SesshomaruXkagome Fanfiction...

By Angelic_Wings

162K 5.8K 1.9K

This is a Kagome and Sesshomaru Fanfiction! Imagine the possibilities. Kagome wasn't human, she isn't Kikyo's... More

Authors note
Chapter 1 Modern Era
Awakening of Kagome
A little SesshomaruxKagome time!
I hate this....
Stupid Dog
At the village
To leave...for good!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Guess who's back
Chapter 13 dreams...
Chapter 14 Cya sucker!
Chapter 15 Demon Lord Problem
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Attack
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 pt 1
Chapter 22 pt 2 [Soon...]
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 Lovestruck
Chapter 25 Akai Tsuki
Chapter 26 Bokusenō
Chapter 27 CHI
Chapter 28 regret
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35 Last ingredient
Chapter 36
Author's Note (Very Importantt)

Chapter 34

2K 63 37
By Angelic_Wings

Hey....long time no update? Well...I really have no excuse tbh. I mean I'm not depressed or anything.. I JUST REGRET MAKING THIS STORY SO COMPLICATED OML I CANTTTTTTT


The stress is real man. Do you guys mind if my chapters are like...crapper then usual ? 😂😂😂 I just really can't...don't want to write too much in detail because I actually don't know how to write it you know what I mean? I know...what'll happen just don't know how to put into words....

Another note, I know it's Sesshōmaru but I keep switching back and forth with the other spelling: Sesshomaru. I'm just gonna stick with the second since I can't bother with correcting it. The best writer I am ain't I right?! Haha... I'll go back and like five years maybe..being a senior sucks


Sigh. Well, I do hope you, my dear precious gems(I've noticed some of you are quite fond with the random nicknames I made up), are content with this chapter.. enjoyyyyy (plz) 😂


(╥_╥) (╥_╥) (╥_╥)

"Jaken." Sesshomaru glared at the kappa who's presence screamed trouble. Jaken jumped up and straightened, automatically saying: "yes milord?"
Jaken had been strange ever since he had come back to check on a problem occurring at the entrance to the fortress.

'It couldn't be....' Sesshomaru's eye twitched as he detects the familiar scent of the one he predicted. Throwing another glare at Jaken for the fun of it who had turned into an ice cube, he stood up and went to find the troublemaker.

"Don't make me use my Tessaiga on your sorry ass!" the gruff voice threatened the guard.

"Watch your vulgar language Inuyasha. You don't know when that brother of yours will hear and possibly whip your ass." Miroku sighed.

Inuyasha snorted.

"What business do you have in this Sesshomaru's lands?"

"Ah, there he is. Him. That mother f**ker. What a tool." Inuyasha growled. Faster than the blink of an eye, Sesshomaru had whooped Inuyasha several metres into the air and away from the fortress.

"Lord Sesshomaru, we came for Kagome. We know she's in your fortress, may we have a word with her?" Miroku politely asks, ignoring his demon friend.

"She is not present." Sesshomaru smoothly lied, "occupied."
In the distance came a raging Inuyasha, leaving fire in his trails. "LIES YOU BASTARD!"

He tackled the older demon, something in his eyes making Sesshomaru feel strangely guilty.

"I know, you bastard. I can smell it. Her scent. From 50 miles a way I can tell she's sick-dying. The stench of blood that surrounds her body. AND YOU DIDN'T PROTECT HER!"

The sudden announcement made Sesshomaru slightly wince but also angered him. He knew. He knew it was his fault. That he didn't make it on time to stop Naraku's slave. And he drowned in that guilt that he couldn't do anything.

"Don't you dare feel guilty! This extra scent is of Naraku's isn't it?! Tell me...TELL ME!" Inuyasha growled. A glint in his eyes that held so much within.

"Let us help Lord Sesshomaru! Kagome is our friend!" Miroku added.

Pride got the best of Sesshomaru.

"Why should this Sesshomaru stoop so low to do such?" he sneered. But what Inuyasha said next made him stop, and freeze.

"Because it's Kagome, and i- you love her. Because she's worth it. And it's her life that's in the line."

A flash of emotion crossed Sesshomaru's face, eyes creased in thought but remained blank afterwards. Quickly, he disappeared and reappeared with Jaken in his hand.

"Jaken will fill you in..Go!" Sesshomaru commanded, pointing to a direction to his left.

Inuyasha was bewildered for a second but grabbed Jaken who was thrown to him and slung Miroku over his shoulder and dashed right out.

"Jaken, fill me in! And where are we going?" Inuyasha shook the green demon. Jaken was in a state of daze. One moment he was walking down the halls and the next moment swooped away by something silver and placed in this half-breeds crappy hands.

"W-what!?" He spluttered. Confused.

"Kagome you toad! Fill me in and where are we going!?"

Jaken looked conflicted for a moment but upon realisation that undeniably his great lord Sesshomaru had trusted him with this job, his mouth flew and came tumbling out all the information.

A minute later of explanation.

"So Kagome got attacked by some Naraku slave and can't wake up because of a curse?" Inuyasha snarled, disgusted by Naraku's annoying tactics.

"And she'll die unless we gather the ingredients?" Miroku added, running along side Inuyasha now.

"Precisely and we need to gather the ingredients." Jaken nodded, crossing his arms while being dragged by the back of his clothes.

"So where is it?" Miroku asked before they went nowhere.

Jaken immediately went dictionary mode.
"The item we need is in the west limestone caves called the Demonic Bell Rose. Just keep heading in the direction you are going now and we'll get there soon enough.

First, the demonic bell rose only grows in the dark and is produced from the high toxins the limestones releases. They aren't uncommon as well.

It looks like a bell with the petals closing crowding around the middle. It has stems( usual flowers the nectar comes from) from the inside sticking out. The petals are deep navy in colour and the stems are rich gold coloured. It grows in small groups and hangs down from the ceiling.

It's called demonic because the toxins where it grows is enough to rival a demons and so the flower takes on this and creates a concentrate poisonous gas almost like miasma. It can, however be burned by fire if it's strong demonic fire. Although it's poisonous if the plant is eaten, if harvested properly and used right then it can be used as a strong antidote to cure all other poisons...and curses. It's just no one has been able to get inside without being killed so it's not too well known."

"So I just go in and grab it? No problem." Inuyasha nodded, "easy."

Miroku looked at Inuyasha with a critical eye, "'s not that easy at all. You'll die before you can go in deep enough to grab any of those flowers!"

"You can't do it so I have to, only I can do it!" Inuyasha argued back.

"Surely there is an alternative way?" Miroku frowned, "another way that you can avoid being poisoned to death?"

The question was directed to Jaken who was thinking. "If the poison is that strong, I can cast a seal or some spell that can neutralise the poison around you long enough to grab some of the ingredients."

"Good." Inuyasha said, satisfied. Then looking ahead, he saw the caves, "we're here."

The caves were small holes that could just fit Inuyasha into and in the ground and in the side of a small mountain that eventually would lead the tunnels down underground.

"Cast the seal or whatever." Inuyasha demanded as he dropped Jaken on the ground.

A red tick mark was on the side of Jaken's head as he picked himself up. "Rude" he muttered under his breath while he tapped his staff of three heads on the ground.

"Bend down, pup." Jaken sniffed, unimpressed. Inuyasha obtained a tick mark as well but bent down to eye level with Jaken.

Grabbing an ointment of unknown properties from his secret pockets, a black line was then smeared upon Inuyasha's head and another down his chin and neck. Right after, Jaken then took the staff in one hand, tapped the staff to the ground in a pattern. The heads all opened their mouths and laughed gleefully and creepily at the same time. Then, scarily all turned their eyes to Inuyasha, the one facing away from Inuyasha turned their heads in the supposed to be stiff wood and opened the mouths wide. Chatters came out of their mouths and red runes drifted from inside and on to Inuyasha's head and neck had the runes sealed on the skin. After a minute, the staff of three heads had become still once more and quiet.

"It will last you 10 minutes and only 10 minutes. This high ranked curse-seal-spell can't be cast again on you." Jaken said quietly before slumping down to the ground with exhaustion.

Miroku picked him up and placed Jaken on a mossy patch, "hurry Inuyasha. You don't have much time."

But Miroku didn't have to say anything, Inuyasha was already rushing in and dived into the fitting hole on the side of the mountain and disappeared.

Miroku who waited outside then sighed and looked at the creepy staff of heads. "That was scary." He shivered.

(╥_╥) (╥_╥) (╥_╥)

Inside the caves were dark, but Inuyasha followed a sweet scent which he guessed would be the flowers. As he got further in, tiny limestones could be seen embedded on walls of the caves glowing just ever so softly. The toxic air slightly burned his eyes and water, nose crinkling at the unpleasant smell.

It would a few minutes in before he found a patch of flowers handing at his head. There were in a few spots too so Inuyasha grabbed a bunch and quickly got the frick out of there.

But on the way out, he noticed there were something wrong with the walls. It was moaning and twitching ... like the time they were in that mountain in the final battle with Naraku...

"It can't be.... RUN GOD DAMMIT." Inuyasha scrammed. There was only a minute or so left, his eyes were blood shot and his demon features were out. A voice in the back of his head screamed get out get out get out.

Other tunnels closed in and the lime stones glowed brighter releasing more toxic gas but Inuyasha still ran not giving up till he saw bright light at the end. The entrance and exit was slowing closing but Inuyasha was having none of that. Throwing Tessaiga which cut away some of the flesh-like walls as it spun outside earned a shrill scream from the inside killing Inuyasha's ear drums. The exit however was just big enough for Inuyasha to leap out and escape.

"He made it! Inuyasha!"

'I swear the things I do for Kagome...' Inuyasha thought, ears throbbing as he collapse onto his knees, the neutralising spell wearing off. The plants in his hands fallen to the ground.


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