Our Past
Coming Home
Very Unexpected!
24-week birth
When Nothing Else Matters!
Welcome home
2 months later
First Cuddle
Christmas Eve
A new day
End of the road
Never easy
I don't know what to do with her!

Baby's first checkup!

1K 16 3
By MarinaShipper19

By some miracle Kristen managed to get up before Eliana, looking over to the bassinet, she saw her little girl fast asleep, her crazy black hair splayed all over like she had had one too many to drink last night. Last night had been very interesting for them both. Kristen could tell that Eliana was confused when Kristen would change her diaper, she was used to daddy doing it and would look around for him. She didn't cry for him she was just curious.

Kristen was headed into the bathroom when her phone buzzed frantically, she went back into the bedroom and grabbed it off the nightstand. It was an alarm, reminding her that Eliana had a doctors appointment in 2 hours that she had completely forgotten about.

"Fuck!"She muttered. She really did not want to go alone, she decided to ask her mother to come with. Not only for emotional support but also to help deal with paparazzi. Making sure Eliana was still asleep Kristen headed downstairs to find her mom in the kitchen

"Good morning sweetheart," Jules said

"Morning mom"

"Are you alright?"

I forgot Eliana has an appointment today.

"Do you need me to go with you?"

"Would you? I hate to ask."

"Of course, I will."

"I gotta go get ready and get her ready" Kristen said as she headed up the stairs. She entered the bedroom just as Eliana was opening her eyes looking around for Kristen

"Goodmorning Eliana" Kristen said smiling at her baby. "Did you sleep good baby girl?" Kristen asked as she picked her up. She took Eliana with her to the bathroom.

"Let's get you a bath Lovebug." Laying Eliana on the floor, Kristen grabbed the baby bath from the corner and placed in the bathtub before starting the water. She headed into the closet she grabbed some towels, sleeper, and a new diaper for Eliana before heading back to the bathroom. Slowly she laid Eliana into the bath, Eliana immediately started crying, not really liking the water

"Hey, enough of that hun, you're alright. Mommy's here." Kristen cooed as she ran the washcloth up and down Eliana's arms. Eliana was fine except for some fussing as long as Kristen talked to her, She would explain what she was doing to the baby. Even though she knew Eliana didn't understand what she was saying in the slightest, she didn't cry and that's all the mattered to Kristen, there would be enough crying later.

Finishing up, Kristen wrapped her baby In the towel and took her into the bedroom. Laying her on the bed she started to dry her as Eliana squirmed and let out tiny cries of displeasure.

"I know your cold baby, give momma a minute." Kristen got Eliana dressed and cradled her against her chest as the tiny baby cried. She ran her hand up and down her back quietly whispering to her,

"What's the matter, hun? It's alright. I've got you." Jules came into the room having heard the baby crying

"Everything alright?"

Kristen sighed "I just gave her a bath, she's upset right now." She turned her attention back to her daughter who was starting to calm down as she rocked her.

"It's ok sweetheart, mommy has to get ready alright?"

"You want me to take her?"

"If you could." Kristen slowly handed Eliana over to her mother who started talking to the baby to calm her down.

Kristen headed into her closet and changed out of her pajamas into some civilization clothes for the first time in about a week. Just a light shirt and a pair of sweatpants. Reaching into Eliana's side of the closet she grabbed the diaper bag and went around the room filling it with things she would need for the day. She also grabbed her fluffy blanket off the bed and stuffed it in her bag.

"Alright, I think we are ready to go," Kristen said going through a mental checklist making sure she was not forgetting anything. She gently took Eliana into her arms and headed to the car.

"Ok sweetie, let's see if mommy can do this" Kristen giggled. Eliana had only been in her car seat once before and at that time Robert had been the one to buckle her in. Lucky for Kristen, Eliana seemed to like her car seat. Her mom volunteered to drive stating that Kristen wasn't healed enough yet to drive, that was fine with Kristen. She stayed in the back with her baby girl.

Upon arriving at the clinic, Kristen notices paparazzi outside the place waiting to take photos and get a glimpse at the newest member of the family. She began shaking and took in a deep breath as she looked at her daughter who was fast asleep,

"I'm going to apologize in advance, I'm so sorry" Kristen whispered as her mom parked. Carefully Kristen undid the seatbelts of the car seat and lifted Eliana out, placing her against her chest. She grabbed her fluffy blanket and placed it over Eliana, securing it against her chest with her bra straps to ensure it didn't fall. Slowly getting out, she took a deep breath and stepped out into the unknown. Immediately camera bulbs flashed, and hundreds of questions were thrown at her. Jules noticed Kristen go into protective mode as she watched her clutch Eliana tighter to her chest.

Jules quickly learned that Kristen was not kidding when she said that the paparazzi don't have the concept of personal space, they were getting right in Kristen's face as Kristen trembled. Jules put her arm around her.

"Just keep walking" she whispered

"Yeah," Kristen could feel Eliana tense up and start whimpering from all the chaos. "It's alright baby, momma's got you" Kristen whispered as she stuck her head under the blanket for a brief moment.

"Is she alright?" Jules asked

"They're scaring her."

When they got into the building Kristen readjusted the blanket so it was no longer fully covering Eliana, they walked down the long hallway to the elevator taking them to the 4th-floor pediatrics department. Kristen handed Eliana over to Jules while she went to check in, soon she walking back over to where her mother and daughter were with a stack of paperwork since it was Eliana's first doctor's appointment Kristen had to fill out the new patient questionnaire and information. It seemed to never end.

After returning the mountain of paperwork to the receptionist, Kristen went back to her seat and gently took Eliana from her mom. She was smiling and cooing at the baby when a little girl approached her.

"H-I," the little girl said, she couldn't have been more than 4 at most

"Hello there," Kristen said

"I know you from somewhere," the little girl said cocking her head to one side to get a better look at Kristen

Kristen giggled. "Probably sweetheart, have you seen Twilight?"

"Yes, yes, yes!!!" the little squealed. "Our Bewwa!!!!!"

"Yes, I am!" Kristen giggled

"What's your real name?"


"Pwetty name!"

"Thank you,"

The girl stepped closer to Kristen eyeing the little baby in her arms

"Is dat your baby?"

"Yes she is" Kristen gushed with pride

"What's her name?"

"Eliana," all the sudden a women appeared.

"Hazel come on sweetie!" The women said. She looked at Kristen

"I'm sorry if she bothered you"

"Oh! No, not at all." Kristen smiled

After the two girls left Jules turned to her daughter, "A glimpse into four years from now with this one" she said pointing to Eliana

"Yeah," Kristen said

"Eliana Pattinson?" The nurse called. Kristen got up and followed the nurse as her mother followed with the diaper bag.

"Please strip her and place her on the scale," the nurse said. Kristen laid Eliana on the floor and slowly got her undressed before placing her on the cold metal scale. Eliana immediately began to cry as she clutched onto Kristen's finger

"6lb 9oz," the nurse said

Kristen lifted her daughter off of the scale and wrapped her back in the warmth of the blanket. They were taken to a room where Kristen was instructed to lay the baby on the bed. The nurse went through and asked Kristen tons of questions and got some last minute information before stepping out. Kristen took her little girl who was starting to wake back up into her arms.

A few minutes later the doctor came in

"Hello miss Stewart, I'm doctor Anderson and this must be Eliana"

"Yes it is,"

"She is a beauty, let me look at what the nurse has in her notes and go over the paperwork you filled out in the waiting room and then we can start with the examination."

"Alright" Kristen replied

The doctor went on to asking Kristen questions about several items of interest. Weight, sleep, eating etc. and as part of his job was to also check on the mothers well being as well, he asked Kristen pretty much the same questions for herself and determined she was coping great and there were no signs of PPD. then came time for Eliana's examination. Kristen laid Eliana on the table as the doctor came over, he started by taking a listen to her lungs, the baby fussed when the coldness of the stethoscope hit her bare skin. As the examination went on the more frustrated and agitated Eliana got. Between having her pee area pushed on, reflex assessments and being kept from her mother's embrace she had had enough, she started wailing as loud as her little lungs could muster as she looked around for her mother.

"Eliana baby Mommy's here, it's ok" Kristen whispered to her daughter while she stroked her cheek.

"We are done here the doctor," said. "She is due for the Hep B shot, Is that alright miss Stewart?"

Kristen looked down at her daughter who was already screaming, she sighed. "I guess it's ok"

"Perfect, I will get those ordered and you are free to leave when they are done." He said as he left

As soon as the door closed Kristen picked up her daughter snuggling her against her chest.

"I know sweetheart, I know. It's going to be ok I promise you. I'm not going to leave you." Kristen went over to the chair and sat down as the baby started to calm down to her Mommy's voice and touch.

Kristen's cell phone buzzed and she stood to take it out of her jean pocket. She saw Roberts id on her screen and quickly answered the video call. They talked for a few minutes and Eliana was happy to hear her daddy's voice as so was Kristen. When the nurse came in with the needles Kristen told Rob she had to go but it was more so he didn't have to hear Eliana screaming like she knew she would. Kristen got up and laid her baby on the table as Eliana began to fuss from being put down.

Kristen took Eliana's hand into hers, Jules came and stood next to Kristen.

First, the gave the baby an oral medicine that Eliana actually liked much to Kristen's relief. Kristen thought she was going to pass out at the sight of the needle but knew she had to stay strong for her tiny baby that would want her in a minute. She turned her head away and only knew they had given her the shot when Eliana screamed and started flailing her limbs trying to get away.

"You can pick her up now," the nurse said when she was done. Without hesitation, Kristen scooped her baby up. The nurse left and Kristen headed over to the chair.

"I'm sorry baby, it's ok Eliana. Momma's got you, sweetheart." Slowly Eliana's cries died down. "Let's go home" she whispered.

The ride home was stressful as Eliana cried most of the way.

Arriving home, Kristen quickly got Eliana out of her seat holding her against her chest. "It's ok baby girl, let's get inside and then we can cuddle," Kristen whispered as she got out of the car. heading into the house she sat the diaper bag on the floor by the couch before laying Eliana on the floor. Eliana only got more upset as Kristen walked away to let the dogs in, Returning to the living room she took her shirt off so she was only in her bra and scooped her baby girl up before laying down on the couch with her, gently stroking the baby's hair while whispering to her. the skin to skin contact with her mother soothed Eliana immensely, much to Kristen's relief.

"I know lovebug, it's been a long day for you. we can cuddle baby girl if it makes you feel better." Kristen whispered as she kissed Eliana's head. Kristen fell to sleep with her baby girl snuggled on her chest finally asleep.

-There will be a second part to this chapter :) stay tuned!-

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